Serina: Awakened

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Serina: Awakened Page 1

by LH Bondi


  Book 1




  Serina series book 1: Awakened by L.H.Bondi

  © 2018 L.H. Bondi

  All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law. For permissions contact:

  [email protected]

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 1


  Serina lay in her bed, eyes wide open taking in every detail. That small crack in the ceiling. The one her father had promised to fix only about a hundred times since she could remember. Every day the thing kept creeping bigger and bigger. At least when she looked it seemed to. Now maybe the new owners would fix it. Maybe not who knew.

  She closed her eyes took a deep breath shaking her head. What's wrong with me. I'm being so silly. A crack. A crack. Sitting up in bed and swinging her legs to the side she stood up, walked to the window throwing open the window a cool breeze burst inside surrounding her with fall. Mm mm she would miss this. The coolness in the air.

  Who knew if her new home would be like this. She hadn’t had time to think, let alone research where they were headed. Louisiana of all places. Swamps and mosquitoes if the movies were to be believed.

  Such a long way from California.

  It wasn't her friends she would miss. That would be if she had any of those she snorted. Nope it was always just her. The other kids, or people for that matter always seemed to regard Serina as strange-different. Never fitting in. Which suited her just fine. She was always more comfortable around things. Books, antiques, not so much computers although most associated her with computers. Strange how that persona goes with being as others say a geek. She always felt comfort around older things. But her favorite was always houses. Old houses. They called to her somehow, always drawing her in. The forgotten ones the most. They seemed to talk to her. And she always felt welcome somehow. A feeling she never seemed to find anywhere else. Except maybe her parents. They always understood her. And even encouraged her "gift" they would call it.

  "Gift" was rather a strange word, as far as she was concerned. But hey, if it made them happy. Then sure her gift it was.

  But she would miss this place. The changing of the seasons. Her walks on the beach. But this house had always welcomed her from the beginning. Whoever its new occupants were I hope they realized what a kind soul it was.

  Putting her hands to her face and shaking her hair she moaned out loud. " Man Serina. Soul really. Sometimes I truly wonder about myself. "

  She brought her arms up stretching, made one last look out the window, smiled and turned. Enough gallywasping. And she giggled. A new word she had just presumably made up. Gallywasping means well drifting off in nonsense thoughts. Although next time who knows what it would be called.

  She laughed out loud and threw on the travel clothes she had laid out the night before. Simple jeans, shorts, a black Cotton t-shirt, and black tennis shoes with hot pink shoelaces. A girl could always use a splash of pink. And besides it was her favorite color; one could say it went with everything. Walking to her adjoining bathroom, she grabbed her toothbrush and looked in the mirror and smiled. Her long brown hair was simply a mess reaching up and tying it in a simple up knot with the ponytail that was forever on her wrist. Sticking her toothbrush in her mouth with one hand she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes with the other

  Sarina loved her eyes, a bright grey outlined with black lashes her best feature by far. She had a round face and nice lips. As for the rest of her she was what most would describe as plump. But her clothes always fit nicely, and her attitude of confidence overcame what any others might conceive as her flaws. She rather liked her looks curves and all.

  "Serina, it's time to go hunny! I do hope you're up!"

  "Yes mom, I'm up and dressed. Go me huh!"

  Serina heard her mom laugh, she loved that about her mom always carefree and so full of happiness. " I agree! Go you! Now finish your goodbyes baby, we really need to get going."

  Looking around she felt a sudden lump in her throat and tears in her eyes. " Thank you so much. For everything. Goodbye I'll miss you" she said as a tear made its way down her cheek. Wiping it away and smiling she grabbed the last of her stuff and quickly before she could look around again she darted out of her bedroom door.

  Chapter 2

  A New Home

  It felt as if just a moment ago she was leaving her old home, and now Serina found herself walking through the airport desperately looking for signs that would point them to baggage claim. Then it would be off to find the rental car counter. And finally, her new home. The thought brought a curious smirk to her face, and she glanced at her mom. "So, mom we're here. Care to tell me about our new home?” As usual, her mom's face lit up and she smiled looking at her.

  "Trust me baby it will be well worth the wait, if I know anything it's my daughter and Ahhhh, “she shouted! “ I can't wait for you to see it! "

  Serina smiled and shook her head her eyes finding her fathers and they both laughed together. She could have sworn for a second she saw concern flash across her father’s face but just as quickly it was gone.

  Her parents had been happily married for 21 years. High school sweethearts and still acted like it. Her mother had short brown hair that framed her oval face and deep blue eyes. She always wore a smile that was somehow able to put everyone she met at ease. Her build was rather slim, and she preferred to dress in jeans and pull over shirts. "Well maybe I did get something from her " Serina thought to herself, "a wonderful fashion casual sense."

