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Mending a Highland Heart: Healing him was more scandalous than she ever imagined…

Page 18

by Kendrick, Kenna

  She looked down at his loins and felt a quiver of excitement at the thought of him entering her. The pleasure that she had just felt at his finger would be quadrupled by this. He watched her, and she bit her lip, nodding. Angus leaned down to kiss her once more, sweeping his tongue through her mouth as he lifted her legs open and slightly back, his hands on the back of her thighs.

  Then, with one hand, he opened her up and slid into her easily. Charlotte’s eyes widened. He had begun slowly but then pushed himself into her sharply, and she felt a prick of pain. Once he began to move inside of her, Charlotte felt like she was losing feeling in her fingers; the pleasure was so overwhelming.

  After a few moments, she found herself gasping and watching his face as he ground his hips into her, faster and faster. “Angus! I do not think that I can take the pleasure! It will tear me in twain!”

  In reply, Angus sped up his pace and leaned forward onto her, licking her breasts and then kissing her to stifle her loud moans, which were only increasing with each thrust.

  He kept going, and Charlotte’s noises kept pace with his rhythm until she cried out his name and shivered beneath him before laying her head back and closing her eyes. Her body clamped around him, Angus spent himself in one more thrust, pooling his seed inside of her, shuddering with his pleasure.

  He pulled off of her and lay at her side, catching his breath. He turned her face towards him and took her mouth in one more long, slow kiss, which she responded to feebly. She couldn’t even open her eyes yet. The waves of pleasure were still pulsing through her, and she felt as if she’d just slid into a warm bubbling sea and was drifting away to nowhere.

  After a few moments, Charlotte said breathlessly, “So what did you want to tell me this morning?”

  Despite his fatigue, Angus leaned back and burst into loud belly laughter.

  * * *

  “Thank you, Mrs. Jacobs,” Elizabeth said to the housekeeper, grabbing the breakfast tray from her. “I’m certain that Miss Andrews will be feeling better soon.” The housekeeper relinquished the tray, a suspicious look glinting in her eye, and Elizabeth’s deceiving smile nearly faltered at the sight.

  But Mrs. Jacobs moved away, and Elizabeth practically collapsed into the tray with relief. How long could she keep up the charade? She knew Charlotte would spend the night, but if she did decide to stay longer and would send the letter, how could she explain how she’d told the soldiers and servants that Charlotte had been ill? Her father and General Andrews would be back today, and she would have to think of something.

  She made sure no one was looking, and then she slipped into Charlotte’s room, only opening the door as far as she needed to slip inside with the tray. She stood on the other side, trying to calm her nerves. She had never deceived anyone before or in such an elaborate manner. It was taking all of her strength to continue the charade. Oh, if only Charlotte would return today!

  She laid the tray down on the table next to Charlotte’s bed. In order to allay suspicion, she decided that she needed to eat what was given for Charlotte and ask for less for herself in the morning. So, she ate now, amazed at the changes that had come over her since she arrived at Fort William.

  Only a week ago, she would never imagine that she would find herself in this position, trying to persuade everyone that her friend was ill who was actually not present. There would be no way of knowing whether or not her friend would return today or the next!

  After she ate in silence, she took the tray out of the room and locked the door behind her. There was no sense in allowing a curious servant to stray in and find out their secret. She handed the tray to a servant and found herself a book to read in the parlor. She would simply try to distract herself from what was happening. That was the sensible thing to do. Her father or General Andrews would return soon, and she didn’t want to think about what she was going to say to them. Hopefully, Charlotte’s letter would arrive before they did.

  Soon, she was lost to the written word, and her earlier tension slowly left her body. However, she was interrupted an hour or so later with the arrival of a letter. Charlotte, thank God! Her heart lifted but fell suddenly as she heard the sound of arriving hoof beats outside. She grabbed the letter hastily and read it as quickly as she could.

  Dear Father,

  Julia has notified me of some duties which only I can perform at Duart Castle. I have traveled there and will remain a night or two in order to make sure that all is complete. I’m sure you understand that what I do is for the family. I will be back by your side soon. Do not worry.


  Elizabeth grimaced. The letter was too short and not quite eloquent enough to keep her father and General Andrews at bay, but it would have to do. Hopefully, they would be in good spirits after their journey and would be understanding. So she would return tomorrow, hopefully. She knew the servants wouldn’t say anything, but she dreaded switching her story from Charlotte being ill to having suddenly recovered and sped off to the Isle of Mull.

  She would have to shy away from their glances for the next few weeks. She waited, letter in hand, for the entry of the new arrivals. Her chest tightened. She hoped it was not her father. He could always sniff out deception in her when she was younger. She hoped she could withstand his questioning. But, it would not be a falsehood, now that she had the letter. Charlotte really was at Duart, and she was performing duties, of a sort.

  She heard the loud footsteps of her father’s military boots and sighed. He entered the parlor and said with hardly a glance in her direction, “Elizabeth, I trust you have been well. Where is Charlotte?” He removed his hat and gloves and handed them to the waiting servant, and looked about the room.

