Serina: Awakened

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Serina: Awakened Page 10

by LH Bondi

  This made Cin laugh.

  “And there she is. There’s my best friend. Tougher than nails.”

  Still laughing through tears as she wiped them away, “I love ya Rina. Thanks. I needed that.”

  “Ya would think that all the things I see I would know that. But I guess sometimes life lets the sillies in. Ya know.”

  The hug was much needed. But served to remind Serina of the pain the young Raif had inflicted on her back. She didn’t flinch and didn’t let on. However, it brought the question to mind. “So, granny lives here too, right?” Not knowing if it was a statement or a question.

  Cin’s mischievous smile reached those green eyes of hers. “Sometimes to be closer to the shop and all. Most of the time it’s just me and Annie. Our housekeeper.”

  “Annie mostly keeps to herself. Makes dinner cleans up and such. Which is fine with us. Most folks won’t even come round here. But Annie’s nice always speaks well of us to anyone that ask. Cause as much as people wanna stay away. Man, they like to keep their noses in our business.” She shrugged her shoulders as she finished those last words and began walking through the entrance way that was under the stairs.

  We walked along a long hallway passing many doors and antiques along the way. Serina opened herself to them. And it warmed her heart at the care that went into these things. Yes, this house was full of love. The hallway ended and opened up to a large open room that was somewhat modern a large living area with overstuffed furniture and bean bags scattered around the room centered around the largest tv Serina had ever seen in a home. There was a kitchen to the left with large marble counters. The colors were black with deep browns swirling through them the backsplashes matched perfectly surrounding a large black glossy sink that I swear Cin could have used as a tub. A cooking island was in the middle of the space. Overhead a large hooded vent made of stainless and copper matching the faucets and cabinet handles. Several barstools were around the island making the area welcoming inviting people in to sit and be comfy while gathering and eating. Black glassed in cabinets finished the look. Lighting from the inside displaying the contents within.

  “Spend a lot of time in this room hangin out. I have to admit. For all my mom’s busy bodyin decoratin and stuff. She done good here.” As Cin spoke she walked over to the fridge. And pulled out a tray of sandwiches.

  “Thought we’d grab a couple to go. They are good.” And she took a bite outta one. Talking with her mouth half full. “But Annie ain’t no Aunt Viv. Mmmmm that lady can cook. Am I right.”

  Cin handed Serina a sandwich and motioned with her head for her to follow. “Time to go Rina.” And she continued to walk to the back of the house.

  Following Cin through a set of french doors. Serina found herself on a wooden deck that backed up over the edge of the swamp. Her curiosity now at full. “Cin, just where is granny?”

  “Like I said granny does live here some. But granny’s true home is the swamp.” She spoke as she walked down the steps leading to a small metal boat tied off patiently waiting at the bottom. “I guess if’n it was up to me. That’s where I’d be too. The water in the swamp, it calls to us, me and granny. When ya go in deep. All that water surroundin ya. It’s a feelin I never get use too. It’s my hearts home. Ya know what I mean Rina?”

  A flash of Joshua entered her mind. As Cin spoke those words about a hearts home. Shaking her head quickly. Serina smiled, “um yeah I guess it feels like that when I’m at home or,” and she paused trying to think of someone anyone else, “with Grandma Iv.” Catching the look on Cin’s face. She knew her friend wasn’t buying the stretch of the truth. But all she could think was to change the subject. And quickly without thinking stepped into the boat.

  Realizing all too quickly. It defiantly was not as easy as it looked getting into one of these boats. One foot went in, the boat went out. Her arms flaying wildly, she remembered the feel of air then water. Freaking out. She started scrambling for the dock. Her breath coming short. Her brain thinking snakes…..alligators.

  Then she heard it. Laughter. Gut wrenching deep laughter.

  Moving her hair out of her eyes. She saw Cin bowled over laughing so hard she was having trouble breathing.

  “You know I could die in here.”

  “Girly you in two feet of water. And just in case ya forgot bout me. I can tell ya. Nothin wrong with ya and ain’t nothin in that water right here.” Wiping her eyes. She extended her hand. “Oh, that was funny.” Still laughing she pulled me up. “The things ya do to keep from talkin bout that boy.”

