Serina: Awakened

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Serina: Awakened Page 2

by LH Bondi

  Serina’s frown deepening, “what....

  "I haven't much time my granddaughter. But I will come back when I am able and when you truly need me I will be there.”

  “Now what I came for. I have something for you. I left it in the top drawer of your dresser in the wooden box. Wear it always my child. It will protect you when I cannot. ". Squeezing her hand once more. “I love u granddaughter. ".

  Then she was gone.

  Quickly Serina sat up and realized she was holding her breath. Slowly exhaling, she looked frantically around the room. What the.... what's happening everything is so strange. She brought her hand to feel the pounding of her heart. And then a calmness overcame her, and she felt safe. Almost as if she was in a loving embrace. Her eyes focusing now and more accustomed to the darkness; she reached for the lamp she thought she had seen before she passed out earlier. And smiled as her fingers found metal and yep click as the light sprang to life and the room came into view. No not just a room. Her room she thought. And her heart beat faster with the anticipation of her new home.

  Looking around the room the beauty nearly took her breath away. It was decorated with deep rich pinks and dark golden accents. The bed was large four poster canopy bed with roses carved in the headboard and across the top of the post. With a touch of gold highlighting the carvings. The bedspread a thick soft quilt that matched the carvings perfectly. Handmade if she had to guess. Throwing the covers back a sharp intake of breath as her bare feet touched the cold floor. Looking down and seeing a pair of slippers hurriedly put them on. The floor was wooden, a deep cherry that creaked a little as she stood. Serina took it as a hello and spoke " I agree hello to you as well" and threw her hands up and twirled around. " This is the best surprise ever. Somehow, I feel as if we have known each other forever. "

  Wrapping her arms around herself she noticed a nice sitting area to the side of the room. Two chairs with the same woodwork as the bed were facing a large bay window. Before she could even think her legs were already on their way to inspect them and she plopped down, so comfy. An awesome snuggling chair as she brought her legs up and curled inside one of the cushiony chairs. Turning in the chair she noticed her room also had a fireplace. Although from the looks of it hadn’t been used in years. Not that it was dirty or unkept. It was almost too clean for a fireplace.

  Then her eyes came upon a dresser. And the dream came back suddenly. Scolding herself for even considering there was something in that top drawer. "Well, if there isn't. Then there is no reason why I shouldn't look just to prove it. Is there?" Calling herself crazy she slowly made her way to the dresser and pulled open the drawer. Her eyes now huge she was having trouble catching her breath. " Oh my god. What is going on here? "There it was a simple wooden box her initials hand carved in the top.

  Backing away she slammed the drawer and ran back to the bed. This was all so strange. What was happening? Why did this all seem so familiar? Was that truly her grandmother that she had seen?

  And there it was again, that calmness seeming to wrap around her and she knew somehow just knew she was safe and everything was ok. Looking at the drawer she straightened her spine. Took in a deep breath and let it out. Raising one eyebrow "ok, so let's see what ya got."

  Having retrieved the simple wooden box, she now sat cross legged on her bed. Slowly she opened the box and there it was. A long silver chain that seemed to glimmer and sparkle in her hands as she held it up to look. It held a pendent on it that she just couldn't take her eyes off of. A small glass cube filled with tiny pink crystals all seeming to float suspended in a strange looking liquid. It vibrated at her touch as all things seemed too. But with this it seemed stronger. Remembering her dream that no longer frightened her but quite the opposite thinking of grandma Iv and her words, she put it around her neck.

  As soon as the necklace was around her neck it started again. The influx of a thousand voices just as it had been when she first entered the house but different calmer. She could understand the voices or feelings she felt now. They called to her beckoning her to come see, to come explore. Before she had a chance to think she was out the door of her room.

  Old gas wall scones lit the hallway. Serina reached up touching one and smiled at the protective feeling. And whispered a thank you. It was old and made of iron it seemed as was much in this house. The ironwork was very ornate it had taken much care. Whoever had made these things had taken much pride and put much of themselves into each piece.

