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Trusting Her Heart

Page 18

by Tara Randel

  The love of his life, no doubt.

  Jasmine held out a hand. “I’ve heard so much about you.”

  Serena shook her hand, feeling a little off-kilter by this surprise visit. “I wish I could say the same.”

  Jasmine sent her father an “I told you so” glance. “I’m so sorry. I told your father we should have met before this, but he refused to listen.”

  Red crept over her father’s face.

  Serena swiped at the moisture on her cheeks. “I appreciate you coming here, but it may be too little, too late.”

  Her father tugged her into another tight hug, his eyes suspiciously wet when he stepped back.

  Jasmine came closer, wrapping Serena in a sophisticated scent. “Your father couldn’t rest after your text, so we’re here to do what we can.”

  This was too much. First Logan’s mood last night and now this. “I need to sit down.”

  As she moved to the couch, Carrie sidled up beside her. “What am I missing here?”

  Serena said wistfully, “It’s a long story.”

  Carrie read her expression and nodded. “Which you are going to tell me?”

  Serena’s shoulders sank. “Yes.”

  Carrie looked at the guests, then back to Serena. “I’ll be in my room if you need me.”

  Serena grabbed her hand and squeezed. “Thanks.”

  After she sank into the sofa, Jasmine eased down beside her. Her father took a seat in the armchair, concern wrinkling his brow. “What happened to make you so upset?”

  Serena shot a glance at Jasmine.

  “Since she knows all about my past, Serena, you can say anything in front of Jasmine and it will be held in strictest confidence.”

  She looked to the newcomer. “No offense, but I don’t know you.”

  “No offense taken, honey. But after everything your father has confided, it seems you’ve held on to quite a few secrets for long enough.”

  A sob bubbled up in her throat and years of fear and shame escaped in a torrent of tears. Once the storm had passed she leaned forward and wiped her eyes.

  “Sorry for the outburst.”

  Jasmine dug in her purse for a tissue that she handed to Serena. “We all need a release once in a while.”

  After drying her face, Serena readied herself for the news she’d have to share with her father. “I believe someone has been looking into your past, Daddy. That he may have caught on to you. And me.”

  “Oh, dear,” Jasmine said, sending a worried glance in her father’s direction. “I’m afraid that might be my fault.”

  “My father told me you have sons in law enforcement.”

  She returned her gaze to Serena. “Sons who have hovered over me since I became a widow. I kept mum about James, so it doesn’t surprise me that they’d send someone here to ferret out the past through you.”

  Her mind went straight to Deke. Jasmine’s explanation made sense. Like Deke scowling at her or why he’d pulled Logan into his confidence. The intense conversations between the two men added up now.

  Serena laced her fingers together in her lap. “I don’t know what to do.”

  Her father had been quiet to this point. He leaned forward to rest his arms on his knees. “What makes you think anyone would look into your involvement?”

  Guilt? The constant fear of being found out? “People have been asking questions. The timing, I guess.”

  He nodded.

  Jasmine tapped a finger against her thigh. “James, this has gone on long enough. I’m summoning the boys here to clear things up once and for all.”

  Summoning? One look at Jasmine’s fierce expression and Serena didn’t doubt the woman would do just that. And succeed.

  The panic on her father’s face mirrored her own. “I’m sorry to both of you. Your sons won’t be happy, Jasmine, and I’ve put you in an untenable position, Serena. I still need to decide how to address all of this.”

  He was right. He shouldn’t have involved her in his schemes, but he was her father. She’d always protect him. She reached out to take his hand. “I love you, Daddy.”

  “I love you, too.”

  An uncomfortable silence hovered in the air.

  “How would you like a cup of tea?” Jasmine suggested. “I find tea goes a long way in settling nerves.”

  Was this woman as nervous as Serena? “Sounds like a good idea.”

  Serena led the way to the kitchen to collect cups and tea bags. She opened the refrigerator door to find she didn’t have any milk. “Oh, no, I hope no one wants milk in their tea.”

  Her father walked over to Jasmine. “You always take a splash in yours.”

  Jasmine patted his arm. “It’s okay.”

  “How about I run out to the store? Give you two some time to get to know each other.”

  Serena saw the uncertainty on Jasmine’s face and said, “That’s a wonderful idea, Daddy.”

  He grinned. “On it. I’ll be back in a jiff.”

  “He’s a good man,” Serena said as the door closed behind him.

  Jasmine took the kettle and filled it with water. “I couldn’t agree more.”

  Once they’d each completed their task, they stared at each other.

  “This is awkward,” Serena said.

  “It is.” Jasmine leaned back against the counter.

  After another silence, Jasmine said, “You look exactly the way your father described you.”

  Self-conscious, Serena ran a hand over her hair. Smoothed the wrinkled skirt of her navy shirtdress.

  “Your father is very proud of you. Why, the first time we met, he couldn’t stop telling me all about his successful daughter and the life you’ve created here.”

  “Thank you.” Serena wasn’t sure how to respond. This was so surreal.

  “The first thing we had in common when we met was the fact that we had grown children. Over time, talking about you slowly led him into talking about his past.”

