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Page 5

by Marie James

  “Probably,” I answer. “It’s sort of a family-slash-community thing.”

  Charli looks to Griffin for an explanation since he seems to be the only voice of reason these days.

  “Cerberus hosts an open festival for the holiday. It’s the one time the community is free to roam around the property, eat, and hangout. The fireworks display is pretty spectacular. You’d have a great time.”

  “So would Cam if you convinced her to go,” I add.

  “You guys are part of the motorcycle club from the outskirts of town?”

  Cannon makes a noise like he’s going to speak up, but Charli turns to glare at him. He just slinks lower in his seat like a whipped puppy.

  “My dads and their dad are founding members of the MC. We aren’t a part of Cerberus.”

  Griffin frowns, but I ignore his look. Now isn’t the time to discuss the probability of him eventually joining Cerberus. The offer is on the table, but he just hasn’t taken it yet.

  “The party is on the Saturday before since the holiday falls on a Tuesday,” Griffin explains. “It’ll be a good time. You should think about it.”

  “I will,” Charli says, giving us a quick wave and Cannon a dismissive look before disappearing into the crowd.

  “You’re an idiot,” Griffin says in his brother’s direction as he climbs off his stool and walks toward our table.

  I smile at the goose egg that’s already forming on his forehead. I grin even wider when I notice Charli listed Camryn’s number under HOT DOC in my contact list.

  “Maybe next time wipe off the lipstick from the previous chick before trying to hit on the next,” Griffin hisses with a quick slap on the back of Cannon’s head.

  All the man does is smile and walk with us as we leave the mall.

  Chapter 8


  “Why are you being so secretive?” I stare at the side of my best friend’s face, but all I get from her is the same smirk she’s had painted on her lips for the last couple of days. “I never should’ve agreed to go out with you tonight.”

  “We always have fun when we go out. Don’t get mad because I haven’t told you where we’re going.”

  I huff a humorless laugh. “We always have fun?”

  Her smile widens as she nods.

  “Like the time you left me at the club so you could get dirty with that frat boy, and I had to catch a ride with the creepy Uber driver?”

  Her smile dims just a fraction.

  “What about the time you—”

  She lifts her hand from the steering wheel. “Okay, okay. Tonight won’t be like any of the other times I flaked.”

  “Where are we going?” I prod again.

  I’ve asked this question at least a hundred times over the last couple of days, and not once has she even dropped a hint.

  “A party. I told you that.”

  “Yes, you said you met some hot guys at the mall, and they invited you to a party, but you didn’t tell me where the party is and who’s hosting it.”

  “You’ll see.”

  And that has been her answer each time I’ve asked.

  “No,” I hiss when she turns toward the south of town.

  “What?” She feigns innocence, but I can see right through her.

  “Where are we going?” There’s more anger and irritation in my voice. I hate being tricked, but she doesn’t say a word. Not when we pull in behind a line of cars that are waiting to park. Not when she pulls into a spot and turns the car off.

  “What exactly do you think is going to happen?” I ask as I peer up at the Cerberus clubhouse through the windshield. “That I’m going to see Samson and jump his bones?”

  “You do need to get laid.” Without another word, she climbs out of the car and closes me inside.

  It doesn’t take long for the car to heat to the point that it’s nearly impossible to breathe. I don’t know which one is worse right now, suffocating in the car or getting out and playing right into Charli’s hands.

  I opt for the party since at least there will be food and drinks, and from the looks of it, there are so many people here this evening that avoiding Samson should be easy.

  “Ready?” Charli asks as I join her at the front of the car.

  “I could kill you right now.” Her wide smile is back, and a smiling Charli is so amazing, I can’t help but smile a little, too. “Who did you run into at the mall?”

  Charli grasps my hand as we fall in line behind a family of five as they round the side of the clubhouse and head to the back.

  “Samson, of course, but he was also with a guy named Griffin and some idiot.”

