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Spade (High Rollers MC Book 3)

Page 11

by Kasey Krane

  Nothing and nobody could possibly change River’s mind except herself. She was willing to give me another chance and I wasn’t going to fuck it up this time. I was just a kid the last time I had a chance with her. I wasn’t allowed to make decisions for myself as far as River’s safety was concerned. This time, I wasn’t going to allow shit to go down that way.

  I was fully aware of all the dangers to River’s life if she remained in Vegas. After all, nothing in the world could change the fact that she was still Buck’s daughter, even if he himself was dead. She was still a liability to the MC. But sending her away from her home was not the answer.

  As long as she knew the whole truth, was aware of all the dangers that were in front of her and if she still decided to stay here—then I would support her and look out for her. I was going to protect her and keep her safe with my life if I had to.

  I rode into the garage and saw Edge lounging on a chair with an empty can of beer in his hands.

  “What’s going on? Did you call for Church?” I asked, jumping off the bike. I was a little miffed initially that River and I were interrupted; but sorting out this shit with the MC was just as important as building my relationship with River.

  Edge crunched the can in his hand and threw it away.

  “No, I didn’t call for Church. I just called you. Follow me,” he said. I could sense from the skip in Edge’s step that he had something important to tell me or show me.

  I was curious to find out what. He wasn’t going to give me any clues.

  We walked through the casino and I nodded at some of the staff who were working on getting the place ready for another night. We had to make sure business continued as normal. We had to send the message to our regulars that nothing had changed on our side. I had a feeling still that our profits were going to be low tonight. Even though we’d helped Cheng, probably even saved his life by finding him in time and taking him to the hospital—his friends and acquaintances and anyone else who heard the news was going to stay away from our casino.

  Edge was leading me in through the casino to the back to our clubhouse. It was empty, just like he said; none of the other guys had been invited.

  “Where are we going, man?” I asked and Edge looked over his shoulder at me.

  “You’ll see.”

  We were now at Buck’s old office door. I wasn’t sure what he’d found in there but I was curious. Edge glanced at me again before pulling out a key and unlocking it first. I hadn’t realized we were keeping this room locked.

  Edge pushed the door open and we both stepped in together. The room was dark, all the blinds had been pulled down. Then he flipped a switch on and I saw what he wanted me to look at.

  Someone…and I was guessing it was Edge, had pushed away all the furniture to the edges of the room. The only thing in the middle of the room now was a chair. A man was sitting on it with his head bowed and his hands tied to the back and his legs tied together too. He seemed to be at least semi-conscious but he was making an effort to not make eye contact with either of us.

  “What the fuck is going on, Edge? Who the fuck is this?” I growled, turning to him. There was a grin on Edge’s face now. He was pleased with my reaction.

  “It’s one of Mr. Money’s muscle,” he replied. My brows crossed. I took a few steps towards the guy who looked up at me now. There was one big gash on the side of his forehead but other than that, he seemed to be untouched. His eyes were bloodshot though and there was a rag stuffed in his mouth.

  “Where the Hell did you find him?” I asked.

  Edge walked slowly over to the guy too. He still had that joyous skip in his step. He was proud of himself.

  “I caught him by himself, off guard. I went to visit Mr. Smithy, you know the guy who wears a big bushy wig, comes in here every Saturday with his brood of girls. I wanted to find out if he knew anything. This motherfucker was in his office, threatening to beat him up. But when I walked in he had his back turned to me. So, all I needed to do was bash his head with the butt of my gun and he was knocked out cold on the floor.”

  I could hear the smile in Edge’s voice, and when I looked over at him, I saw him grinning from ear to ear.

  “Good job. Good thinking. Now let’s hope he talks,” I said. Edge was fiddling with his gun in his pocket.

  “He hasn’t yet but he’s going to in a few days. I’m sure of it,” he said and I watched as Edge cracked his knuckles.

