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Vince: Book Two of the Perfectly Independent Series

Page 24

by Amanda Shelley

  The vixen she is presses her ass against my straining dick in my pants.

  Shit. I need to keep things under control.

  But damn, I don’t think I’ve ever wanted anyone like I want her.

  When my jeans become past the point of comfort, I curse out a moan. “Fuck…Syd… You feel so good.”

  She reaches behind her and cups my cock through my jeans, making her intentions clear.

  “Do you have any condoms?”

  Why the fuck haven’t I bought any condoms?

  I’ve never hated myself more than I do in this moment.

  Closing my eyes because I can’t bear to look at her as I cringe my answer. “No…” God, she’s gonna hate me.

  I swear I’ll make it up to her though.

  When she’s quiet for way too long of time, I crack one eye open to peek at her.

  She’s got one eyebrow cocked and a curious expression on her face. Seeing she has my attention, she whispers, “Why?”

  Shit… how do I say this… “I… Uh…” Great, I’ve got an impeccable vocabulary, and it totally fucking fails me in this moment.

  What do I even use as an excuse? It never even crossed my mind.

  I’m such a dumb ass! And incredibly moronic, unprepared dumb ass.

  Completely misreading my discomfort, she shrugs. “What would you say if I brought some?”

  Well, shit…



  Vince’s mouth forms a perfect O.

  Shit, maybe he’s not ready for this?

  I know I am but dammit, I never considered he’s been holding off because he doesn’t want us to go there.

  “Or maybe not,” I backpedal, and I start to climb off him.

  But he catches my wrists and clasps our hands together as he holds them against my chest.

  “No… it’s… not what you’re thinking… I’m sure.”

  Flippantly, I spout, “So, you aren’t avoiding having sex with me?”

  Damn, I hate my sass in times like this.

  I swear my thoughts roll off my tongue without even letting me have a chance of filtering them.

  “I’m not avoiding you…” he rushes out but stops and looks to the ceiling as if he’s trying to gather his thoughts.

  “I just didn’t think to buy condoms,” he whispers. His deep voice seems pained or filled with some emotion I can’t pinpoint.

  “It’s okay, Vince,” I say, still trying to put some distance between us. “If you’re not ready to take things to the next level, I don’t want to pressure you.” But his grip remains firm.

  Staring directly in my eyes, he sighs heavily. “It’s not that I’m not ready… I just… fuck… how do I say this without sounding like a complete tool…” He closes his eyes once again as his deep voice trails off.

  I wait as he fights for the words he’s trying hard to find.

  I’m not certain, but I’m sure there’s something else he’s not telling me.

  When his eyes open, they find mine in an instant. “Sorry… it’s… uh, hard to have this conversation when you’re deliciously naked on top of me.”

  “Uh, if you’d let me go, I could get off,” I point out the obvious as I pull at our hands.

  Shaking his head as if I’ve missed the point, he mumbles, “No… I rather like you as you are…” He sucks in a deep breath, then continues, “Fuck… why is this so hard to say?” Then he looks me up and down and shakes his head as if he’s internally scolding himself for ogling me. “I guess what I’m trying to say is that I’ve never had a need to buy condoms… so I never thought about them.”

  What the hell is he talking about?

  “Need them?”

  “Yeah,” he sighs heavily, and my entire body shifts with his effort. “I’ve never bought them before because it was my way of refraining from sex.”

  “Vince… if you’re not ready, I completely understand.”

  He releases one of his hands and drags it down his face. “Well… there’s a long story that goes with it… most you already know… but I’ve never let myself get close enough with a woman to want her the way I want you.”

  What is he trying to say? I scrutinize his expression but come up empty-handed. “You’re not making any sense.”

  Rolling his eyes, he looks again to the ceiling. After another long exhale, his eyes find mine. “After we found out about Jules and then the accident…” He trails off.

  What the hell is he talking about? Panic sets in. Has something else happened I don’t know about?

