Serina: Awakened

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Serina: Awakened Page 19

by LH Bondi

  Cin and Serina were well on their way home now. The little figures sitting on the dash guiding them home. Serina couldn’t help but to think again how nice and easy it would have been if her heart would have chosen Gabriel instead of Joshua.

  Gabriel was nice thoughtful and sweet. And most importantly. Single. He was even good looking as an added bonus. Before she moved here who knows he might have been just her type. She let herself daydream trying to picture herself with him. Looking into his ice blue eyes. As always, they turned to brown. Making her heart skip a beat.

  “It’s no use, Rina.” Cin breaking the silence. “Can’t force a heart match. It’s either there or it ain’t.”

  Knowing Cin was right. Serina reached down to turn up the radio finding a classic rock station playing a song both the girls knew. The two began singing in utterly tone deaf fashion.

  Reaching Serina’s home first. Any other night the two would have simply been over at one or the others house. But with it being Christmas Eve each of them was spending the day with their families.

  Reaching over and giving Cin a hug. “Happy birthday Cin.”

  To which was replied. “Happy birthday Rina.”

  They let out a half laugh once more Serina closing the door then walking up the steps. Stopping to wave goodbye.

  Knowing she would hear from her friend as soon as she reached her home. For now, it was time for a much needed bath then sleep. After all Papa Noel wouldn’t come till everyone was sound asleep.

  Chapter 22


  The Christmas holidays and New Years had passed.

  Granny had come over. And as usual Cin was already here. It was an overcast muggy day. And had rained for much of the week.

  Longing for a chance to get some much needed fresh air. We all decided cooking on the grill would be a nice change of pace.

  Aunt Viv was more than happy to fire up her grill. And granny had insisted on making some potato salad. Stating Viv’s was pretty good. But hers. Mmmmmm lip smacking tummy rubbing good.

  Which of course had set off much friendly banter. Me an Cin sat back and enjoyed the two. More like sisters than friends. In the end Aunt Viv shooed granny, off and told her to “just get on with it. You’ll never hush anyway. You wrinkled old goat.”

  I couldn’t be sure, but I swear I heard granny answer with a ‘baaaaaahh’ although I haven’t the slightest idea what a goat sounds like. But it caused the laughter Cin and I had been suppressing to burst forward.

  “And don’t you be messing up my kitchen.” Aunt Viv hollered to the empty space towards the kitchen.

  “As for you two mind your manners.” She pointed some BBQ tongs she had been using at the two of us. Together we replied. “Yes ma’am.”

  Then the laughter came again.

  “I swear. People up in my kitchen. Two young-uns driving me crazy. “Go on and see if Emma needs any help.”

  “Yes ma’am!” We spoke at the same time and went off into the house.

  We found granny busy bodying all over the kitchen. She always surprised me. At how someone her age with the slight limp she had could move so effortlessly.

  “That’s cause your granny’s still young at heart. Now come on over here and give your old granny a hug. I’m feeling I need one.”

  Both girls embraced granny her arms reaching around the two hugging them tight. “Oh, my how I love you two.” She paused for a second. “I need to tell ya somethin so y’all gotta listen and listen good.”

  “Serina, somethin is gonna happen. And you might not understand.” Granny pulled back, so she could see me more clearly. “But ya gotta trust your ol granny.” She smiled and touched Serina’s face. “Always amazin when I look at ya. So beautiful. So much Iv. I swear I can see her in your eyes.”

  “Now Century,” she put both hands on each side of Cin’s face. “Now don’t ya be lookin at me like that lil bit. I know your granny’s confusin ya and I know ya haven’t seen nothin and ya gettin scared the way I’m a talkin.”

  “Well, ya not gonna see. Ya granny ain’t a lettn ya.”

  “Granny?” Cin looked confused.

