Serina: Awakened

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Serina: Awakened Page 18

by LH Bondi

  The fog was getting thicker taking her back to the gate. She wanted to tell him Gabriel was only a friend. That her and Cin were going to the bonfires. Then she thought of Marsha and how it shouldn’t be bothering him anyway. And then she felt silly for thinking it did. Reaching up she touched his cheek and smiled. “Thank you for a wonderful evening, Joshua. It was a perfect surprise.” She turned back to the thick fog and walked through. Every step seeming a little easier and easier to breath. A single tear fell from her eye as she wondered just how much more of this her poor heart could take.

  Back inside Grandfather Tree she walked down to the bottom floor. Or the pier leading to the back porch. She could hear granny and Cin cutting up laughing and joking while they were eating. It made Serina’s heart smile and a temporary bandage was placed over the gaping wound caused by Joshua.

  As she entered the kitchen area the two ladies treated her with warm smiles granny holding out some fudge and winking. “Granny knows ya not hungry, but always room for fudge.” She cackled.

  Reaching out to grab a piece. “So, when were the two of you gonna tell me about the gate to Eden in Grandfather Tree?”

  “Couldn’t,’ Cin answered, ‘wasn’t no gate till ya opened it a lil while ago.”

  “Ya special, grand baby.” Granny hobbled over and put her arms around her. “How many times ya granny gotta say it.” Granny spoke jiggling her a bit as she swayed to and fro.

  Mo seeming to sense she needed some unconditional lovin began wrapping his large tail around her as he walked. Granny cackled as she let Serina go. “Silly ol cat. Jealous of everythin get’n attention but him.”

  Smiling I reached down scratching him behind his ear wrapping my arms around his large neck. Then gave him a kiss and patted his side as I sat down by Cin.

  “Didn’t go that good huh?” Cin spoke the words as soon as I sat.

  “Saw that did ya?” Biting a piece of fudge.

  “Not how ya think. Can tell by ya face.” She touched my arm. “Serious, ya ok Rina? That there boy keeps a turnin ya in knots.”

  “Actually, it was a wonderful evening.” She paused looking out in front of her remembering the time she had just shared with Joshua. “He had had a dream that I would be there and was waiting with a picnic.” She looked down her voice lowering slightly. “Then he asked about Gabriel.” She rolled her eyes and turned towards Cin. “Can you believe he actually sounded somewhat angry we were going with him to the bonfires?”

  “What would surprise me is if’n he wouldn’t have.” Cin took a piece of fudge biting a corner off and closed her eyes. “Granny sure can cook this stuff.”

  “Ya darn right ya granny can cook n not just fudge neither.” In truth granny had cooked a wonderful smelling pot of jambalaya.

  “I’m sorry granny for missing dinner.” Feeling quite bad for not remembering before now granny had been cooking for us.

  “Child, ain’t nothin to be sorry for. Ya granny understands.” And she cackled. “Ya granny maybe even a little jealous.” And she pursed her lips together looking towards the ceiling. “To be young an in love again. Mmmmmm mmmmm. Nothin like it.”

  Then granny walked over sitting next to Serina and Cin. “Course the two of y’all. Just in the twitterpaited stage. Is all. Both of ya jus too stubborn for ya own good. But don’t cha worry none.” And she winked.

  Granny got up causing the old wooden chair to scrape across the floor. “Now let’s all go listen to the swamp on the back porch an watch the lightnin bugs.” She began to hobble. “They so pretty. Help take ya mind off stuff a buggin ya.” She finished as she walked out the kitchen and onto the back screened in porch.

  Me and Cin right behind her. As for me the thought of anything that took my mind off of earlier events. And the rest of my life. Sounded really close to heaven.

  Chapter 21

  The Bonfires on the Levee

  The Christmas holidays were fast approaching along with Cin and mine’s seventeenth birthday. Her parents had gotten home a few days ago and were planning a get together for our families to celebrate the occasion. Nothing too fancy they had decided to throw a fish fry.

  Actually, I was kinda excited. I had never been to one. Never really had fried fish for that matter till I moved here. Not that you couldn’t find it back west. Just my family tended to eat mostly broiled or grilled fish. Of course, since moving here I had experienced many first in my life.

