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Serina: Awakened

Page 14

by LH Bondi

  “Well if he’s that nice you go for it.” Turning her head to face her friend. After a long pause Cin answered never moving her head.

  “Now I can tell ya for a fact ain’t nothin there neither way for the two of us. Not comin from him or me. Trust me Rina when I see my guy. I’ll know. And it ain’t a gonna be some guy who’s interested in my friend. Nope I’ll be all he sees. Only me.”

  “So, it doesn’t go both ways. You can tell me who to like but when it comes to you and your love life that’s different.” Serina was beginning to be a little irritated.

  “Don’t go gettin your britches all squished up ya backside. All I’m tryin to do is help you relax, girly. Joshua is your future I’ve already told ya that. But at the moment ya say he has someone else. I just thought a nice cute guy that happened to like ya and could be a friend would help take ya mind off of the mess that’s all jumbled up in your brain. Just tryin to take care of ya Rina. Not just as your seer but as ya friend.”

  Cin sat up and faced Serina taking her glasses off. “I feel your hurt Serina. I feel your confusion. At times in case you have forgotten I can even see through your eyes. I’m just tryin to help ya that’s all. Just tryin to help ya heart and ya mind. To ease it a bit. And I thought maybe a distraction would help. You’re not gonna hurt Gabriel, Rina cause ya will always be honest with him. Ok.”

  “I know you always look out for me Cin. Look, let’s make a deal no more guy talk no more nothing just relaxing and whatever happens we’ll just go with it.” Serina reached her hand out, “Deal?”

  “Works for me girly.” Cin spoke clasping Serina’s hand and shaking it.

  “Now if you will excuse me Ms. Century, I feel very sticky and am gonna go clean up and take a shower before dinner.” Standing up and stretching she headed for the door.

  “Now that sounds good.” Cin hopped up and met her at the door.

  “You line jumping me Cin?”

  “Nah, your parents gonna still be a bit. You take that shower in their room, n I’ll take the other.”

  “Don’t know what it is bout this place, spent half my life out on that houseboat. But this place. Darn if’n I don’t feel dirty.”

  “It’s clean and all. But still sticky. Trust me I know what you mean. I’m missing the mineral baths myself. But still having fun. It’s weird, but I really like it. This camping thing. So far anyway.” Serina opened the door and both the girls entered stopping momentarily enjoying the air conditioning.

  After both girls had showered and changed they found themselves outside watching Serina’s dad finishing up grilling hamburgers. Her mom showing the girls all the Halloween decorations they had bought in town to decorate their campsite. Serina helping to start putting the decorations up. So that left Cin staring the campfire while her dad cleaned up the grill and was picking up after himself from cooking.

  You could count the all of five minutes it took Gabriel to come over after the fire was lit. There he was rounding the corner hands full of the delicious desert.

  A fake smile pasted on my lips. The only thing crossing my mind was I hope he doesn’t stay long. Then scolding myself for once again not even giving him a chance. The night was going to be long.

  Chapter 17


  Serina woke the next morning the smell of fresh cooked bacon filling the air. Cin was already awake and sitting in the dinner booth eggs, bacon, sausage and toast. Filling her plate.

  “Mornin sleepy head.” Cin talked while biting off a piece of bacon. “Mm your dad can cook some good breakfast. I suggest gettin over here before I eat yours.”

  “My dad cooked?”

  “Yep, said while campin it was a man’s job. Somethn bout cookin outside. Gettin back to nature. Feelin his manly roots.”

  Rolling her eyes and getting up. “He’s so silly sometimes. I missed that. Where are those two anyway?”

  “Outside gettin the rest of those Halloween decorations they picked up last night put up.” And Cin laughed. “I ain’t never seen a bunch of grown people go so darn silly over decoratin.”

  “Decorations, how about all that candy. I think every kid in the park can come by here twice and we still would have candy left.” She smiled and shook her head. “But they are pretty awesome aren’t they.”

  “Heck yeah!”

  “So, I know we promised not to talk bout that boy next door. But last night while makin the s’mores he did ask ya to that dance they havin tonight after the trick or treat’n.” Looking up at Serina with her eyes not quite lifting her head.

