Serina: Awakened

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Serina: Awakened Page 8

by LH Bondi

  Chapter 11

  Opening the Portal

  The next morning had come and found Aunt Viv busy in the kitchen as usual. Cooking and making the whole house smell like heaven. She said goodbye to Cin and they agreed to meet later on. Thought it might be a good idea to talk with Granny Hind. And besides Serina really liked granny and wanted to see her again.

  After a quick meal she found herself relaxing in her bath once again her thoughts going to Joshua. His eyes, she could stare into those eyes forever getting lost in them. Shaking her head, she plunged it underwater. Coming back up the hot water seeming to wash the remains of the guy out of her brain. Smiling she placed a warm cloth over her face. She would not think of him. She would think of her problem. And then there he was in her head again. “Aaaaahhhhh!!!! Well if I keep thinking about him I might as well go talk. See if I can find out anything from the guy.” She spoke out loud more to herself. Then thought, “what if he’s not there? Well I’ll cross that bridge when I get there.” Feeling quite confident in herself. She got out of the tub and wondered over to her closet.

  Thank goodness all their stuff had finally gotten there. Where the original day had been that first Friday it had taken slightly longer than that. But hey, everything had made it and all was there.

  Digging through her clothes for the first time in her life she wondered what to wear. Telling herself she wanted to make a good impression on the souls she hadn’t met. Deep down she knew it was for other reasons. But she would never admit that out loud.

  She finally settled on a pair of slightly beat up jeans with holes in the knees. And a form fitting black t-shirt that fit but wasn’t too tight. Her hair she had brushed and placed in a perfectly placed messy knot and of course her black tennis shoes with the hot pink laces. “You know you own a lot of black girl” Serina spoke to herself. Then made a sort of giggle noise. “Well I like what I like,” looking at herself one more time in the mirror. Then with a deep breath and an air of determination. She started towards the study. Briefly seeing movement before she shut her door. She turned but nothing was there, so she closed the door and was on her way again.

  Her stomach churned with more and more nervous knots it seemed with every step she would take. Then she found herself at the study and turned the knob to go in.

  Serina began thinking of Eden thinking of the portal and where she wanted to be. And there it was that familiar feeling inside of her that seemed to turn over some unseen key releasing the gates and opening the portal. Knowing where she would be this time. She let her heart race with excitement as she slowly opened her eyes.

  Here she was again. The day beautiful the sun was shining a gentle cool breeze she could feel blowing across her cheeks. In the distance you could hear the birds singing happily. She took in a deep breath and smiled at the beauty of this place.

  Then she saw him. He was there at the playground. Him and Marsha sitting on some swings seeming to be deep in conversation. Masha’s hand reached over gently placing hers on top of Joshua’s as it rested casually on his knee. That knot in the pit of my stomach seemed to grow as his eyes looked up finding mine. Seeing me Marsha jumped up and ran over embracing me.

  She smiled wiping her blonde hair from her face as she spoke. “Josh, look whose here,” she turned and motioned for him to come over. “Come on Joshua you could act a little more excited.” Rolling her eyes, she again turned to Serina. “Boys. Right.”

  To Serina’s horror he began walking towards her. The look on his face spoke louder than any words. If she didn’t know better, she would swear he looked almost in pain. Well this wasn’t any picnic for her either. But she had to do it. It needed to be done. As if on cue the memory from their last meeting in her room came flashing back the embarrassment showing in the redness of her face. Although she swore he would never know, so instead of running away and hiding so no one would ever see her again. She instead looked him straight in the eye.

  “Hello Joshua. I trust you have been fine.” She spoke in her most nonchalant voice she could muster. She hoped.

  Meeting her eyes and then that handsome smirk crossed his lips. “Well, things haven’t gotten worse around here so yes, you could say I’m fine.”