  Cin’s laughter still echoing in my ears. “I have no idea what you are talking about Cin, but even if I did. I really don’t wanna talk about it.” Taking a deep breath while wringing her hair out. “Maybe later k.”

  Cin shook her head, “I gotcha girly. But if’n ya don’t mind me sayin, ya fuss’n over somethin ya just need to let flow. Let it happen natural.” Shaken her head, “now, if’n ya wanna, I’ll go get ya a dry towel. And maybe some clothes to change.” One hand was on her stomach the other on her mouth still trying not to laugh.

  The thought of me trying to fit in Cin’s surely size 0 clothing. Was enough to make me cringe.

  “The towel sounds nice. But the clothes.” Shaking her head. “I don’t see it happening.”

  “Don’t be rubbin those curves in my face girly. I’d kill to have that shape. But I could wrestle ya up a shirt I’m sure would fit cha.” With that she was off running to the house.

  It gave me time to think. Some alone time anyway. I hadn’t had that since the Raif. It was nice here peaceful. The water making noises as it gently rocked against the wooden piers. The oak and cypress trees. The birds I could hear making noises breaking the silence. Only catching fleeting glances as they flew from tree to tree.

  And then there he was again. I decided not to fight it and enjoy the memory. I sat on the warm wooden planked deck and brought my knees up to my chest wrapping my arms around myself. I closed my eyes and felt his lips. They were so gentle. Her eyes opened. “I know he felt it too.” She thought to herself. Then remembered that look, that look of regret in his eyes.

  Why him? Why did it have to be someone she could never have?

  She felt something touch her shoulder.

  A sudden intake of breath and she swung her head around. She caught a glimpse of something. But it was gone. Traces of it seemed to briefly hang in the air. Confused Serina stood and walked to where it was seen. Nope nothing. Then Cin was back. Out of breath from running.

  “My rooms upstairs. And don’t get me started on how outta shape I am.” Handing me a towel and shirt. She bent over placing her hands on her knees.

  Looking at the shirt. It was simple and black with a v cut out for the neck. It might be a little clingy. Given how my upper girl figure was slightly larger than Cin’s. But hey it was dry.

  Changing quickly and leaving the wet shirt hanging on the rail. As I used the towel to dry my hair and wipe off my legs. I looked at Cin. “Well, I’m ready, but you first this time!”

  Cin was standing in the spot I had last seen the glimpse of whatever that was that had touched my shoulder. “You got somethin to tell me Rina?”

  “No? Just ready to go. It’s been a crazy day.” Making a strange face that I should have known wasn’t fooling Cin. I really was just ready to go. And besides it was nothing. Wasn’t it?

  “If you say so girly.” Smiling Cin began walking to the boat. Before stepping in quite easily, I might add, she sent me a wink.

  What was that for. I thought confused. It means something. It always means something. I rolled my eyes and Cin extended her hand to me. I put one foot in then kinda quickly the other followed. A little off balance and wobbling I sat down.

  “Ya gettin it. Yep, you’ll be a quick study on boats in no time girly. Better be get’n used to it. Especially round here.”

  Cin pulled the string on the motor and it roared to life. The boat jarred a little and Serina held her breath. “Calm down
Rina. You just fought off a Raif girly not to mention survivin an almost drownin.” She smiled looking at me out of the corner of her eye. “You can handle a boat ride. Trust me it’s fun. Ya gonna love it.”

  “Now untie the boat please and we’ll be off.” Cin nodded to the rope.

  Serina still shaking untied the knot. Putting the rope in the boat. As Cin eased away from the pier.

  Serina closed her eyes and enjoyed the feel of the wind.

  She loved that feeling of freedom of being carefree. Wind always did this to her. Wrapping her arms around herself enjoying the feeling of being caressed. Her hair blowing in the breeze. She inhaled deeply. Then scrunching her nose opened her eyes.

  The boat was slowing. And she could smell the swamp. It wasn’t a bad smell mind you. It smelled of wet earth and everywhere you looked it was teaming with life. From the green grass that flowed with the waters swaying back and forth with the waves. The creatures that used the grass as cover and protection. She saw fish. Scurrying as the grass moved. Turtles sunning on fallen logs that dotted the waters here and there. Some alone and some in groups.