  “Now don’t you worry none neither. Your granny ain’t a goin nowhere. I’m just tellin ya. Y’all might get upset might get worried. But ya gotta trust your ol granny. Now promise me.” Then she backed up and squarely looked at the both of us. “Do ya trust your granny. To always do ya right. And not to lie.”

  “Yes ma’am.”

  “Now that’s my girls. Now come on over here.” The three wrapped up in a warm hug. Feeling they needed to stretch it out as long as they could. Letting the embrace last a little longer.

  Something was coming Serina could feel it in her gut and whatever it was her heart was already hurting. She knew with all of her being she could trust granny. But the feeling that something was off today. She just couldn’t shake.

  “Ok, ok, you two gonna squish your ol feeble granny.”

  The two girls released granny. Each giving her a peck on the cheek.

  “Now that’s some luck right there. Yes, ma’am grandbaby kisses. Them are special. Now who’s up to helpin me with some fudge.” And she cackled. “Ya think Viv was a stirred up bout the potato salad wait till she learns I made fudge in her kitchen. Called me a wrinkled ol goat.” And she cackled louder.

  Serina’s heart smiled at all the love that was here. Yes, she thought to herself. She was surrounded by blessings. And suddenly her gut was demanding to be acknowledged. Something was beyond a doubt off today. She just wished she knew what.

  The girls set about helping granny make the fudge. She was very specific with her ingredients. Had to do this when that gets like that. And then add this and stir like that. It was the funniest thing me and Cin had ever cooked. But we followed our orders. It was as if she was making some special brew. Not simply making fudge.

  “You two think ya granny’s crazy. But ya learnin my secret. It’s not in the ingredients it’s in the makin. The way all the makings come together. A lovin each other. Mmmmm ya just wait, you’ll see. Then y’all will be a thankin your granny.”

  Serina enjoyed making the fudge with Cin and granny. It was the most fun she had had in the kitchen since she was a little girl. And her mom had decided to make homemade Christmas cookies. Well a kitchen fire. A phone call to the fire department later. My mom finally admitted cooking wasn’t her thing. But it sure was fun attempting to make them with her.

  From then on, we simply made the cookies that you just stuck in the oven to bake. But they were delicious, and we still decorated the heck out of them.

  Her parents had gone into the city for a long weekend. My dad had an appointment with some business clients he was doing some plans for. So, they decided to make a weekend of it. They had asked if I wanted to go. But I had way too much going and something was telling me it was important I stay.

  Looking around the kitchen. Serina smiled at the new members of her family. Enjoying the moment.

  “Now that fudge looks good. But I might have to taste it. Just to make sure.” And granny winked at me while grabbing a piece.

  “Mmmmmm never gets old. You young-un’s did good. Almost as good as your granny.” And she laughed. “Come on now girls. Let’s get this stuff out. So, we can do some eaten your granny’s gettin mighty hungry. Viv done got the whole house an all smellin yummy.”

  We walked outside the scent of charcoal filled the air as the smoke from the grill flowed around the outside carrying the smell of outdoor cooking onward to any passerby.

  Everyone’s mouth was watering. It’s something how the smell of good cooking can send ones’ stomach growling.

  “I’m going to go turn some fans on. This humidity is killing me.” Serina walked to plug in the two hanging fans.

  This time of year was so funny here in Louisiana. One minute it was cold the next you were sweating. But one thing always remained. The humidity. And it was thick in the air today. With the rain fresh out and the cloudy grey sky. Y
ou could breathe the moisture.

  Fresh air immediately covered the ladies. All wiping their brows with paper towels. Serina plopping back in her seat.

  “Hey granny, ”Cin said, “tell me bout how you and grandpa Martin met. Please if’n ya don’t mind too much. I’ve always wanted to know.”

  Looking at Cin with a crooked grin. “I haven’t lil bit? Well sit back and get comfy. This is somethin your ol granny should have told ya long ago.”

  “Well, let me see where to begin.” And granny sat back in her chair her hands propped up on her old crooked walking stick. Which she seemed to be using more and more.

