Serina: Awakened

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Serina: Awakened Page 4

by LH Bondi

  His hand was suddenly at my cheek caressing. “Serina are you ok?"

  And then everything was back. Seeing my eyes change he smiled, "there you are."

  "What's happening to me?" Even as she asked the question she knew her insides, as she liked to call them, never steered her wrong. And she already knew she had finally been awakened. Granny Hinds spell had worked. Her body pulsed with the knowledge of a thousand lifetimes. Everything finally made sense. Her connection to things. The old houses, antiques. It was the energy within them calling to her guiding her throughout her life. Bringing her home. Bringing her here to this moment. A fierce fire began churning within her gut she could feel it starting deep within vibrating out through her fingers. Her head was thrown back as the power of her awakening shot out of her body. A barrier that had been there protecting this place for the longest of times was reinforced and it glowed brightly then a flash of energy sealed the spell.

  "I'm a protector." She spoke out loud. Not knowing if it was a question or a statement. Maybe a little of both. "Hu." She said out loud tears forming in her eyes as she sat on the curb and brought her hands to her face.

  Sitting beside her and taking her hand in his Joshua spoke, “what can I do?"

  A halfhearted laugh escaped her lips as she spoke, “do you have any idea what a relief this is. To know to finally know and have everything make sense. She glanced at him and continued. “My whole life I thought something was wrong with me. Thought I was weird didn't fit in. Was different." And she laughed again " well at least I had the different right. But a good different." Tears rolled down her cheeks and she felt his hand there wiping them away. "No these are happy tears. I was made for this. Been looking for this my entire life. And now I'm here. I'm a protector." She said that last firmly letting it sink in. Then looking at him. “ Maybe you could help with a few details though.” And she laughed.

  "For starters perhaps, you could tell me your name and how y'all” she spoke gesturing to Marsha and Greyson, “came to be here in "Second Life" if I have that right.?”

  The knowledge was there had been born into her, but she somehow wasn't quite letting it flow, letting it open completely. She still had a barrier and she didn't know why. And who was Marsha to him? And why did she care?

  "Joshua, and you have already met my friends Marsha and her little brother Greyson."

  Friend? How close of a "friend". Stop she told herself. It was none of her business she didn't care anyway. "Liar" she told herself.

  “Second Life,’ he paused as he stood, ‘is this” he put his hands out and gestured to everything around him. Second Life is a place. A parallel dimension so to speak of yours. We and others like us are what one would call pure souls. Innocent souls that died tragically before their times. And are given a choice to either enter the forever life that would be heaven as you might call it. Or we can come here to our "Second Life" and experience what we would have in our first if tragedy hadn't happened and our life force extinguished before our true time the time our souls were meant to depart our bodies." He looked to her and held out his hand. She reached for it and the blackness struck again hard. Then she felt his hand suddenly being jerked away.

  "You'll be needing to control that." He looked at her almost angrily. "That's mine to tell. Nothing personal."

  Eyes wide, it was clear what she had seen earlier she had seen how Marsha had passed. Her heart filled with sorrow and she reached over and put her arm around her. “I am truly sorry. I didn't realize what I was seeing."

  A blush of embarrassment crossed Marsha's face and she spoke softly, “don’t be. It has nothing to do with you and you didn't know."

  Glancing at Greyson then Marsha she knew how her brother had come to be here as well. They had both received the same fate that night. True sadness filled her for the loss at such young ages.

  " Don't be sad for us. She smiled. We have a chance at life here."

  "Your parents? Who takes care of you? Serina could feel this knowledge feel the answers almost but something was holding things back.

  "As for me and Greyson our mother is here.”

