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Rehabbing the Beast

Page 7

by Abbie Zanders

  “Really?” The smile she gave him filled him with so much warmth and love, his chest swelled. Even the beast rolled over onto his back and offered his belly.

  “Yeah. Now let’s go see your grandmother.” If he had to keep the ring in his pocket for much longer it was going to make a permanent indentation in his leg.

  The brilliance of her smile faded, and Seth felt a sudden chill. She put her hand on his thigh. “Seth, wait. We need to talk.”

  He sat back down and eyed her carefully. “Don’t start a conversation with ‘we need to talk’. It never bodes well.”

  She gave him a small smile. He squeezed her hand, doing his best to hold down the heavy feeling of dread stealing over him.

  “I love you,” she blurted out.

  The swelling in his chest grew, along with a renewed spark of hope. “A much better conversation starter,” he murmured.

  “My life is with you.”

  “Also good,” he said cautiously. So far, he wasn’t seeing the problem.

  Quinn took a deep breath. “My grandmother holds a very special place here... in this town. When she’s gone, there will be no one to take over.”

  “Go on,” he coaxed. He had surmised as much. Siobhan Brennan was a keystone of this community. A much loved and respected treasure that they held on to and protected fiercely.

  “Well, it’s just that I’m a healer, too. Not as good as she is, of course, but she can teach me, train me. It’s a special gift, Seth.”

  “And you’re afraid I would take you away from all this,” he guessed. When she said nothing, he had his answer.

  “Quinn, you do have a special gift. You were born to do what you do. As long as you continue to do what makes you happy and let me stand by you while you do, I don’t care where we are.”

  A tiny pinprick of hope sparked in her eyes, brilliant white amidst the soft gray. “You would consider staying here?”

  “Why not?” he shrugged. “It’s a nice place. Good people. Hell, I’m even part of a clan.” He winked. And maybe, just maybe, he would consider taking Malcolm MacDougal up on his offer of a job. Over the last few weeks, he’d discovered he not only enjoyed woodworking and crafting furniture, but that he had a knack for it as well. When he held a piece of wood in his hands, he could feel what it was meant to be.

  “You know, Seth O’Rourke, I think I just fell in love with you all over again.”

  His heart soared. “Good,” he said kissing her nose. “Now let’s go see Siobhan.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Siobhan insisted that Seth go down on one knee, which he was only too happy to do, but he grumbled a little, just to make it believable. She gave her permission and her blessing, and was ecstatic when they informed her that they intended to remain in Erehwon.

  They made plans to meet in the village the next day to speak with the priest and set a date. In the meantime, since they were now officially betrothed, Siobhan had no further issue with chaperoning and sent them on their way, twittering about young love. Seth wasted no time in taking advantage of the opportunity before Quinn came to her senses and changed her mind.

  They spoke little as Seth drove beyond the limits of Erehwon, each wrapped up in their own quiet anticipation of what was to come. It only took about an hour to find a decent hotel not too far from the interstate. After registering as “Mr. and Mrs. Seth O’Rourke”, they were provided with a comfortable, if not extravagant, suite.

  “The bed and breakfast was just too visible,” he explained quietly once the bellman had been tipped and sent on his way. Dimming the lights to a soft glow, he stalked across the room with purpose and quiet grace. His beast, the one he tried so hard to hide, was close to the surface now, a predator seeking its prey. Not to harm, but to claim and be claimed in return.

  “Definitely,” she breathed in agreement, but remained by the door.

  “Everyone would see you coming up to my room,” he continued, using the words to simultaneously distract and ensnare.

  Eyes wide, Quinn nodded in ready agreement, too excited to speak. It was the way of small, close-knit communities. Those that didn’t see with their own eyes would be fed a play-by-play, detailed account by those who had.

  “That might be awkward. I can’t have anyone questioning the virtue of my bride-to-be, now, can I?”

  Quinn hummed in agreement, her body visibly responding to him. The beast growled, not in warning, but in anticipation.

  “Come here.”

  She did as commanded, walking across the carpet slowly, wholly unaware of her seductive gait as she approached. The beast rose up within him, desperate to possess, to own, to claim, but Seth tethered it, refusing to cause her any pain. Both he and his beast were in complete agreement on that.

  When she reached him, he placed his hands on her shoulders and lowered his head. “Quinn,” he breathed, brushing his lips tenderly over hers. “My sweet Quinn. Do you know how long I have dreamed of this?”

  HIS KISS DEEPENED. One hand cupped the back of her head while the other made its way down to the curve of her back, both pulled her closer against him. She caught his breath as her own; there was no mistaking the full, aroused length of him pressing into her belly. Her breasts grew heavy and full even as a slow burn began to build in her center, warming her, readying her for him.

  “I want to go slow with you,” he whispered, breaking away only far enough that he could begin to unbutton her shirt. “But I don’t know that I can. I swear to you, Quinn, I will do my best not to hurt you.”