  Marsha’s hand reached out as she placed it on Joshua’s shoulder. “Well, if you call those creepy things showing up more and more in the woods nothing Josh.” Then she turned and faced Serina. “Not that we blame you. Of course not! What with you being so new at this and all. We all know you are trying your best.”

  An irritating look crossed Joshua’s face as he spoke directly to Marsha. But his tone was sweet as honey. Only his eyes gave away his annoyance. “Marsha aren’t you gonna be late to pick up Greyson. Your mom asked for a break this afternoon remember.”

  With a look of utter surprise and her mouth agape she spoke in a hurry. “Oh, my goodness thank you for reminding me.” And with that she gave Joshua a quick hug and a peck on the cheek. Then looked him straight in the eye as her hand touched his chest, “I’ll see you later?”

  His head lowered, and he looked back up speaking as he exhaled, “We’ll see ok. I might get hung up or something.”

  Smiling her sweetest smile Marsha answered. “Sure, but you know how Greyson misses you.” Then patted him on his chest and turned to Serina. An “oh” escaped her lips. “I’m sorry I almost forgot you were there Serina.” Then she turned to go. Speaking over her shoulder. “Sorry I have to run. Maybe you can come by later with Joshua.” Waving as she ran off.

  Well that was mortifying! Serina thought to herself. Then she looked towards Joshua and of course the guy was smirking. And then the butterflies started as her eyes met his.

  “Serina about the other night. I really think we should talk.” As he spoke he took a step closer.

  Serina held up her hands for him to stop. “There is nothing to talk about. It happened it’s over. There, it’s fine. I don’t want you to worry about things being weird between us. I understand.” She stepped back and turned wrapping her arms around herself. She needed that little comfort and the slight breeze gave her the perfect excuse. “I didn’t come here for that. I came here for information and to check on things. The barrier seems strong.”

  “Yes, the barrier is fine.” Then he smiled. “As far as I can tell anyway.” Grabbing her hand and pulling her towards him. Within a second they were wrapped in each other’s arms his placed on the small of her back and hers placed perfectly on his chest. Her fingers tingled, and she looked up meeting his gaze she jerked suddenly away.

  He spoke first, “sorry about that I will try to be better.” Then he reached out his hand and smiled, “so you want a tour and some information. I think I can handle that.”

  His smile was intoxicating to her and she found she was holding her breath. Slowly releasing it she spoke, “I would really like that.” A smile played upon her lips. Like it or not she was tangled up in this with him, so she might as well enjoy the tingles. As that thought entered her brain she laughed a little out loud then shaking her head to clear it some. She reached out and took his hand. Electricity between them almost instantly. She decided to enjoy what she could. And they began walking. To where she didn’t know.

  They had walked for several minutes in silence. Their hands still touching. A sudden feeling of guilt crossed her mind as she thought of Marsha and she forced herself to let his hand go. Using the cool breeze as an excuse as she crossed her arms and began rubbing them with her hands.

  “Cold?” She heard him ask.

  “Maybe a little.” And she smiled as he placed his jacket around her shoulders then told him a simple thanks.

  Her brows creased as she remembered Marsha’s words about the happenings in the woods, “so, the woods? What’s been happening?”

  Exhaling sharply, “Marsha had no right laying that on you. Things like that have been happening off and on for decades.” Then he paused slightly. “Although it has seemed to pick up lately.”

  “Will you bring me t

  The look of astonishment on his face drove her to explain. “It’s just I need to know need to see. My gut is telling me something’s there and I always trust my gut,” she spoke patting her stomach. When she realized what she was doing. More so out of habit. She stopped. “You think I’m crazy I know. But my gut is never wrong.”

  Smiling and nodding his head to the right with his hands in his pockets he smiled. “How about a solid I’ll think about it. For now, I would really like to bring you somewhere. If that’s ok?” “Then he began walking in that direction pausing only slightly waiting for her to follow.

  Soon she was at his side. Her thoughts wondering if there was even a small portion of himself that felt the things that she felt when he was near?