  Groups of toads could be spotted as well hopping hurriedly into the waters looking for cover.

  She envied them at that moment. What an easy life. Not a care in the world. Eating bugs and laying in the sun. At that thought an alligator sunning on a bank caught her eye. Never mind she thought. Maybe their life wasn’t so easy. Survival was key out here. One had to have their wits about them. One wrong move would surely cost a life.

  A snake slithered out from the root of a tree that had partially fallen over. Its tongue slithering out as it seemed to make eye contact with her. Involuntarily she shivered. Snakes just weren’t right. In her opinion.

  An owl was heard overhead and drew her attention to the tops of the trees searching. Till finally she saw movement. And her eyes found the white and brown owl. His head rotating around. He too seemed to look at them. And she began to relax, even more.

  Opening herself she let in the powerful vibrations of this place. It warmed her heart. This place was living breathing powerful magic. A whole ecosystem of ancient wisdom.

  Yes, it smelled different here. But she liked it. It reminded her of time passed. The history and spirit of the swamp was captivating. You could feel the power radiating from the ancient trees. The animals that guarded them staring at her wondering what two young girls were doing here.

  The trees cypress and oak alike rising high breaking the canopy with their ancient limbs. The birds that had made this place their home their sanctuary from the modern world. Could be heard but rarely seen. Making music with their calls that echoed through the surrounding.

  The trunks of the cypress falling like waves of fabric into the waters. It fascinated her. The beauty of this place. Beauty she had never thought would be found here.

  Yes, this place was powerful. She could feel the energy vibrating throughout her body. But the natural splendor of this place surprised her. She hadn’t known what to expect. But this wasn’t it. She had pictured dark creepy eerie feeling. And what it was, was stunning.

  All of this could be seen again doubling the beauty as you looked down catching the reflections in the brown murky waters. That unless disturbed was smooth as glass.

  Cin turned the boat down a branch of the swamp. The trees were so tall here they got larger as the boat went farther down the path. The old limbs covered with moss creating a canopy almost smothering out light it was so thick. A patch of sunlight would escape here and there lighting their way. The sunbeams seeming to welcome them with warm smiles.

  Even so Serina was never fearful. She felt strangely at peace. This place was clean and pure. Nothing would harm them in this amazing place.

  “Beautiful isn’t it?” Cin spoke breaking the silence.

  “It’s wonderful!” The look of joy quite apparent on her face. “Thank you for bringing me here. From what the trees are telling me not many get to see this place.”

  “Granny likes to keep to herself. Out here nobody bothers her much. And if’n they do. They better have a darn good reason.” Cin paused for a second and took a deep breath. “When I’m older I’m gonna live here too. Me and granny. Two peas in a pod.” She snickered a little. “Granny swears I’ll have some young-uns with me.” Then shook her head. “Ahh who knows. Never thought much about that stuff. Don’t really wanna know. Try my best to keep it out.”

  The boat came around a crooked S turn and I could see granny’s house. I smiled to myself as it welcomed me. Lots of love that house had seen. Love and kindness.

  The house was made of old wood cypress, I would have thought. It was old and weathered and had survived many a storm. It was crooked a little leaning to one side. A lopsided grin. Inviting its residents’ home. There was a large front porch that was covered by a rusted tin roof. The roof extended over the entirety of the home. And Serina imagined it made soothing sounds when the rain would fall. Rocking chairs could be seen to one side of the door. And the other an old porch swing hung from the rafters. A large black object was laying on top of the swing. It seemed a tail was hanging from the seat swaying lazily back and forth.

  Serina couldn’t quite make it out and the closer they got to the house. The more curious she was. As they reached the porch. The things head popped up. And sprang off the swing running to jump in the boat.

  Serina’s face went white it was a large panther. Black as night. Her heart stopped as Cin stood and reached around its neck. Stopping the large beast from entering the boat. The cat purring loudly as it enjoyed the scratching.

  “Missed ya too Mo,” Cin spoke hugging and scratching the cat at once.

