Serina: Awakened

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Serina: Awakened Page 6

by LH Bondi

  Ripping the hot rag off her face and rolling her eyes, “I really have to stop this. He doesn’t even feel like that towards me. I mean who could blame him. And he has Marsha!” She said Marsha’s name twisting her face. “Stop it Serina. You like her. She was nice. Very nice to you.... whatever.” Her relaxing done she was out of the tub. And drying off when it hit her.

  “Eyes? Marsha’s eyes. There was something familiar.” Then stopping, “now I know I’m going crazy. How could her eyes be familiar?”

  As she lay in bed she still couldn’t shake that thought. Much later she finally dozed off.

  Chapter 9


  The next morning, she awoke startled with images barely traceable of those eyes, Joshua’s eyes. What in the world is wrong with me? “Let it go brain! He’s not for me!“ Then a slight breeze and a shadow was seen out of the corner of her eye. Jerking her head and reaching for her necklace. She felt relief. And her insides spoke loudly that everything was as it should be. Shaking her head and scolding herself she threw on some clothes. About that time her phone started ringing.

  “Hey girl. Well ya asked for me, I’m here. A little early by your standards. But right about on time I think. By the way I’m good. But what’s the button key to get in this place, if’n you don’t mind me asking?” Hearing the lighthearted tone in her friend voice she knew everything was fine.


  “Huh, imagine that!” And she heard the buttons being keyed and the gate starting its grinding as it opened, “it worked, be there in a sec!”

  Excitement running through her veins. She met her friend outside and felt like giving her a big hug. But held back. Scared to ruin the new friendship.

  And suddenly Cin had her wrapped up. “Missed ya girly. Took ya long enough callin.”

  Smiling Serina answered, “sorry had a lot going on.”

  “Well don’t cha fret over that none. You can tell me all about it. We have a good bit to get caught up on I see.”

  Shaking her head. The two began walking towards the house. “I think I’m gonna like having you around Cin.” And then she rolled her eyes and stopped, “no! I *know* I’m gonna love having you around. “Meeting Cin’s eyes she continued, “you were straight with me, so I owe you the same. In case you haven’t noticed I’m not too sure of myself around people anyways. Houses, books, old things, antiques, that’s more my style. As you can probably guess I didn’t ever have too much luck as far as friends go. In fact, never had one. Unless you wanna count my parents. But with you. It feels I don’t know…. different. And I think you get me,’ then hesitated only slightly before continuing, ‘get all of this stuff about me.” Then seeing the look on Cin’s face. “So, I was right you do know about me.”

  “You mean the business about you being a **protector**and all.” As she spoke her eyebrows raised slightly and she had the quirkiest little knowing grin on her face. “Of course, I know.” And she smiled. “Girl told you from the start me and you go way back. Thought I was crazy at the time. Didn’t cha?” And she made a fist and hit Serina playfully on her arm.

  Rubbing her arm out of habit more so than from any pain. “I wouldn’t say crazy. As much as confused. At the time.” And both girls started laughing

  Cin put her arm around Serina’s shoulder as they began walking once more towards the house. “So, after you get done showing me around.”

  Stopping her at that Serina interrupted. “You’ve never been here? I thought surely with granny being, well, your granny. You would have been here lots.”

  “I can see where you would think so. But granny always said wasn’t my time. And trust me. When granny says don’t do it. People listen. Or find out they should of.“ She continued, “so, after we finish this tour of sorts. Seems ya have all kinds of stuff to catch me up on. But most of all. Tell me bout Joshua.”

  And she squeezed her shoulders tighter.

  Serina’s mouth wide open. “You amaze me Cin. Yep def gonna love having you around.” Then she looked down, “but he’s no one. Just some guy. Some guy that lives in Eden.”

  “I tell it straight girl. Now what I see is anything but just some guy.’ Raising a brow. ‘Later trust me. When I say later.”

  And Serina’s stomach knotted as Cin shot her a wink. She was beginning to hate that wink. It always meant she already knew things. But for now, they would walk and talk. And enjoy the day.