  “Calm down,” he says as he brushes my hair from my face. “Nothing bad has happened… It’s just… Van getting pregnant in high school… well… it was the ultimate birth control for me. I didn’t want to be with anyone in fear of being a teenage parent…” He takes in another breath before continuing, “Then after my parents… well… I knew I already had two people who needed me, I couldn’t afford to let someone else in. That is… until you came along…”

  I think I’m following him, but I’m not prepared to make assumptions. “What do you mean?”

  “First, you’re the first girl I’ve even considered having more with. You’re the first one I’ve let completely in and would even consider changing things for.”

  I know he said he never dated much… but I’m the first? First what?

  “What are you considering?” I push for clarification.

  “I’m at a place in my life where I have less than a year until graduation. Van and Jules will only need me for a short period of time and will be fine if I focus my attention on my wants and needs, too.”

  “Oh, Vince,” I sigh. He’s so sweet to think of his sister like that. His adoration only makes me fall harder for him.

  “So, we’re clear, Syd. I want you.” He adjusts me so I can feel his intentions.

  “But…” Why does he hesitate? And why has he told me all of this? It doesn’t make sense.

  “I’ve only hesitated because this is all new to me.” He reaches out to place a hand on my cheek. The sincerity in his eyes makes my heart clench harder for him. “I… I’m a virgin, Syd. I want to make sure I meet your needs and expectations, and I…”

  I can’t take this. “Stop.”

  “But…” he pleads.

  “Just stop, Vince. The fact that you have done nothing but meet my needs is more than enough. What about your needs? Don’t you ever think of yourself?”

  He grins sexily. “Uh… yeah… why do you think you’re here?”

  “If you want to wait for sex, I’m more than okay with that,” I assure him.

  “Uh… no, that’s not the point, Syd. I’m ready for sex. Especially with you. I was just the dumbass who didn’t think to buy condoms when we finally have the house alone for the day. Did you really bring some? Or were you just tempting me?”

  Nodding, I admit, “They’re in my purse in the kitchen.”

  Before I can even finish the thought, he rolls me to the side and bolts off the bed. I hear his feet slap against the hardwood floors and disappear. Within seconds, Vince returns breathless with my purse in hand. “I never dig through a woman’s purse,” he offers in explanation as he tosses it at me.

  Reaching in my purse, I glance to him. “Are you sure you’re ready for this? I don’t want to pressure you.”

  Unbuckling his jeans, he drops them to the floor. Then he crawls up the bed wearing only his boxers. “I love you for caring, Syd. But honestly, this thing between us is exactly what I want. What I need,” he says as he reaches for my purse and sets it on his bedside table.

  Wait? Did he just say he loves me?

  I don’t get to contemplate his words as he crawls up my body. “You’ve just gotta tell me what to do… so I don’t hurt you or anything,” he explains. Then he sheepishly adds, “Or forgive me if I come too soon… or don’t satisfy you… I’m a quick study… I’m sure with practice I can learn what you like.”

  Ohmigod… this man.

  His sincerity
as he leans in to kiss me completely seals the deal for stealing my heart. “Vince… stop worrying…” I wait for him to look me in the eye before continuing. “You’re the only person who seems to have the magic code to cracking my body as quickly as you do. Trust me… you leave me more than satisfied.”


  Shaking my head at his absurdities, I say, “As if you didn’t just wreck me. Would it be easier for you if I were on top?”

  “Only if next time, I am.” His beautiful hazel eyes dance as he teases me playfully.

  I’ve laid out an entire strip of condoms on the pillow beside me. “Well, I do have these…” I pull him in for a kiss.

  After kissing the hell out of Vince for a few minutes, I pull away breathless and pat his leg, suggesting he roll over. Once he’s on his back, I grin. “That’s better.”

  Crawling up his body, I kiss him some more before trailing kisses down his jawline and onto his chest. Knowing he’s ticklish, I quickly make it to his happy trail that escapes into his boxers. As I kiss down his sculpted V, I remove his underwear.

