Serina: Awakened

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Serina: Awakened Page 9

by LH Bondi

  She had stopped for a brief moment. Then came to the sudden realization she had no idea where she was. It was getting dark. She had been in such a hurry to leave to get away from him she hadn’t paid attention. Then she saw it. It was so fast she almost missed it. It slowed. A black fog creeping slowly stalking. She placed her hand over her chest trying to quiet the pounding that the thing could surely hear. Then hid as best she could behind a fallen log. Not being a religious person, she found herself praying. Her gut telling her what to do Serina closed her eyes and trusted her heart. Then she felt the calmness come over her and a cloaking spell hiding her protecting her from harm.

  Her eyes ablaze with the fierceness of her spell. She watched the horrid scene before her. She saw the things master come to a small clearing it was a Raif. Not a very powerful one a young one if she trusted her gut. Its twisted finger slinked out into the black mist its hollowed out face opening its elongated jaw. Its forked tongue coming forth it was feeding on the fear and weakness its henchmen had found. Finishing its meal. The forked tongue licking its thin blackened lips searching for spilled drops.

  She heard a stick crack behind her. Her heart beating louder she lost her concentration only for a moment. But that’s all that was needed. Her defenses down. She was vulnerable, and completely visible. In that same moment. The Raifs eyes landed on her. Her sharp intake of breath something was familiar. It started towards her. She froze only for a second. Her necklace was aglow burning her chest lighting up this dim forest. The spell came to her then and the electricity from the spell sent a light so bright for a brief moment it turned the dim evening into a bright sunlight day. At the same time the spell was cast the Raif had reached her. She had been quick, but the thing had been too.

  She turned then and ran its claws reaching out tearing the flesh from her back. She screamed at the pain. But it drove her on. She ran the sharp vines and thorns cutting into her legs. She ran as if her life depended on it. And suddenly once again he was there.

  Joshua’s arms were around her she knew it was him. And even though she should still be mad at him. She welcomed the safe.

  “I got you. I got you. You are safe Serina.” His words cutting through the haze that was her brain at the moment. She started to breath. Just concentrated on breathing.

  His hands holding the back of her head his hands weaving through her hair. He kissed her forehead.

  And that did it. She jerked away. And cleared her throat. “Thanks for everything. But if you don’t mind I think I would very much just like to go home.”

  He spoke. “Fine I’ll take you back. But first.... What the hell?” He touched her back his fingers gently touching the long scratches that had broken the skin. His face ashen, “Serina, what happened?”

  “Oh!” Inwardly wincing at the pain as she shrugged off his jacket. It hurt but he would never know. She would never show him weakness. “Sorry. It just kinda happened. I’ll get you a new one.”

  Grabbing the jacket and dropping it to the ground. “The jacket? Really Serina? You thought I meant that jacket. I could give a damn! I was talking about you!” He grabbed her arms forcing her to be face to face. “Look at me Serina. Is that what you really think of me?”

  She met his gaze and found herself concentrating on the pain in her back focusing on all that pain she turned it into anger and she directed that at him. A menacing smile formed at her lips as she answered. “Oh, you meant me. How silly of me.” She spoke in her sweetest voice. “You mean my back?” Her tone even unmoving she continued. “I assure you Joshua I am fine. I am more than capable of taking care of myself. And if I did need any help my grandma is always with me. I also have many friends. They care about me.” She turned and began walking. Her bearings straight she started back towards the portal gate.

  As she walked she was quite pleased with herself. The look on the arrogant guy’s face was priceless. She squared her shoulders and picked up the pace. The pain at that movement caused a sharp intake of breath.

  He was beside her in an instant grabbing her hand pleading with her to stop. She did. Rolling her eyes. “Yes Joshua. Did you want something?”

  He was angry. She could see it across his features. And her insides smiled. Good at least he knew she was strong. She wouldn’t bend to him. It would take more than he had.

  When he spoke, his voice was slightly raised. “Want something!? What’s wrong with you!? If this is about earlier.”