  “It's funny telling you these things Iv always knew everything. As for the younger ones or the older we all look after each other. Life is different here. Time is different. You experience life in Eden as we like to call it. There is no sickness no diseases no hunger we enjoy life. We get to experience life the joys and sometimes the heartache or simply feeling the rain on our faces. Just being. And when our life is complete or if we choose we move on to the forever. It's a second chance for us. People in the outer realm, first life, catch glances of us from time to time as slivers of our energies escape the barrier. You will see shadows or light maybe hear a whisper. Usually referred to as ghosts. It happens as one of us think about a loved one or a cherished memory from our first life. Some of us are stronger than others. Some have gifts as well. But with light there is always dark.” Meeting Serina’s gaze, “but now you are here, and all will be fine again."

  "Darkness?" She spoke this more to herself. And the feeling she had when she first entered the room. And she knew. She had felt that dark that evil. Just the memory chilled her to the core. It was hungry for power it needed to feed on the pure souls. It was trying to get them and to do that it would need to destroy her. Her hand reached for her necklace. Her place in life was here as her grandmother before her was. Her duty was to these souls and looking at them she knew she would protect them with her life. The portal must be kept at all cost. But she sensed something. Looking to Joshua. "Something's not right. Something's off."

  Extending her his hand again she slowly reached for it and gently touched him holding back the death memory and keeping her powers at bay. When she knew she had them under control she grasp his hand and he helped her to her feet. Feeling quite pleased with herself while dusting off her backside. She found him looking at her and returning his smile. “What?"

  "Knew you could do it. Iv said you were the most gifted protector she had ever seen or knew of. Said you had more natural talent than anyone even more than her. And that ma’am is saying something. She was a great woman your grandmother. You have some big shoes to fill. We'll see if she was right about you. Come on. It's time for you to go."

  She stopped. "Go? Why?" Why should she. She was here she finally knew where she fit in where she was. What her purpose......was. And suddenly she couldn't keep her eyes open. And once again she felt him. In one swift moment he had her cradled in his arms. Half-awake she spoke, “not again, no put me down. I’m fine really, I'm.... oh god,, I think I'm going to be sick.”

  Chapter 6


  Serina woke later, startled she sat up. Realizing she was in her bed. Rubbing her forehead darn, ow, her head hurt. A thousand drums were playing in there. Was all that a dream. Pulling her covers back. She noticed a hot breakfast tray had been left on her nightstand. Mmmmm her stomach growled. She hurriedly put her slippers on and moved her tray to her seating area. Poured herself a cup of hot Café Au Lait then grabbed a still warm beignet sprinkled with powdered sugar. Cuddling back in her chair she realized daybreak had long since passed. And she wondered once more if last night had only been a dream.

  The taste she suddenly noticed in her mouth and the rawness of her throat as she swallowed the Café Au Lait made her all too aware that. Yep she had relieved the contents of her stomach all over Joshua. Her eyes wide and mouth now wide open she gently placed the Café Au Lait and beignet down and hid her face in her hands for what she hoped at the moment was forever.

  "Feeling better I see."

  She heard a male voice in her room. Almost too afraid to look. She peeked out slowly lowering her hands. Hearing him laugh. And that's when she lost it everything in her life was upside down and twisted. And this jackass was in her room and had the audacity to laugh at her "how dare you! Come in here in my room and have the gall to laugh. AT ME? I mean I have no idea what happened. Well.” And looking briefly at him, she t
hought about the not so pleasant taste in her mouth. “Well I do remember that. I suppose I owe you an apology for that. So, I'll say it. Looking him straight in the eye, 'I'm sorry.” She paused only for a moment. “But then you come to MY ROOM! MY room MY space you weren't invited here and at this moment are definitely not welcome.”

  “Hey how are you here anyway? And how did I get here? And yes, what are you doing?"

  He was walking towards her. "Calm down Serina. ‘Shaking his head and showing me that smile he continued, ‘seems it's my new mission in life to keep you outta trouble. In all my years I have never meet anyone so accident prone. As if I didn't have enough to worry with Marsha and Greyson, the darkness that's creeping into Eden, and now I have to worry with you an inexperienced protector. That knows nothing.” He laughed slightly,” I mean you could at least try to take care of yourself. What would have happened Serina if your energy was depleted and a Raif would have shown its ugly self. Please, tell me what you would have done?"