  “Where we headed?” She spoke trying to ease the silence. Although with Joshua words didn’t seem to be needed.

  She could hear the excitement in his voice as he spoke. “You’ll see. Come on let’s pick up the pace.”

  As they walked they passed several houses it amazed Serina at the normality of it all. Children playing. People doing chores. The smell of charcoal from outdoor cooking carried on the breeze. They passed a small malt shop that seemed to come right out of the 1950’s. Seeing her face Joshua spoke. “The food there is delicious. We might stop by later if you want?”

  At that very moment someone came out the door with a chocolate malt that made her mouth water. “That would be awesome!” Then being a little embarrassed she spoke looking at him out of the corner of her eyes. “Ummm I mean sure whatever.”

  This made him laugh and she felt herself joining in. The easiness of them being together was so nice.

  They walked a little way out of town and Serina started to wonder. This was getting strange. “How much farther?”

  “It’s just right down this little path a bit. Come on.”

  He took her hand and hurried down the small winding path. The ease of him holding her hand was nice and familiar somehow. She almost jerked it back. Then stopped. What would it hurt to enjoy this simple thing? So, she did. As they rounded the last corner. Her breath stopped. “It’s beautiful.”

  As the words left her mouth. A nagging feeling entered her brain. “You’ve seen this before” it kept saying over and over. Her brows creased as her memory came into focus. The same scene .... “Oh my god!” Her brain screamed. Of course, this was familiar. The mirror pool the old ancient willow tree its branches touching the surface of the water causing ripples with the blowing wind. It was almost an exact replica of the mirror pond at the entrance of her home right down to the sitting stones that had been placed at the edge. And was she crazy, she could almost swear those were the same fish. Yes, there was the white coy with the blackened eye. What was going on here? She was determined to find out.

  “Joshua....” Then she felt her gut screaming be quiet. Don’t let your feelings put your guard down. So, she touched her stomach. Seeing the quizzical expression on Joshua’s face she finished her sentence stumbling only slightly. “Ummm this place is beautiful.”

  He smiled then the smile reaching his eyes. “Knew you would like it. “Then he looked at her.” Actually, it was your grandma that showed it to me. Never have shown anyone else. But with you….” Leaving his sentence to end as I would like. He turned and inhaled the fresh air.

  He began pulling her towards one of the large boulders surrounding the pool. “Sorry I don’t have a blanket or anything to sit on. Didn’t really plan this. The rocks may be a bit cold.”

  “This is fine. Really, I don’t mind at all.” This place was peaceful. Serina looked around and watched two hummingbirds fighting over a red bloom. She laughed a little at the almost playfulness of the two.

  Feeling eyes upon her she looked and sure enough Joshua was staring that handsome smirk making his features even more handsome. Her eyes met his and for what seemed an eternity she couldn’t look away. Then a picture of Marsha entered her mind and she jerked her head suddenly away. Then sat on the large boulder.

  Looking up at him she patted the rock. And soon he was beside her. But the moment had passed he just as well might have been a million miles away. She sighed to herself. Feeling that it was just as well.

  “So, I came to pick your brain. And hopefully learn some things. So, tell me everything.” She wrapped his jacket further around herself. Partially from the cold and partially from the cold shiver that had just ran down her spine.

  “You will find my brain isn’t nearly as interesting as yours.” Smirking he continued, “well the Raifs have been around for as long as I’ve been here. I couldn’t tell you how long. Time goes by differently for us. I’ve heard it’s because our first life we were cheated of time so in this life it’s as limitless as we want. As for the darkness it seems to go hand in hand. Think of them or rather it as henchmen.”

  “The activity has increased more and more over the years. Iv and the protector before her and I assume the others were always able to keep them at bay. But a time back the attacks started increasing.”