  Sometimes I would find myself sitting thinking how much my life had changed and how very blessed I was to be here right now in this moment. Even through all the hardships I wouldn’t trade this life of mine for anything.

  Suddenly there was a knock on my door. Smiling I turned over in my bed from my side to my back sitting up against my headboard and crossing my legs. “Come in!”

  My door opened Aunt Viv in the front my mom and dad following right behind. Aunt Viv holding a beautiful round double layer pink cake with icing rosettes swirled all over. With what I was assuming was seventeen candles lit while the three of them sang “Happy Birthday.”

  It had been a tradition in my family for as long as I could remember. My mom and dad had always made an extra effort to make my birthdays special. And I have to admit that as corny as it seemed I loved and looked forward to this every year. The song was over and my mom excitedly saying, ‘make a wish sweetheart!’

  Closing my eyes, I made my wish. It was the same one I had made every year. And still I had hope. I wished for a sibling. A brother or a sister. I gave up caring which one a long time ago. But, since finding Cin or rather us finding each other. I found myself hoping for a brother. Since the universe had kindly found me a sister/best friend.

  We all made our way downstairs in the kitchen. Birthday cake for breakfast was always something to look forward to.

  Aunt Viv cutting the cake, “birthday girl gets the first piece!” She spoke with a good bit of enthusiasm.

  I could tell she was really enjoying this. And I for one was grateful to have her in my life. I guess at times I was a sentimental old goat well beyond my years. The thought of how much everyone cared for me bringing me to tears.

  Aunt Viv the first to notice my eyes watering up. “Baby girl, what’s wrong. You don’t like the cake?”

  Wiping my eyes and putting my arms around her. “No, no, the cake is perfect. I just can’t believe how lucky I am to have all of you.”

  Letting go of Aunt Viv I went and hugged both my parents. “Thank y’all for everything. Putting up with my weirdness and all of this.”

  “Serina we love you. Nothing will ever change that. And you aren’t weird, hunny. You are gifted!” Her mom spoke stating the last as a matter of fact.

  “Ok now, ready for your presents?” Dad spoke holding out a small wooden box.

  It looked vaguely familiar to her. And she looked puzzled at her mom. She received a excited nod telling her to go on. Getting the box from her father she opened it slowly. Inside was an old silver charm bracelet that grandma Iv had given my mom when she was a girl. It had been passed down from generation to generation. The bracelet practically glowed as Serina touched it and gently picked it up. The loving energy flowing off this bracelet was electric positivity. As she held it up to the light it sparkled and shimmered the sunlight reflecting off the recently polished silver.

  “It’s beautiful,” she spoke tears threatening to fall once again. As her dad took the bracelet to help her put it on.

  “We thought you would like it. And it was past time it was given to you my baby.” Her mom was so proud Serina could tell how much thought had went into this.

  “Well now, you got one more baby girl.” Aunt Viv spoke holing out a small white box with a pretty pink ribbon on it.

  Smiling Serina took the box trying to be careful with the ribbon.

  “None of that silliness. It’s a present Serina. Tear that paper. Enjoy opening it.” Aunt Viv spoke and Serina didn’t know who was more excited her or Aunt Viv.

  Laughter came
from Serina as she gladly tore into the paper ripping off the bow. Inside was a new charm. It was a silver miniature of this house.

  Smiling she picked up the little house. Thank you, Aunt Viv, it’s perfect.

  Reaching over hugging her Aunt Viv answered. “Now no matter where you are this will remind you home is always with you and is never far away.” Then she reached out to place it in its rightful place on the bracelet.

  We sat and talked for a bit the four of us reminiscing of past birthdays and how much time had passed. My mom almost crying several times about how just yesterday it seemed I was learning to walk.

  Looking at the time it was getting close to time to leave for Cin’s. We had already made several ‘Happy Birthday’ text to each other. Both of us trying to outdo the other on cute stickers and gifs. Changing out of my pajamas. I met everyone on the front porch and off we went to my very first fish fry.