  Seeing the stunned look across my face Cin laughed. “Serina this here’s Mo. Don’t cha fret none. He’s harmless a big ol baby, aren’t cha boy.” As she spoke the huge cat licked Cin’s face. Making her laugh and squirm away at once.

  Cin was still laughing at my stunned expression as she spoke, “Mo ain’t gonna do nothin I promise. Now don’t get me wrong if’n he thought ya was dangerous you would know. Ya should see him get after some of those critters.” Then she got all serious. “Well, this one time one of granny’s customers came out here track’n her down seems he was in some kinda tizzy over somethin they thought was wrong. Now ol Mo he didn’t take kindly to that actin up round granny.” Then she giggled. “Never saw that man again. But his face I’ll never forget.”

  “I’m tellin ya Serina it’s gonna be fine. Get on up on the porch girly. Wouldn’t ya like to get outta the boat?”

  Trusting Cin completely Serina stepped out of the boat. Sure, enough Mo walked on over and began rubbing on her legs. His long black tail wrapping around her as he went.

  Cin was out of the boat now tying it off. “That’s right Mo. I got me a new friend. How ya like that boy?” Cin lifted her head from her bent position. “It’s ok Rina you can pet him now. He sees ya as one of us. Nutin gonna bother ya here.” Then she began playing with the large cat once again. “Ain’t that right Mo. Serina’s one of us now.”

  As Cin spoke those last words the large black cat sleeked over to where I was standing and began rubbing his large head on my thigh. Looking at Cin she gave me a nod. I began petting Mo. Soon he was purring wanting more scratching around his neck and the top of his head.

  All of a sudden, his head popped up and he ran to the door. There was Granny Hind smiling huge. “Get on over here young-uns come give your granny a hug. I’ve missed y’all,” not missing a beat she reached down to pet the large cat. “Now Mo you know I would never forget ya.” Then she looked at Serina. “He’s just a big ole baby. Come on over here hunny.” Seeing Serina’s slight hesitation. Granny explained the “baby” called Mo.

  “My husband Martin found him one day. Was stuck in a trap some ol hunter had left. And seein that little thing caught up in there.”

  “Well he couldn’t just leave him. And so, he brought him home.” Then granny cackled. “Fixed him up and growd him up
a bit to take care of his self. But he wouldn’t leave.”

  And granny wiped a tear as Mo seemed to sense her sadness and rubbed harder up against her leg. “Yep ya miss him to don’t cha boy. Was practically that man’s shadow. Was how we started callin him Mo. Thought bout Mar after Martin. But that just sounded dumb.”

  “So, Mo it is. My big ol protector.” Then scratching his ears, the giant cat began to purr again.

  Cin practically ran to her granny and I was right behind her not quite running. But was very glad to see granny again. She hugged us both squeezing tight. This caused me to flinch slightly. The marks on my back making their presence known once again.

  Mo the whole time trying his best to get in the middle.

  Granny not missing a beat. “Oh hunny. Look at me. I’m slippin in my old age. You must be hurtin child come on in, come on in. Now don’t ya be shy young-un this place is your home now too.”

  Granny hobbled on through the door motioning for us to follow. Making her way to a make shift bookcase that seemed to serve as a medicine cabinet. There was potion bottles everywhere it seemed. The room was filled with old worn shelves that had rotted with time or was leaning from the weight of the books and jars. Colorful glass bottles hung from the ceiling at different lengths some swaying as if some unknown hand had purposefully set them in motion. The sunlight would break through the old dusty windows making its way through the glass creating shimmering colors dancing on the walls.

  As I walked around the room the positive energy that was everywhere engulfed me with happiness. The room was almost what I had expected. A method to granny’s madness a certain order to her chaos. Much like her shop. The home was truly unique. Touches of granny everywhere. An old comfy looking chair and sofa sat in the middle of the floor. Floral patterns could still be seen. But were faded and worn.

  A small round dining table where sat three places ready to serve. A old worn tea set had been placed on a serving tray. Nothing at all matched but seemed to fit. Wooden chairs tucked all around it paint peeling off the legs a tribute to the time they had spent in the home.


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