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Serina: Awakened

Page 17

by LH Bondi

  Taking a good look around I remembered how much I had taken our home for granted. And just how beautiful it really was. Letting out my feelings to let it know how sorry I was for taking its beauty for granted. It answered with a creak as we began walking. And I smiled as I knew I was forgiven.

  “Yeah,’ I began to answer looking around at the stunning beauty of the architecture of my home, ‘It’s quite stunning isn’t it. Been in my family for generations.” Serina motioned with her head for him to follow.

  “Dinner’s about ready, but after if you want me and Cin can show you around.”

  “I’d really like that.” He smiled walking beside her. “I had no idea you lived in a historical home like this. It’s beautiful.” He kinda looked a little embarrassed. Then he continued. “I guess you found out another secret of mine. That makes me a nerd. I love antiques. Old stuff.” He scratched the back of his neck then glanced her way. “It’s something me and my mom enjoy doing together.”

  Serina smiled, “Maybe some would call you a nerd for that. But not me. You just found one of my weaknesses. Old things. Love em, can’t get enough. So, I guess that makes me and you both nerds.”

  They had entered the formal dining room. If possible, Gabriel’s eyes got even bigger. Mine too for that matter.

  “Aunt Viv you have truly out done yourself.” Serina spoke her jaw slightly open. The feast laid out before her was something one would have expected to see on some royal documentary. The table itself was exquisite. Fine china had been set out making 12 complete place settings. What she assumed was crystal goblets sat at every setting along with real sterling silverware. The centerpiece a huge cornucopia with fresh vegetables and fruits spilling out. And at both ends of the table fresh fall colored flowers.

  The buffet table had been stocked from end to end with turkey, ham, oyster dressing, yams ,mac n cheese, mash potatoes, gravy. Just for starters. Then there was the desert table.

  “Why, thank you baby girl.” Aunt Viv smiled then continued, “now you know better than to be rude there Serina. I’m assuming this is your friend Gabriel?”

  Serina was a little embarrassed, “sorry everyone, this is Gabriel.” Then she introduced him to everyone letting him know all their names.

  “Well, Gabe’ Cin spoke while grabbing her plate. ‘Glad ya here. Now ya got all the introducin done. Let’s eat.” Walking over to the table Cin began filling her plate.

  “Now don’t cha be shy their Gabe, might look like plenty. But cha ain’t seen this bunch a eaten.” Granny cackled getting her plate and hobbled over behind Cin.

  Serina could swear she heard the two of them fighting over the same roll. Laughing she grabbed her plate then handed Gabriel his. Soon everyone followed.

  Dinner had been wonderful everyone ate more than they had all year it seemed. Serina wanted so badly to undo the top button of her jeans. She caught Cin out of the corner of her eye giggling then motioned to the waist of her shorts. And gave them a tug. Serina rolled her eyes as she thought to herself. ‘Yep next year I’m wearing elastic for sure.’

  “Old school, Rina.” Cin spoke with a wink.

  “Old school? How was elastic old school?” Serina thought but didn’t say.

  “Cause everyone knows ya do like the old folks an wear the elastic pants. Not no buttons.” Leave it to Cin to answer me out loud. Which of course no one even looked twice at. No one except Gabriel. Who just looked confused.

  “Me and Rina so close I practically read her mind sometimes.” Cin answered. As if that would clear up everything.

  Granny cackled. “Lil bit, you got sense like ya granny. Now you two go show that boy round before he bust a gut wonderin bout this here ol place.”

  Gabriel looked confused but before he could get the words out. Me and Cin were up calling him along. The moment passed, and I could tell he either decided it was nothing or to just go with it. Either way I was glad.

  Serina and Cin started showing him the house floor by floor and when they reached the third floor. They sat and talked a bit out on the veranda listening to the waters flowing in the fountains the leaves rustling as the fall wind swept the colorful foliage to and fro some of them falling as if in a dance to the ground below. It was a peaceful day and the evening was getting close. A touch of fall was in the air you could feel the wonderful coolness as the breeze wrapped around you.

