Serina: Awakened

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Serina: Awakened Page 7

by LH Bondi

  “So?’ Serina asked. “ You *saw*that she made chicken?” She raised a brow as she looked at Cin.

  “Nah, sometimes it’s just nice funnin with folks.” And she laughed, “just a guess she knows BBQ chicken is one of my favorites.”

  “You devious thing.”

  But that was the end of the conversation for a while. The food was brought out. And as always delicious.

  After the chicken, potato salad, baked beans, corn on the cob, twice baked macaroni, and garlic bread was inhaled. Not to mention most of the desert. Well they had to leave some for later they thought.

  They made their way down to the secret caverns through the study. Serina enjoying the look on Cin’s face. Knowing it wasn’t a look she would see much on the seer’s face. If ever again.

  It was breathtaking. And left them both speechless at the sight. Serina for the second time.

  “I know. I don’t think I will ever stop staring in awe at the wonder of this place.” Serina spoke breaking the silence.

  “Come on. It gets better.” And motioned for her friend to follow into the glowing waters. The girls had both changed into cutoffs and a bathing top. Serina still not convinced that Cin didn’t know why. That was until she saw her face and knew. This was one thing Cin had never expected.

  The waters warmth surrounded the girls. The energy that flowed from the crystals began to renew their strength. And soon both were sighing with restful relief. Not one to hold back Cin dove under the water coming up and splashing Serina straight in the face.

  “Ahhhh!” She screamed and the two continued laughing and splashing having fun enjoying themselves. Till they found themselves seated on one of the benches in the water.

  Heads back eyes closed the two enjoyed the silence. Neither willing to break the quiet and end the playfulness of the moment. The weight of the task before them starting to come full circle in their minds. It was Serina that spoke first.

  “Do you think we will ever be ready?” She rolled her head to the side eyes opening looking at Cin.

  Cin answered never moving, “ready for what?”

  That earned her a kick from Serina. “Come on I’m serious Cin. We have to talk about this.”

  “Trust me Rina. I know. Was just enjoying the moment for a few more seconds. Besides you are so easy to rile up. It was funny.” Suddenly she was being pushed off the bench and found herself submerged underwater. As she came to the surface she heard laughter.

  Serina was laughing so hard her tummy was starting to cramp. “Now that was funny!” She spoke as water splashed in her face and Cin joined in the laughter.

  Calming down Cin spoke. “I know Rina. I know. This is very serious. Not only our lives but the souls of countless others are hanging on us. We have to study. We have to learn. You have to learn spells, you have to learn the history of not only Eden. But the history of the protectors before you. You have to practice Rina. Practice harder than you ever have. You have talent that’s for sure. But I can feel you are holding back. Somethin’s scaring you. You have to let it go.” Then she stopped as if something just came to her. “It’s you that your scared of. You don’t trust yourself. You have to Rina.”

  “Ya have to believe in yourself. It’s gonna take everythin we got to do this. I know we can. I’ve seen it. Granny has seen it. But you. YOU have to believe it. Believe in yourself. Those books I saw in your study. They contain knowledge. And I can see answers there we just have to find them.”

  Serina spoke “Believe in myself. You make it sound so easy. Someone like you wouldn’t understand. Look at you. I bet you have never doubted yourself ever.”

  “Your right, not since I was little anyway. Growin up with granny by my side helped. Showed me not to care what those *normies* thought. *Normies* huh. Ain’t never told no one bout that. It’s what granny calls the so called normal people. And after a while I realized. That I was special, and nothin mattered but what I thought about me. Sure, I get some looks. Sometimes they can even get mean. Especially the girls our age. Heck sometimes even the parents. But granny taught me how to deal with them. Just look them in the eye and stare. Most the time just that makes them normies. Run off scared wantin to know what I’ve done done.” She stuck her tongue out and smiled then clapped. “Some of their faces. Thinking about it. Makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.”

  Serina spoke, “my whole life I have been different. Been judged. Called names. I was always on my own. But here, this place. Eden, you. I feel like the first time in my life I’m home. I know why I’m here. I know I am special. I fit here.”