  “I can’t believe he told you.” Serena shook her head. “And you still stayed with him?”

  “I couldn’t help it. I fell in love.”

  The light in the other woman’s eyes spoke volumes about her feelings. Serena understood. She had worries about telling Logan the truth, but she’d fallen in love with him, regardless. Probably that day in the store when he’d come to town to champion his grandmother. She placed trembling fingers over her stomach. Asked the question that had been dogging her since she first met Logan.

  “But the cons. It didn’t bother you?”

  “It did, at first. I was shocked. Until your father explained how he couldn’t deal with life after your mother passed. I understood because I didn’t know how I would ever be happy again after my husband died.”

  “My dad was lost and made a lot of bad decisions.” The kettle whistled. Serena poured steaming water into each cup.

  “That’s why I stayed with him. Encouraged him to unburden himself so we could start our relationship based on truth.”

  Truth. Everything that Logan expected. The one thing Serena hadn’t given him.

  The door opened and her father made his way back into the apartment, brushing colorful leaves from his shoulder.

  “My prince,” Jasmine teased, but Serena saw the real affection in her eyes. Her father brought over the carton and proceeded to add a bit to her cup before they moved to the living room to sit. Her father sat beside Jasmine on the couch. Serena took the armchair.

  “James told me how close you were to your mother,” Jasmine said. “How much you suffered after her death and how much you missed her. He regrets not being stronger for you.”

  “Daddy, you never told me this,” Serena said, starch in her tone.

  “I was ashamed.”

  A Stanhope family trait.

  “But I want to
set things right. That’s why we’re here.”

  Serena met the older woman’s gaze. “Aren’t you afraid your sons will try to haul him to jail?”

  A fierce expression crossed Jasmine’s face. “They wouldn’t dare.”

  “But it’s their job.”

  “Once we explain everything, they’ll come around to my way of thinking.”

  Even after an hour of talking to her father and Jasmine, she was still worried. The woman had a way of making the dire circumstances less daunting, but Serena couldn’t believe that things would be fine.

  Carrie came out of her room a little before seven, dressed in her serving clothes. “I’m off to the festival. Should I tell Lissy Ann you won’t make your shift tonight?”


  “Your shift?” Jasmine asked.

  “Golden hosts an Oktoberfest celebration every year,” Serena explained. “We all volunteer.”

  “How exciting,” Jasmine gushed. “We’ve come to town at the best time.”

  Was there ever a good time to unearth old secrets?

  “You and dozens of other visitors.” Carrie sent Serena a final glance. “You okay?”

  “I’m good.” For now.

  Carrie nodded, said goodbye and left.

  After talking over the situation and getting the truth out in the open to some degree, Serena was a bit calmer than when the couple had first arrived. She hugged her father again, to reassure herself that he was here, safe and sound with her.

  “Where are your bags?” she finally asked. “It’ll be crowded, but we can all sleep here.”

  “We can’t impose,” Jasmine said. “I booked rooms at the Nugget Bed-and-Breakfast. Seeing as how there’s a festival going on in town, I’m surprised we were able to get rooms on such short notice, but they must have had a cancellation.”

  “Are you sure? I don’t mind the company.”

  “I wouldn’t want to put you out.” Jasmine smiled. “Besides, we have work to do while we’re here.”

  She didn’t miss her father’s grimace, but also a sense of purpose she’d never seen him exhibit before. Maybe Jasmine was exactly the woman he needed.

  Just as she was realizing she needed Logan.

  Her father asked her about the store. Since Blue Ridge Cottage was a favorite topic, Serena filled them in on her new classes.

  “Your website says you create specialty items,” Jasmine said, sending Serena a sly glance. “Like wedding announcements?”

  Reaching out to pick up her cup, Serena’s hand froze in midair. “Wedding?”

  Jasmine grinned as if she hadn’t dropped a bomb. “Oh, yes. Your father and I are getting married.”

  Serena’s father laughed as her mouth fell open. When she recovered, she said, “Um, wow. Congratulations, I think.”

  “Jasmine does love the dramatic,” her father said, smiling at his future bride.

  “I’ll remember that.” Serena took a sip of tea then asked, “I take it you haven’t told your sons?”

  “We actually decided on the drive up here.”

  Serena closed her eyes, waiting for more. There was always more.

  “We’ll tell them when they arrive.”

  The nerves that had finally settled down kicked right up again. No way was she getting a good night’s sleep.

  “I’m happy for you, Daddy.”

  “So you’ll come to our wedding? Stand up beside me?”

  “I’d be honored.”

  As long as the repercussions of the past didn’t yank a knot in their celebration plans first.

  * * *

  DARK CLOUDS GREETED Serena when she woke the next morning. She dressed for work, purposely keeping as quiet as possible to not disturb Carrie, and made it downstairs in plenty of time to open the store for business. To her surprise, Jasmine stood outside, a bright smile on her face despite the gloomy day.

  Serena ushered her inside. “Jasmine, I didn’t expect to see you so early.”

