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by Kate Tilney

  Then I head towards the kitchen entrance to the lodge, leaving my girl and my heart behind.

  Chapter Six


  “He seriously said that?”

  Violet offers me a brownie while Jules refills all of our glasses with a fresh bottle of wine. I filled them both in on everything that happened with Hank during the past forty-eight hours during the first bottle. And now that I’m feeling pleasantly tipsy, I’m hoping this second bottle will bring me a little clarity on what to do.

  After Hank had effectively given me the boot, I’d been in the mood to go on a bit of a bender.

  Luckily, Jules and Violet were prepared. Somehow, even though we’re in the middle of nowhere, they’ve unearthed stash of wine and junk food. They’ve busted out a tub of face masks and nail polish. And they swiped the keys to an empty cabin.

  We’re having ourselves a good old-fashioned girls’ night.

  These two are blissfully in love with mountain men who are clearly smart enough to know a good thing when they have it. But they’re taking a night off to meet me on my level. And if that isn’t girl power, well, then maybe the Spice Girls were wrong and it doesn’t exist.

  Jules reaches for another slice of pieces and shakes her head.

  “I’m not going to pretend that I’m an expert on Hank or anything, but I don’t think he was telling you the truth.”

  I frown. “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, he’s crazy about you. You could tell from the moment you stepped off the plane and all the days after. Then, when we found you earlier today.” Jules shivers in delight. “The air practically sizzled. Everyone can see it.”

  My stomach flips. “Even Silas?”

  “Especially Silas.” Violet grins. “Don’t worry. He’s on board. Or, as on board as a guy can be about these things. He’s not, like, hiring a minister or booking a band for your wedding. But he just wants you both to be happy. And he’s fine if you’re happy together.”

  “He said that?”

  “In a manner of speaking.”

  My stomach settles as warmth envelopes his heart. This might just be the wine speaking, but that’s maybe the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard.

  It only shows just how stupid Hank is being. I glare into the chardonnay.

  “If Silas is fine about everything, then what’s Hank’s problem?”

  “Well, first of all, he’s probably still scared Silas is going to murder him for doing the nasty with his sister.” Jules giggles.

  Violet nods. “Just because Silas told me he’s okay with it doesn’t mean he’s talked to Hank.”

  “You know how good men are at communicating.” Jules rolls her eyes. “He also probably doesn’t want to stand in the way of your career.”

  “He’s mentioned a few times how proud he is of the work you do,” Violet adds.

  “But I told him I wanted out of Hollywood.”

  Jules arches an eyebrow. “Really?”

  “Well . . .” I think back on our conversation. “I guess I hinted at it. And I tried to tell him this afternoon, but he got all stubborn and aloof.”

  “Typical mountain man.” Jules shakes her head. “We’re going to have to break that stubborn streak out of the others before we open our camp.”

  Violet nods in agreement, while I stare, jaw open.

  “What camp?”

  The two women exchange a look and a grin.

  “So, you know how this place is crawling with mountain men and mountain men wannabes?” Jules asks. “And there’s a real lack of women?”

  “Sure.” With the exception of the three of us, everyone else in a thirty-mile radius has a penis.

  “Jules thinks we should capitalize on that.” Violet lifts her shoulders and beams. “She thinks we should build an addition with a few of the amenities that will give the place more comfort.”

  “A yoga studio, a fitness center, maybe even a tiny spa where we could do facials and massages.”

  “And don’t forget about adding tablecloths and candles to the dining room.”

  “And a two for one dinner special.”

  “And our line of sexy outerwear for curvy girls.”

  My head is flipping back and forth between the two, trying to keep up. I think I’m following what they’re saying. Kind of.

  “So you want to turn this place into a resort for women?”

  “Not exactly,” Jules says. “I just think we could add a few comforts.”

  “Throw some pictures of the kind of men who come here,” Violet continues.

  “And, maybe run a marketing campaign that lets women know where they can go if they’d like to spend a night—or week—with a sexy mountain man.”

  “Making it a . . . Camp Mountain Man?” I purse my lips and consider a moment. “It’s a freaking fantastic idea.”

  “Isn’t it?” Jules claps her hands together. “But we’d need the right person to run it. I mean, Violet can do the marketing.”

  “But we need someone to build the business itself. We’d do it, except—”

  “We’re already building an empire. And we’d ask you to do it, except—”

  “Hank is right.” Violet pats me on the arm. “You really are too good at making TV to give it up to run a singles camp.”

  “Which, speaking of, you’ll have to tell us about what you have planned to do here.” Jules nudges me. “Because I’d bet a thousand dollars you already have a plan for what kind of work you’d like to do here.”

  “You’d win that bet.” I nod in silent contemplation. “You’re right. This could really work if we had the right person on board. And you know, as it happens, one of my friends back in L.A. has experience.”

  Violet gasps. “Any chance she’s looking for a change of scenery?”

  “She’s always looking for a challenge.” And this would definitely be a challenge. “What are the odds we’re able to talk the guys around to creating your Camp Mountain Man?”