  This had always been Serina’s favorite season. She took a deep breath and wrapped her arms around herself rubbing her hands up her arms smoothing away the goosebumps.

  Suddenly Gabriel’s light jacket he had worn was placed around her shoulders. “I hope you don’t mind. I saw you shivering.”

  Pulling the jacket, a little closer around me. “No, not at all. Strange how the days can still be so humid and the evenings so cool.” She sat up further getting up and walked to the railings. “The coolness is my favorite part though. Signals the beginning of the Holidays. Happy times.”

  “I know what cha mean Rina, holidays are special in my family too. Bout the only times we all together.” Cin had joined them at the railing. “What bout you , Gabe? Holidays a good time?” She looked over at Rina a knowing look on her face.

  Serina’s stomach dropped. She knew what was coming next.

  “Of course, the holidays are special. You two couldn’t have forgotten about the bonfires.” He spoke placing his hand over his heart. “I think that would just break my heart.” He looked so playfully pitiful. Serina couldn’t help but to be light hearted about her answer.

  “No, we haven’t forgotten Gabriel.” Her words coming easy and in truth, maybe she was actually looking forward to it. From the little bit of curiosity research, she had done. This tradition was very important to families. And sounded like great fun. “I’m actually very thankful you invited us.”

  “Couldn’t think of two better people I would invite.” He smiled it reaching his baby blue eyes. Then pushing away from the railing. “Well girls I best be on my way or my parents are gonna kill me.” Raising both his elbows for the girls to grab. “Walk me out?”

  Both girls grabbing an arm. “It would be our pleasure sir.” And the three began walking back through the house Gabriel making it a point to find the adults and pay his proper respects and praising Aunt Viv once again for the heavenly meal. Which to no one’s surprise ended with him bringing home two huge boxes one with leftover dinner the other with left over desert.

  Serina’s eyes huge, she looked at Aunt Viv scared for a brief second as she spotted a slice of chocolate pie in that box. Aunt Viv gave a knowing look and answered. “Now baby girl don’t you be worrying not one bit. That their special pie of your daddy’s is still in the kitchen. But for the life of me I can’t seem to get him to take not one more bite.”

  She looked so serious if Serina didn’t know better she would have believed her. But she had to admit her heart had stopped racing as she realized she wasn’t going to be responsible for one of Gabriel’s family or even him ending up in the emergency room. Even though the potion had been harmless there was simply no way him or his family would have known that.

  Letting out a nervous giggle. Followed by a “oh Aunt Viv.” She started shooing Gabriel to the door. She walked him down to his car. And to her surprise she wasn’t nervous at all. She was really starting to feel comfortable around him.

  Once they reached his car which Serina had to admit was pretty darn cool. It was a black 1969 Mustang Cobra. With black interior to match. “Like I said. Antiques, classics. And as you would say old stuff.” And he smiled.

  “She’s a beauty,” she said whistling. “ I don’t know much about cars except turning over the key. But even I know, from the look of this beauty, wow!”

  Serina let her feelings flow into the car. It was an old soul but had lots of go. She smiled to herself as she touched it and she could have sworn it tingled. This car loved to be driven. And driven hard.

  “Yeah she’s a beauty. Me and my mom fixed her up. Most people would think
dad.” He shook his head. “Dad’s great and all. But the mechanics should be left to my mom.”

  Serina decided then and there. She really did like Gabriel. A lot in fact. But it would never be more than a friend. With that in mind. She gave him a hug goodbye. But made sure there would be no doubt he was still in the friend zone. Deep in the friend zone.

  She told him thanks for coming and to drive safe. And that they would, she was sure, talk before then. But to send her an address for the bonfires.