  When he looked at me, I smiled and Edge smiled too. Then the lights were turned off in the room and we locked the door behind us. Outside, I shook Edge’s hand. Finally, somebody around here was taking charge.

  Chapter Seventeen


  Marley had to go back to work soon after our sandwich and coffee and I offered to help her with her chores while she was gone. There was some dusting and cleaning to do, and I offered to do the laundry and wash the dishes too. If I was going to be living in her apartment rent-free for who knew how long…I wanted to feel useful around here.

  Marley protested initially but eventually she gave in. Besides, it was going to be good for me to keep busy. I didn’t want to sit around all day day-dreaming about Spade and waiting for his text.

  After Marley left for the bookstore again, I did the dishes and started tidying up around the apartment. That got me thinking about what I was going to do if I really did decide to stay in Vegas.

  I was warming to the idea of having an apartment of my own. I could even picture Spade in it. I had to stop myself from entertaining the idea of us living together. That was too soon. We had literally just spent one afternoon together! We hadn’t even broached the subject of our future together. I had no idea what he wanted from me. The last thing I should be doing was building castles in the sky about our future. One which might not even exist.

  As the rest of the afternoon went on, I got more and more anxious about seeing him again. I didn’t want to ask him yet how he felt. It would be too soon…but I wanted to experience what being around him felt like. His vibe. As of now it was a good vibe, but how long was that going to last?

  When Spade’s text came through, my hands were shaking. All it said was that he was going to pick me up at seven. It was just a few hours away. I was excited, giddy…feeling like a teenager again.

  Marley arrived back at the apartment shortly after and I told her I was seeing Spade soon. She offered to help me pick out a dress and do my makeup.

  We were both behaving like two teenagers getting ready for Prom. That was what having a second chance with an old flame felt like. I couldn’t keep the excitement under control.

  I didn’t know where we were going to do or what activity Spade had planned for the night. So, Marley suggested that I dress casually. That was just the kind of guy Spade seemed to be.

  She picked out a bright orange short dress for me which showed off my legs and suggested a light denim jacket on top. Strappy leather sandals and my hair left loose.

  I went along with it, I even sat quietly in front of the mirror while she did my face. It was almost like Marley was more excited than I was!

  When she was all done fussing over me, we stood together in front of the full-length mirror in her room. She sighed and leaned her head on my shoulder while I tried to control the butterflies in my belly. It wasn’t anything special. I wasn’t dressed in fancy clothes; but this somehow felt like an important event in my life.

  Maybe I just really badly wanted it to work out, and that made me afraid. Afraid that I was giving Spade another opportunity to break my heart.

  Then there was a knock on the front door. Marley left me in the room and rushed to answer the door. I could hear their voices outside. Marley sounded excited and Spade sounded friendly. They’d met a couple of times when we were dating seven years ago and they always seemed to get along pretty well.

  I emerged out of the room and saw Spade standing there at the door. He was in the same clothes as the morning, same leather jacket, same jeans which I’d help
ed pull down his legs. Seeing him in those clothes sent a shiver down my spine, reminding me of how amazing I’d felt just a few hours before.

  Spade was looking me up and down, studying every inch of me. The way he looked at me now made me feel like he’d never seen me before. I was worried that Marley had gone overboard with the makeup.

  “Wow!” Spade said, making me blush and that reaction eased my worries.

  “Where are we going?” I asked, walking towards him, and Spade smiled.

  “Let’s leave it a surprise,” he replied and from the corner of my eye; I could sense Marley beaming.

  “Go and have lots of fun you two. I won’t be staying up!” she exclaimed, giggling. I blew her a kiss and drifted towards Spade. He touched my waist affectionately as we stepped out of the apartment together. It was like he only wanted to touch me fleetingly, not fully. As we walked down the steps I had flashing visions of him pushing me up against the wall, taking me right there. Parting my legs and pulling down my panties. Was I wet? Seriously?!