  As it turns out a fish fry closely resembles a BBQ, only the cook is frying fish and whatever else to be ate. Everyone is hanging around outside for the most part talking listening to music and enjoying each other’s company. All in all, it had been a wonderful day.

  Time passed rather quickly and soon it was time for Cin and me to leave for the bonfires.

  Gabriel had text earlier making sure we didn’t forget. Sending an address to enter on the gps on our phones. Telling us he would meet us at his home and walk over with us just text when we got close.

  So here we were. Cin and I riding down the road in her car Gracie windows rolled down. Listening to classic rock on the new radio Cin had gotten for her birthday.

  Lolling my head to the side. “I love the present, Cin. It suits Gracie.”

  “Yeah, suits me too.” Cin smiled then rubbed her hand on the dash. “My parents offered to fix her up. But nah, me an Gracie like ourselves just how we are.”

  A little light reflected off one of the side mirrors. And Serina laughed. If she didn’t know better Gracie just winked.

  “Yeah she did.” Rubbing the dash once more. “My baby just like her momma.”

  The two girls smiling and singing along to old songs carefree and fun loving. Serina wasn’t even a bit reluctant about meeting up with Gabriel. She was looking forward to seeing her friend. As she realized this she pondered a bit. But nope she wasn’t dreading it at all. She was looking forward to it.

  As they got closer Serina text Gabriel and sure enough he was there. He had given them a little advice on how to come into town. Cutting through some back roads and she was extremely glad. Traffic was bumper to bumper.

  “Goodness,” Serina spoke getting out of the car. “I had no idea it would be this many people.

  Talking as Gabriel led them across the street between cars. “Yeah, every year it gets more and more crowded. I remember when I was little. Was just mostly local folks and such. Neighbors getting together.” They had come to a decently steep hill now. Everyone around here called a levee. When the river rose, it was a barrier between the water and the town. But tonight, it was a place of festivities and joy.

  He smiled turning to me and Cin. “Y’all got it?” As he extended his hand. Shanking our heads, we began the climb.

  “Not that we mind the crowds.’ He continued, ‘ us folks that live around here are glad people are getting to know our traditions.” He paused briefly as he continued to walk up the levee me and Cin following him to the top. “But some years would be nice if it wasn’t quite so crowded.”

  Serina and Cin’s mouths were both agape and Gabriel laughed at them. “You said bonfires, but bonfires is a little understated.” Serina spoke talking but still not looking at Gabriel she was looking at the huge tepee like structures made from logs. As she looked around there were several structures like this one. A few more intricate bonfires such as animals and castles all made from logs. This was beautiful and awe inspiring.

  “How long does it take to make these?” She asked still not closing her mouth.

  “Depends on the structure.” He spoke and as he did she could hear the pride in his voice. “Some people started around Thanksgiving. Other structures a few days ago.”

  “Well, Gabe, ya sure have impressed me.” Cin spoke putting out a whistle. “This here’s amazin. An comin from me that’s say’n somethin.”

  Gabriel smiling as always waved the two girls onward following him. “Come on, let’s get by our bonfire. It’s getting close to everyone lighting them. And our spot is awesome for seeing most of the fires.”

  The sun was seeming to go down fast. So, they were walking at a bit of a pace. But Cin and Serina were able to see some pretty amazing sights along the way. Including some interesting wooden statues of Santa fishing, cooking crawfish, even a sleigh drawn by alligators.

  People were all talking laughing sitting around and standing listening to music. Gabriel seemed to know everyone and was called out several times him waving as we passed.

  They had reached Gabriel and his family’s bonfire and after telling his mom and dad hello the three of them made it to where Gabriel had set up a place for them.

  A huge red and white blanket complete with ice chest and a basket of food. A knot formed in her stomach as she remembered the picnic Joshua had set up for her not that long ago. She scolded herself for thinking of that and vowed to push all thoughts of Joshua out of her mind. For this evening at least.

  A loud announcement rang out over the crowd. “Light your bonfires. It’s time to light your bonfires.”

  All at once it seemed hundreds of bonfires lit up the night sky. The wood crackling and splitting smoke billowing up in huge balls of grey and black. Then vanishing in the night sky.

