Serina: Awakened

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Serina: Awakened Page 5

by LH Bondi

  "Iv was so proud of you. The look in her eyes when she would brag about the special she sensed in you baby girl, 'saying that a tear slipped down her cheek, ‘oh that woman loved you. Just wish she could a had more time with you. Know that Iv wanted to see you but knew being around her. Being around here your powers would surely come crashing in her spell useless. Ultimately, she stayed away figured it was for the best. Practically broke her heart. You were her one regret and one of her greatest joys.” She paused as a memory came to her of Grandma Iv.

  "Anyway, you are special baby girl even more so than most protectors. All protectors are special and live very long lives they get stronger and craftier as time passes. I think it has something to do with the magic flowing through y’alls veins. Your grandmother was 259 and still young at heart.’ Inhaling deeply, she began once more, ‘now, the purpose of a protector is to keep the barriers up over Eden or Second Life. And to fight off the evil. Giving the evil a name, it is known as a darkness and then there are the Raifs.”

  “The darkness is shadows that creep around Eden looking to find weak pure souls to corrupt and deceive and report to their masters the Raifs. The Raifs are ugly soulless creatures blacker than night they have hollow eyes and faces that have been twisted with evil long spindly fingers that reach out from a long slender frame piercing pure soul hearts their mouths open to reveal darkened gnarled teeth and forked tongues they stab the hearts with their tongues sucking the life out of their victims all the while their souls are being ripped from their bodies by their claws until that too has been eaten." Seeing the look of horror on Serina’s face. She stopped.

  "I know child. Do you want me to stop?"

  Not able to speak Serina shook her head no.

  "I know it's terrible and a lot to take in. But I feel you should know everything. From the look of you this morning I'm assuming you know somewhat about Eden?"

  She nodded, and Aunt Viv continued.

  " Well protectors are located all over the world they protect the barriers. The map on your grandmothers’ she paused, ‘your study, has a portal globe. Different symbols showing the locations of openings protectors like yourself guard with their lives. Only a protector can read the globe. A safety that has kept the entrances safe.”

  “There are books in that study some ancient old books passed down from generation to generation. They contain spells that have been passed down as well as the history of every protector can be found in that study and the history of Eden from the beginning. And if there is something you can’t find Granny Hind will have it no doubt. And of course, just ask me I was your grandmothers’ researcher for years.”

  “As for this place. It’s a place of renewal and meditation the waters are infused with special minerals and the powers of the crystals. It will renew your spirit and mind. Help you find your center your inner peace. The waters flow through the roots of the ancient oak you see lining the walls and trees and help the barrier not only to the portal, but it helps seal this place from evil. Only a protector can open the seal to enter. I see that look your wondering how I got in. Well that’s a bit of genius on Iv’s part. Said she needed me and Granny Hind down here it’s where she did her best thinking. So, she made us an entrance from the study. Little bit of ancient spells with some modern flare technology mixed in. She started using it more than the fountain. But just us three can get in too many wards up. Don’t you worry.”

  “You know at first there was no need for protectors. Eden was just that a pure place full of serenity and peace. But as with all things it was corrupted by power and the hunger for more. So, protectors were created to protect the innocent. And to help keep the darkness out."

  “ Your grandmother sensed before her passing a great evil somewhere surrounding Eden trying to sneak in. She spent the better part of a year making you that necklace straight from the crystals and waters from this cavern. She enforced the barrier as much as she could. But she feared she couldn't keep it all out. Iv knew that with her passing the absence from when you got here would be critical." Seeing the look on Serina’s face she paused. “You have sensed something. Haven't you child?"

  Her heart racing, she began, "last night I was there. I don't even know how I got there. I met some people. About my age. Something triggered my awakening besides Granny Hind something set me off. The barrier was enforced somehow my body just felt what to do, but I could tell something was off. Not right. Then it was as if everything in my body went limp. All of my energy gone. If it wasn't for Joshua I don't know what would have happened. Next thing I knew I was waking in my room. My head pounding. Your breakfast tray beside my bed."

  “Your necklace, the one your grandmother gave you did it stir, come to life?” She looked anxious for the answer.

  "No.” Seeing the look of relief on her face she hated to continue. After a brief pause she did. "But, the other day when I first found the study. I felt it, Aunt Viv, it filled me with dark and fear. I ran from the study. I didn't even realize my necklace was glowing till I saw it in the glass out front.” Lowering her voice to almost a whisper, “I’ve never felt that. Never. Everything I have always felt has been good, it frightened me. Now I know Grandma Iv was with me. And is the only reason I survived." Looking up, “I’m scared Aunt Viv. I'm not ready for this. Everything, all those souls were almost gone because of me."

  Standing and walking straight into the water till she stood in front of Serina. She gently lifted her chin and wiped a tear from her face, “you brave sweet girl. It's not right this huge task that has been forced on you. So young so innocent. Who knows maybe your mom was right. The not knowing keeping you away from all this.” She looked quickly to the ceiling before meeting Serina’s gaze once more, “but if I know anything I trusted Iv with all my being. The woman was never wrong. Although she prob cheated and got most those answers from Ema.” And she giggled a little, ‘that woman is a true seer, kinda creeps me out between the two of us. But you listen to me baby girl they knew you could do this. It's been foreseen baby girl. And I know it in my heart. Can see it in your eyes. You can do this Serina."