  His bike was waiting there for us when we went down and once again, Spade helped up so I could sit behind him. Just the idea of my arms around him, feeling his wide muscular torso against my body; was titillating.

  “Ready?” he asked just before he revved up his engine. Yes, I was so fucking ready!

  He looked at me in the rearview mirror and all I could do was nod. I tightened my arms around his waist and we made like the wind. Nothing in my life was as exciting as riding with Spade, knowing that he was going to do everything to keep me safe.


  When Spade finally stopped the bike and I saw where he had brought us, I wanted to burst out crying because I couldn’t believe it. This was the last place we’d come on a date seven years ago, a few days before the incident in my backyard.

  It was one of our favorite spots around the city where we used to sit and watch the sun set together. I went running right to the edge of the rocky cliff while Spade safely parked his bike.

  I couldn’t believe he actually remembered…and all these years I’d spent thinking that he didn’t remember or care. That he had no feelings for me.

  Spade came up behind me as I stood there with my hands on my mouth. I felt his arms wind up around me and slowly we rocked together as we looked out at the horizon. The sky was gently changing color. There wasn’t another soul in sight, we were all alone.

  “I got you something,” he said and I looked over and saw a polaroid camera in his hand.

  “Spade!” I couldn’t contain my excitement. I spun around and leapt at him. We were kissing. I didn’t even care where the camera went, it was the last thing on my mind. The only thing that mattered to me was that he cared and that he remembered.

  We were kissing wildly this time. Neither of us cared about taking it slow or being gentle. His tongue was inside my mouth and I jumped up and he caught me. I wrapped my legs around him, my dress rode up my thighs and we were kissing even harder. I could feel every inch of his body pressing against mine, the heat of him.

  I knew he could feel the wetness between my legs, pressing up against his belly. The sun was setting behind us. There was nothing but sheer beauty everywhere around us, and I was in Spade’s arms.

  While we kissed we toppled down to the ground together. I was laughing as we fell. Spade softened the blow of our fall by being underneath me. I was the one on top of him this time, stretching out on him while he sucked on my lower lip.

  “You are the most delicious thing I’ve ever tasted,” he said, weaving his fingers into my curls and turning and twisting my head around to angle my face exactly how he wanted it.

  Underneath me, I could already feel his cock growing, becoming bigger and bigger the more he used his tongue to explore my mouth. I felt so beautiful when I was with him. Like the world could burn down around us and I wouldn’t care.

  “Spade…I want you inside me,” I whispered the words when I pulled away from him. I’d never said those words to anybody before, but I was so desperate for him.

  He stopped what he was doing and he looked into my eyes, still holding my face tightly with his hand.

  Then, without saying another word, Spade was lifting me up. He was carrying me back to the bike. My arms were around his neck, he was looking straight into my eyes. I wasn’t sure what he was going to do next till he put me down, right up against his bike.

  “You have no idea how long I’ve fantasized about this,” he groaned and he turned me around roughly. I had no control over the situation anymore. Everything about my please was completely in his hands now.

  He bent me over his bike. My breasts were pressing down on the seat of his bike. I could feel the leather against my skin. Spade had his hand on my back, he was keeping me pinned down. He wasn’t about to let me go anywhere and I loved it. I loved every moment of this. I could feel how much he wanted me. What being with me did to him.

  Then I felt his hands on my butt.

  He was lifting my dress up so my butt was exposed. He squeezed and kneaded it before he slapped it. It was a short quick slap and made my skin pinch. I gasped with surprise and delight. Then I pushed my butt out towards him again.

  “Is that all you got?” I hissed. He slapped my other butt cheek then. His hand came down harder and stronger this time. He was surer of what I wanted. We wanted the same things.

  I gasped again. Feeling his power felt good. I chewed down on my lip, looking at him over my shoulder. He towered over me. All muscle and strength. I could see the way his cock had grown in his jeans. I knew it was throbbing for me.