  “So.......whatever it takes. I’m in.”

  Then she had a thought, “Cin you and granny see so much. Why can’t you just tell me what to do? What will end this?”

  Cin smiled, “if only it were that easy girly.”

  “We see. But the visions show us possibilities. Some more clear than others. I can feel emotions like I did today. I needed a connection to see more. Needed to physically connect to that dark. So, I could tap into the darkness see more than I had seen. For instance, what I was seeing before in the swamp was just pieces that made no sense. Till I tapped into that thing. And it all fell together.”

  “Things from this world are easier. Crossing is more difficult. The swamp helps. Me and granny and our family have always been connected to the waters. It’s energy flows through us. Feeding our minds eyes connecting us to the other side showing of things that might be comin.”

  Then giving me a knowing wink Cin spoke again, “Speakin of things to come......”

  And without a doubt I knew what would be Cin’s next words. Then she spoke.

  “Ummmmm Joshua?”

  Rolling my eyes “I don’t know what you want me to say Cin. There’s nothing to tell. NOTHING.” Suddenly I felt it was time to leave the waters. And began walking towards the steps. “You coming?”

  “Yeah I’m comin girly.”

  I heard the waters splashing behind me then felt Cin’s hand on my shoulder. And heard her speak, “well I still wanna hear about this nothin.” And she laughed. “What I saw I would say a lot of things but nothin sure ain’t one of them. You gonna have to learn Rina. Learn to trust yourself. Believe in yourself.”

  Drying off and putting on some dry shirts we walked in silence till we reached the study. I once again felt that old large book calling to me. Walking over and touching the pages I looked at Cin. “There’s something in here I know it. Something important. We have to find it.”

  “This book I can feel it calling me trying to share a hidden secret. I’ve looked and read and read more.” My fingers running along the page, “I can feel the secret it’s right here. I just can’t seem to find it.” I let out a quick huh and half laugh. “Sounds crazy right.?”

  Walking over Cin touched the book. Her eyes once again green fire although not as bright as before, “anything but crazy Rina. This book she has many stories. But that secret is buried deep. Gonna take some time. But we can do it. Together.”

  Wanting a change of scenery, the girls headed up to Serina’s room. They had just reached the outer staircase and suddenly Cin turned to Serina. “Hide the book Rina. Quick!!!” Then pointed to a potted plant.

  Brows creasing Serina hurriedly placed the book behind the green foliage. No sooner than she had hidden the book her mother came around the corner.

  “Well hello girls, having fun?” Smiling her warmest smile, she walked right up and stopped in front of the two of us Her focus directly on Cin. “Hi. I’m Serina’s Mom. You can call me Marie.” She said extending her hand and as Cin began shaking it she continued, “I’m so glad to meet you. Serina was so excited to have you over. And I’m so happy you came.”

  “Serina tells me Granny Hind is your grandma. Is that right?”

  Even though the smile remained I could tell it was almost forced. This was so not like my mom. I could only imagine what was on her mind. But true to self. Cin played it calm and easy.

  “Yes ma’am! That�
�s me. My names Century. But everyone calls me Cin.” Then sent her a wink. “I want to thank you for havin me over, your house is so lovely.” Eyes dropping slightly “I also want to say how sorry I am about Grandma Iv. I know you loved her very much ma’am.” Seeing my mother’s eyes start to water Cin added. “I didn’t mean to cause you more pain ma’am. Just thought it was the right thing to say out of respect to you and your family.”

  Wiping away unshed tears my mother spoke. “No Century. Thank you for saying your respects. I can see Granny Hind has done a good job helping to raise you.” Then a genuine smile touched her lips as she continued. “How is that lady anyway? Always seemed to know just what to say to make my day.”

  “Oh, granny’s always doin good.” Then smiled, “keepin folks on their toes as always. I’ll sure tell her ya asked bout her. She’ll like that I’m sure.”