  “I know,” she answered. And she did.

  Together they undressed each other, taking turns learning each other’s secrets with their hands and mouths as each new area was bared. Seth was gentle and patient, guiding her, teaching her how to please and be pleased with her special affinity for touch. When nothing more remained between them, Seth lay her down on the bed and stretched out on his side beside her.

  He took one breast in his mouth, plumping the other with his hand. It was so easy to lose herself in his touch. His large, calloused hands stroked over her with reverence, each stroke claiming her as his.

  Once she was panting from his ardent attentions to her breasts, he slowly worked his hand down her belly to the patch of curls at her center. She lifted her hips in blatant demand, seduced beyond the point of modesty. Seth was and always had been the one, the only man who she trusted enough to give this gift.

  He took a deep breath, his muscles tensed as if striving for control. “Fuck, Quinn, you’re so beautiful. So wet and ready for me.”

  She hummed in agreement, relinquishing control, giving her soul the freedom to join with his as they joined their bodies. He petted her sex gently at first before sliding his fingers along her slick folds. She made sounds in the back of her throat, low sounds primal and needy in nature and meant to speak directly to the beast inside of him. With utmost care, he slipped one finger inside her while rubbing his thumb over her sensitive nub. She arched off the bed, his name on her lips, and he cursed.

  “I’m not going to last long inside you,” he breathed in regret.

  “I’d be disappointed if you did,” she told him truthfully.”

  With care and skill, he worked a second finger inside her, stretching and soothing, scissoring and pleasuring, preparing her for him. He flicked gently at the thin membrane that marked her innocence, a brief sting of pain soon eased by his caring touch. He would be her first. Her last. The only man she would ever know.

  She writhed beneath him, begging him to make the ache go away. Heat burned in those incredible eyes, icy blue-white fire that soothed even as it branded her soul. She came at his command, crying out his name as she flew into the heavens.

  Before she came down completely, he placed himself over her. The very tip of him nudged at her now slick, swollen entrance, still tingling with the aftereffects of her first orgasm. He held her tenderly in his arms and looked into her eyes, fiery, icy blue into soft gray.

  He waited until he
had her complete and undivided attention; until her soft cries quieted and she stared back at him. The love, the need, the wonder she saw in those beautiful eyes shot through her with the force of a lightning bolt, searing her forever. “I love you, Quinn.”

  Before he finished speaking the words, he slid himself inside her, shattering the last of her innocence. Her eyes widened at the sudden, sharp pain as a small cry left her lips. He stilled, kissing her lips, her eyelids, her cheeks as he stroked her hair.

  “Ssshhh, it won’t last long, I promise,” he whispered and she nodded with complete trust. The pain was already beginning to recede, replaced with a heavy, aching fullness that needed... something.

  Quinn discovered what that something was when Seth began to move inside her. It felt so good that her eyes rolled back and she gave herself up to it completely. “Wrap your legs around my waist,” he coaxed, his voice thick and husky with need. She did, and felt him penetrate her even deeper.

  “Ah, fuck, Quinn,” he growled. “You are so fucking perfect. So fucking good. So fucking mine.”

  Her nails dug into the skin of his back. “And you are mine, Seth O’Rourke. Now and forever.”

  “Fuck yes, I am.” He thrust into her over and over again. “Come for me, Quinn. Come for me, baby.”

  Her mind was long gone, lost in the bliss, but her body heeded his command with greedy obedience. She shattered around him, her sheath rippling and squeezing, pulling him deeper until she felt him at the entrance to her womb. With a final push, he exploded inside her, jet after jet of his hot essence shooting out of his pulsing cock. She came again, right on the back of the last one.

  He collapsed beside her, pulling her over with him. With their bodies intimately joined and limbs entangled, they both drifted off to an exhausted sleep.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Seth awoke with the warmth of Quinn’s body snuggled close against him. Her silky hair fell across his chest; one arm and one leg rested on him as if afraid he might try to slip away in the night.

  As if there was a chance of that happening.

  He couldn’t see her face, but he could feel the strong, steady beat of her heart. It beat in rhythm with his own, and he wondered if it would always be like that. If he would always feel as connected to her as he was at that moment.

  Thank you, God. He never would have believed it possible to know such peace. He had awoken her several times during the evening and throughout the night to make love to her. Each time she had surrendered herself willingly; her incredible passion rivaled his own. The thought of spending the rest of his life with her filled him with sensations he never thought he’d feel again: hope. Joy. Anticipation.

  He would let her rest for a little while, but they would be making love again before they left to return to the idyllic little valley. Maybe several times. Yeah. Definitely several times.

  His inner beast yawned and stretched, lazily blinking its golden eyes, finally content.

  Today they would meet with the priest and set a date, the date where they would speak vows before the townspeople and before God to love, honor, and cherish each other. It was all for show, though. He’d already made those promises to Quinn, in his heart and in his mind. She had done the same.