  “You are so gifted. The house it calls to you. The trees. The portal you opened it purely on instinct. Nothing Iv did could suppress your gifts. Just dial them back a little. And now that you are awakened child. Those evil things don’t stand a chance. All you have to do is trust yourself. Trust your feelings. That and your heart will never lead you astray.“

  Those words, she had heard from Grandma Iv. Smiling through her tears, “that’s what Grandma Iv told me that first night. That’s when she gave me this.”

  “Well how bout that. Said she would do it.” Now Aunt Viv was crying too but Serina could tell happy tears. “Takes a lot of energy and know how once you’ve passed. But your grandma was determined. Said she would keep it up for as long as she was needed. Oh, that woman was nothing but pure love. Knew she was still watching us helping as always.” Touching her heart, “it’s beating with happiness. Thank you Serina for giving us a piece of Iv back. OH, come here.” And before she knew it Aunt Viv had wrapped her in one of the warmest hugs she had ever gotten.

  After a bit when Aunt Viv finally released her. “So,’ then wiping tears from her own face,’ you really think I can do this?”

  “Think? Hunny I know!” Then sitting next to her on the bench and putting her arm around her shoulders. “And your grandma was positive. No doubts. Now she worried about you, of course. But always KNEW you would be fine. Heck better than fine I’d bet.”

  “You’ll be awesome.” Seeing Serina‘s face. She laughed. “What I can be. Hip” hearing Serina‘s giggle. She smiled. “I know I know. But I got to see that smile.” Then she kissed her forehead. And took a deep breath.

  “You know we’re soaking wet!?”

  Now Serina took a deep breath and smiled. “I love you Aunt Viv. Thanks for everything. But especially for believing in me.”

  “Always will. And I love u too baby girl. So very much. I hope your Mom doesn’
t kill me.”

  “Umm.’ Serina spoke sitting up, ‘about that. Could we maybe not tell her,’ catching a look she changed her tactic, ‘ok so maybe we just give me a little time to adjust just to get used to things. Ya know.”

  “Oh, my goodness you and your mom gonna be the death of me. All these secrets. It’s just plain silly if you ask me. And’ then she saw Serina, ‘of course baby girl. For you. But I don’t…. well maybe I do understand. Maria can be a bit overprotective.”

  “Maybe just a bit,” as Serina spoke she pinched her fingers about an inch apart. And they both laughed.”

  “Now I was serious a minute ago, we are still very wet.”

  And they both busted out laughing.

  They stayed down a bit longer laughing and talking about food and the house. Serina asked about the pink. And she was right. Grandma Iv simply adored the color. Felt it went with everything. Even the crystals in this cavern were originally blue. But according to Grandma Iv simply realized pink was the better color. This made Serina’s heart smile. She wished she had known her while she was still alive. They definitely were two souls that were very much alike.

  The waters never turned cold but all the same they were both starting to wrinkle. And Aunt Viv was having none of the sort. So together they left the waters. Her following Aunt Viv down the corridor leading to the study.

  Chapter 8

  Evil Beginning

  The corridor opened from a sliding bookcase. Of all things. But hey who was she to judge. The most obvious things are often the hardest to find she had discovered over the years. She then found that a code was needed as well as the persons finger print for the scanner and as a final safety a magical enchantment had to be spoken. Seems Grandma Iv was indeed clever when it came to this.

  To her happy surprise Aunt Viv had brought some towels. And even a change of clothes for her. Is there anything this lady didn’t think of, she wondered.

  This time when she was in the study she could feel the barrier had been enforced and knew beyond a doubt they were safe. This brought her comfort in realizing she had for the time being fulfilled her duty.

  “Well, as you can tell Iv wasn’t the greatest at neatness.” Aunt Viv said smiling. “Why don’t I leave you to your thoughts. Take your time enjoy the peace and quiet. No one will bother you here. Your mom and dad went out for a little together time.” Then raising one eyebrow, “you can thank me later.” And with that she walked out the door.

  Quickly changing into her dry clothes. She told herself she must remember to keep fresh towels in here. And maybe an emergency change of clothes. Then well maybe a simple bathing suit would be much better.

  Walking around the room she began touching the books feeling the energies within them. One a large book had been left open on the desk. The pages old and worn, had yellowed with age. Touching the book, she inhaled sharply at the influx of knowledge it contained. And the mixed feelings of good and evil seemed that they both lived in this book. Curiosity getting the better of her she sat and began reading.

  The book was opened to a page containing the history of Eden. Seems Grandma Iv was trying to figure out something about the origins of the darkness. When the evil first began. And who was responsible. Her brows creased, “what are you trying to show me grandma? Or did you not know? What were you trying to figure out?”

  Making sure to keep her place she closed the book to see the title. It simply stated, “Second Life and the Beginning.” Her fingers trembled, and she could feel the conflict within this book. It contained so much beauty and so much ugliness.