  He was angry with her she could tell. The nerve of this guy. Well maybe he was used to some women falling all over him. With those deep brown eyes. Telling them to do this and do that. Maybe that was Marsha. But it sure wasn't her.

  Frowning she answered him, “you’re angry with me over something I didn't know about or know existed until a short time ago. Seriously, I've seen some stupid people, but you sir are the winner." Throwing her hands up in the air her voice getting louder. "Just how was I supposed to know any of this! If you were any kind of a decent guy you would be telling me these things and I don't know maybe explaining a few! But no, this is what I get! Some cranky guy PMSing thinking I'm just going to fall down and cower at his feet….. Huh! You figured wrong!”

  Turning to walk away she felt him grab her arm bringing her dangerously close. Her heart quickened, and her breath suddenly lost as she found herself mere inches from his lips. He leaned closer to her she could feel his breath now warm and inviting. Her hands having a mind of their own began making their way around his neck. She felt his hands around her waist pulling her to him closer. The world seemed to stop.

  "I can't. This isn't right." His voice broke through to her absent mind.

  And she pushed him quickly away. “I don't know what you are doing here anyway." Embarrassed she lowered her head. But there was no way she was going to let him know how much she had wanted that kiss just how much he affected her. And bringing her head up she faced him. “I think it's time you leave. I have much to do and things to learn. And you sir are only in my way."

  "Serina, wait you have to know why."

  "Quite frankly it's none of my concern. “Oh, how she didn't need to hear how it was wrong because of Marsha. She liked Marsha she truly did. And somehow, she would squash these feelings. He was right. It was wrong. And being the other woman would never be her. NEVER.

  "Now if you don't mind, I think it's time you returned to Eden or wherever it is you wish to go."

  She turned to say something else, but he had gone. Vanished. And just like that her heart sank. She would never tell him, but she missed the arrogant guy already.

  She wondered briefly how he came to be here in her room. Then left the thought for another time. Her throat was killing her. And she went to brush her teeth.

  After she had eaten and drank most of the warm Café Au Lait she was starting to feel slightly better. She felt so drained so tired. Deciding to shake it off she brought her tray down to the kitchen.

  " Well hello there, baby girl seems someone decided to sleep in a little. It's a good thing you and your momma decided to homeschool or this morning you would have definitely been late."

  She wasn't the only one who thought it was a good thing. Serina could be more herself not feeling the pressures of the other kids teasing and laughing at her. She had always been a good student made decent grades. But the constant teasing and feeling like she was being shunned like just being her wasn't good enough for these people. Now she could learn at her own pace and enjoy being herself. No pressure. Besides now she knew she had so much more to learn than she had ever imagined. And she already had one friend. Heck that's one more than she ever had in school.

  Looking at her with a raised brow.

  "You look tired baby girl. You wanna tell your Aunt Viv anything?"

  "Umm no, I'm fine. Maybe just caught a bug or something." Turning to leave she heard Aunt Viv's voice.

  "Why don't you take a slow walk around the fountain out back. It always lifted your grandmothers’ spirit. Might be worth a try. Just take your time. Have a nice long stroll."

  That did sound nice. And her body tingled with anticipation of the fountain. Thinking on it she could feel the calming waters beckon, calling her closer.

  She found herself walking around the large structure watching the waters dance and cascade down. She felt something pulling her to a particular spot and noticed for the first time a symbol carved intricately into the marble. Reaching her hand out to the symbol she traced the lines the water washing over her fingers sending electric currents through her recharging her from the inside. Concentrating on the symbol it's meaning came to her, this was a special opening. She felt the spell within her it vibrated out though her fingers and suddenly a walkway appeared before her. The water in the bottom of the fountain gave way and a stairway was revealed curling down deep underground.