  She cut him off raising a brow she answered. “You mean that kiss? No, this has nothing to do with that. We are friends. And we will remain friends. And that’s all. I do care about you Joshua, but it goes no further than a good friend. That kiss should never have happened. It was a moment that caught us off guard. It will never happen again. I think we both know our places.”

  He looked confused, “if that’s how you feel. Then you have nothing to worry about from me. I’ll walk you back.”

  They walked the rest of the way in silence. When they reached the portal. He finally spoke, “please at least tell me if you are ok.”

  The look in his eyes spoke of the concern he felt. Her heart melted a little at that and she smiled at him. “I think I will be fine. It does hurt. But only a little. It was a young Raif. It barely got me.” Then her smile broadened, and her eyes lit up. “But trust me. It looks lots worse. I’m actually proud of myself.”

  His face turned white. “A Raif! A Raif that’s what did that. I thought maybe an animal or something maybe even some thorns possibly. But a Raif!” He grabbed her wrapping his arms tightly around her.

  She winced suddenly from the pain and he released her quickly. “I’m sorry.” He spoke looking to the ground. Then looked up meeting her eyes. “This is my fault. I shouldn’t have kissed…”

  She interrupted him placing a hand over his lips “No Joshua, the fault is mine. I knew better my gut told me not to go. I didn’t listen. I went anyway. But I won’t say I am sorry. I learned something today. I am stronger than I thought. Everyone kept telling me that. And now I know. I’m not afraid anymore. Scared yes.” Then she laughed. “I would be crazy not to be. But I’m not afraid. “She reached out and hugged him and placed an innocent peck on his cheek. “You are a good friend Joshua.”

  Then she opened the portal and was gone.

  Chapter 12


  Serina was once again in the study of her home when she heard a familiar voice. “Could you please try to be more careful girly?” She heard Cin’s voice from behind the desk. Sitting there as calm as could be. Her feet propped up and very relaxed.

  “Nice to see you too Cin.” Tiredness seemed to wash over her all at once and she leaned for the desk her walking a little uneasy.

  Cin was by her side in an instant. Helping her to the chair. “Had a vision, saw most of what happened. Ya done good Rina. Real good.” They had reached the chair and she plopped down grateful she hadn’t missed the seat and even more so for her friend. “Thanks, Cin. Thanks for being here.” Serina spoke in broken words between catching her breath.

  “Now where else would I be? Ya scared me girly. Now lean up and let me look at cha back.” Cin spoke leaning over the side of the chair. Using her phone as a flashlight to help her see.

  As Serina leaned up Aunt Viv burst through the study door. All kinds of bottles and wrappings held precariously in her arms. “How bad is it Cin?”

  Aunt Viv had reached the desk putting down the various bottles and cloth. A worried scowl crossing her kind face. She joined Cin in looking at her back and spoke. “Well baby girl. It’s not bad. Had me worried though.” Then placing her hand over her heart. “I don’t think I’ve been that scared.” She reached down and cupped Serina’s face in her hands. “But I am so proud of you. What you did. How you handled yourself.” Aunt Viv’s eyes began to water.” Look at me blabbering on. But I simply can’t help it.” She then stood up, “I’m so proud. Iv is smiling down on us. Oh my!” She spoke wiping the tears from her eyes.

t Viv placed her hands on her hips then. “But I tell you when Cin called on her way over. My heart stopped.” She looked at Cin, “should have known my lil bit had this in hand and you were fine.”

  “Oh!” Aunt Viv spoke placing her hand over her mouth as more tears began to fall. “I’m so proud of my girls.” Gathering them both in a kinda hug.

  Serina’s intake of breath stopped her hug. “Goodness me, let’s get a better look at those markings.”

  Standing Serina turned and sat at the corner of the desk lifting her shirt and wincing at the pain of removing it. “You should see the other guy.” And she laughed.

  Cin and Aunt Viv both looked at her at that moment. The look on their faces spoke volumes. Serina could see it in their eyes. They knew as she did now. This was a whole different Serina.