  “Idiot?” I know who she’s talking about before she even says his name.

  “Cannon,” she spits, and for the first time since we arrived a huge, genuine smile spreads across my face. “He’s got the maturity of a ten-year-old boy,” she mutters.

  “I’m not going to argue about that.”

  “Can you please explain to me why every one of them is stupid hot. Look.” She points around the groups of people talking, indicating the men in the leather vests. “Even the older guys are smokin’ and makes me wish I had daddy issues.”

  “Not all women who date older men have daddy issues,” I remind her, not for the first time.

  “Look at their old ladies.” I follow her finger and smile when I see she’s talking about Emmalyn. Diego has his arm wrapped around her waist as they talk to a few people near the grill. “The women are absolutely stunning. Is that a pre-requisite to join Cerberus? You have to be a ten plus on the looks scale?”

  “They don’t call them old ladies here, and I think the requirements have more to do with service in the milit—”

  “And look! That guy anywhere else would be creepy as hell. Who has that many tattoos? Are his cheeks pierced?” She leans in closer when Jaxon notices me standing there, and he begins to walk in our direction. “Oh shit. How does my hair look? I don’t care how old he is, that man is hot enough to take for a ride.”

  “He’s taken,” I mutter just as Jaxon wraps his arms around me for a hug.

  “Hey, Cam. How are you?”

  “Great,” I tell him when he takes a step back. “This is my friend Charli.”

  My friend is struck silent but has enough sense to shake his hand when he offers it.

  “Cam!” I turn just in time to get caught in another hug from Rob. “I’m glad you came.”

  “Glad to be here,” I lie and introduce Charli to the new arrival. “These guys are Samson’s dads.”

  She doesn’t look disappointed like I expected her to. Instead, Charli’s eyes widen, and a salacious grin spreads her face. Knowing exactly where her mind is heading, I rush through a couple ‘see you laters’ and drag her further into the party.

  “Don’t even think about it,” I mutter as I reach for two cans of soda, handing her one and forcing her to look me in the eye. “You need to pay close attention to their cuts. If they have a ‘Farmington Original’ tag under their names, they’re off-limits.”

  “Because you don’t want me to embarrass you?” She grins before tilting her can to her mouth.

  “Because every one of the original members is married,” I explain. “Don’t embarrass yourself.”

  “Okay.” She holds her hands up in mock surrender. “No original bikers. Got it. Oh, God. I guess I’m just here for the fireworks. Give me a minute to reset my brain. I just have to get in the right mindset since the bikers are off-limits.”

  I would specify that I was only talking about the originals, but we’ll both be better off if she just doesn’t spend the evening trying to pick anyone up.

  “But, please explain to me why you get a hot biker falling at your feet, and I can’t have one, too.”

  “I don’t have anyone falling at my feet,” I counter.

  “You will when Samson realizes you’re here.”

  “Samson isn’t a biker.”

  “Yeah, he said as much at the mall.”
r />   “How long of a conversation did you have with these guys?”

  “Not long, but he’s at least a biker by proxy.”

  “Not even that,” I argue. “Besides, my goal for the evening is to avoid him at all costs.”

  I turn around when I feel a tap on my shoulder, and relief washes over me when I see it’s my friend from school rather than Samson.

  “Hey,” I tell Jasmine as we hug. “It’s good to see you. When did you get back?”

  “I’ve been offered a teaching position at the community college in the fall.”

  “That’s amazing, but I thought you were hell-bent on never coming back from Arizona?”

  Her laugh is soft. “I guess I got homesick.”

  “Oh,” I say, feeling like an idiot when Charli clears her throat beside me. “This is my friend Charli. We went to college together, and both got our residencies here in town.”

  “I always knew you’d come back. It’s so hard to stay away from family.”

  I nod in agreement, the guilt I had last week from not talking to my parents isn’t as strong right now. I should be spending time with them for the holiday rather than hanging out on Cerberus property trying to avoid a certain boy who for some unknown reason makes my heart race.