  Her father was considered a handsome man and even tempered with a quick smile and huge heart. His hair was dark and his eyes an odd tan. He loved talking about his profession, architecture which Serina found extremely fascinating. So, she supposed she got her love for old houses from him.

  As for siblings, she was an only child. Who knew, maybe someday that would change. She had always wondered what a brother or sister would be like.

  As if reading her mind, they found their rental car, a minivan. Smirking to herself she brought her luggage to the back and helped her dad load what few bags they had traveled with in the back-end. "So, when do you think everything else will get here?"

  "Moving company said they would have everything here by the end of the week. So maybe just a few more days, "Her dad sighed deep and closed the back-end. "Load up kiddo, we have a little ways to go yet. “

  Giving me a wink, he turned and walked to the driver’s door. Stretching one last time myself and taking in a deep breath joined my parents in the van.
br />   So here we were in Kenner Louisiana. For the first time I found myself looking around as we drove though the city. Although, maybe, if I were lucky we would come back and tour parts of the city. My whole body began to tingle with the thought of the history of New Orleans. The old historical buildings the people whose families had lived here for generations. For the first time in this whirlwind of a move I really let it sink in, and I could feel the excitement to my bones. It was strange to me the secrecy of the move. The way my mom was acting. I guess I was just tired and getting cranky. That was just my mom’s way of making this exciting. And of course, it was working.

  This all began when an older gentleman showed up one day at our front door asking to speak with my mom.

  As soon as the words Great and Iv were spoken I was quickly shooed out of the room. And from the look of concern and sadness on my mother’s face, of course, I had to listen. Something was said about inheritance and duty, huge responsibility and the strangest thing I heard them say, Serina and "gift" there that word was again. Darn, I wish there would have been a better place to overhear things. If anything, it had made things more mysterious.

  I did remember a Great Great Grandma Iv from somewhere visiting us when I was small. One of those memories that are so faint you sometimes wonder if it was real? And until that man showed up I hadn’t remembered. Now I was remembering her in my dreams. Shaking my head from all the jumbled-up thoughts and stretching my legs as far as I could. "Ok, I gotta say this, how much further?"

  "I know how you feel sweetheart,’ my mom said yawning, ‘we are almost there about 30 minutes tops. “ Besides Viviana said she would have everything ready for our arrival.”

  Excitement cursed through my veins at the thought of finally seeing our new home. My mother was sure I would love it to the point it was driving me insane over this past week. The looks she would give me whenever I asked anything about our new home. All I could think was it had to be someplace decently old maybe a two story, winding staircase, bay window, a little history to it. Seeing that my grandmother had lived there.

  My foot started jumping rapidly and I stared out the window of the van on both sides. But at this time of the evening you couldn't really see much. There were a lot of old trees with cascading moss swaying in the breeze. Very few houses that I could see. Mostly driveways possibly, I guess, the houses must have been far off the road. This was going to be so different from the suburbs she was used to. But also, so wonderful.

  From the little her mother would tell her. Their property was pretty big, the closest neighbors were several miles away.

  "Viviana now who is she again mom?” It seemed so weird to her someone getting the house ready. Wouldn't they just do everything when they got there?

  "Viviana is, oh I'm sorry,' my mom said as her head moved down and I could hear the sadness in her voice as she finished, ‘was your grandmothers’ dearest friend. They met when your grandmother hired her to help around the house as an assistant, so to speak, to help with chores and what not. But to hear the two of them they were more like sisters than anything else. " Her mother laughed as a memory came to her, "For as long as I can remember Viviana was always there. Every summer I spent there growing up. She was almost a second grandmother to me."

  Serena had wondered since that man had showed. Why her mother had never taken her to see grandma Iv? When she asked her mother would just shake her head and say, ‘not now Serena, I'll tell you later. We have so much to do.’

  It made no sense, especially given the fact at how fond her mother was of her grandmother and at the memories she had been sharing ever since the news of her passing. Anyway, she thought rubbing her thighs and her foot started jumping again. Then the van began to slow down.

  Serina saw a huge old wrought iron gate her father stopped and turned to the entrance.

  "Did we pass it up? “She hoped it wasn't too far back. She was tired and was really anxious to see her new home."

  Looking at her, her mom smiled," no hunny, no wrong turn. We’re home.”

  Serina's jaw dropped as her father entered a code and the huge iron gate made a high-pitched noise as it slowly opened allowing them to drive through.

  Eyes wide open in astonishment, her head straight ahead she took in everything. Huge live oaks lined the driveway their branches laying on the ground seeming to bow to them as they entered greeting them with open arms. Serina could feel their warmth telling them welcome. The driveway was brick, old from the look of it, the headlights beamed on them going further down the winding path finally it led to a large pond that was calm as glass. A huge willow tree tipping its branches lightly in the pool. And that is where she first saw it reflecting in the still water.