  “Yes ma’am” Cin spoke smiling huge. “There’s my Rina we been waiting for. Good to see you girly!” Cin turned to Aunt Viv. “Them things don’t stand a chance my girls here now.” Sending a wink to the both of them.

  This made Serina smile. She was actually starting to like that wink.

  Serina spoke, “thanks guys I’m glad I made y’all happy. But my back?”

  “Sorry.” Cin and Aunt Viv spoke at once.

  “You’ll be fine baby girl” Aunt Viv spoke looking more closely. “I’m pretty sure Ema will have something, you won’t even have a scar.” Then she sat up taking off her glasses. “I have a few things here kinda low on salves and healing potions. I’m never gonna hear the end of this from Ema.” She rolled her eyes and continued. “But some of these will help and maybe ease the pain for now. That and a little aspirin.”

  Aunt Viv turned then and walked to the door. “For now, go relax in the mineral waters for a bit. Then I’m assuming you two will go see Ema?”

  “See there Aunt Viv there’s a little seer in all of us.” Cin called to her as the door closed. Turning to her friend. “Ya got this Rina or you need help?”

  Standing firmly on her own Serina answered. “ Nah, I got this was just a little winded on reentry.” She shot Cin a wink grabbing a towel and suit she began opening the door to the caverns.

  “ Mmmmm this was gonna be so nice after her morning,” she thought to herself.

  Chapter 13

  Granny’s House

  After asking her mom if she could go to Cin’s. Serina sat relaxed and calm her head laying back sitting in the passenger seat of Cin’s 1970 Volkswagen Beetle Convertible. It was fire engine red and matched perfectly with Cin’s personality.

  Rolling her head to look at her friend. “I like your car Cin. It fits you.”

  “Me and Gracie,” patting the dash as she spoke, “I tell ya it was love at first sight. She has a few character marks.” Smiling she continued, “but that makes me love her even more. Tells her story ya know.”

  Gracie’s’ paint was dulled in places and she had a dent in her back bumper. The passenger door had to be lifted up on to open. And the interior was a little scuffed up. But Serina could tell Gracie had a good soul and lots of spunk. Yep, Gracie and Cin definitely matched.

  They drove down the road Serina rolling down the window letting the wind whip through her hair her hand reaching out feeling the air roll through her fingers. She smiled and looked at her friend. “These little clips of time make everything worth it. So peaceful.”

  At this moment she wasn’t thinking about Joshua, Eden, the Raifs anything. She was going to enjoy this moment. Inhaling deeply, she smiled and closed her eyes. And then opened them just as quickly the memory of that last kiss from Joshua making its way to the front of her brain.

  “Oh!” She hollered out loud scrunching her nose and banging poor Gracie’s dash with her fist.

  “Rina now you gotta be more easy on my Gracie that boy ain’t none of her doin.” Cin’s voice never raised but Serina caught laughter in that last as she spoke of Joshua.

  “Your right, sorry about that Gracie.” Then sat back hard her head hitting the headrest then looking up at the roof.

  “Why Cin? What’s wrong with me? I think about him all the time. He’s just a friend. That’s it a friend and there’s nothing wrong with wondering how a friend is doing. Right?”

  “Whatever you say girly.” Wink.

  They drove the rest of the way in silence. Till Cin turned down a long winding drive. They entered through a gate that had been left open. It was old and a bit weathered but still beautiful and well taken care of. Old oaks scattered throughout the well-manicured lawn. The beauty of their old ancient limbs resting on the ground. Serina could feel their welcome and felt as this would be her second home.

  They continued down the long driveway. The positive energy flowing through everything. Till Serina could start to make out the lines of a house in the distance. She opened herself letting the flow of energy surround her she felt the love and protective nature of the home. Its energy getting stronger as the car approached.