  “If you can get your friend here to help us put together a business plan, I’ll take care of the best.” Jules’s lips twitch. “I have my ways of bringing Noah around.”

  Which leads to a graphic discussion about our mountain men that only has me briefly cringing when Violet calls Silas a sex God. The more we talk, the better I feel. And the more determined I am to show Hank that we could have a good and happy life here together.

  Because, at this point, it’s not just him that’s keeping me here in Alaska. It’s this setting. The stories to be told here. The people, including these two amazing women.

  I want a life here. I want him to be part of it. While the ladies talk Noah and Ezra into Camp Mountain Man, I’ll bring Hank around.

  And it will all be a lot of fun.

  Chapter Seven


  There are beads of sweat dripping from my forehead. I’ve soaked my flannel shirt clear through. Stepping back, I rest my foot on the hilt of the ax and stare at the wood pile.

  “That’s enough to last us through the winter,” Silas calls out. “And it’s only September.”

  I grunt in response, unable to look him square in the eye. It’s been a full day since they found us in the wilderness. Which means it’s been a little less than a full day since Bea and I ended things before they really began.

  She and the girls hunkered down one of the cabins for the night, which is probably for the best. I know she’s pissed at me. I don’t blame her. I’m pissed at myself. But what I told her I said for her. She’ll realize I was right when she’s back in L.A. working on one of her fancy TV shows. It’s what’s best for her. I know it is.

  I just wish it felt that way.

  So while she and the girls probably spent the night damning me to hell, I retiled the backsplash in the kitchen. And cleaned the grout on the floors. And chopped enough wood to get us through the winter.

  I also managed to avoid running into Silas. While he hasn’t said anything, I caught him staring at me last night during dinner
and again at breakfast this morning. He’s not an idiot. We’ve known each other for the better part of a decade. We’ve fought wars together. He knows something’s up.

  Plus, if he’s had any alone time with Violet, then he’s probably heard it all by now.

  He’s probably come to kick my ass for fucking his sister, and then sending her packing.

  Only, he doesn’t look like he’s about to slam his fist into my face. No, he’s leaning back on his heels with his hands shoved in his pockets. And he’s looking at me with a damned smirk on his face. Like he’s in on some joke. And I’m the joke.

  Hell, I should just come clean.

  Swearing under my breath, I drop the ax and face him.

  “I didn’t mean for it to happen.”

  He arches an eyebrow. “What, did Bea trick you into or something?”

  I shake my head at him. “You know what I mean. Look, I’m . . .”—I clear my throat—“I’m sorry.”

  “What for?”

  “You know what for.”

  He lifts his shoulders up as if to say, “I don’t have a clue.” But the sparkle in those eyes of his seem to say, “I’m enjoying watching you squirm.”

  I sigh. “I care about Bea. I always have. And I never meant to hurt her.”

  “Then why did you?”

  “Because it never should have happened.”

  “Why not?”

  Now I’m the one who’s ready to plant a fist in someone’s face. “How can you ask that? She’s your sister. A guy doesn’t take up with his best friend’s sister.”

  Again, he shrugs as if to say, “Why not?”

  Seriously, how is he not bashing me over the head with that ax? We stand and stare at each other in silence. It’s like a game of chicken. Each of us is waiting for the other to speak first.

  It’s not going to be me. I’ve already said my piece. I’ll leave it to him and Noah to get all wordy and poetic. That’s not me.

  Chuckling to himself, Silas takes pity. “You care about my sister?”

  “That’s what I said.”

  “And she cares about you?”

  “I guess.”

  “Would it make any difference if I told you my sister has been wanting out of the Hollywood scene for a while now?”

  My eyes narrow. “Really?”

  “She was already thinking about quitting her job when your plane went down. It was kind of a wake up call. That life is too short. She said she wanted to work on something she cared about. That she wanted to be around people she loved.”

  She could do all of that here. That’s what she’d been trying to say yesterday, but I pushed her away. There was only one thing standing in the way.

  I swallow hard. “What if she isn’t happy here?”

  “Dude, she isn’t going to leave you.” He squeezes my shoulder. “Not everyone leaves.”

  Which is something that’s hard to believe when everyone you’ve cared about has left you your whole life.

  “I’m crazy about your sister.”

  “Crazy is a good word. But I’d say neither of you could have picked better.”

  “So you’re cool with it?”

  Silas nods. “I have just one question for you.”


  “Why are you sitting here acting like a lovesick fool instead of stopping her from getting on that plane.”

  My stomach drops. “What plane?”

  “The one that just landed about twenty minutes ago.” Silas’s face breaks out in another grin. “If I was you, I’d be groveling at her feet right about now.”

  Like hell. He’s a fool for Violet, but even he wouldn’t stoop to begging. All the same, I take off at full speed, racing toward our makeshift runway. I reach the hired plane just as Bea is grabbing the handle.


  She faces me, and her eyes go wide. “What happened to you?”

  I shake my head. “I have to tell you something.”

  She motions for me to speak.