  As soon as they are thrown to the floor, I focus on his bobbing cock that’s begging for my attention. Grasping his shaft, I take my thumb and wipe off the precum that’s already glistening at his tip. I slide my hand up and down a few times before licking his tip.

  Vince groans in appreciation.

  Reaching in with my other hand, I cup his balls as I suck him as far as I can down my throat. I swear his cock gets even harder with this move. Loving this reaction, I do it again.

  “Uh, Syd,” Vince interrupts. “If you plan on doing anything else, you may not want to continue with that…”

  Getting his message loud and clear, I reach for the foil packet on the pillow beside him and tear it open. Pinching the tip, I roll the condom over his cock and can’t help but grin when Vince adjusts it at the end to make sure it’s in place.

  Reaching into my purse, I grab the new bottle of lube I’d picked up with the condoms and put a drop or two at his tip, before spreading it around.

  Not knowing how losing one’s virginity feels for a guy, I straddle his waist once more and kiss him again. When I pull back, I offer him one last out, “Are you sure?”

  He nods eagerly with a dopey grin plastered on his face. “I’m not sure I’ve ever been more ready. God, Syd, you are absolutely gorgeous.”

  Lifting up as I kiss him once more, I guide his shaft to my center. When I know we’re lined up, I press down a bit to let him enter me, then I slowly retract to the tip again. Vince groans hungrily, and I’m encouraged to continue. Trying to let him acclimate, I repeat this process until our pelvic bones meet.

  “Fuck… Syd, you feel so good,” he pants as he reaches for one breast to kiss it.

  Needing to move, I set a slow and steady rhythm that will make me join him if we keep this up. “Oh, God, Vince…. This is incredible…”

  As if he can read my mind, he presses a thumb to my clit and circles as I pick up my pace riding his cock. “I’m not sure how long…” he starts, but I interrupt.

  “Me, too… Right there. I’m so close…”

  All thought goes out the window as I chase this orgasm with him. The moment I start to break, Vince practically roars as he lets go and pulsates right along with me.

  His eyes meet mine, and he brushes the hair from my face as he kisses me through the last shivering quakes of my orgasm.

  When I’m completely spent and barely have the ability to form coherent thought, I slump to his chest, his cock still twitching inside me with the new movement.

  “You okay, Syd?” His voice is filled with concern.

  “More than okay,” I assure him. “You?”

  His chest rumbles with laughter. “Are you kidding me? I don’t think I have a drop of cum left in me. You’re a fucking goddess who’s completely wrecked me. I didn’t think it could be like this.”

  “It typically isn’t,” I admit. “I haven’t had a connection like this with anyone.”

  Holy. Fucking. Shit.

  If this is how sex with Vince will be every time … I am done for.



  Now that I’ve had sex with Sydney, I want it all the time. In the shower, on top, on bottom, against the wall, from behind. I’m determined to experience everything with the goddess who’s completely wrecked me for all others.

  I guess that’s why I’m driving home at five a.m. on a Saturday from her house, so I can watch Julia this morning while Van pulls an early shift at the diner. I’d picked up Syd from her shift at the bar, and I’m proud to admit she’s just going to bed now.

  God, I hope Jules will sleep for a few more hours as I haven’t slept since the short nap I took before arriving at the bar. Not wanting to risk the chance of waking Jules with the garage door, I park on the street and enter through our front door.

  Seeing the kitchen light on, I wander in to let Vanessa know I’m here and that I’m sorry I’m a few minutes late. She still has about ten minutes before she typically leaves for her shift, but I don’t want her to worry.

  “Hey,” I whisper as I round the corner so that I won’t frighten her. “Sorry I’m running late. I forgot my phone charger, or I would’ve texted to let you know I was on my way.”

  But my excuse lands on an empty room. Where is she? I start to go check her room when I notice it.