  Chapter 20

  Lazy Days

  Thanksgiving had come and gone. Serina and Cin had found themselves taking it easy for a few days out on granny’s houseboat. Cin had felt she need a charger, one might say, and there was no other place that did that for her like the swamps on her and granny’s houseboat. Serina could completely understand. The swamps were to Cin like the mineral baths were to her. Only the swamps to Cin seemed to run even deeper. It was almost, with her and granny, like the waters ran through their veins. Their life blood as it was.

  The thought of being out on the houseboat with granny and Cin was so peaceful. Being there even more so. Today as they had for several days now, had been spent up on the top deck. The birds were really active today and their songs littered the skies with their flight and sounds. Dragonflies and an occasional butterfly would come and land on the deck. And one would catch an alligator submerging from its daily sun in the water. It always amazed Serina how they never even made a ripple when they did that. Then would send a shiver down her spine thinking about you never really knew where they were when you were out here. The silent predators that alligators were.

  Mo would come up occasionally to check on them or simply to get some attention. He would lovingly rub up against us looking for a good scratching behind his ear. For the most part he would stay downstairs with granny.

  Cin and Serina were researching Eden studying the history when the old cypress trees everyone called Grandfather Tree started to call her. Then scolded herself as she remembered that even though he was actually two trees they had long ago melded into one.

  Getting up and walking to the ladder so she could climb down to the second level. She heard Cin holler at her. “Don’t be gone too long granny will have supper ready in a bit.”

  Rolling my eyes, I answered, “Cin just going to check on something. I’ll be right back.”

  The tone Cin answered with sounded as if she wasn’t too convinced. “Like I said, don’t be too long.”

  Shaking my head, I made my way down the rest of the ladder walking to Grandfather Tree. Feeling him call me in, I walked further inside the feelings coming from this tree were truly magical. Inside the tree its beauty always filling me with awe. The colors were so vibrant almost glowing with fiber optics. She smiled natures fiber optics she corrected herself. As the tree seemed to thank her for her correction. The blues and greens and pinks made from the living plants from moss to mushrooms gave the whole inside a mystical feeling. Serina loved it in here. It was like some forgotten fairy garden.

  The tree seemed to answer her with a possibly it still is. She smiled as she got the impression the tree was playing with her. And then again, from everything she had learned about this life. Was the possibility of fairies so farfetched? Making a face telling the tree she was thinking about that. Quickly she decided nope. Nothing was impossible, and she could prove that with just her life and everything that surrounded her everyday.

  The tree seeming to pull her further into itself she found her thoughts drifting to Eden and Joshua. It had been a bit since she had heard from him. Her mind still thought of him more than she cared to admit. And she found herself thinking about that picnic Joshua had planned for them. Or rather he had asked her to. She continued daydreaming about the mirror pond and him and her sitting on a blanket staring out at the water watching the fish and enjoying each other’s company.

  She felt as if a haze or fog had entered the tree. Yes, there it was right in front of her. But it didn’t scare her. She knew now this is what the tree was trying to show her. Carefully watching her steps, she entered the fog finding her way out of the cloudiness as her path got clearer and clearer with each step. When she realized suddenly she had passed through some unworldly gate and was now in Eden by the mirror pond. Ironically, not only was she there, but Joshua was there just as she had imagined only seconds ago.

  He sat on a red and white checkered blanket a picnic basket beside him. He met her startled gaze on the other side of the pond and rose to meet her. The look on her face needed no explanation. She was confused and reached out to touch him to make sure he was real.

  “You came.” Was all he spoke joy apparent in his voice.

  “How did you know...I mean I didn’t even know I would be here. Although I’m pretty sure how I got here. I think.” She looked at him still stunned. “Again, how did you know I would be here?”

  “Anyone else might would think I’m crazy, but to be completely honest. I had a dream you would be here today.” He smiled huge and it warmed Serina’s heart to know he had dreamed of her. Dreamed of their ‘date’ she would think of it like that anyway.

  “So,’ he continued, ‘I figured what the heck. What would it hurt to come here? And now I’m so very glad I did.”