  The hallway itself had short dark green carpet. The kind that one might would find in older homes that was almost more of a felt material. The tallness of the ceilings was massive and Serina’s eyes became even larger as she entered the entryway and looked over the balcony.

  A huge crystal chandelier hung from the ceiling; smiling she noticed a small pink stone hanging from the center. A woman after my own heart. If you looked closely you could see pink everywhere mostly hidden just a splash here and there. It became a game to her after that first find. And sure, enough she found a little pink everywhere in the room. Turning around Serina noticed twin spiral staircases straight across from the stairs leading to the foyer.

  Walking slowly, she felt things stronger in this room reaching out touching the railing she began to descend the stairs, each step her feelings getting stronger and stronger.

  There were beautiful tropical plants growing in the center of the room and she could hear water following. Reaching the bottom, she walked outside finding a huge courtyard a lighted fountain in the center, of course the lighting was pink.

  Finding a chair, she watched the water cascading down to the bottom and began looking around. The stars were lovely tonight and she could see so many. She had never seen stars like this and she began to get lost in the beauty of them.

  She must have dozed off with the soothing sounds of the water. When something began calling to her. Something strong, unable to resist she began walking towards whatever it was. She had never felt this before and the curiosity was getting to her, soon she was there reaching for the handle as if in a daze.

  Slowly she opened the door, darkness engulfed her, and a musty odor filled her nostrils. It smelled like no one had been in here in years; feeling alongside the door she felt for a light switch somehow knowing where it would be. The room was small compared to the others in this home a dust covered antique desk at its center. Old books covering every inch of the walls some lay scattered on the floor still opened from waiting for the reader to return. Walking towards the desk her eye was caught by a world globe.

  It had the strangest marking. Like these ancient symbols touching several locations around the world. Serina touched them and as she did she could understand what they meant. Somehow it made sense. These places needed protecting. They were markings of entrances special entrances. Then she felt it, a sudden fear, and she jerked her hand back and ran from that room slamming the door behind.

  Stopping outside and wrapping her arms around herself she shivered. She had never felt that. Ever! And she never would again if she could help it.

  She hadn’t noticed her necklace glowing till she saw herself in the reflection of a nearby window. Touching it glowed brighter on her fingers, and she could feel the energy pulsating from the stones inside. As she backed away from the door the glowing subsided. Turning to go back to her room. She noticed it was daybreak. And then mmmmmm. Someone was cooking breakfast. And by the wonderful smell I would bet anything it was Aunt Viviana.

  Chapter 4


  Following that delicious smell, she made her way to the kitchen. Opening the door, the sight and smell of the mouthwatering food before her made her stomach growl. She smiled as Aunt Viviana turned and laughed. " I could hear that all the way over here young-un. Now come on don't be shy. I made plenty for everyone."

  Hurriedly getting a plate. Everything looked so good. There was biscuits and gravy, bacon with a slight coating on it. Serina shrugged. She had never seen that. But hey, bacon is bacon
you can't go wrong. Sausage and a huge warming dish filled with scrambled eggs. Another dish containing some white stuff.

  "Candied bacon. And the other is grits. Trust me child you'll love it I promise. If there's one thing we can do here and do right is food. Just give me a few weeks and I promise I'll get a little meat on those bones. " Viviana winked and turned.

  Serina looked down at herself as she spoke, " more meat. “ Boy that will be just lovely."

  " Girl what are you talking about! Look pretty near perfect to me. A might too skinny but like I said,”

  “Give me a bit." winking again she turned and continued her work.

  Too skinny? She smiled huge. She definitely was going to not like she was going to love it here!!

  Filling her plate, she sat at the counter and poured herself some juice. Taking a swallow mmmmmm even this was awesome. "Is this fresh squeezed?"

