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The Brides 0f Purple Heart Ranch Boxset, Bks 1-3

Page 14

by Shanae Johnson


  Fran pulled his attention away from Eva and turned to Dr. Patel. The doctor seemed to have been waiting for him to respond for a moment by the way his patient eyes looked at him. "Yes?"

  "It's time for the vows. Will you repeat after me?"

  "Yes, of course."

  "I, Francisco DeMonti, take you, Eva Barry, to be no other than yourself."

  Fran repeated the words. With each statement, he realized the truth of the statements.

  "Loving what I know of you, trusting what I do not yet know, I will respect your integrity and have faith in your abiding love for me, through all our years, and in all that life may bring us."

  Fran had first been taken by Eva's integrity and moral character. She strove to be the best she could be and to hold her head high in a world that was constantly pushing and shoving at her. There might not be love between them, but he would take the best care of this woman she'd ever known. He'd treat her with kindness and tenderness every day that he drew breath. He would provide for her and protect her and everyone she held dear.

  "Eva, I take you as my wife, with your faults and your strengths, as I offer myself to you with my faults and strengths. I will help you when you need help and turn to you when I need help. I choose you as the person with whom I will spend my life."

  Tears glistened in Eva's eyes at this final pronouncement. Fran's heart pounded in his chest, but there was no pain this time. Just the beating of truth. Though this marriage was one of convenience, she must have known he meant every word he’d said.

  As she repeated the same words to him, he felt his own eyes burn with the light of her truth. Just as she'd spoken fiercely about her family and her dreams, she spoke her promise to him. Her tone resonating with sincerity and veracity. Though he'd stopped speaking, Fran's throat was raw as he took her words in.

  He knew, without a doubt, that she meant each of them. He believed her when she said she took him with his faults. He knew she'd be a help at every turn. He was honored that she chose him, that he would spend the rest of his life, however long, with her.

  "You may now kiss your bride."

  Fran's lips parted before Dr. Patel finished speaking. The ache that had been in his heart migrated to his fingertips. His breath quickened causing his lips to dry out. He snaked his tongue out to moisten them.

  How had he forgotten that part? His and Eva's was to be a platonic marriage, save this one kiss. But it was tradition, expected. He had to get on with it.

  He moved in slowly, carefully. He placed one palm on her shoulder, to keep her steady or to hold himself steady, he wasn't sure. He placed the other hand at her cheek to tilt her head up to his.

  He swallowed down his desire, telling it that it had no place in that moment. That it was just the culmination of a ritual, an end to the ceremony. But Fran couldn't get past the lump in his throat.

  Eva let out a small sigh as he came closer. Her breath was the sweetest thing he'd ever tasted in his life. It soothed the dryness of his lips. So, he came closer.

  He pressed his lower lip to her upper lip. The first brush of her soft lips felt like the strongest wind. He would not let it knock him down. He pressed forward. He'd only meant for the kiss to be a brief connection of lips. He was a fool to think he could stop there.

  His thumb came under her chin, tilting her head back a bit more, to give him better access. When he felt no resistance, he captured both her lips in his, and knew he was lost.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Eva had been kissed before. She'd had a couple of dates in high school. There'd been a handful of guys who'd piqued her interest in the years after.

  Kissing the high school boys had been mostly a bumping of noses, gnashing of teeth, and a sloppy exchange of spit. The men afterward, had been only a bit better, with a nice warmth from the press of lips, and a few interesting licks of the tongue.

  What was happening in her mouth with Fran, in a crowd of onlookers, was nothing like what she'd experienced in all of her dating life.

  There was no bumping or gnashing as Fran's hand expertly tilted her head exactly where he wanted her to go. So dazed by his nearness, she'd given him complete control of her head, of her body, of herself.

  Fran's lips were warm against hers. But the heat went beyond nice. He pressed into her mouth using only the firm softness of his lips. If he'd introduced his tongue, Eva was certain she'd have expired on the spot.