  “Yes, yes please do and tell her I would love to have her over. Would help remind me of my grandma.” Saying that she reached out and gave Cin a quick hug. “Now you two run along.” Then smiled, “I know you have better things to do than to talk to this old woman. And I would suggest you hurry because I think your dad’s not far behind.” With that said she shooed us quickly up the stairs.

  Sending Cin a quick glance. She answered my unspoken question. In a hurried whisper.

  “It will be fine! The book will show up later. Trust me.” And she ran ahead grabbing my hand pulling me along. All the way to my room.

  Practically slamming the door behind them. They both let out huge sighs. “Ok, so we’re here. Why were we in such a hurry, Cin?”

  “Well two things. Somethin bout this room is buggin me from earlier. And your mom was right. We almost got guilted into board games with your dad.”

  This created some laughter out of the two girls. And they both ended up flopped down in the comfortable sitting chairs. Both were curled up legs crossed looking out the window. Enjoying the moment. When a sudden knock was heard at the door. Startling them both.

  “It’s just me girls bringing a snack.” They heard Aunt Viv through the closed door. “And a certain book you might have left behind.”

  Sending Serina a wink, “you’ll learn one day girly.” Standing Cin hurried over to the door.

  Opening it quickly. Cin took a deep breath. Breathing in slowly through her nose. “Mmmmmmm fresh baked chocolate chip. And a pitcher of ice cold milk. A girl could get used to this.”

  “Yes, and your Aunt Viv could use a hand. This book is heavy. Could we maybe enjoy the cookies in a second?” The book wobbling back and forth in her hands the pitcher of milk shacking very unstable.

  “Oh goodness Aunt Viv we weren’t thinking.” Serina spoke as she raced across the room. Cin grabbing the plate of cookies and Serina grabbing the milk. The book which was used as a tray was left to her aunt.

  Thanking them Aunt Viv held the book close to her chest. “I’m hoping I might be of some assistance. Although I can tell you what I know is very little.”

  “Yes, please Aunt Viv. Anything would be helpful.” Serina said quickly nodding for Cin and her aunt to follow to the sitting area.

  Sensing something off yet again. Cin stayed standing looking towards the bathroom.

  “Cin?” Serina spoke the look that was on her friend’s face made her insides cringe.

  Cin looked towards Serina, “tell me Rina, have ya felt anything ‘off’ in there?”

  Shaking her head Serina spoke softly. “No, I haven’t felt anything. I thought I might have seen something, but I just chalked it up to nonsense. Why? What’s wrong?”

  Serina felt uneasy. What was happening? This was her safe place. Her slice of heaven. Her sanctuary. She touched her stomach and even though her heart was racing with the unknown. Her gut was quiet. This calmed her a bit but only briefly. As Cin spoke.

  “I felt it before and I felt it a moment ago. Somethin’s been here. Or someone. I don’t know...”as she spoke she walked towards the bathroom determination and a fierce protectiveness could be seen on her face. Entering the bathroom, she stopped and walked slowly circling the room. Eyes once again ablaze. She spoke “I’m gettin nothin and somethin at the same time. It seems somethin was here. There are so many wards so much protection. The trees whose roots drink from the protective waters strengthen the barriers even more. I don’t understand this?” She spoke, and her eyes started to dim. “Whatever this is, it must be good. If not, how else could it even get in here. But the real question is why?”

  At this Aunt Viv spoke. “Well I can tell you this. Iv put so many wards up whatever is getting through. It has to have a connection to Serina. Otherwise it couldn’t enter. No way!”

  Cin spoke walking out again into the open room. “Well it’s gone now.” Then touched Serina on the shoulder. “Might wanna enforce those wards though. Can never be too careful.” Then Cin sat and grabbed a cookie as she crossed her legs up in her chair. “Cause if’n it got in it would have to be good I would think. But I’ve seen what people thought to be impossible be completely possible.”

  Serina closed her eyes took a deep breath and felt the protective spell buried deep within. It began in her gut and she felt the energies swirl around her crawling up to her fingertips then the rays of light shot out the tips setting the room aglow in all too brief of a second. The electricity popping and crackling in vibrant blues and pinks. Fading into the enforced barrier. That was now unseen to the naked eye.