  They walked and talked Serina showing her friend every part of the house. She especially liked sharing the third floor and showing Cin her room and the gardens.

  Stopping in front of the fountains. “There is a very special place Aunt Viv showed me yesterday. Wanna see?”

  Twisting her face and looking to Serina out the corner of her eye. “Umm sure would. But somethin’s pulling us towards the swamp.” Getting a sneaky smile on her face. “Let’s check it out!”

  Serina looked a little worried “are you sure?”

  “Come on girly. Where’s that sense of adventure I can feel? Come on, Serina. What we got to lose?”

  A little shiver ran down her spine at that moment. “That’s what I’m afraid of.” But looking at Cin and seeing all that confidence. “Sure. Let’s go get the golf cart.”

  “Now that’s my girl! Who hooooo let’s go find some trouble.”

  And there was that wink again.

  Yep, she knew it trouble!

  They rode down the path leading to the gazebo her mother had shown her not very long ago. Still in awe at the beauty in this place. Both girls rode in silence enjoying the gentle breeze and listening to the sounds of the swamp as it got later in the evening.

  “Oh my!” Escaped Cin’s mouth. And Serina completely understood because the second time seeing this was no exception.

  A gentle ripple began in the water and her heart pounded. But she soon realized it was a snapping turtle. And breathed a deep sigh of relief. Her gut was churning this went against everything she felt. Some kinda danger was here lurking. She simply hoped she was overreacting.

  “You’re not! I felt it too, Rina!”

  “Rina?!” What in the world? Serina thought as she looked at her new friend.

  “Well, no offense girly but ya names kinda a mouthful at times. So, I figured ya needed a nickname. One that suits ya. Tried making ya a Sir. At first. Almost sounded manly. And most importantly not you. Now, Rina. That sounds assertive a woman in charge. And now that I’ve said it. Yep. Thats it. Rina.” She spoke matter of factly. Then added “if’n that’s ok with you? It being your name and all.”

  “I’ve never had a nickname. Always wanted one. So, you know I like it. Rina! Your right very assertive.”

  The look of confidence across her face let Cin know it was working. All her friend needed was to trust herself. Presently pleased with herself Cin walked towards the water. Walking to the edge she bent down touching the water letting it roll between her fingers. “The water it feeds my energy. Not just any water. It’s the swamp. Its creatures, all its life begins right here flowing through the waters. It speaks to me and granny. Telling us things warning of danger.” She smirked, “but not all bad. Seems this place was special to my granny as well. And my grandpa. Never got a chance to meet him. Was gone before my time. Glad I got to see a memory. Thank you spirits.” Suddenly Cin’s head jerked. Her eyes seemed almost glowing embers of green. “Serina!” She screamed at her friend. The darkness had come. The visions were never wrong.

  Serina had sensed something watching the moment they drove up. Something was watching them. She heard Cin scream her name as she saw. A black fog lurking creeping eerily around some unseen perimeter. She knew she should be screaming but somehow, she was calm. Her necklace began to glow and the words she felt them before she spoke them out loud. The phrases forming clearly in her mind. Her body began instinctively knowing what to do as the phrases cane flowing across her lips as if they had been spoken a thousand times. “*Noctorious nefarious oslacious zin. Noctorious nefarious oslacious z
in!!!!*” The energy shot out of her fingertips. The darkness seemed to turn and vanish. Some of the energy remained in the vapor.

  Walking towards the energy Cin reached her hand out. “Cin NO! That thing is evil!” Serina shouted desperately trying to protect her friend.

  “I know girly, this is what we came for. For me to find out Serina, what they want of you. Now trust me.” Sticking her hand in what remained of the creature, Cin’s breathing stopped. Her eyes once again green fire. It took only a few seconds. But to Serina it seemed much longer.

  Cin’s eyes changed back to her emerald green. And she walked over to the gazebo and went in. Waving her hand for Serina to follow.

  Once inside she sat across from her friend. The look on Cin’s face made her heart skip a beat.