  Serina’s mouth was once again wide open her eyes taken in by the beauty of Cin’s ancestral home. The home itself was a pale green with white iron work scrolling, adorning the front of the balconies. It hung down cascading like delicate lace running down the length of white columns that lined the porch. A large white staircase started at the front porch making its way down a flight then splicing in two sections curving making their way to the ground. This was the crowning glory of this home. It was not only beautiful but was enchanted with many ancient spells. No evil would ever make it past these beauties. The energy from the spells electrified her senses as she easily crossed through the barriers. She smiled and rubbed her arms as goose pimples spiked up her arms.

  “Wow! Cin this place is not only gorgeous it’s amazing.”

  The home was three stories. Possibly four it was hard to tell. The home had two large balconies surrounding each story of the home each decorated in the delicate ironwork running along the rails the ironwork intricately laid out in a way that seamlessly brought the columns and railings together as one. The result was beauty. Plain and simple. There were towers it seemed boxed towers with the same scrawling iron setting off the four corners of the giants that at the moment Serina could count two. But there were possibly more.

  “Been in our family for generations. She’s a beauty alright.” Looking at Serina she paused then spoke again, “our families Rina are tied together goin way back.” Then she stopped at the top of the stairs. “Yep taken good care of us huh ol’ girl.”

  This made Serina laugh. “Thought I was the only crazy that talked to houses and things.”

  “Girly, if you ain’t learned yet crazy don’t begin to describe us.” Placing her hand on her hips and cocking her head to the side. “Ya might can hear and speak to them. But me, I know they have souls somethin bout em talks to me. Not like they talk to you, mind ya. But somethin. So, I respect that.”

  “Anyhow now that the introductions have been done. And ya feelin at home. Let’s move on. Shall we.”

  Cin opened the large wooden door the thing itself must have weighed a ton. The house welcoming them inside with a loud creak as they stepped on the dark wooden floor.

  The inside was just as stunning as the outside. Dark wooden floors stretched out through the home. To the left was a gorgeous sitting room with old antique furniture placed around an ornate fireplace. To the left another sitting room an exact twin to the other. The effect was stunning. But the awe moment had to be the stairs. They were almost exact replicas as the stairs outside except instead of iron the railings were made of wood that had been carved into intricate designs. Something about them caught Serina’s eye and reaching out her fingertips she smiled as the carving revealed their secrets.

  “Protection symbols hidin all over here. You’ll never find them all. Heck I’ve tried.”

  “Umm, Cin.....”

  Cin answered before Serina could even finish. “Vacation girly. Mom and dad travel, lots. Dads some kinda high falutin business man. Buying and selling businesses. Or somethin. Neve
r cared much to find out. Don’t get me wrong he’s a good dad an all. But business comes first with him. Now don’t cha get all sappy I see ya there the way ya lookin at me. They travel but don’t forget bout me. Always home for holidays and special occasions and such. Asked me to go on travelin with them most always sayin they want me with them. But nah, ain’t for me. Would miss granny and the swamp too much. Always been my home. Right here.”

  “Mom on the other hand, well she loves me and all. Even understands me and granny’s gifts. But it was never her. Mom always tried to distance herself from all that. And I guess when she met my dad at college she found not only love but her out. Ya know out of here.” Then she laughed. “Then I was born and all of her plans for “normal” and a pretty princess she could dress up, gone just like that.” She snapped her fingers. “But she loves me in her own way. I suppose.” Looking at me she continued, “I always wondered why they didn’t have more. Guess I scared the bejeezers outta them too.” And she looked down.

  I had never seen Cin like this before I could feel her struggle her confusion. And suddenly I was very aware how luckily I was in the parenting department. “Cin.” I spoke as I touched her shoulder.

  She looked at me and I could see the water in her eyes the unshed tears threatening to spill. “Your parents love you Cin. And for whatever reason they haven’t had more children. I know Cin I know in my heart. It has nothing to do with you. You know I can feel things. And I feel the love in this home. I feel it in my gut. The love your parents have for you. They might not physically be here, but they carry you with them everywhere they go. They always think about you.”

  Cin Hugged me wrapping her arms tight. “And you don’t have to be a seer to know you got me…. Me and you girly ain’t nothin gonna bust us up.” Serina spoke in her most Cin impression she could muster.


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