  He captured both of her lips with his. But he'd taken hold of more than her lips. Her heart thumped an increasing beat, as though it were marching toward him. Her brain fogged and then cleared, like a cloud moving out of the sun's way.

  Everything was so clear. She saw her entire life laid out for her, a life with this man, folded into the safety of his arms.

  For so long she'd thought school had been her dream. She saw it clearly now. School was a goal. Fran had been her dream. A dream she hadn't known she'd had until that very moment.

  The tip of his tongue darted out and tasted the fleshy part at the center of her upper lip. And just like in the storybooks, like in the teen angst movies, like in the soapy, romantic dramas on the small screen, Eva let out a swooning sigh.

  Luckily, she hadn't fainted. She’d stayed on her feet. She’d had too. She wasn't about to miss a second of that kiss. And, man oh man, it did not disappoint.

  Fran pulled away, leaving her bereft. But he did not let her go. He encased her in his arms, holding her close. His breath was heavy against her ear, his voice shaky as he spoke.

  "I've got you," he said.

  He did have her. All of her. Eva laid her head against his heart. It beat a rapid rhythm. She wondered if that was bad. It couldn't be. It had to mean he was feeling what she was feeling. She would keep his heart beating for as long as she could.

  "I now pronounce you, husband and wife."

  Eva opened her eyes to see Pastor Patel smiling at her, at them both. He had that sparkle in his eye, the same sparkle he'd had when he'd asked her to speak at the church event.

  Had he known? Had he known that she and Fran would wind up in this very spot?

  Pastor Patel hadn't balked when they'd asked him to perform their ceremony after only knowing each other for less than three days. In fact, he'd had that weekend free which was unusual for such a busy man of the church and a doctor with a booming practice.

  Applause sounded from around the gazebo. Eva stepped back from Fran's embrace, remembering that they weren't alone. All of Fran's friends filled the area. The only people to represent Eva were her brother and sister.

  She'd called her aunt and a few other family members. But they all said they couldn't make it so far on such short notice. The drive was only thirty minutes, and she doubted they had much else to do.

  But whatever.

  She was very happy at the turn out of people who cared about her. Rosalee sat next to Maggie. Both girls grinning and whispering to each other while clapping their hands. Carlos sat between Reed and Sean. Her little brother looked all grown up in his new shirt and his hair combed back.

  "I present to you, Mr. and Mrs. Fran and Eva DeMonti."

  Eva's heart gave another lurch at the sound of her new name. The lurch wasn't of fear. It was the feeling of settling in, clicking into place.

  Fran took her hand, wrapping his fingers around hers as they made their way down the steps of the gazebo.

  The lunch reception was a blur of stories of Fran. Questions fired at her to get to know her better. Being twirled around by each of Fran's fellow soldiers. And then she was in Fran's arms again, swaying slowly to a sappy Top 40's song.

  "No regrets?" he asked as he gazed down at her.

  "Not a single one." She bit her lip at the forwardness of her response. She had to remember that this was still a marriage of convenience, not one of love. Not yet anyway. "What about you?"

  "I meant those vows, Eva. I plan to take very good care of you and your family so long as I'm here."

t threw cold water on her warm emotions. Fran constantly reminded her of his failing heart. But all she could focus on was how generously it beat for all those around him.

  She'd watch him give of himself to his brothers. And now he gave all he could to her and her siblings. She'd let him take care of them. That didn't mean she couldn't take care of him too.

  "About that kiss," he began.

  Eva felt her cheeks heating. Not from embarrassment. She hoped he was about to bless her with another kiss.

  "I'm sorry about that," he said.

  "You're … sorry?"

  "I guess I just got caught up in … everything. It won't happen again."

  "It … won't?"

  "You have to know I don't expect any of … that from you."

  "Right. No affection."

  "That's not what I meant." Fran seemed to struggle. "I care about you. I care a lot. I don't mean I'll be cold to you. Or that I won't offer you my arm or my hand when we're out walking. Or that I won't hug you when I see you or hold you when you need a strong arm."