  Briefly hesitating Serina followed the stairway as it curled down slowly entering the earth. Her curiosity the whole time screaming for her to continue. Reaching the bottom, she realized she was in a dark room. It was like nothing she had ever seen. Standing there in complete awe at the site before her was a cavern seeming to be cut from the core of the earth. Shimmering pink crystals began on the ceiling and wrapped in and out of giant stone pillars. There was a glowing stream flowing from her feet where the water from the fountain had fallen down the stairwell. Without thought she followed the water her gut telling her to hurry. As she passed the stone pillars her breath caught at the ancient wonder she was seeing. The stream flowed into a large pool of glowing water. The crystals illuminating pink light that reflected off the water and back to the top of the cavern and shimmered down the walls. The roots of a giant live oak helped make up the ceiling the crystals and roots seemed to feed off one another. Some places they even joined. The giant roots spiraled and twisted down the sides of the cave the ends disappearing deep into the waters.

  Marble stairs had been carved leading down into the pool and everything in her told her to go join the waters, feel your power, it's your destiny it's where you belong. She heard the whispers clearly sliding out of her shoes and taking a deep breath she placed one foot solidly on the first step.

  Oh, the feeling the waters wrapped around her ankle it felt alive and soothing. She took another step walking slowly relishing the feel of the water as it wrapped and swirled filling her entire body with warmth and welcoming sensations. Soon she felt whole again. Finding a bench that had been carved along the side of the pool. She sat, putting her head back and taking a deep breath. Feeling completely relaxed for the first time in a long while. Mm mm this is wonderful.

  Chapter 7

  Mineral Waters

  "Knew you would find this,"

  her head jerked up, “Aunt Viv?"

  "Now just who were you expecting might I ask?" Aunt Viv began walking to the water’s edge and sat on a bench. "Iv loved this place, and from the look of you today you needed it. Now how are you feeling, better I hope.?"

  "Much better actually." Then the realization hit her that Aunt Viv had perhaps sent her here on purpose. "But I have a feeling you knew that I would." Looking at her with a knowing smile she saw Aunt Viv send her a wink.

  “ Well your mom made me promise to keep my mouth shut, but I can honestly say you found this on your own. “Sitting up straight and slapping her knees ’yep, I think it's pretty much past time you knew everything. Iv made me swear to help as much as I could and to do everything in my power to protect you. And th
at miss is what I aim to do.”

  “Your mom we can deal with later. I know she just wants to keep you safe. I know she believes it's what's best. But I know this house has been calling you and if I know Ema, better known to you as Granny Hind, she awakened your powers when you first met her. Had a feeling she would and then when I saw you this morning,’ pausing for a second and looking straight at Serina. ‘So, any questions before I begin?"

  She looked at Serina with such a stern look of determination. It took a moment to sink in. Finally, she would know. Finally, she realized she had butterflies in her stomach. She was nervous and excited all at the same time. " No questions right now Aunt Viv. Just a simple thank you. From the bottom of my heart." And sat back and prepared to listen. The waters seeming to comfort her. Her insides letting her know everything was going to be ok.

  Inhaling a deep breath Aunt Viv began.

  "First I think I should start with what you are and what your grandmother was.' Although she kept speaking Serina heard a slight crack in her voice at the mention of her grandmother. ‘you my child were born with a very special gift. You have powers even more so than you have probably realized. You are what is called a Protector. Your grandmother knew you had been bestowed the gift after you were born.”

  “When you were still small she told your mother. Wanting to protect you, your mother decided it best not to tell you in order for you to have as close to a "normal”, ‘this was said with air quotes, ‘life as possible for as long as you could. Your grandmother disagreed and begged your mother not to do that. Told your mom it was something you needed to know.”

  “Finally conceding to your mothers wishes Iv knew your powers would be calling to you, so in order to help them to quiet down so they wouldn’t dominate your everyday life your grandmother preformed a sleeping spell, if you would call it that, to suppress your powers to help you live as normal a life as possible.” Then she laughed and shook her head, “but on doing the spell Iv was taken aback by the strength of your powers. There was only so much she could do. But your mom was determined."


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