Serina: Awakened

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Serina: Awakened Page 3

by LH Bondi

  Serina knew for certain she had definitely met a kindred spirit.

  " Grandma? Ya here?"

  "Back here, lil bit!"

  "That would be my grand baby, Century. "

  "Hey grandma mama sent me to see if ya needed any help, but I think she was just trying to get me out of the house. “Making her way to the backroom Century's eyes found Serina and not even missing a beat, "Hey, you must be Serina, your grandma Iv talked about ya so much I practically know ya already.”

  “Names Century, but everyone calls me Cin. Personally, I think it's cause me and granny scare the bejeezus out of everyone. Well most people around here. But I kind a like it. Sounds deviously clever. Don't ya think?"

  A bit taken aback, úm-sure. I mean yes. Definitely yes. "Then suddenly a giggle escaped her mouth, and both were laughing together as if sharing some old joke neither one of them knew.

  Century or Cin as she liked to be called was maybe five foot, if she was lucky, she had a heart shaped face with high proud cheek bones big round light green eyes and hair as wild and free as she was. At least that was the impression I got. She reminded me a lot of her grandma actually. Strange the pair of us being friends as well. Well I hoped we would be friends.

  "Why don't you two get on outta here. Cin can show you around. I'll take care of your mother don't cha worry bout that none. If’n that’s ok with you Serina?”

  “Oh, seeing you two together reminds me of me and Iv back in the day" sighing and taking in a deep breath then letting it out " hope you two are a might better at keeping outta trouble. Or better at not gett’n caught ". And there was that cackling laugh again.

  This was almost too perfect. A new wonderful home. An awesome town and now a new friend. Omg she could just pinch herself with happiness." I would love that. But I did see something I wanted to buy if you don't mind?"

  "Mind, don't be silly child, now let's see what caught ya eye. An call me granny if’ n ya don't mind, most people round here do, but from you I would consider it special. Ya given me back a piece of Iv."

  Serina could see the tears in the old woman's eyes and felt a kind a happy sadness.

  " Ya have that right child. Happy tears. " And she hobbled on to the front of the store.

  Curiousness across her face, she followed granny then found her book. The title read “Removal of Evil and Protection Spells.”

  "This is it, “ she spoke quickly placing it on the counter with as much lightheartedness as she could muster.

  The look both Cin and granny gave her was anything but. " Something wrong ya wanna talk bout hunny? I promise we won't judge. These walls are safe. Ya safe here."

  Granny looked so serious so protective at that moment Serina almost talked. But then she remembered Cin and although she could almost swear with certainty Cin wouldn't judge. Her experience with kids her age in the past kept her silent." No, no nothings wrong!” She smiled her best fake forced smile. " Just curious is all. Always have been,” and a nervous laugh escaped her lips.

  After her book was wrung up and wrapped in brown paper. She could have sworn granny whispered something in her ear as she handed her the book. And as the words came over her whole body tingled seeming to alight all of her senses.

  "Well I'm ready if you are." She caught Cin looking at granny with a questioning gaze. And thought to herself," Oh great. Scared off another one Serina."

  Both girls walked out the door.

  "If you really don't wanna do this it's fine with me. And don't worry about hurting my feelings or anything. Just tell me the truth k. "Serina spoke then bit her lower lip as she glanced at Cin. Then seeing the look on the girl’s face knew without a doubt that Cin wasn't one to keep quiet.

  "First you'll find out somethin pretty quick about me. I tell the truth no matter what. Second if’n I don't wanna do somethin hurting one’s feelings is the last thing I think about. You'll find out right quick round here I'm not so popular or liked by the kids our age or adults either.”

  “Granny they respect. She's earned that for her talents. But still most are scared. My mom she's different than me and granny they say it skips a generation or so. Just tell’n ya like it is. So, no surprises.”

  “But you seem different than the others. Your grandma Iv and your Aunt Viviana were, well Aunt Viv is." She looked down as she said that. "Hard to imagine one without the other I guess. And my granny. Those three make you laugh so hard your tummy hurt and sometime almost pee." At that she laughed out loud. Then turned towards me.