  "Well of course child. What did you expect. Nothing but the best in my kitchen"

  She began eating. It was probably the best meal, well maybe close to last night, she had ever eaten. As she ate her mind drifted off to that room and she shivered as her body remembered that feeling.

  "Aunt Viviana, can I ask you something?"

  "Of course, just finishing up and I'll come sit with ya. "

  "Now what is it" her eyes took in a surprise as she saw the necklace. And just as quickly a smile of assurance came over her face.

  Unshed tears could be seen in her eyes. "I see your grandma has given you her present. "

  Shocked Serina’s hand flew to her neck her fingers finding the pendent. "How did you know?"

  "My dear sweet child. Iv spent the last year making that for you. To protect you and keep you safe. Your grandma was a wonderful strong woman she did everything in her power to make this as easy as she could for you.” Taking Serina’s hand. “There are things you need to know. Things you need to prepare for.”

  "Good morning Aunt Viv.” My mother came in the room then sending a look to Aunt Viviana, " later, I thought we agreed."

  "No Marie, 'Aunt Viv said using my mother’s name, ‘you agreed. Not me, not Johnathan, her father, you. The time is now. It's here Marie Just look around her neck. It's starting already."

  Finding the necklace my mother sent another scorching look to Viviana. "Where did that come from, you? You did this behind my back?"

  " No mom Aunt Viv didn't do this. It was just in my dresser drawer, I thought it was pretty, so I put it on. No big.”

  How could I explain what had really happened? She would think I was crazy. They all would no doubt. Aunt Viv had said grandma Iv had made this and it was just a gift. That's it. Something she had left as a present. She was just settling in and her imagination was getting to her. The excitement of her new home. New gorgeous, more beautiful than I could have ever imagined home. Looking up she saw the concern on her mother’s face. "Mom?"

  It's nothing dear you enjoy your new home. I'm just overly tired is all. Well talk later. After all you are my daughter, " as she spoke those last words her eyes looked to Aunt Viv in kind of a statement spoken as if she were laying down the law.

  Shaking her head Aunt Viv offered my mom a plate and left the room.

  "Mom what was that about?"

  " Nothing for you to be concerned about honey" her forced smile not reaching her eyes, " now your dad needs to go into town, how about you getting outta here for a bit and exploring."

  Seeing this was important to her for whatever reason. " Sure, sounds fun. Let me run go get dressed." Giving her mom a quick peck on the cheek she dashed off towards her room."

  “Mom, by the way this place is SOOO AWESOME! I'm glad you let it be a surprise. I swear I’ll never get tired of this. It's so beautiful. On the inside as well, you know."

  " I'm so glad you love it honey, I just hope you are ready. Oh, listen to me being silly. Now hurry up don't keep your dad waiting too long. "

  Running upstairs to change. 'Ready' what an odd thing to say. But she shrugged it off. Threw on the first thing she grabbed and headed downstairs. Putting her hair in an up-knot as she jogged down the stairs. Her dad was waiting at the bottom.

  ” Hello kiddo. Beautiful as ever I see.” Her father her biggest fan. No matter what he could always make her day.

  " So, town? What we going for anyway? "

  Sliding In her seat her dad cranked the car. " Well, I'm going into town for some drafting supplies. Going old school, isn't that how you would put it?”

  Laughing, “I suppose."

  " Thought our stuff not being here would give me a chance to do a little home designing, get back to the feel of the pencil in my hand. I'm kind of excited. Haven't done this in years.”

  “ But your mom showed me an old room in the house with an artist table that would be perfect. So here we go.”

  “ Hope I can find some supplies. Your mom said I would be surprised." Shrugging his shoulders as he spoke.

  I turned and starred out the window. It was so beautiful here all the graceful old trees. The moss hanging down swaying in the breeze. The green grass, even the fences were beautiful. Most were made of iron and had the most interesting detail Serina had ever seen.

  " So?" Her dad spoke breaking her daydreaming.

  "So?" Looking at him she got it.