  Sucking in a breath, I blurt out, “I was an ass.”

  A grin forms on her lips. “Yes you were.”

  “I shouldn’t have broken things off. Not without talking to you first. Not without asking what you wanted.”

  She nods. “You’re doing good. Keep going.”

  “It’s probably selfish of me. But I can’t let you go. Not without saying I love you.”

  Her lips part. “You love me?”

  “More than anything.” I reach out a hand that’s surprisingly shaky to cup her cheek. “And if you give me another chance, I’ll show you just how much every day.”

  “I love you, too.” She turns her face to press her lips to my palm. “And I hope you’ll still love me when I tell you this next thing.”

  Pulling her up against my chest, I wrap my arms around her. “Whatever you say, it won’t change a thing.”

  “Please remember you said that in about thirty seconds when that plane door opens.”

  I pull back to look down at her face and then at the door. “What is it?”

  “So, last night I was pretty upset.”


  “And Jules, Violet, and I, well, we had a little to drink.”

  There’s a gnawing pit in my stomach. “With you still.”

  “So we made a couple of calls. Bought domain names, and so on.”

  “Just tell me what the hell is going on.”

  A giggle bubbles out of her. “Let’s just say Jules’s dream of a Camp Mountain Man may become a reality sooner than any of you’d like.”

  I gape at her a moment and then at a pretty brunette who hops out of the plane. “Who’s that?”

  “My best friend, Wren. She’s here to get Camp Mountain Man started.”

  I shake my head at her. “Noah and Ezra are going to shit a brick.”

  “Yeah, well, we may have also launched a website and social media profiles for someone called Chef Mountain Man.” She chews on her lip, even as she fights another grin. “And he may look exactly like you.”

  I stare at her slack jawed. She takes advantage of my stupor by throwing her arms around my neck and pulling my mouth to hers. She presses her soft breasts against my chest. Her hips angle to cuddle my already throbbing cock.

  As far as distractions go . . . it works. My fingers dive into her hair, and I angle my mouth to deepen the kiss. We’ll have to talk about this Chef Mountain Man nonsense later.

  Right now all that matters is that I have my woman. And it looks like she’s planning to stay.



  One year later

  From his post at the kitchen island, Hank folds his arms and scowls.

  “Are you sure this doesn’t look stupid?”

  “It looks perfect,” I say from behind the camera.

  “Because it feels stupid.”

  Hank’s been on the verge of pitching a fit for the better part of a month. We’ve spent the better part of a year working on the Chef Mountain Man website and YouTube series. We’ve steadily grown an audience over time. An audience he’s been blissfully unaware of, because I’ve handled everything short of doing the actual cooking myself.

  In that time, he’s never questioned the influx of cash that’s landed in our joint bank account from advertisers and merchandise. He’s never wondered why I’m always snapping pictures of him doing everything. He didn’t need—or want—to know that a picture of him emerging from the lake looking like a Greek god had gone viral.

  He asked no questions. Not until an executive from a major cable network called and asked if we’d be interested in filming a pilot.

  I’m sure Hank would’ve said a resounding “hell, no.” Except that was the day after we’d found out I was pregnant. The executive had thrown out a figure for how much we’d get if the network ordered a full season. I could practically see Hank building our dream house on his nearby plot of Alaskan wilderness.

  The perfect place to raise our baby.

  So he’d agreed to do the pilot. Which was why he was standing in a lit kitchen wearing his best flannel shirt rolled up to the sleeves and a chambray apron that said “Real Men Wear Aprons.” He’d nearly called off the whole thing when I’d pulled out powder for his forehead. But then he’d taken one look at my belly, which is just starting to show, and he’d shut his mouth.

  And scowled.

  Thinking to boost his ego, I wiggle my eyebrows at him. “I swear, my love. You look hot as hell.”

  His frown grows deeper. “I’m not sure I want to look hot as hell. I thought this was supposed to be a serious cooking show.”

  “It’s totally serious.” I cross my heart and blow him a kiss. He still doesn’t look completely convinced. Sighing, I push myself up and waddle around the island to throw my arms over his shoulders. I wait until his gaze meets mine. “I believe in you and this. But if we finish this pilot, and you don’t like how it looks, that’s it. We don’t have to do another episode.”

  “Even if they order a full season.”

  “Even if they order three seasons and give us a primetime spot.”

  He unfolds his arms and wraps them around me. He rests his cheek against mine. “I’m being a bit of a diva aren’t I?”

  “Not at all.”

  I can feel him grin even as he sighs. “Okay. Let’s do this. But no more shirtless photos of me on the internet.”

  I freeze. “You heard about that?”

  “One of our guests showed me.”

  I wince even as he chuckles.

  “Wife, you’ve really turned my world upside down.” He presses his lips to my temple then pulls back. “And I wouldn’t change one second of it.”

  That makes two—and soon, three—of us.


  Thanks for reading HANK: Camp Mountain Man #3. If you love mountain men and the curvy city slickers who fall for them check out EZRA: Camp Mountain Man #4.

  Click here >>

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