  "If’n it was the look you saw me give granny before we left. I'll tell ya straight. Those words she whispered was an awakening spell. Seems funny to me. An awaking spell for you of all people. I mean ..."

  Looking at me and seeing the scowling, "awakening--- spell? What in the world?” I thought to myself.

  Suddenly I felt a vibration in my pocket and looking at my phone the words Dad pop up on screen. One sec, 'hey dad, yeah sure be there one second.’ turning I saw him at the other end of the street and began waving. "Love you too, bye."

  “ Well gotta go. But it was really nice meeting you. Maybe you could show me around some other time. Oh hey. Wanna come over sometime?” She added quickly.

  “I’d really like that. You know I can tell Serina me and you go way back. Giving me a smirk as my brows crinkled, “ya ain’t fooling me girly. Ya know exactly what I mean. Me and ya gotta lot of times ahead. And from the visions we gonna have some whoppers, whhoowee! Let me see if’n I got those digits. 555-4434?” Raising a brow. She looked at my phone. Then turned and walked away.

  "Exactly!" I thought. Just as my phone rang. "Hello."

  "And now u got mine girl! See ya in a few!"

  Shaking my head and smiling I put Cin's name to her number.

  Chapter 5


  Sitting cross legged on her bed Serina found herself completely engulfed in the pages of the book she had bought at granny’s shop. It was very old. And she could sense that the book was intended for good. And had always been intended for that purpose. She scowled at the pages. Salt for protection and purification.

  “Sounds simple enough.”

  That and a simple protection/banishment spell spoken out loud should do it. Although for some reason the banishment wasn't necessary her gut told her. And it was always right. But what harm could come of any of this. I'm just being silly. Suddenly a knock at her door had her slamming the book quickly" sorry" she whispered to it.


  " Hey hunny, can I come in?" She heard her mom’s voice coming through the door.

  "Sure mom." And just as quickly as she had slammed the book closed she shoved it under her pillows.

  "Hey, just checking on you and wondering if you wanted your mom to show you around our new home and the property. Maybe give us a chance to talk to. We've been so busy here lately. Everything has happened so fast. “A kind of worried expression crossing her kind face.

  "I would love that!" Jumping off the bed. Serina joined her mom now in the hallway.

  Her and her mom walked the entire house.

  By far one of her favorite places now would be the third floor. Originally the servant’s quarters it had long ago been redone by her great great grandmother Iv. It now opened to one large sitting room with the back wall completely done in seamless glass. The entire wall would slide back when the right place was pushed, and you could walk out to a wide-open deck that overlooked the gardens, the sounds of the fountain with the water tumbling and splashing echoed all around. It was so peaceful and serene. She knew much time would be spent here.

  Her mom told of all the summers and holidays she had spent here and all the wonderful memories that at times made her laugh and others she would see her mom’s eyes glaze over with unshed tears.

  She then showed her the grounds and Serina found out quickly why her mom had suggested the golf cart. The property seemed to go on endlessly large ancient live oaks their tired limbs stretching to the ground in need of a mu
ch-earned rest. Spanish moss hanging from the limbs blowing in the breeze. Beautiful purple flowers dotted the landscape adding a touch of color here and there. Her mother drove on talking and reminiscing till they found themselves pulling up at an old gazebo. It was screened in with comfy white wicker chairs and a long pier that stretched out far into the river. Or canal as I later learned. Cypress stumps and trees lined the shore their roots reaching out in patches dotting the surface of the water. The moss, I had noticed, only made things so much prettier as it draped the tree branches, long strands cascading in the breeze.

  I loved it here. Was there anything here I didn't love?

  I remembered that room with the globe. And a shock of fear returned to my body. I shook my head, as I realized how much quieter things had been since I had returned from town. As I focused I could hear and feel the trees as always. But much clearer. Then the building, yes, there it was the love the welcoming. But I had the power, I choose now how to focus and bring things to lite. Nothing screamed or jumped out at me? I found myself smiling, my hand wrapped around my necklace.