  “Do you live here?” Charli asks, and I already know what she’s going to ask next. “Can you tell me which guys are available?”

  Jasmine chuckles as she turns to line up next to Charli like they’re old friends with their heads closer together. “I don’t live on the property. My mom and dad have a house in town that I’m staying at until I can find my own place, but I did grow up around here. Let’s see.”

  Jasmine’s eyes scan the crowd, and I can’t help but roll my eyes.

  “Tug is single.” Jasmine points to a handsome man standing near the pool in nothing but swim trunks.

  It’s only then that I let my eyes linger on the men around the pool. Sweet Christ. Now I know what has Charli so revved up about tonight. All the men standing around and talking are examples of the perfect species with their happy grins and muscles for days. It is like we walked into some type of commune where only the most fit, sexiest humans are allowed to enter. I don’t internally chastise the women standing around ignoring their husbands as they stare at the perfection near the pool. I’m right there with them.

  “Tug?” I hear Charli ask.

  “Don’t ask me,” Jasmine says. “I’m sure it’s something sexual. Most of the guys' names are from their time in the Marine Corps, and as much as the guys respect women, they still have filthy minds.”

  “But the only question I have is – do they also have filthy actions?”

  “Oh Lord,” I mumble at Charli’s question.

  “I’ve been taught not to set my sights on guys in the club. My dad would kill me if I even thought about it, but there’s only one way to find out. Let me introduce you to a few of them.” Jasmine drags my friend away, leaving me standing here alone and easy prey for Samson.

  Chapter 9


  “Both of your dads will kill you if you mess with any of the women here,” I remind Cannon as his eyes skate over the crowd.

  He’s assessing his chances, even after he got into trouble for hitting on a married woman at last year’s party.

  “I’m just taking in the sights,” he lies before tilting a beer to his lips.

  “Such a dog,” Griffin grumbles about his brother, as he pulls Ivy tighter against his side.

  I know he doesn’t want anyone here to get the wrong idea about her. I can’t help but smile at his possessive nature.

  “Hey,” Griffin whispers so low I can barely hear him. “Isn’t that the chick from the mall?”

  My head snaps around, and I see Jasmine with her arm latched in one of Charli’s. My eyes scan and find Camryn now standing alone, looking after her friend with her eyes narrowed.

  “She looks too mature for you,” Griffin says in observation.

  Even at a Fourth of July pool party, Camryn is dressed in a billowy blouse and flowy skirt. The fabric moves in the light breeze, and I inwardly wonder how her body is reacting to the slide of the material on her skin. She’s got the longest legs, and it doesn’t take long for my mind to head from just enjoying the sight of her to the realm of filthy thoughts about how those long appendages would feel wrapped around my waist while I slam insid—

  “You may want to get your face under control before she sees you,” Ivy warns with humor in her voice.

  “Yeah, dude,” Cannon adds. “And maybe wipe the drool off your mouth.”

  The entire group laughs when I lift the back of my hand to my chin. They’re so loud it draws the eyes of everyone around.

  “Assholes,” I hiss, turning my back to them. I manage to intercept Jasmine and Charli before they get closer to the pool.

  “Samson,” Charli says in greeting as she looks over my shoulder, probably to make sure Cannon isn’t with me.

  “Charli,” I return.

  She angles her head toward her friend as if I hadn’t seen her already.

  “I got her here. The rest is up to you,” Charli informs me.


  She grabs me by the arm before I can get away.

  “Which one of those hot guys should I hit on?” I follow her eyes to the pool where a group of the Cerberus guys are standing and talking.

  “I’d suggest Tug or Rocker and avoid Scooter unless you’re into anal.”

  Jasmine’s eyes go wide as Charli’s mouth turns up in a devious grin.