  “Oh yes, well if’n ya lookin for one of those love at first site stories. Ours ain’t nothin like that.” She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

  “Oh, that man bothered the dickens out of me. Would pester me somethin fierce. Started when we was young-uns.” She opened her eyes and pursed her lips in annoyance.

  “We walked the same way to school. And your granny never could figure out why.”

  “Ya see, it was clear way outta his way him walkin the same way as me.” And she cackled as only granny could. “I just thought he was a goofy little thing who didn’t know no better. I thought he just didn’t know his own way home.” And she laughed at that.

  “This went on for years. Him a walkin the same way as me. Teasin and a pestern me.” Then she cackled once more. “Wasn’t nothin to serious. Just a pullin my hair. Takin my books and runnin.”

  “Oh! Your granny had a temper too. And would go to hollern and darn near a cussin at him. Man drove me crazy, he did.” She shook her head and continued. “Didn’t know it then. But the crazy ol coot admitted to me much later. He liked the fire he seen in my eyes. Said it turned him all goofy on his insides.”

  Granny paused and took a drink of her water. “That went on for years and years.”

  “Then one day when we was older. He caught me outside school. I saw it on his face. He was all serious. And me I thought somethin was a wrong with the pesterin guy.”

  She looked down and smiled. “But come to find out. He was just snickered with me.”

  “He asked me in a very polite voice. ‘Miss Cummings would you do me the honor of allowing me to walk you home?’”

  “Well, I have to admit. He was a handsome thing. In a kinda rugged way. But I realized at that moment he was my whole world. And it was in that one moment. When he asked to walk me home. That I saw our forever.”

  She smiled her eyes glazing over with unshed tears. “Oh, I’m bein a silly ol thing.” And her hand touched her heart. “An after that day. We never spent another apart.”

  Granny’s face turned angry somewhat and scowled. “Goofy ol thing. If’n he would a said somethin sooner. Look at all that time we could have spent together.” Picking up her stick and banging it down. “Men.” Then shook her head. And spoke to the sky.

  “Love ya my Martin baby. Your Emma is comin soon.” And she blew a kiss to the air.

  “Your grandpa was taken away too soon. The cancer took him before his time.” Granny wiped the tears from her eyes. “That man loved your momma. Spoiled her somethin fierce. And he loved you lil bit. Would have filled his heart. To see you grow.”

  She looked at Cin then. “He held on to see ya. You know that baby? Yep took one look at ya and said he could see the centuries in your little eyes. He said ya had your granny’s gifts. And that’s when he named you. Said you was his little Century.”

  Cin was crying now. “I knew he named me. But never knew the how.” Reaching out Cin held granny’s hand and squeezed it. “Thank ya for sharing that with me granny.”

  Granny squeezed Cin’s hand back. “Lil bit, that was somethin I should a shared long ago. Was a beautiful memory that should a been told long ago.”

  “Strange how some of the most beautiful memories can cause the deepest sorrow to tell.” Granny squeezed Cin’s hand again. “Then fill your heart to near overflowin once you get them out.”

  The four of them sat around eating and talking laughing and crying. About old adventures with grandma Iv.

  Seems Aunt Viv had been a loner. Grew up as an only child. Her parents had loved her. She supposed in their own way. But had never been there. She had truly raised herself. At one point after she had long moved away. They had stopped calling or writing. Never had many friends and no other family till she had met Grandma Iv and she said that’s when she finally knew what she was meant to do in this world. She finally had a place where she fit.

  We all knew that feeling. And we’re so grateful to have found each other.

  Granny had the thought of going down to the mineral waters. And just lying about. So, Aunt Viv went to go get them some suits. That is after granny had hinted on skinny dipping.

  “Suit yourselves girls. But ya don’t know what ya missin.”