  Seeing where my hand was, I found my mother watching. Suddenly dropping my hand. For some reason I didn't want her to know. Didn't want her to worry. And I immediately began talking.

  "So, mom, I made a friend today. And was wondering if I could have her over sometime. Maybe even soon?"

  At the shocked expression on her mother’s face. Serina laughed. "No really. I did. I made a friend."

  "No. I'm not surprised.... well yes-yes maybe I am. But happy!" With a huge smile on my mom’s face. " Well tell me. Who is she? How old is she?”

  "Well her name is Century. But everyone calls her Cin. I think she's my age. Come to think of it I don't really know for sure. Never asked. But a good thing I think you would remember her grandma. She was really close to Grandma Iv and Aunt Viv. Told me to call her granny said everyone did. But from me it would be special. Because of Grandma Iv and all.”

  My mother just stared at me with this look. It wasn't shock it was almost a reckoning. Like the end was coming and she knew it. And no matter what she did it wasn't gonna stop. Reaching for her hand. At my touch she seemed to snap out of it. With the fakest smile I had ever seen on my mother’s face. She spoke," Of course I remember Granny Hind.”

  “That's what we used to call her anyway. Well me, that’s what I called her. It just shocked me a little to hear you ran into her granddaughter. Now isn't that something.”

  "I know, right. Now about her coming over.”

  “Please mom. Please, please. I’ve never had a friend. Not really.”

  Not one my mom hadn't tried to make. By having the other parents feel sorry for me and make their children invite me over. Talk about humiliating.

  " Of course, dear, umm sure. Just give me a bit to finish getting used to….you know everything.”

  “Well now, how about we start heading back to the house. The mosquitos are starting to come out in droves. And your mom forgot the bug spray. Not that it would do much good round here. Although it is kind of pretty" she stopped to stare out at the water, " the sun setting over the bayou seeing the dragonflies, oh look lightning bugs." As she spoke she slapped her leg, “Never mind the mosquitos are starting to bite, Ow!" As she slapped the back of her neck. And started driving. We drove back to the house in silence. Her holding my hand and subconsciously, I think, stroking the back of my hand with her thumb.

  Dinner was delicious as usual. Well as delicious as the food had been since we arrived at our new home. Mom and Aunt Viv had come to some sort of agreement. Although I could tell something was still upsetting the both of them.

  My father was lost somewhere in his newest project and Aunt Viv had brought him a sandwich earlier. She had not been quiet about her disapproval of the sandwich over her cooking. My father true to character had teased her unmercifully with several comments about how food was food. And he would just eat it cold later. It would be just as good. We would never hear the end of this. And I knew my father wouldn't either.

  Laying in my bed that night.

  I laughed in happy contentment at how awesome everything in my life was. All the pieces were falling into place. For the first time in my life I was truly home. Taking in a deep breath. I thought about what I had to do tonight and reached back under my pillow and retrieved my book. My fingers alight with electricity. I could do this. I would keep my family safe. Nothing in that room would ruin this happiness I had found. Finding the page, I was looking for…. yep there it was "protection from negative forces". Then the incantation for banishment and purification. I read over the words in my head careful to say everything correctly.

  I can do this. I can do this. I told myself over and over as I made my way down the winding staircase, finding the salt in the kitchen. "Who has bags of salt this big anyway?” I asked myself whispering to no one. Shrugging my shoulders, I made my way to the dusty room with that strange globe.

  The whole long walk I heard everything, including my gut telling myself I was being silly, and this wasn't needed. And although my gut had never been wrong. I couldn't shake that feeling from before. The fear. The bone chilling fear that had gripped me down to my soul in that room. When my necklace had come to life. Unless I had imagined that. And she knew then she knew beyond a doubt. That it had happened. It had all happened. And she began the spell.