  He paused slightly as he looked at me. “I can see from the look on your face this is nothing you didn’t know. I can tell you from living here how they feed. The dark slithers around the outskirts. It finds loners souls that have lost their will to go on. Most from loneliness, souls that can’t let go of the pain. The pain from leaving loved ones. But too scared to move on. Scared of what they might or might not find.” He paused then gave a half laugh. And then he continued. “I know what you are thinking. Scared of what. You are here surely you know heaven exist. If you wanna leave just go.”

  Joshua turned looking down into the calm waters. “It must seem so simple to you. But even though we have passed and are in our second life Serina we still are human or were. Have human weakness just like when we were alive. The not knowing is the scary part. You get comfortable here. Comfort in the knowing it could be eternal. Others believe and after their life here they move on.”

  He looked deeper into the waters before he continued. “The weaker souls move on as well. We just don’t know where or how. They just seem to vanish. I was like that once. Weak, miserable, not knowing if I wanted to go on here.” He turned and met my eyes and I could see the hurt the pain he felt sharing this with me.

  “My death,” he continued, “was at the hands of a horrible person. The man or rather the monster took me against my will tortured me. Did unspeakable things the pain was unbearable.”

  “I don’t know how long I was held captive, it seemed an eternity. Never ending pain. That’s all I knew my mind was lost. Till finally there was nothingness. Death had taken me and brought me here.”

  “I was so angry. How could something so evil live in that world. How was it that I died my life was gone and he that evil horrid person was allowed to live? The hate consumed me. I went to a dark place Serina. A very dark place inside myself. I could feel myself changing inside the good inside me was almost gone.” He closed his eyes and looked again at the waters.

  “It was Marsha who was there for me. She introduced me to Greyson. She showed me how blessed we are to be given a second chance like this. I thought if they could get passed what happened to them. How pathetic was I being? I will always be grateful to her and for introducing me to Greyson. He’s my little brother now. Never had one in first life.”

  Looking back at me he raised one brow. “So,’ he said exhaling, ‘that’s it! That’s me. Anything else you wanna know. I guess I’m an open book now.”

  Serina’s heart ached she could physically feel his pain. Reaching out to take his hand in hers. She caressed the back of it with her thumb. “I am so sorry for your pain. No one should ever go through that.” A silent lonely tear fell down her cheek as she spoke, and he reached up his hand to gently wipe away her sorrows.

  Meeting her eyes, he spoke softly. “Don’t Serina. Don’t cry for me. If it wasn’t for what happened to me. I wouldn’t be here now. I would never have met you.”

  He started l
eaning towards her their eyes locked the world disappeared and all she could do was feel. Feel the moment and the longing that surely, he felt as well. Then his lips touched hers and all was lost. The electricity that passed between them unmistakable his lips guiding hers it had begun softy, gentle. Then the kiss heated intensified. She could feel her whole body surrendering. Then suddenly he was gentle again and the kiss was over. His forehead touched mine as his hand found the back of my neck.

  He pulled away and my heart sank as he looked ashamed of the beautiful moment we had shared. And then she knew. He was thinking of Marsha and a crack formed in her heart. She had promised herself it didn’t matter. She promised herself she wouldn’t let him hurt her. And here she was playing the other woman. Not her. NEVER again.

  She got up and began walking. She knew how to leave she didn’t need him. She was the powerful one her not him. “Serina wait! Serina please you have to understand.” She heard him holler at her. Her gut twisted, telling her she needed to wait. Something was wrong. And for the first time in her life she ignored her gut and continued on. The cries of her beat up heart screaming louder at every step she would take.

  She would not cry. She told herself over and over. He did not deserve tears. Tears were for people that were worth caring for. Besides, nothing was stopping her from being just his friend. Yes, just his friend. But it was her choice not his. And besides that, kiss meant nothing. Feelings were raw at the moment. Could have happened to anyone. There it was done. She would tell him that next time she saw him friends. Nothing more and nothing more ever. That kiss was nothing. “Keep telling yourself that girly!” Rolling her eyes. Oh my god I’m hearing her in my head now. Thanks, Cin.


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