  “Oh my! I knew you were talented baby girl. But. Oh my!” Aunt Viv’s mouth agape. “You would think you have been studying for years. You felt that baby girl?”

  Feeling suddenly shy from such attention. Serina answered “ Yes, is that ok? Did I do something wrong?”

  “Heck no Serina! Wrong? What do you mean wrong?” Seeing her newly found baby girls face. Aunt Viv decided right then and there to stop this nonsense. “Look at me Serina.”

  As Serina lifted her face Aunt Viv continued. “Now Serina I’ll have no more of this silly stuff. You my girl are this entrance to Eden’s protector. A protector! For many a soul have been entrusted to you. You Serin! Why? Because you were born with a talent. Special magic runs through your veins. Magic that has been passed from generation to generation. You have been born to this. Do you hear me Serina? Look at me. I want you to say it and believe it out loud.”

  It was then Serina knew she would never doubt herself again. And she could feel the power her power growing stronger as she looked first at Cin then Aunt Viv. “I am a protector!” Those words were spoken loud and clear and once more she felt their power running through her veins. Unlocking talents. Whispering their secrets. Secrets only her inner self would know.

  “Now that this silliness has been put to bed, so to speak, let’s get busy.”a

  Aunt Viv spoke grabbing a cookie and crossing her legs as well. “So, what do we know or where are we starting? Or…..” raising her brows in kind of a questioning look. “Do y’all just wanna ask me questions? Pick my brain?”

  Serina spoke first, “well, Aunt Viv, I do have a few questions for you. This book it was left open by Grandma Iv. I think she was trying to show me something. Something about the darkness. Where it comes from. Where its master comes from. Maybe if I could understand I could figure out how to stop them. Although as I say them. I feel it’s more of a thing. One thing calling the shots spreading the evil trying to consume all that’s right and good about Eden. I can feel the answers in here. I just can’t seem to find where they are. What I need to know, what I guess I am asking. Is do you know anything about the beginning of the Raifs the darkness, how it began and why? What are their weaknesses?”

  Aunt Viv turned to Cin. “If there’s anything you want to add please lil bit, by all means chime in.”

  Cin answered with a nod and Aunt Viv continued.

  “You are right about Iv studying that book looking for clues. The Raifs have been around for a long time. Longer than most have thought it seems. The darkness was created by them it feeds off
of fears can sense weaknesses and reports back to their masters on new souls to feed upon to join them. As for the Raif’s weakness, ironically their weakness is powerful strong pure magic. Goodness that is what can destroy them. But the stronger the Raif the more power more purity of heart it takes to kill them. As for when they came to be or how exactly. No one knows. Iv realized about fifteen years ago their activity started growing. Their influence over souls of Eden growing. Their hunger for power to control and destroy Eden has taken on a life of its own devouring souls at a faster rate than has ever been.”

  Leaning forward and grabbing everyone’s attention Cin spoke. “Grandma Iv was correct it started 15 years ago. It will be 16 years ago Christmas Eve.” She looked at Serina and saw her friend’s eyes widen with the knowledge of her next words that were to come. “Your birthday Rina. Mine as well.” Reaching out to hold her friends hand she continued. “It knew Rina. It knew the day we were born its time was comin, and it started fightin. Gettin stronger eatin more and more pure souls increasin its armies.” Letting go of Serina’s hand she then looked at Aunt Viv. “We did this. Set this in motion, simply by bein born.”

  Serina answered. “No! We were innocent children the evil in those things set this in motion. But when they are destroyed. That my friends WILL be us!” She spoke with such directness and certainty even she was quite impressed. And the looks on Cin’s and Aunt Viv’s face told her they were as well.

  They spent most of the night going through the book with not much knowledge of the origins of the Raifs coming to light. It was frustrating for Serina more than the rest. She knew the answers were there why couldn’t she find them. Have them reveal themselves. But her gut told her the book would release its secret when the time was right. Which only seemed to frustrate her even more. And when would that time come?


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