  “Smooth Cin. And for your information he asked us both.” Throwing a wadded up napkin at Cin. “I told him yes. Me and you would love to go. And made sure he knew it was just as friends.”

  Cin winked, “that’s my girl. He sure is a stubborn thing ain’t he. He don’t give up to easy I’ll give him that.”

  After the girls had eaten and changed they spent the better part of the morning with decorations and such. It seemed her parents had found out about a best decorated site contest and had nearly bought out the Halloween store they had found in town.

  Serina had to give them props. It had actually turned out pretty well.

  After finishing the decorating, the girls had grabbed a sandwich and headed out on their bikes. Her parents had gone in the opposite direction. They were determined to scope out the competition for the best decorated site.

  The two girls ended up at the park and were having a fun time on the swings being carefree and enjoying the day. Gabriel had stopped by offering to buy them a soda. Enjoying the lightheartedness of the day the girls decided to join him on a ride to the camp store.

  After some light conversation Gabriel told them goodbye and headed back to his site. His parents were even more into the decorations than hers were.

  After Gabriel had left the two girls had enjoyed riding and looking at the different campsites and how they were decorated. It amazed Serina at the time and effort some of these people went through to decorate a temporary campsite. The children as well as some adults were beginning to emerge from their cabins, campers, and tents dressed as their favorite character. Looking at her watch Serina decided it was time her and Cin headed back to their campsite.

  Serina was enjoying this day very much. She felt so normal like the weight of everything had been lifted just a little. And for the moment everything was fine. Her mind drifted unwillingly to Eden. The young guy she passed reminding her of Joshua. And for a moment she let him back into her heart. And it skipped a beat. When suddenly he was there. Her eyes glanced sideways turning her head. She lost control of the bike. The next moment pain shooting from her skinned knee and elbow. And the red scrape on the palm of her hand.

  Looking back where she had seen him nothing was there.

  Cin was by her side almost immediately. “Rina you Ok?” Worry was in her voice and across her face.

  “Yeah, just a few scrapes and a bruised ego.”

  A second passed and Gabriel was there. “Saw the whole thing. You ok Serina?”

  “Yeah was just telling Cin just hurt my pride. But, we were lucky in one thing. I almost made it back without any self-damage.” She started to get up her knee giving way. And made a sound. As she sat back down.

  Strong hands were under her knees and around her mid back then. “Hold on I got cha.”

  Before she knew what was happening Gabriel had picked her up. Her traitorous arms wrapping around his neck.

  Serina was completely speechless the last person to hold her like this was Joshua. Remembering how his body felt against hers even as they first met. Made her heart race and she closed her eyes. As Gabriel went to put her down reality sunk in and shyly she looked up at him as he gently placed her in a chair at their camper site. “Thank you. I don’t think it was necessary. But it was very sweet.”

  “No ma’am it was my pleasure.” And he smiled that flirtatious smile that set those ice blue eyes shining.

  Cin had already been in the RV a
nd was out with all kinds of bandages and ointment. Complete with a bottle of aspirin.

  “What’s your poison Rin? Your mom brought the entire pharmacy with us.” Then she walked up to Gabriel and put her arm around his. “Regular Prince Charmin we got us here. Thanks for helpin out. Gabe.” Looking up at him. She continued. “Don’t ya mind me a callin ya Gabe do ya?”

  Shaking his head and smiling. You girls are welcome to call me whatever you want.

  “Good cause ya name is kinda a mouthful there. Had to shorten it up some.”

  “Don’t mind Cin. She gives everyone a nickname sooner or later.”

  “So, I’ve noticed. Rina. Isn’t it?” Gabriel asked.

  “Now that’s a name only Cin calls me.” But she finished with a slight smile to ease the blow.

  Holding his hands up, “I got cha. I completely understand. Serina it is then.”

  Backing up he spoke as he walked. “If y’all need anything. Just holler. Help up the stairs. Help doing, anything just holler. Oh, I am gonna run get your bike. I’ll be right back.”