  She heard the crowd all rejoice in the moment. All their hard work had paid off. The site was truly like nothing she had ever seen. Beauty in its own right.

  Her and Cin were elbowed. “Well, was I right? Are y’all glad you came?”

  The two girls looking at each other spoke at the same time, “yes.” Then giggled Cin telling Serina , ‘jinx, ya owe me a soda.’

  “I got that covered.’ Gabriel spoke while reaching into the ice chest. ‘Orange, grape, ginger ale, cola? What’s your poison ladies?”

  Gabriel handing Cin her orange drink, “well, Rina we got us some heck of some birthday candles.”

  Laughing Serina answered, “looks like no wish this year. Those will never get blown out.”

  Both girls looking at the bonfires the lights dancing in their eyes. You could hear the joy and merriment happening everywhere. The laughing and talking mixed in with the music and dancing.

  Gabriel looked confused. “Birthday candles? It’s your birthday?” He asked looking at Serina.

  “Nope.’ Serina smiled. ‘It’s *our*birthday.” Her hand pointing back and forth from her to Cin.

  “You’re kidding,’ he stood up. ‘Why didn’t you two say anything?” Holding up one finger. “Stay right here I’ll be right back.”

  The girls smiled then leaned back on their arms. Looking over the river and seeing the bonfires lighting up the night. A few boats would pass through every once in a while. Serina supposed the people on the boats were either looking at the bonfires or hoping to catch a glimpse of Papa Noel. Some were even decorated with lights and such. Lazily floating down the river.

  It was moments such as this that Serina in her young life had learned to cherish. When the world would take a break and enjoy life. Breathing deep she closed her eyes to listen to the sounds.

  “Make a wish ladies.” She heard Gabriel and opened her eyes. Two small chocolate cupcakes each with a tiny lit candle were held out before the two of us.

  Seeing our puzzled faces, he commented. “Now don’t tell me you two can’t blow out these candles.”

  Looking at each other we both took a breath then blew out the candles together.

  “And what would a birthday be without presents?” He spoke bringing two little carved figures of Papa Noel out from behind his back.

  “Gabriel, thank yo
u, but you shouldn’t have.” Serina spoke getting interrupted by Cin almost immediately.

  “Nonsense, girly, let the boy give ya somethin. And me too for that matter.” Reaching out her hand she took one of the little carved figures. “He’s so cute. Thanks Gabe.” Then she looked at me, “now quit cha be in rude and take ya present, girly.”

  Looking at Gabriel still a little hesitant he spoke, “it’s just a little something to remember the bonfires by. I was planning on giving the two y’all them anyway. I made them myself.” Holding it out a little more.

  How could I say no to that? He had made them himself. Reaching out taking the little carved piece in my hand I could feel almost instantly the thought and care that had gone into this.

  Looking at the Papa Noel his face carved into a jolly expression that spoke to the child inside us all. “Thank you, Gabriel. I have just the place for him on my dresser.”

  His smile if possible got even wider. “It was my pleasure.” Then he looked at Cin, “thanks.”

  “Not a problem there, Gabe. Our Rina can just get a little stubborn at times.”

  Serina knew Cin wanted to say more. But thankfully she didn’t. She could almost hear her in her mind Cin telling her about trusting people just doin somethin nice. She rolled her eyes and looked to Cin who answered her with a wink.

  They sat and talked enjoying the festivities for a little while longer till they saw a lighted sleigh pulled by eight lighted alligators Papa Noel in the driver’s seat with a sleigh full of presents.

  Telling Gabriel, it was time to go home they had a long ride ahead. The two girls started back to Cin’s car. Serina forgetting her little carving and Gabriel running back to get it for her. Cin giving her a look of ‘I can’t believe you did that.’ With me answering her out loud in a whisper.

  “Like I did that on purpose. At least I remembered.”

  Gabriel was back then Cin answering with a look that spoke wonders in. “That’s true.”

  Like a gentleman he walked the two girls back to the car opening their car doors for them both. Then waving them off. Thanking them for coming and hoping they had a good time.


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