  "That's good. I like hugs."

  Fran pulled her closer as they continued to sway to the song. "You can have all the hugs you want."

  But no more kisses? Still, being inside of Fran's arms was the best feeling in the world. She'd content herself with that.

  For now.

  Chapter Fifteen

  "Are we gonna change our last names? Or will you?"

  Fran glanced in the rearview mirror at Rosalee. The kid was filled with questions since the ceremony yesterday.

  She was strapped into the back seat of his truck in another new shirt and matching skirt set. She hugged her backpack to her small chest. Brown, inquisitive eyes stared back at him in the glass reflection.

  "Only Eva changes her name," Carlos answered his sister.

  "When my friend Lisa got a new dad she changed her name, too. It was hyphenated."

  Carlos considered that.

  "Her stepdad adopted her," Rosalee continued to press.

  "Rosie, Fran isn't adopting you," said Eva.

  "That's something we can discuss," said Fran.

  Eva's mouth gaped at the pronouncement. Her pupils flicked rapidly, left to right like she was trying to read between the lines. Like always, there was nothing hidden in his words. Fran said what he meant.

  "I'd like to hyphenate," said Rosalee. "So we have a piece of mom and dad and a piece of Fran."

  Eva turned back and faced forward. From her profile, Fran saw her throat work. She was holding back emotion.

  "Yeah," said Carlos. "That sounds good to me. After the adoption, I'll hyphenate too."

  "What will you do when you have kids of your own?" asked Rosalee. "I guess they'll be DeMonti."

  Now Fran faced entirely forward, eyes on the road, hands gripping the steering wheel. They hadn't addressed much of the truth of their marriage with the kids. Rosalee and Carlos hadn't even realized that Fran and Eva hadn't slept in the same bedroom last night.

  They'd waited until after the kids had gone to bed to slip inside their respective rooms. It hadn't been just a slip inside. Fran had walked Eva to her room. He'd tried not to stare at her. She was still dressed in the sundress from the ceremony but her feet were bare on the hardwood floors. He'd found himself staring at her pink toes.

  When he'd lifted his gaze, he was met with the curves he'd been trying to ignore all day. A little higher and there was her beautiful face, still flushed from the day's excitement. They'd laughed until they were hoarse, danced until they were sore, and ate until they were glutted. It was the best day Fran had had all year, in many years.

  As they stood at her bedroom door, Eva's hair was loosened from the do she'd worn earlier. Her hair was a halo around her face, making her look like a sleepy angel. Fran itched to push a strand back behind her ear.

  He clenched his fist instead. Like he'd done when instinct drove his fingers to hold her hand while they sat side by side at the picnic table. Like he'd done when impulse put his lips next to her ear to whisper something funny while they danced. He'd pulled his hand away before taking hers in his. He'd turned his head to the side before confiding in her.

  He had to constantly remind himself that this wasn't a real marriage, it wasn't a love relationship. It was a convenience, a means to an end to keep her and her family safe, and to allow him to spend the rest of his days near those who cared about him.

  But that night, after his friends had left them to their home and after the kids had gone to sleep, as he stood with his new wife outside her bedroom door, Eva had slipped inside his arms. He'd told her she could. It was the only thing she'd asked of him.


  Fran's arms came around her. His palms met her warm flesh. His nose came to rest atop that cloud of hair. And it was heaven.

  She hadn't said anything. Just rested her head against his heart for a moment. Then she’d let him go and slipped inside her bedroom door. Fran had stood outside her door for long moments after, waiting for his heartbeat to settle and his desire to cool.

  This was a convenience. It wasn't real. It couldn't be real, because it wouldn't last. There would be no tall children with long limbs and brown eyes. But there were these two children in his care, and he would do everything to make sure that Carlos and Rosalee were cared for.

  "I'm so sorry we're taking you out of your way," Eva said as Fran pulled up to the kids' school.