  He must have dozed off again, because the next thing he knew, he felt the most glorious pull on his cock. Opening his eyes, he found Quinn nestled between his legs, exploring him with her hands and tongue.

  “Quinn!” he managed to choke out. “Ah, God, baby. What are you doing?”

  She stopped licking him long enough to look up at him. “I must not be doing it right if you have to ask. Do you know, this is the only part of you I haven’t had my hands on yet?” One slim, strong hand curled around him and squeezed around the base, pumping up and down as her lips parted and she took the broad head into her mouth.

  “Fuck!” he cried, fisting his hands in her hair.

  “That’s more like it,” she purred against him.

  Who was this bold angelic vixen who had possessed his sweet, innocent Quinn? His beast answered for him, howling in blessed torment: their mate. That one perfect woman who was everything, who knew what they needed before they did. Had always known. They’d just been too blind to see it.

  But no longer. The blinders had been removed, and both Seth and his beast willingly surrendered themselves over to her. Hands, fingers, lips, teeth, tongue, until all he could see was a haze. His hips bucked, matching the rhythm she’d set, until he could no longer contain his need to explode.

  Grasping beneath her shoulders, he pulled her up his body and then rolled her beneath him in one, smooth graceful move. He only hoped she was ready, because he didn’t want to stop. In one fierce, desperate thrust he embedded himself fully inside of her. Two thrusts and she was screaming his name and rippling around him in ecstasy; three, and he was joining her.

  “Why did you do that?” he asked when he was capable of speech again. She nuzzled her face into his neck. “You didn’t like it?”

  He snorted. “I loved it, Quinn. I’m just trying to understand where that came from.”

  “I wanted to please you.”

  “Ah, Quinn,” he said, pulling her closer. How had he ever thought he could live without her?

  QUINN’S BODY WAS HUMMING. Seth had done amazing things to her body, introducing her to a whole new world of how two people could express love for one another. She had to sit carefully in the car; some parts were deliciously sore and even small bumps in the road were reminders of how they had spent the last twenty-four hours.

  “You okay?” he asked, interlacing his fingers with hers.

  “Better than okay,” she said, smiling, but the smile quickly faded.

  “I hurt you, didn’t I?” he said, his expression regretful. “I’m sorry, Quinn. I really tried to be gentle.”

  “You were gentle, Seth,” she assured him. “I’m just... having trouble believing this is real. It seems to be too good to be true.”

  Seth lifted their hands and kissed her knuckles. “I know what you mean. But it’s real, Quinn. And I think we deserve a little happiness, you and I.”

  Quinn nodded as she finally allowed the reality to soak in. Today they would see the priest, and if Seth had his way, they would be married within the month. That was fine with her, she thought, as she already felt the first stirring deep inside her.

  She smiled, wondering if their daughter would have her father’s eyes...

  A Note from Abbie

  Like many of my stories, the fictional villages of Erehwon and Graystonville are set in Northeastern Pennsylvania, where I was born and raised. However, they are both based on a combination of real villages steeped in local anthracite coal mining history, particularly those along the Route 309 corridor (which I still travel quite often).

  The Molly Maguires are (were) a real thing, too. If you have any Irish ancestry and live in the coal mining regions of Pennsylvania, then chances are, you have heard the whispered stories of the secret society of poor immigrant activists who lashed out against the mine owners of the latter 19th century. To this day, they are spoken of in hushed tones, if at all, in public. The identities of many long since passed are known only to a few, their names still whispered down from generation to generation.

  The settings, the history, the characters... they all seem real to me because in many ways, they are. And now they belong to you, too.

  Thank you so much for taking this amazing journey with me.

  Thanks for reading Seth and Quinn’s story

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  If you liked this book...

  ... and enjoy military heroes, independent heroines, and slow burn, small town romance, then you might also like the first book in my new BAMF series, Going Nowhere:


  A sudden knocking interrupted our conversation and drew our attention to the kitchen door. If the looming silhouette in the window didn’t give it away, the sudden, tingly awareness skating along my skin did. Green Eyes.

  Gram got up and opened the door before I had a chance to beat a hasty retreat. I settled for clearing the table and standing at the sink with my back to him, directing all of my attention to the serious business of rinsing the breakfast dishes.

  Or at least, I tried to. His presence wrapped around me like a warm blanket, making it impossible to ignore him completely. It kind of pissed me off. There were enough things in my life that I had little or no control over. My body (generally) wasn’t one of them.

  Gram, of course, invited him in and suggested that I pour him a cup of coffee. I took a deep breath and reminded myself that I really did love my grandmother and matchmaking was in her DNA.

  “Thanks, Mrs. Quirke,” Green Eyes said in that low, delicious voice, “but I can’t stay. I just stopped by because they’re calling for a Nor’easter in a day or two, and I wondered if there was anything I could pick up for you in the way of supplies while I’m in town.”


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