  Cin winked at Serina and pulled a brown medicine bottle out of her back pocket. Shaking it back and forth.

  Gabriel was back then parking the two girls’ bikes. Waved and walked away. Hollering, “see you two tonight, for the dance. I’ll be by to walk y’all over about 8 if that’s ok?”

  “Sounds good!” Serina answered.

  Opening the brown bottle Cin handed it to Serina. “Some of granny’s healin potion. After that last time. I always keep it with me. And even in this world. Seems ya always needin somethin Rina.”

  Taking the bottle back, “girly, ya never cease to amaze me.” Shaking her head. “All that talent. All that power. And ya can’t hardly walk.”

  “I know I know. Well I gotta go get cleaned up again. You stay in out?”

  “Yeah your parents will be back in a minute n I’m gonna help them set up the table and get the candy out for the kids.”

  The inside of the R.V. felt wonderful. The cool air was always nice after being outside all day. But what she was really looking forward to was a hot shower.

  Serina was in heaven. The water was hot it felt good sliding over her head wetting her hair. It felt as if it was clearing the memories that had caused her biking accident. The cuts were healing fast. Thanks to granny’s potion. If only there was something that would heal her aching head and beaten up heart.

  And his face was there again. She had seen him as clear as day. She knew she had. And she ran her hands through her hair. She was losing her mind.

  “No, she wasn’t doing this to herself. Not again!” She thought out loud. And forced her head to think about the dance and what she was wearing.

  After the shower. She settled on a nice off-white sundress that had a handkerchief hem. Little pink flower buds were printed all over. And she wore her pink flip flops to match. Her hair she had placed in a simple up-knot and pieces of hair were casually falling out here and there. And just to give herself a little more confidence. She wore a little light pink lip-gloss and a little mascara to help set off her grey eyes.

  When she was finished she was quite pleased with her appearance she didn’t take time for that hardly at all. So, it was nice to spend a little time on herself now and then.

  When she walked out the door she was met by a whistle from Cin.

  “Girly ya clean up nice.”

  Serina was a little embarrassed even though it was just Cin and her parents. She never liked attention.

  “Wow!” Her dad stated. “Is that my little girl?” And he hugged her. “Now your dad is definitely going to that dance.”

  She answered him with a playful punch on the arm and walked over to her mom who was swarmed with the last of the trick or treaters.

  Turning around her mom’s eyes went wide, “oh hunny your so pretty.”

  “Thanks, need some help?” She asked trying to change the subject. How she hated being the center of attention.

  “Well it’s my turn so I’ll be off. See ya n a bit.” Cin hollered as she walked up the stairs and shut the door.

  The last trick or treaters were gifted with the rest of the candy in the bowl. But there were still many bags left. So, her and her dad sat around the campfire picking through the good stuff. Her mom had started picking up a little. Then joined them in the candy feast.

  It was about a quarter till 8 and Cin stepped out the R.V.

  “Wow!” You clean up good swamp girl.” Serina told her.

  “I know right.” She stated simply.

  She was wearing a olive-green cotton and rayon blend romper that had a long skirt attached to the back. It wrapped around and opened at the front revealing shorts. The look casual but a little dressy. The color highlighting the green in her eyes.

  Little copper colored sandals adorned her feet complete with a toe ring. Her hair she wore down letting it fall in dark bouncy ringlets at her shoulders.

  “Wow! Looks like I’m gonna have twice the trouble tonight looking out for two of the prettiest girls at the dance.”

  “Make that three.” Serina’s dad spoke while placing his arm around her mom. She smiled and thanked him with a quick casual kiss.

  My parents were still so lovey dovey. Most kids would be embarrassed and sometimes I was. But for the most part. I always thought how lucky they were to have found each other.

  Letting out a sigh and clearing her throat. “You two have no shame.”

  Her parents answered her with another kiss.

  “Now it’s my turn.” Her mom spoke as she hurried up the stairs of the bus. “I shouldn’t be that long hunny. You wanna shower or you just gonna change or what?”

  “I might get a little spruced up for ya there. But first gonna wait on Gabriel wanna be out here when he comes by to walk the girls.”