  Elizabeth took a moment to gather herself. She forced herself to meet her father’s eyes. She wanted to be the woman that Charlotte was teaching her to be. She hated her past of acting like a frightened mouse. “Father, here is a letter from her. She has left for Duart Castle this morning.”

  “What?” His calm face suddenly broke out into a flustered, angry expression. “What do you mean?” He snatched the letter from her, and his eyes narrowed as he read it.

  “That girl. Has she no thought of her family’s reputation or her father’s goals? Why should you let her go, Elizabeth? You are a much more sensible, girl!”

  “I could not stop her, Father. She had made her own mind.”

  He humphed. “She always seems to do as she will, commanding and ordering her superiors. Soon enough, that will change. She will be married off nicely to an Earl in London, and no more of her whims will be accepted.” He snorted to himself. “The Earl is not that type of man.”

  Elizabeth gasped, her pain renewed at the reminder of Charlotte’s fate. “But Father, why must she be forced into marriage?” At the sudden flash of anger that built in his eyes, Elizabeth wished she hadn’t spoken.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Angus felt like he was floating in a dream. Every so often, he had to touch her, kiss her, or look into her eyes to remind himself that she was real. Charlotte Andrews was here, with him and in his bed. His thumb traced an outline over her jaw and lips; her eyes fluttered as she awoke from a light sleep.

  “Do you think anyone will come in and find us like this?” Charlotte turned towards the door, lines of concern on her face.

  He pulled her face back towards him and kissed her gently. “Nae, they wouldnae dream of it.” He lifted an eyebrow. “Besides, now that they’ve heard all those noises, they will certainly nae open the door.”

  “Angus!” she frowned, and he laughed.

  He sighed and laid a hand on his chest. “Charlotte Andrews, ye surprise me at every turn.”

  She turned on her side and sat up on her elbow, her lips turning up at the sides. “What do you mean?”

  “I mean that one minute yer kissing me in the Hall out of naewhere, and then another minute, yer concerned that someone will find us? Who are ye, really?”

  That wasn’t really what he’d wanted to
say, but even after their lovemaking, he found himself afraid to reveal his heart. She thought for a moment and then blushed. “You are right, Angus. I’m not sure that I understand it myself. I have been wondering that very thing as I bathed last night.”

  Angus grinned. “Och, so ye thought of me while ye bathed? Ye bloody know how tae spark a man’s desire.”

  She chuckled but then breathed out, her expression serious. “I think ‘twas because I was ignoring what I really felt, and so my behavior was very confusing.”

  He turned to her, and his voice was soft and pleading. “Why did ye kiss me that day, lass? I cannae say I’ve ever been more surprised. Or more pleased.”

  She looked down, and Angus thought about how lovely her long lashes were as they brushed the tops of her cheeks. “I don’t know. Why did you kiss me back?”

  Angus laid back and chuckled. “Fair point.” He stared up at the cloth top of his bed and put his arms behind his head. It felt easier to stare straight ahead than to look into her deep green eyes, so full of questions.

  It was time. He took a breath. “I kissed ye back because I wanted tae. And that’s why I kissed ye again afore ye left. I didnae want ye tae go. ‘Twas nae because of anyone else or about yer work here. ‘Twas because of me.” He thought for a moment. Did that make any sense?

  He continued, trying to make sense along the way. “I wanted ye by my side, but I didnae know how tae say it. Even now, I dinnae know.”

  Charlotte watched him quietly. He could feel her eyes on him. “I think you are doing a fine job.” She pulled the blanket between her fingers and folded and unfolded it, trying to find her own words. “I kissed you first because I wanted to. And I wanted you every time. But I was angry. I was selfish and foolish, and I thought only about who I thought I was and what I deserved. But I know you were trying to protect me. I’ve never met anyone like you, Angus. I’m not sure what that means either.” She laughed nervously. She was about to say more but thought better of it. It would help neither of them at this moment if they knew that nothing could come of it.

  “Well,” Angus said, pulling her waist towards him. “I wonder if we might nae use what time ye have left? Ye return tae yer father taeday?”

  She grinned at him. “I have sent him a letter. I shall return tae him tomorrow if I will nae be much in yer way.”

  “Aye, ye will be in my way, and I much prefer it.” He slid her thin body on top of his, enjoying the silkiness of her skin on his chest as well as the pointed softness of her breasts.

  He felt his member harden and lift underneath her. Charlotte made a noise of surprise and then moved off of him. She stared at it, and Angus said, “Let me show ye a new way of pleasure, lass.”

  Charlotte was about to speak but lost her train of thought when she felt his hands glide down her skin slowly, tantalizingly, and end with him moving her legs apart once more. He reached for her, feeling the softness at the apex of her thighs and pushing her sweet petals apart. Her heart beat quicker, and she lay back, allowing the still new pleasure to waft through her.