  “Thanks for the advice.” Charli drags Jasmine toward the group of guys, leaving me wondering how someone as uptight as Camryn has such a wild friend.

  Just as Charli and Jasmine walk away, I watch Kid and Khloe step up to Camryn and begin a conversation. Thankfully, Landon is in the indoor pool, and not around to ogle all the beautiful women mingling. It was funny watching Griffin get upset over the kid looking at his woman with nasty in his eyes, but I’m certain I wouldn’t have the same restraint to keep from kicking his ass. I’m certain beating a kid would be frowned upon, no matter if the little jerk deserves it.

  Stopping by one of the half-dozen tables spread out with food and drinks, I grab a couple of beers and make my way toward Cam and the other couple.

  “He’s going to be a freshman in the fall,” Khloe says with pride as I walk up.

  “Wow.” Camryn beams at the proud parents. “Makes me feel so old.”

  I know she can feel me standing beside her now, but she doesn’t spend a second to acknowledge me. Normally, I’d be agitated, but just being close to her is nice.

  “There’s Jen and Mitchell.” Khloe touches Camryn’s arm before excusing herself. “We need to go say hi. It was good to see you. Don’t be a stranger.”

  The second they step away, I move to stand directly in front of Camryn and offer her one of the beers. She holds her can of soda up, refusing the beer. I hand the extra off to Scooter as he walks by. All he does is give me a weird look before shrugging and lifting the bottle to his lips.

  “I can see you still have manners.”

  “Never interrupt adults when they’re talking,” I recite.

  Her eyebrow raises, and suddenly, I realize my mistake.

  “Not that I’m not an adult,” I rush out. “I just didn’t want to be rude.”

  “You sure it’s not because they wouldn’t tolerate your approach when you say disgusting things to me?”

  Her body is stiff, but her eyes betray her humor as they shine with mirth.

  “Look.” I frown. “I guess I haven’t made the best impression the last couple of times I’ve seen you.”

  “You think?”

  “Can we just start over? Forget everything from our pasts, and just pretend that—”

  “And forget about the times you called me mommy?” she interrupts.

  “What? I never—”

  “You did.”

  I’d argue with her, but
she’s smiling, and her body has relaxed a little.

  “You also told me you wanted to marry me when you were ten.”

  I’m not one to get easily embarrassed, but that doesn’t stop the heat from rising in my face.

  “I’m no longer a child.”

  “Is this where you remind me how much of a man you are?”

  Her eyes roll before she just turns and walks away.

  “Where are you going?”

  I trail behind her until she stops at one of the drink tables.

  “I regret turning down that beer. If I’m stuck fighting you off all night, I’ll do better with a little alcohol in my system.”

  “Aren’t you afraid I’ll take advantage of you?”

  I get close enough to her back that I know she can feel the heat rolling off my body, but not close enough to touch her.

  When she turns to glare at me, we’re chest to chest, and I love that she has to tilt her head back to look up at me. Doing my best to block out the fantasies of her looking up at me with her pink lips wrapped around my cock, I smile down at her.

  I know I have to start acting more mature. Camryn Davison is never going to give me the time of day if I keep proving her right by acting like Landon does when he gets around pretty women. Just when I’m trying to get all the dirty fantasies out of my head, she places her hand on my chest and my cock jerks with anticipation in my jeans.

  “I know you were taught better than to take advantage of an inebriated woman.”

  I step back when she uses the hand on my chest to push against me. Rather than walking away or insulting me, she lifts the beer she grabbed off the table to her lips.

  “You’re willing to take that chance?” I challenge.

  “I have nothing to worry about. There isn’t a Cerberus member here that wouldn’t kick your ass if you tried.”

  “You’re so fucking pretty.”

  She doesn’t flinch away when I do the exact same thing Cannon did at the mall to her friend Charli. When I push a strand of hair from her face behind her ears, I would swear her head tilts a fraction of an inch in the direction of my hand.


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