  “Are you kidding? After your father gushed about your store, I wanted to arrive first thing and take it all in.” She glanced around at the displays. “It’s just as I pictured it.”

  Serena went to the coffee maker to get it started. “Where is Daddy?”

  Jasmine waved a hand. “He’s having breakfast. I was in a rush to see your store, but I told him to meet me here so we can take in the town.”

  Before long the fortifying scent of freshly made coffee filled the air.

  “I can’t believe how talented you are,” Jasmine commented as she studied Serena’s inventory.

  A pleased glow warmed her. For some reason, this woman’s opinion meant so much.

  Jasmine circled the room again and came to the counter, a smile on her face. “I can’t stand this a minute longer. I have to tell someone.”

  Serena raised an eyebrow.

  “My son Dylan finally got engaged.”


  “I love his fiancée. And truth be told, I’ve been waiting for my sons to marry for quite a while now.”

  She sounded like Mrs. M.

  “I’m... Why are you telling me?”

  “Why wouldn’t I? I realize you haven’t met the boys yet, but you’ll be their sister soon enough.”

  “Sister?” Shock had her tumbling over the word. “I only just met you and you’re welcoming me into the family?”

  “We haven’t had time to get to know each other, but I already feel like you’re the daughter I never had.”

  Overwhelmed, Serena swallowed hard.

  “I would never presume to take your mother’s place,” Jasmine assured her. “But I’m hoping you have room in your heart to look at me as a second mother.”

  Serena placed her hand over her mouth, holding back her emotions.

  “Am I coming on too strong?” Worry eclipsed Jasmine’s face. “My boys always tell me I have the tact of a steamroller. I didn’t mean to rush, but from the second I met you, Serena, I knew we would be friends.”

  “ know my part in my father’s schemes.”

  “You were a child. How could you know any better? And you are genuinely sorry for what happened, same as your father.” Jasmine reached for her hand. “Besides, that is the past. From now on we are working on building the future.”

  This couldn’t be happening. She’d been alone for so long, carried her secrets for what seemed like forever. And now she had a family? The only daughter of a con man?

  “Oh, dear. I am coming on too strong.” Jasmine hurried around the counter to wrap her arms around Serena. “I’ve had time to think about this, but it’s all so new for you. Forgive me for pushing, but I’m thrilled.”

  This woman was excited to have her in the family? Knowing what she’d done? It didn’t compute, yet the proof was in the warmth of Jasmine’s hug and the sincerity sparkling in her dark eyes. This woman knew her father’s faults and loved him just the same. Was it too much to hope she’d love Serena, too?

  And if this gracious woman could look past her father’s mistakes, was it possible that Logan could do the same and fall in love with her? Telling him the truth was a gamble, but she needed to lay it all on the line. Hinting around at a troubled past wasn’t enough. She had to be forthright, no matter the outcome.

  Jasmine took both of Serena’s hands in hers. “Give us time, honey, and we’ll have you feeling like family in no time.”

  The door opened and her father strolled in, looking well rested compared to the sleep-deprived stress Serena felt sure was reflected on her face.

  “There you are, James. I was welcoming Serena to the family. And I told her about Dylan and Kady.”

  Jasmine beamed and her father watched Serena with pause. He looked different today. Before, the years of guilt over his actions had weighed him down, but
he seemed more at peace with himself. His love for Jasmine was clear. How could she not have given him her blessing when they’d announced they were getting married?

  “I’m sure the wedding will be in Florida, but you’ll be invited. And you are more than welcome to bring a date.”

  Serena almost laughed out loud. First, that was a big assumption since she hadn’t met Dylan yet. And two, the only date she’d even consider bringing was Logan, and after the truth came out, she wasn’t sure they’d ever see each other again.

  * * *

  THE DRIVE FROM Atlanta had been brutal—Friday-night traffic—but once Logan pulled onto Main Street, he breathed easier. He wasn’t looking forward to the report he had for Deke, but that was part of the business.

  He parked a few blocks from Serena’s store and got out to walk. He’d missed her while he was gone. Wanted to see her smiling face. Apologize for leaving her with questions the night before he left. He arrived to find Heidi in the doorway.

  “I was closing for the night.”

  He peered into the recesses of the store. “Is Serena here?”

  “No, she left a while ago.”

  “I see. Is she at the park?”

  “No. Visitors stopped into town, so she went to dinner with them.”


  “Tell her I stopped by.”

  “I will.”

  Heidi closed the door and the lock clicked into place. Logan looked down the street to find a light still on at Put Your Feet Up. He crossed to the other side of Main Street and went inside. Grace sat at the desk, focused on the computer. She looked up, her quick smile slowly disappearing.

  “You look like the bearer of bad news.”

  “Not bad, but not great.” He scanned the office. “Deke around?”

  “He’s not back from a trip to Bailey’s Point. I don’t expect him to return for a few more hours.”

  “Then pass on the news that I’m in town and need to speak to him.”

  “I will.” She tilted her head. “Are you okay? You look worn out.”

  He hadn’t slept well in days, so yeah, he was pretty tired. “I’ll be fine once I get something to eat.”


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