  “What more are you going to do to me, Spade?” I asked in a low murmuring voice. He caught my hair in his fist and gently yanked my head back towards him, arching my body.

  “Don’t tempt me, princess,” he growled.

  “Show me what else you’re going to do to me,” I said. I knew I was pushing him to the point of no return. But that was exactly where I wanted him to go.

  “Fuck, River! What are you doing to me!” he groaned. He sounded like a caged wild animal. He let go of my hair and then I could hear the sound of his belt coming off. I didn’t have to look over to know that he was pulling down his jeans.

  I clutched the bike tightly, positioning myself, draping my body over the bike and waiting for him to take the next step. We had never come this far before. I couldn’t wait. I’d waited too long to feel Spade inside me and finally it was going to happen.

  He came up close to me again, grabbing my body from behind with his large warm hands.

  “Are you sure this is what you want, River?” he asked, whispering it hoarsely in my ear and I nodded. I didn’t need to think about it twice.

  At first, I felt the force of the tip of his cock rubbing up against my wet pussy from behind and I gasped in anticipation. I clutched the bike even harder and then he thrust himself into me. It was a sudden but smooth movement and I felt him slide in, inch by inch till he’d filled me up completely.

  Spade didn’t take it slow with me. Just like I wanted.

  I wanted to keep feeling that uncontrollable passion in him. Feel the force with which he was going to take me.

  Spade started pounding immediately. I could hear him grunt with every push and I was moaning too. I’d pictured this happening between us so many times but I could never have imagined it feeling so good.

  I could feel his cock reaching deep inside me, stroking the deepest part of me. He was big and thick, and he fit me tightly, just like how he’d fit my mouth earlier.

  I knew I couldn’t get enough of him, but he was going to make me come.

  He thrust into me with force and very soon we fell into a rhythmic pattern. His bike was shaking, but Spade held on to it with one hand while I leaned on it with my complete weight. I could feel his weight on top of me while he kept himself mounted, his cock drilling into me, my body bent down over the bike.

  I’d never felt this powerless and powerful at the same time before. His cock was pushin
g and stroking the most sensitive part of me and my clit rubbed against the bike while he pushed me forward. I just couldn’t hold back anymore.

  “Oh my God, Spade! I’m going to come!” I squealed.

  He grunted and he started pounding even harder. I couldn’t believe he could go this hard.

  My orgasm overwhelmed me. I could feel him releasing too. I could hear his grunts and his sound of relief, but nothing else mattered to me. Only that crazy glowing feeling of complete release. I came with shudders and in waves. I could feel my toes curling in my sandals. I dug my nails into the leather seat of his bike. The bike shook and shivered under our combined weight.

  I could feel Spade shooting and emptying himself inside me too. His hands were everywhere. He was stroking me, feeling the shape of my body while he drained every last drop of his seed inside me.

  This was all I ever wanted, what I’d secretly been dreaming about for seven years…and now I could finally openly admit it without shame. I didn’t have to have hate him anymore.

  We were both spent. Spade slowly started pulling his cock out of me but first he kissed the back of my shoulder tenderly.

  “Are you okay, princess?” he asked hoarsely. I nodded my head vigorously. I hadn’t been this okay in seven years.


  Fortunately, even though the polaroid camera had fallen on the ground, it was in perfect condition. I picked it up after I’d settled my clothes back in order again and I started taking photographs of everything around me.

  Spade had thought of everything. He’d even packed us a little picnic in a satchel that was fixed to his bike. He produced a bottle of red wine and some cheese and ham sandwiches and a box of chocolates.

  I didn’t even realize I was hungry, but when I saw the food I was ravenous.

  “Fuck, I forgot glasses,” Spade said just as he popped the cork out of the wine bottle. I laughed and snatched the bottle from him and started drinking straight from it.

  “Very classy,” Spade said, laughing as he watched me stain my mouth with wine.


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