  “They’re watchin Rina. Watchin us both. But most of all watchin you. Creeping around like the slime they are. Trying to find a weakness in you. Seeing your vulnerabilities.” Cin swallowed hard then continued. “Never take that necklace off. Do you hear me. Never!”

  Cin stopped speaking as I shook my head yes.

  Cin answered loudly asserting her voice breaking the fog that was encircling Serina’s brain. “No, Rina that’s not good enough. You must promise. Have to swear!”

  Now it was my turn to swallow hard. “I swear Cin. It will never come off…... What just happened? Seems that you brought me here for a reason. A reason you forgot to mention to me. What if....” She couldn’t finish the thought. It hung in her throat. Choking her making her feel she couldn’t breathe. Next came anger. Anger at Cin for putting them in this danger. But anger at herself. For once again feeling scared. What if. She thought again. The words to horrible to finish. She screamed. And the anger she felt churned in her gut reaching her eyes. She could feel the energies pulsating through her body. It was strong. She had felt them before but not like this. This energy was pure raw vibrations that began seeping out her body snaking and twisting through the air crawling across the floor.

  Suddenly Cin’s hand shot out and grabbed Serina’s her friends voice coming through the fog in her brain. “Rina listen to me. You have to stop.”

  But she couldn’t. It felt to good the power. She knew she should a part of her wanted to stop. But the anger had made her powerful. For once she didn’t feel helpless. She realized at that moment she was helpless. Helpless to stop what she was doing. She began to shake with fright. Only making the vibrations erratic the power overtaking her.

  In the distance she heard a voice far away at first. Then right at her side.

  “Hello, granddaughter. I am so proud of you. Just look at you. What’s that Cin calls you? Oh yes, Rina.” At the sound of her grandmother’s voice she began to get control.

  “Grandma is that really you?” She spoke a tear rolling down her cheek. “I’m scared grandma. I’m not ready for this. This power I can’t control it. All these souls are depending on me. And I don’t know what I’m doing. If it wasn’t for you, for the necklace. Who knows.”

  She felt a sudden touch on her cheek and knew it was Grandma Iv. “Sweet child. You give me far too much credit. Yes, I made the necklace. And yes, I will always be here. But it was you my granddaughter, your powers that help the necklace to work. You, not me!” Grandma Iv paused only briefly than began again.

  “Now I don’t have much time, so you must listen Rina. I know you are upset. But Cin was only doing what she had to do. She knew you could handle it. If she didn’t, y’all wouldn’t have been here.”

  “This power feel it, it is a part of you. Trust it. Guide it with your heart.”

  Serina felt the power flowing through her body she tapped into the vibrations. And started pulling them back in.

  “You have to trust Cin. Your life will depend on it. The two of you are bound. Bound by a bond that is almost as old as time itself. You are the protector. Cin is your seer. The both of you are connected and will be connected always. Trust the bond granddaughter. Trust it always.”

  Serina had calmed down and now could see her grandma in her mind’s eye. There was that kind face full of love.

  “And there she is. Now I have to go.”

  She heard her grandmother say.

  Through tears Serina spoke, “grandma, no please I need you!”

  Smiling she placed a hand on Serina’s shoulder. “Haven’t you learned by now you silly girl. I’m always with you. You can handle things Rina. Think.”

  “That’s Right, Rina. You already have.”

  Then her grandmother was gone.

  No. She told herself. Not gone. Her hand finding her necklace. She smiled through her tears. Taking a deep breath. Then met Cin’s face.

  “Sorry about that.’ Then let out a breath of air. ‘But you should have warned me.”

  “Now girly. You know me better than that. If’n I could have I would have. Was the only way to get ya here. And as ya can see. It worked.’ Then she winked and sat back. ‘Like I said. Never wrong.”

  Inhaling a deep breath Cin looked at her very seriously. “I didn’t finish before you know.”

  “I have to tell you what I saw.”

  “You ready?”

  As Serina nodded yes, Cin continued.