  Serina thought briefly about asking him if Marsha was ok with this. Then thought better of it. It was simply a meal between two friends. Or maybe a snack. She didn’t even know what was in the basket. And if Joshua had thought any different they wouldn’t be here.

  So instead of asking Serina simply answered. “I am very glad I did too.”

  His smile still reaching his eyes he grabbed her hand and began leading her to the blanket. As they sat he began removing the contents of the basket announcing everything as it was removed and looking to her for approval.

  “Large green olives, cheese and crackers, muffaletta, and last but not least.” He paused for dramatic effect then brought them out fast, “beignet with powdered sugar.”

  He seemed rather pleased with himself. And in truth, he should have been. It was a rather fantastic picnic. All the fixings of a fine southern Louisiana meal. Apparently, he had put some thought into this. Serina was impressed.

  They ate and talked passing the time with light conversation. As they sat there enjoying the evening. It came to Serina’s mind once more how similar the two ponds were right down to the fish.

  “Joshua,’ she spoke an air of curiosity to her voice, ‘ did my grandmother ever say if there was a connection between this pond and the one in front of my home?”

  “No, not that you grandmother ever told me.” He spoke now looking out into the waters.

  “Ever since she showed it to me. It has always seemed special though.” He turned looking at her now.

  Serina could have sworn there was more there that he wanted to say. But enjoying the evening decided against asking about it.

  Their eyes stayed like that for longer than she intended. Her heart beat faster, and her breath shortened. She found herself gravitating towards him once again when a stray dragonfly came and landed on his nose causing her to jerk back then thankful for the distraction giggled a little at the lightheartedness of the situation.

  Letting out a breath he made a short laugh and looked down. “It never seems to be right does it?”

  She went to ask what he meant by that it was there on the tip of her tongue her mouth was open the words had started when she heard him ask. His voice sounded almost perturbed his words almost sounding jealous. She looked at him quizzically his words still ringing in her ears.

  “How is Gabriel anyway? That is his name, if I remember right.”

  Not knowing quite how to respond to that. She just decided to answer. “Gabriel’s fine. Last time I saw him anyway.” She spoke trying to make lite of the situation. But she could tell the look on his face was anything but. He almost seemed cross.

  The nerve of him. Gabriel was only her friend. And besides what did he care. What conc
ern was it to him. He was with Marsha after all.

  And had told Serina in no uncertain terms him and her were friends. He had spoken that loud and clear if not verbally then by his actions. With every sorrowful look he had given her and with every one of those looks the crack in her heart would grow even wider.

  “So, you have seen him again?” He spoke trying to keep the words sounding carefree. But she could hear the demeaning tone underneath.

  She was getting angry at him. Angry because he was ruining this afternoon on something so petty. And something that was none of his business. Gabriel was nice and a friend. And more importantly a good guy. Who only wanted what was best for her. So, she answered. But was very short.

  “He came over and had Thanksgiving with my family and Cin’s.”

  “I see the two of you are getting along then.” He rose and walked to the water’s edge.

  I couldn’t help but to feel as if he was trying to get away. Away from me. “I guess you could say that. He’s a nice guy.” She paused briefly then before she could stop herself. “He asked us to go to the bonfires on the levee Christmas Eve.”

  He turned looking at her. “Did you say yes?”

  She got to her feet now and brushed herself off. “I think it’s about time for me to leave. Granny and Cin will be looking for me. And I really shouldn’t keep them waiting.”

  Serina started walking back to the other side of the pond. Her gut telling her what to do to open the gateway back through Grandfather Tree. She knew she had to reach out to him to ask permission for the gate to be opened. So, she closed her eyes and concentrated. The fog began to wander in as permission was granted. She began to walk to the fog when she felt his hand gently around her arm willing her to stop.

  “Did you say yes?” His eyes almost seemed pained by the words.

  “Yes, Joshua,’ the answer causing him to flinch slightly. Although he recovered quickly. ‘I’m glad you found him. I hope he knows how lucky he is.”


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