  Her home, she knew it in an instant it called to her and she looked up. She took a deep breath and had to remind herself to breath. It was breathtaking the most beautiful thing she thought she would ever see.

  The house was massively huge white columns lined the front porch leading up one, two, no three stories. The steps were a work of art. She hadn't even realized she was out of the car and was touching the rails. Black ironwork carved with care and much detail. The stairs themselves were grand there had to be fifteen to twenty steps leading up to the porch. Torches had been lit and were emitting warm light that reflected and gave the home a welcoming glow.

  Chapter 3

  Strange Events

  "Oh my, y'all are here!"

  Serina heard a woman yell. And just as quickly saw her mom ran up the stairs and enveloped the woman in a huge hug.

  "Oh, Aunt Viv, I’m so sorry, I should have come more. I should have."

  "Now, now, hush child, Iv wouldn't have wanted any of those tears. She lived for every day and treasured every moment. She would pinch your ears. For all those silly wasted tears.”

  “Life is a gift,’ she would always say, ‘never waste it on regrets of the past. They’re what make you the person you are today.”

  “And, ‘memories are the happiness you keep in your heart, '” she brought my mom to arm’s length and wiping the tears from her eyes, “now I made you your favorite, peach cobbler with homemade vanilla ice cream.”

  Laughing through tears my mom answered, “You remembered."

  "Of course, ‘then gave my mom a quick spank,' that's for thinking I wouldn't. " Then Viviana’s eyes found me, and a smile came across her face. "My goodness child if I didn't know better I would swear I was looking at Iv about 50 years ago.”

  Curiously I looked at my mom, smiling she spoke through tears, “Yes, yes she does Viviana,” Giving me a nod letting me know we would talk later.

  Holding out her arms Aunt Viv wrapped her arms around me and calling to my father to join us, welcomed us with a tight embrace.

  Aunt Viv, as I'm sure I was going to call her, was an old soul with a youthful spirit I would come to learn. With her smile and open heart, she was the missing piece to the home; it seemed a piece that now with me was complete.

  I found myself walking through the front doors they were made of glass and more decorative ironwork cascading in swirls the handles seemed to open on their own beckoning me further inside.

  I always felt things with old homes, but this. A thousand voices and feelings at once all scrambling in my head, I suddenly needed quiet. As if on cue Aunt Viv clapped her hands and it all suddenly stopped.

  "Now enough for tonight, we have all had a long day and I'm sure EVERYONE would just love to sit and have a lovely meal and we will begin to get a little better acquainted.”

  She spoke this strangely out loud and was I a little crazy or was she speaking to the house. 'I am definitely way tired.' Then suddenly something filled the air with the most amazing smells and my stomach growled loudly in anticipation.

  "That smells so good." Serina spoke out loud.

  "Y'all must be starving, this way come on follow me child. I wasn’t sure what you would like so I just made a little bit of all your mothers favorites when she was about your age."

  The kitchen was wonderful. Big and nice with all the modern appliances, but somehow matched the old-world decor of the home. It was cozy feeling despite the largeness of the room.

  They ate in the kitchen sitting around the table, everything was delicious. What she had heard about the food in this part of the country was definitely true. Mmmmm this was going to be a very tasty adventure. Her belly full the trip suddenly caught up to her. She was so sleepy she couldn't keep her eyes open.

  Aunt Viv and her mom walked her to her room and her dad carried her suitcase. A large bed was in the middle of her room. She thanked everyone and told them goodnight as she fell into a peaceful sleep.

  That night she dreamed once again of grandma Iv. She was in her room and smiling down at her watching her sleep. When Serina opened her eyes, she felt as though she were looking at an older version of herself. Somehow, she wasn't scared she was calm and at peace.

  "My beautiful granddaughter, my how you have grown. You have such a natural gift even more than mine, if I do say so.”

  “I know I know. You have no idea what I mean by that. I tried to tell your mother. But she felt by knowing before you had to would only scare and upset your childhood. And now look at us. This mess you are walking into.”

  “ I thought I would have more time. You would think after 259 years I would have been ready.”

  “ Yes, you heard me dear 259 years, and all wonderful. But you never truly are ready.” Her grandmother paused shaking her head. “Everything will make sense, I promise.” She sat on Serina’s bed and held her hand, it tingled. And a scowl formed at Serina’s brow.

  " Grandma, I don't understand any of this. Gift? What gift? What mess?"

  Grandma Iv squeezed her hand. “All I can tell you is that you are readier than you know or give yourself credit. You have more natural talent than any protector I have ever seen or heard of. You are special child. Trust your instincts always, and your heart will never lead you astray. That you can count on.”


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