  “There’s an evil. There’s always one lurking. But this one’s different. It’s smarter than the rest. It wants Eden but,’ she met Serina looking her straight in the eye. ‘But it’s craving you. It senses your powers wants to absorb them somehow. I sensed a jealousy, a hatred that came from deep down. That things master is looking for a revenge on ya. I don’t know for what. That one wasn’t anything but a scout lurking around gaining information. But it’s master.’ Cin paused. ‘You’ve met once before. It came for you in the study. Thought to catch you unaware feed on your venerability. And it’s angry it didn’t succeed. It underestimated you and it’s very angry.”

  “Won’t be happy with just your powers or your soul. Wants your life.” Then she looked down and her voice lowered. “Your forever life. It hopes to keep ya imprisoned torturing ya for all eternity.’ She looked up again. ‘As a warning to all the protectors. That it’s all powerful. Showing them that it can never be stopped.”

  “There’s somethin else.”

  “It knows Rina. Knows who ya are. What ya are. Ya aren’t just a protector. Ya are the chosen one. The protector that will stop them stop the darkness stop the Raifs. End them once and for all. It has been foreseen. You, my friend, will end them all.” Cin reached out grabbing her friends’ hand.

  “Ya know we got this right, girly. I ain’t going nowhere. We’re in this together. Ain’t nothin gonna bust us up.” She squeezed Serina’s hand. “Right!?”

  Serina took only a few moments. Then she spoke. “With the two of us. What could possibly go wrong.” Then looked at her friend. Her face so positive. And at that moment she knew with all her heart. Knew they absolutely did. “Heck yes. We got this!” And she squeezed Cin’s hand with all she had. And the two friends nodded together.

  “Let’s get out of here. I really need to be somewhere I know we are safe right now. I think we both do at the moment.”

  Standing Serina walked towards the door of the gazebo, “I know we have a lot to talk about. And plans to make. But here is not the place.”

  She paused briefly standing in the open door. “Knowing you Cin. I bet you already know where!”

  “Actually?“ And Cin smiled to herself.

  Chapter 10


  The ride back was quiet. She drove fast the wind blowing her hair. Clearing her thoughts. It felt good. Made her feel alive. It was a feeling she hoped to never take advantage of again. She saw her home silvered in the evening sun. A warm churning began in her gut. She took one hand off the wheel and rubbed her stomach slightly. “There you are missed ya this evening.” She spoke out loud whispering more to herself than anything.

  “And to think people call me strange. At least I never made friends with my stomach.” Teasing her friend got the arm punch C
in was expecting.

  “I’ll have you know, It’s my gut. And it has never steered me wrong! You have your sight. But never underestimate my gut.” And she sent Cin a wink.

  “Mmmmm smell that. That is none other than Aunt Viv. And if my nose is correct smells like BBQ.”

  Parking the cart both girls raced to the kitchen. They had been so busy. Neither had remembered to eat. And a good meal is just what was needed to calm the nerves and set things a little right in her mixed-up world.

  “Aunt Viv! “She heard Cin holler. Then she ran over and put her arms around her hurriedly. “I missed you Auntie. Things just aren’t the same with you and Grandma Iv not hanging around.”

  Aunt Viv kissed the top of Cin’s head. Then rested her chin on top of it. Cin’s personality was so big it startled Serina a bit as she remembered just how tiny her friend was.

  “I missed you too lil bit. I’m sorry I haven’t been around much. Been trying to keep an eye on this young-un.” And she looked towards me. “It’s not as easy as you might think.”

  “You ain’t telling me nothin I don’t know.” As Cin spoke the two released each other. Then took in a deep breath inhaling the glorious smells. “Mm mm BBQ chicken. And you made it in honor of me. Thanks Aunt Viv.”

  “You and Ema creep me out sometimes.” She said whacking her backside with her dish towel that was draped over her shoulder. “Now you and my baby girl go on and sit out back. Then she walked over and playfully popped me too. Now I don’t even wanna know what the two of you been up to. Then kissed me on my head as well. But if you need me. Just ask. Now y’all go on and relax. I’ll bring the food out in a min.”


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