  "Oh. Of course, I love it dad. It's so, I can't explain. It took my breath away with its beauty. It's such a gorgeous home. It really speaks to me. It loves us here. Seems it's been waiting. "

  At the worried look on her dad’s face. She spoke quickly," Forgive me dad I tend to get silly sometimes is all. "

  “No Serina, I'm happy you love our new home. It's just, I'm your dad I worry.”

  "Well me, I'm happier than I think I've ever been.” About twenty minutes had passed and here they were. "Is there anything I won't like about this place?" She thought to herself.

  The town reminded her of something she would have seen in a movie of a small quiet town where everyone knew everyone.

  The Main Street had a long-covered walkway that ran along both sides of the street and opened up at the end to an old white gazebo that had a pier leading out over the water.

  The backs of the buildings backed up to the water’s edge and make shift boat launches could be seen on both sides at the beginning of the street.

  Seeing her curiosity her dad spoke," I tell you what. I see a store that will most likely have my stuff.” “

  I'll be, your mom was right.”

  “ And how about you take a walk and see what you can find.” Wrapping his arm around me in a half hug and kissing the top of my head, " love ya kiddo. Got your phone, right?"

  Serina smiled," right here dad."

  "And yes, I'll be careful. “I said running off and blowing him a kiss.

  "Got it!" I heard him say as the door he entered clanged the entrance bell.

  Not being able to resist Serina began walking towards the boat launch closest to where they had parked. The murky water lapped up against the shore making the tall grass that lived in the water sway to and fro. Looking behind the buildings she saw a small wooden pier with several flat bottom boats. The boats were rocking gently in the slight breeze where they had been tied off. Thinking to herself. That they simply wanted to be free. Then shaking her head at the strange thoughts, she sometimes would have.

  Laughing at herself, she began walking towards the covered walkway that made its way down the street and looked as if it ended at a gazebo.

  Serina passed so many neat shops. Clothing shops, candle shops, and hardware. But the one that caught her eye the most a "spiritual" shop the name caught her eye with all the old books and strange objects she saw in the window.

  Somehow, she found herself in the shop; her fingers touching the old spines of the books. She could feel the old-world knowledge that were contained in them. And others she could feel the scary heart racing center the insides of these books made her fingers tremble and she brought them back. It didn't scare her, but the
content was meant to ward away evil and that did scare her.

  " May I help you?" As she turned the older woman took in a quick breath.

  " My word, you must be Iv's granddaughter. I swear it's like seein her all those years ago."

  Scowling and a bit confused Serina answered," yes, that's what Aunt Viviana said as well."

  Kind of a cackling laugh left her lips as she hobbled to the back of the store. " Come on child if’n ya don't believe me let me show ya."

  Curious she followed. Although she had never met this woman her feelings were always right. And in this instance her gut told her she was meeting a kindred soul. One that would always be there, and one she could trust. Even with her life. Strange she kept having the weirdest thoughts here lately.

  Entering the back room. Serina saw old bottles scattered everywhere but somehow there was an order to them. She knew beyond a doubt this woman could tell you where anything was at any time. A method to the madness.

  There were books old books, new books, journals lining one wall from top to bottom. Had to be close to a hundred of them.

  " One hundred and two to be exact. " There was that cackle again, but it somehow made her feel at home.

  The old woman went straight to a shelf and pulled off a large bound book. It cracked open with age. " There she is. Wasn't she a beauty.”

  “Had many a man chasin after that one. But her heart was always taken. Loved that man from the moment she saw him. They don't make romance like theirs anymore."

  Looking at the photos a sharp intake of breath. It was almost like looking in a mirror. Her fingers touching the photo she could feel the love. And the man beside her was so handsome. Looking up “My grandpa?"

  "Why yes child. I see you felt that. Love like that doesn't happen very often. I miss that girl. The times me and her had. Maybe one day I will tell you. Maybe when your older.” There was that laugh again.


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