  There in the middle of the kitchen floor is a small puddle of blood, and a broken bowl lays next to it. I follow the droplets to the drawer we have towels in and see it, too, has smudges of blood.

  Shit. What happened?

  Quickly, I rush to her room to make sure she’s okay. The lights are on, including in Julia’s room, so I holler, “Hey, Van? Where are you?”

  I check both bedrooms and the bathroom.

  Fuck. Something must be wrong.

  Rushing to the garage, I fling the door open, only to find it empty.

  Needing to get my charger to make a call, I curse myself for letting it die last night. I should know better.

  I’m a fucking wreck as I fumble with my phone to get it to charge.

  Zero percent battery.

  Fuck, it will take a few minutes until I get enough juice to see if Van’s left me any messages.

  There are two different hospitals within fifteen minutes of us. I have no idea which one she’d go to as our insurance will cover both.

  Trying to get my phone to power up, I frantically press the button over and over again to no avail. Fuck, if I didn’t need it so desperately, I’d chuck it across the room in frustration.

  When it finally powers up, I find one voice mail, and I can’t cue it up fast enough to find out what’s happened.

  “Hey, Vin. There’s been an accident, and I need to take Jules to the hospital. You’re not due here for about thirty minutes, so I assume you’re sleeping or something.” The sounds of Julia crying get closer, then Vanessa comforts her, “Come on, baby, let’s get you in the car. I’ll call you when I know more.” Click.

  She doesn’t even tell me which hospital.

  What the fuck happened?

  Grabbing the portable charger from the kitchen we keep as a spare, I rush back to my room to change into a pair of jeans and grab a hoodie. Connecting my phone on the way out the door.

  The moment my phone connects to my Jeep’s hands-free device, I dial my sister.

  It rings once… twice… three times and no answer. When it connects to voice mail, I leave a message letting Van know I’m on my way and to call me back.

  But fuck… Which hospital?

  Letting my twin senses guide me, I follow the easiest route to a hospital. I don’t see Van’s car in the parking lot, but the place is huge and fairly crowded for this early in the morning.

  Running through the emergency room doors, I scan the waiting room in hopes that I’ll find them. Nothing. The place isn’t too full, but that doesn’t mean they’re not here and already being seen by a doctor.

  A kind nurse at the triage desk asks, “Can I help you?”

  “Yeah,” I pant. “My sister and niece had an accident, and I want to know if they were brought here.”

  “Why don’t you tell me their name, and I can see if I can help?” She taps on her computer before I can even get out their full names.

  When she grimaces, my heart sinks.

  “I don’t have anyone by that name here. Let me check one more place. I just came on shift, and maybe they’re being triaged.”

  Why the fuck didn’t I charge my phone last night?

  Hell… if I hadn’t been having the time of my life, they might not even be here in the first place.

  “You’re in luck,” the person behind the desk says. “I’ve found them. We’d just called them back. Can I get your name, and I’ll tell them you’re here?” She points to the lobby. “You can just wait right there until I return.”

  I’m still on edge, but my anxiety decreases slightly knowing I’ve come to the right place. Since they’d obviously been waiting for some time before I arrived, maybe the injury isn’t as bad as I’m making it out to be.

  I can hope, right?

  Now isn’t the time to let my vivid imagination run wild.

  Knowing I have enough energy to pace a hole in the shiny white tile, I force myself to do as the woman behind the desk asks. Walking to the closest chair available, I plop in the seat and wait.

  My leg bounces as I mull over the possibilities of what could’ve happened. If it were life threatening, they would’ve come by ambulance. Fuck… there are still so many things it could be. The blood wasn’t enough to cause catastrophic injuries… but damn, there’s quite a mess. I’ll have to head home before them to clean up. No sense in making another trip to the ER today.

  When the woman from before motions for me to follow her, I jump from my seat to shorten the space between us. When I get close enough to hear, she says, “They’re in curtain number four. Just take a left after you get through that door, and you’ll find it on your right.”


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