  Once again making sure that the pages were still marked she began her journey learning all she could about this place known simply to its residents as Eden.

  Serina spent most of the day wrapped up in that book. Aunt Viv checking in on her and bringing her a snack. She hadn’t realized how late it was till she heard her stomach growling and decided to take a break. Looking at the clock on the wall, “well, no wonder your stomachs growling silly. It’s nearly 9:00PM.” Standing up and stretching. She made her way to the kitchen. Aunt Viv was there and had her a huge cheeseburger and cajun fries ready and waiting.

  “Oh, you read my mind.“ Sitting she began to eat.

  “Now better make sure you leave room for desert, baby girl.” As she spoke Aunt Viv pointed to the most delectable looking pie she had ever seen. She didn’t know what it was but that meringue on top looked so yummy.

  “Lemon icebox, your momma used to love it. Thought you might too.”

  After she ate she walked slowly back to her room. Her mind thinking about the details and all the history in that book. She wondered what could have happened at what moment could such a place of innocence have such evil enter it. And she stopped an image forming in her head. She saw it as clear as if it were in front of her a boy no not a boy a young man. With a face that was almost too beautiful to be called handsome. And eyes of a deep amber. She saw those eyes and as she investigated them. They swirled black the dark flowing through him. He doubled over his breath coming in short spurts his hands grasping the sides of his head as if in terrible pain. No, it was an inner fight not pain. Not pain at all. And then suddenly the deep amber of his eyes was gone in its place was black nothingness. They looked hollow, empty. An evil smile played upon his lips even his teeth had been transformed and twisted. His face ashen and grey. Then she saw a young girl walk casually up to the man smiling. “No run!” Serina screamed her warning echoing through the empty air. The young girl held out her hand to take his.

  What was wrong? Couldn’t the child see the danger? She asked herself. This wasn’t real it was an echo in time, a memory from the past. The house was letting her see. She could see it feel it even hear it. But do nothing but watch.

  “Uncle Allen? Can you play with me?” She heard the child ask. The innocent girl could not see the evil that surrounded her uncle. Knowing what was to come. Serina closed her eyes not wishing to see. It did no good. The memory played on. Taking the child’s hand, the man’s eyes glazed over licking his lips a long-forked tongue snaked out stabbing the child’s heart the taste of purity driving him on. His body finished the transformation. His fingers elongating entering the girl’s eyes tearing out her very soul then as it devoured it. The man’s transformation was complete. He was no longer human he was now a twisted and evil creature that hungered for souls he was now a Raif.

  Releasing the memory Serina let out her breath and placed her hand over her heart. My god. What on earth could have caused that man. Then she knew. Knew the only thing that would have done this. Grief. Deep soul reaching grief from a tragic loss. Grief that causes a person to become consumed with anger till they are hollow, empty. A emptiness they are always trying to fill. And seek revenge on the world that in their minds that took their happiness away.

  Her body still shaking she began rubbing her arms trying to lessen the chills. She needed a break. She needed normal. She thought about Cin. And decided to send her a text as she plopped down on her bed. Funny how it seemed so natural to text Cin. This was her first friend she had ever had. But somehow the friendship seemed old. Strange she thought. But then what was ‘normal’ anymore. And she laughed.

  “Hey Cin. It’s Serina. You busy? “ As she text she bit her lower lip and hoped she received a reply.

  “Never too busy for you girl. What’s up?”

  Serina smiled huge as she received the reply. Then her fingers began typing happily. “Nothing much just a long day. Was hoping to hang out tom. And then maybe you could come over? That is if u wanted:)”

  Ok now she was nervous. This was it. And then she heard the ding.

  Hey eyes wide she read.

  “Sure. Sounds GREAT! What time?”

  “I’m not sure gotta ask my mom but shouldn’t be a problem. I’ll text you later with the time.”

  And there was that ding again. And yep she text back.

  “Sounds good! TTYL”

  After learning her parents were
home and getting the final ok. She text Cin and told her around lunch. Her dad would take her into town and they would pick her up. But Cin insisted she would drive over and they would go from there.

  Just wanting to unwind. She decided on a long hot bath. And her huge claw foot tub was perfect. She loved her bathroom. Sometimes she wondered if her grandmother could read her mind when this room was picked for her. It was pink but very tasteful. With a huge claw foot tub near a bay window. The window being of course one way. The glass reached all the way to the ceiling over the tub creating an atrium ceiling, so you could see the stars at night or watch the birds and clouds during the day. A large live oak was nearby guarding her window its arms standing at attention weaving in and out of the window itself. The craftsmanship was awe inspiring.

  And one of her favorite features a gas fireplace. That heated the room and cast warm light flickering across the scene. It was just another piece of her heaven on earth.

  Letting out a deep sigh and placing a warm cloth on her face. She found herself thinking about Joshua and the memory of their lips touching came rushing back. Causing her to lick her lips and to gently touch them as they tingled with the memory. His eyes. Those beautiful deep eyes. They did things to her. Things she had never experienced. And her heart raced at the memory of him holding her his hands on her body. His warm breath.


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