  Pouring the salt at the door. The words seeming to vibrate from her insides. She knew them felt them as if she had spoken them before she could feel the electricity around her change and a kaleidoscope of colors formed around her. And that’s when she first saw him.

  A boy, he seemed about the same age as her... He was coming towards her she stepped in his way, "no you don't! You'll not touch my family. " She wouldn't let him out she couldn't. He smiled, and his eyes looked past hers over her shoulder. She turned her head and that's when she realized everything had changed.

  Where was she? What the hell!? Turning she met his eyes and couldn't look away. They were so deep so brown her heart seemed to stop, and she realized she wasn't breathing. Releasing her breath. She noticed he smiled. Well it was more of a knowing smirk. And that shook her free. Then he turned and began walking away.

  "Hey, you can't ...... I fixed this. The spell." Then she noticed the other two a girl possibly her age and then a small boy. And she went forward. Her foot found nothing, but air and she was falling “what the...” she panicked and began grabbing for something anything. Her hand found something, and she grabbed tightly with both hands. And found herself swinging. Terror gripped her as she realized she wasn't strong enough to hold on. Her fingers were slipping. Oh my god. This is it. I'm gonna fall. And he was there holding her. She knew in an instant she was safe. As she looked into those eyes those beautiful deep eyes she saw nothing but concern. And felt a longing. He must have felt it too as they began leaning towards one another. Their lips touched. Then he was gone. She brought her hand to her lips. It happened so fast. So gentle the brief electric shock and the tingles were all she had to know it was real. Where was he going? What was…..

  And she was on solid ground. She was outside. Where was she? What was happening? Where was her home? As she turned around she could see remanences of her home. Invisible traces of that room. Turning back, she saw the two she had seen earlier. Sitting on a curb the girl waving her over. It seemed so normal she began walking towards them. Maybe they could explain. Maybe not. She was SOOO confused. But her everything inside seemed calm. And that she knew she could trust. Well she hoped she could trust it anyway.

  "So, you’re our new protector?" Then the girl paused, "I’m so sorry about your grandmother. She was such a good protector. But first and foremost, she was our friend. We loved her.” As she spoke a shimmering tear rolled down her cheek. Then she smiled, " Iv would pinch me right now if she could, for my tears. I can swear sometimes I still hear her.” A welcoming smile formed at her lips.

  “I’m sorry, where are my manners? I'm Marsha, and th
is here is Greyson, my little brother. Pleased to meet cha." As she spoke she extended her hand.

  Reaching out I touched her. My breath felt as if it had been knocked from my body and I saw as if I were there. It was dark I was in a home. An older home. There were candles lit for light the flames flickering casting shadows upon the walls. And then I heard It, a scream it sliced through my body and I felt as if my soul had been ripped apart. My breath entered my body again. Shaking I reached for my necklace. I could feel it soothing me, but it wasn't aglow. Calmness once again washed over me and suddenly I dropped the girls’ hand as if it were on fire.

  A look of shock and denial over what I had seen, “What are you? Where am I? What do you mean protector? How did you know my grandmother? And what just happened to me?"

  "You don’t know do you? You don't know what you are. What we are? Where this is? How is that even possible? I just assumed......”taking a deep breath and closing her eyes Marsha began to speak, "Ok, first things first. Let's calm down a bit deep breath in....”

  "Don't tell me deep breath!" I was really starting to panic my eyes wild I was breathing but it definitely wasn’t slow. This was real. Omg this was real. Where was I? What had happened? Would I ever get home? Everything was going crazy. Everything was spinning. I felt myself falling. And then suddenly as if on cue. There he was.

  I felt his arms wrap around me and bring me tightly to his chest. The moment he touched me I knew it was him. Somehow it felt familiar. And inwardly I never wanted him to let go. I felt his hand on the back of my head and his warm breath on my neck. I began to calm down. My breath coming more naturally. He even smelled familiar, I thought to myself, he smelled like-like home. I pushed away from him and I saw. There in his eyes I saw... I saw forever.


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