  The middle school was a twenty-minute drive from the ranch. There was no school bus service that far. Someone from the ranch would have to drive them every day.

  "I'll figure out the city bus service soon—"

  "Absolutely not," said Fran. "They're not taking a twenty-minute bus ride every day. And neither are you."

  Eva did a double take. Fran shrugged. He would not budge on this.

  "If I'm busy then one of the guys will take them," he said. "Or you can just take the truck and take them yourself."

  "I can't take your truck from you."

  "Then let me buy you your own car."

  "I can't let you buy me a car."

  "Why not?"

  "Because it would take me forever to pay you back."

  "I'm your husband," Fran said patiently. "What's mine is yours. And your siblings’."

  "You can buy me a car," said Carlos.

  "You can earn a car by doing work around the ranch," said Fran.

  "Deal," Carlos agreed.

  Fran looked to Rosalee. He knew that smart little girl was paying attention. He was right.

  "I want a bike," she said.

  "That's doable. Your sister and I will discuss how you can earn it."

  Eva sat silently next to him. She didn't look upset. Just a bit shell-shocked.

  Fran pulled up to the school drop-off point. He reached back and gave Carlos some dap. Rosalee leaned across her seat and gave her sister a hug. Then she turned to Fran and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Once the kids were inside the doors, Fran pulled back into traffic.

  "Did I overstep my bounds back there?" he asked after a couple of miles of silence.

  "No," Eva said quietly. "You just made our boundaries bigger."

  "That's a good thing, right?"

  "Yes." She turned to him. Her smile was more in her eyes than on her lips. "I'm not used to this, Fran. I'm not used to having a partner. I'm not used to having help with all of my responsibilities. I'm not used to giving them anything beyond the basics. They deserve more."

  "You do, too."

  "You're not buying me a car," she said firmly.

  Fran didn't bother hiding his grin. "Not for a while."

  She shook her head at him, but her smile had spread. Not just across her face. Her smile had spread to him. It crawled over his skin and then seeped inside, like rays of sunlight.

  He pulled up to her campus. There was a drop-off spot called Kiss and Ride. The sign stared them in the face.

  Eva released the seatbelt. She placed her hand on the door handle. Before openi
ng the door, she turned to him. Releasing the handle, she put her hand on his chest. She leaned over, coming closer to him.

  Her lips met the side of his face, but she might as well have kissed him on the lips. Her soft lips hit him hard in the gut. It took everything not to turn to her and take her mouth, staking his claim, his rightful claim, to this woman, his wife. But he held still.

  "Thank you, Fran."

  "Have a good day at school," he said. "I'll be right here when you finish."

  She smiled at him again, mostly with her eyes. She removed her hand from his heart. It pounded in protest. Fran watched her until she disappeared inside.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Eva remembered each of her first days of school. The first day of kindergarten she'd come with a new outfit, her lunchbox, and shared her cookies with Mary Bennett. Her first day of middle school, she'd gotten a new backpack and had put her Trapper Keeper inside with colorful dividers for each of her classes. The first day of high school, she'd been in hand-me-downs and last year’s binder that sported duct tape to hold it together. Lunch had been courtesy of the Free Lunch program. That was the first year both her parents had died.

  She wore a comfortable pair of jeans and a new top today. It was a top she'd gotten when she'd purchased her wedding dress. She'd had a bit left over since she hadn't had to buy food for the week. She hadn't had to spend a dime on anyone but herself that weekend.

  Fran had taken care of everything. From her living situation, to her siblings' care, to putting food on the table. Food, clothes, and shelter. And now he wanted to buy her a car. All of this and she wasn't even putting out!

  She laughed to herself as she walked into the university's School of Science building. She wanted to put out for her husband. She wanted to know what it would be like to get lost inside Fran's arms, beneath his solid frame, maybe even on top of his big body.

  Eva's cheeks heated. She'd never had such bold thoughts before. She'd never met someone who'd inspired them before. With just a few, likely chaste by most standards, kisses, and she was a wanton woman.


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