  Checking his watch her dad looked at Serina. “It’s about ten till eight. He should be here right about...”

  “Hello Mr. Jonathan,’ then Gabriel turned facing me and Cin nodding. ‘Ladies, you both look beautiful tonight. Not that you don’t always look beautiful. I mean ...”

  Serina’s dad was very serious. The look on his face every young man’s nightmare. “Gabriel, I’m counting on you to take care and watch out for my two girls till me and Marie can get there.” Then he walked over looking poor Gabriel straight in the eye, “I can count on you to make sure NOTHING happens to my girls, can’t I Gabriel.”

  “Yes sir. Of course, sir. I wouldn’t let anything happen to Serina or Cin. You can count on me Mr. Jonathan.”

  With that being said he held his hand out slowly my dad making him wait an extra second or two before shaking it.

  “Ok, ok, dad. I think you’re scaring Gabriel. Besides me and Cin are ready to go.”

  A smile had returned to her dad’s face. Although she did catch the slight tightening of his hand on Gabriel’s before letting it go.

  Giving her dad a quick hug and a peck on the cheek. She whispered in his ear. “We’re just friends dad.”

  Her dad answered with a, “then he doesn’t have anything to worry about does he.”

  Speaking loudly so Gabriel could hear.

  Serina laughed. “Love you dad. We’ll see y’all in a bit.” With those last words being said the three started off making their way to the pavilion the dance was being held at.

  Cin hollered a, “catch ya later Mr. Johnathan.” Waving bye to him as they disappeared around the corner.

  “Sorry about that.” Serina spoke to Gabriel “I’ve never seen him like that before.”

  “Surely he has been like that to the other boys that come to pick you up.”

  Looking at him sideways. “Ummm nope, of course that could be because no other boy has ever picked me up.” And she let out a kinda embarrassed, “besides. I told him we all are just friends.”

  Gabriel glanced my way. “Friendship is always a good start.”

  Serina closed her eyes at that. No matter what she said he still would kee
p trying. She didn’t know if she should be annoyed or flattered. He was rather handsome. A girl would have to be blind not to see it. Was something wrong with her. After all, until Joshua she had never had real feelings for a guy. She decided right there that no there wasn’t anything wrong with knowing what you wanted. She just wasn’t the type of girl who liked pretending something was there when it wasn’t. And as sweet as Gabriel was it just wasn’t there.

  They had made it to the pavilion where the dance was being held. The place was already starting to get a little crowded. But they had managed to find a place to sit at a picnic table that was on the corner of the dance floor. After securing their spot Gabriel went to get them some sodas. And that left her and Cin there to talk.

  “Well he sure is persistent I’ll give him that.” Cin was watching him leave crossing the dance floor on his way to the concession stand. “But would make things easier if’n ya did like the boy. Ya gotta admit girly. The boy looks good. Mm mm.” Cin was shaking her head.

  Serina turned to watch him. Noticing for the first time tonight what he had on. Khaki shorts and a pink pullover polo shirt. Gabriel’s hair as always was perfect as his thick blond hair fell perfectly into place each time he ran his fingers through it. Even if he didn’t run his fingers through his hair it always seemed to know exactly where to go.

  His skin was tanned as if he had spent many a hour during the summer outdoors. His shoes were casual slip on tennis shoes. It kinda fit his beach goer look he had. Not to mention thank goodness he didn’t wear flip flops. And she cringed. There was just something about a guy and open toe shoes that just wasn’t right. But hey, to each his own.

  Cin shook her out of her daydream. “Well, it’s a good thing ya don’t like the boy. Cause them girls sure look like they do.”

  A group of teenage girls had found Gabriel at the concession. He was being nice and polite. But Serina could see him glancing nervously towards her. Trying desperately to get away.

  “Aww now come on, girly”. Cin spoke quite forcefully. “Ya not gonna go help the poor boy out. He’s lookin like he’s about ready to jump outta his skin up there. And he’s a lookin at you to come and save him. But actually, I think he’s a wonderin if’n you’re a noticin. Tryin to get your attention still.” And she winked.


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