  Then, to her surprise, his lips lay atop her folds, instead of his fingers. “Angus?” She asked, but then was silenced by the feel of his wet tongue on her, moving in a slow rhythm, licking and tasting her. Her fists gripped the blanket as he kept moving, not stopping, his speed increasing with each of her moans. And then, she burst forth once more into that bubbling sea, lost to the world for a moment, allowing the wonderful, warm feeling of ecstasy to flood through her veins.

  Angus returned by her side, and she said, “Is that normal? Do men and women often do that?”

  He smiled. “I wouldnae say they all do it, but many do, yes. I think too many men are selfish and wish tae seek only their own pleasures. But ye, lass, ye taking yer pleasure is one of the most beautiful things in the world.”

  She sighed and saw his hard member once again, standing turgid beside her. She slid towards him and slipped a leg over his. “Is it possible if I sit here, this way, and you enter me?”

  Angus blinked in surprise and swallowed. He replied, “Aye, lass. ‘Tis a great way tae make love. But I will help ye. Are ye sure yer nae too sore from me?” She shook her head with a smile. He took her thin waist between his large hands and lifted her until his cock was right beneath her. Then, he lowered her onto his length, feeling the hot tight resistance of her as she sheathed him.

  He almost spilled forthrightly, the feeling was so blissful, but he kept his hands on her hips and said, “Ye can move like this.” She began to move to his rhythm and held onto his shoulders to keep her balance.

  She was watching him closely. “Like this?”

  He closed his eyes. “Aye.”

  But she was moving so slowly, it was near agony for him. When he couldn’t take it anymore, he took her waist in his hands again and began pumping into her, and he watched with delight as Charlotte’s expression turned to one of dreamy pleasure, her eyes half-closed as she allowed him to thrust hard and deep.

  Then, he stiffened and tightened his grip on her waist, and both of them cried out together, their bodies nearly spent with pleasure as they shuddered against each other. There were no words as they slipped apart onto the bed and fell into a contented sleep.

  * * *

  Lord Darling was pacing, and Elizabeth followed him with her eyes. Her initial fear had worn off after she’d questioned his decisions, but now, she was on edge, waiting for him to speak, to punish, or to reprimand. His hands were clasped behind his back, and with each movement, he looked as if he was getting angrier and angrier.

  Then, he spun around and stared at Elizabeth. “How could you defy me, girl? Why would you ask such a question of me? I am your father, your commander, and your total guide in your life. In my position, I am in charge of the General and his decisions if they will affect his performance and the performance of the Fort.”

  “But how could Charlotte’s marriage help with that? I merely ask out of curiosity, Father, not to question your decisions.” She added the last part quickly, hoping to escape a renewed cold stare.

  “Because of her behavior. That girl is rash, and she puts on airs. She thinks she has control over her father, and he is too weak. He will allow her to take control and do foolish things like sending vegetables to those brutes across the water!”

  Elizabeth winced at the vehemence of his anger. She was beginning to get annoyed by the way he said ‘girl’ as if both of them were children, unable to know their own minds. “I see. Well, certainly, there are other ways of keeping her under control. She does not need to be sent away.”

  If it was possible, Mortimer Darling narrowed his eyes even further. “Have you developed a friendship with this woman, a woman who will make herself a pariah, and you as well if you keep in contact with her?”

  Elizabeth swallowed. Here was where she could not lie to her father. He would be able to see right through it, so she had to tell the truth. “We barely know each other, Father, but yes, I have found her company to be agreeable. She has been very kind to me. Not many of the Society women I’ve met in London have been so.”

  He grumbled. “Do not let her fool you, and do not get too attached. I can see the mischief in her eyes. She will be set to rights.” At that moment, General Andrews entered the room, a smile on his face.

  “Hello, all. I have returned. How was the journey to the food supplier, Lord Darling? And how are you, Elizabeth?”

  Elizabeth’s heart warmed at the kindness of the general. She was sad that her father was trying to squash that kindness and reframe it into something cold and hard, like him. Elizabeth said, “I am well, thank you.”

  Her father replied, “I have no time to discuss my journey or yours, General. There are other matters to discuss.” He passed over Charlotte’s letter. “Would you like to see what your daughter has been up to?”

  General Andrews looked down, with a frown on his face and read the letter. Elizabeth could tell he went slightly pale, and it seemed he lingered
over the reading. She wondered if he was afraid to meet her father’s eyes.

  “What does this mean?” General Andrews asked, looking from Lord Darling to Elizabeth.

  “It means that your daughter defied your instruction and took the time when you were away from the Fort to do so. She is a menace, General! She will bring ruin down upon both of your heads and ours as well!”

  Elizabeth wished she could imbue the General with the power to defy her father. He could do it. He had the standing, but he seemed to cower in his superior’s presence.

  “But surely she has a good reason for going. Like she said, she heard from Julia and wishes to assist her cousin. Is that not a good reason?”

  Lord Darling threw up his hands and wandered away towards the hearth. He stood looking at the flames for a few seconds, and Elizabeth thought he was trying to catch his breath to calm himself. She waited for the eruption that was about to ensue.


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