  We all giggled at that, then after the look on granny’s face. A stunned look crossed mine. “Is she serious?” I asked Cin.

  Cin looked at me with eyebrows raised. “Dead serious!”

  My mouth agape. I smiled, and half laughed. “Well.... you and Aunt Viv have fun.”

  This caused granny to cackle loud. “Girly you way to easy.” Cin said punching me in the arm.

  We both laughed. And watched granny and Aunt Viv disappear down the fountain steps. Granny had insisted she wanted to see the fountain open again. Stating her and Aunt Viv would simply come out of the study later.

  Cin and I went to cleaning up. Picking up paper plates and cups that had been used and disposing of them properly.

  Cin picked up the potato salad but before wrapping it, “Hey Serina, better than Aunt Viv’s?”

  “If you promise NEVER to tell them I’ll tell the truth.” Her answer from Cin a simple nod. “I really don’t care for potato salad. I don’t care who’s it is.”

  Cin snorted and covered up her mouth. “Me neither.”

  And laughter once again broke in this happy home.

  After the cleaning and washing and wiping of counters. Not to mention the disaster between them and granny that had been left in the kitchen. The girls went to the third floor opening the glass wall and sitting in the comfy chairs enjoying the best of indoors and out.

  The two had decided on the third floor after venturing outside. Then imagining the two elderly ladies emerging from skinny dipping.

  Even though neither thought Aunt Viv would have done such a thing. The same could not be said about granny. So, the third floor seemed the safest bet.

  Serina sat one leg casually bent up in the chair looking over the tree tops the sounds of the fountain echoing below and the rustling of the leaves being blown in the wind. Despite the peacefulness of the moment her gut would still not be quiet. Something was happening. Or it was going to.

  “Cin?” Serina spoke her friends name. Nothing else needed to be said. It was a question neither protector nor seer wanted spoken out loud. As if the spoken words would set whatever was happening in motion.

  “I feel it to Rina.” Biting her thumbnail. “Granny’s blockin my sight. And it’s got me worried Rina. Somethin is a gonna happen. An it’s big.”

  Cin brought both her legs up in the chair and crossed them. “All I know is I trust granny. And whatever happens. It’s not me or your fault. We can’t be blamin ourselves.”

  “Cin I’m worried.” As she bit her lip. They both were thinking the unthinkable. And neither would let the words form in their heads. “No! It won’t happen. I won’t let anything happen.” The thought screamed in Serina’s head.

  Chapter 23


  The girls had been upstairs for a bit and it had started to mist. Causing them to close the glass wall and head on out under the patio roof.

  They stopped on the way and made some strawberry smoothies. Each grabbing a bottle of water. Knowing they would be thirsty after consuming the sweet drink.

  They sat under the roof overhang enjoying the heat lightning displaying colors
of the sunset in brilliant show of nature. The rain was still spraying thin sheets of water here and there. And after it was over the steam off the ground would be terrible. But right now. The coolness was a much welcome relief from the heat.

  Cin got up to throw away the sticky cups that had held the smoothies. Before any more ants or mosquitoes were tempted.

  Serina leaned back propped her feet up on the vacant chair. And enjoyed the scenery of the old ancient oaks that lined their property. They were so magnificent. A masterpiece of nature. So graceful so ancient, full of so much history and wisdom. These trees were the lifeline to the protectiveness of this place. Their ancient roots twinning down to the mineral waters. They did such a wonderful job protecting this place.

  Serina felt so at peace. She was stunned when a warning from the trees jolted her back from her daydream.

  Suddenly she knew it was starting. Her gut was screaming. She hesitated. But everything told her to go on. Follow, find out what’s wrong. You must Serina. Help us, it made it through.

  “Made it through?” She rose her head confused. “It? What was it?”

  She had to go, it was time. Her head was screaming for her to stop. To wait for Cin. To wait for the others. But her gut and heart pushed her on. And knowing what she had learned she followed her gut. She listened to her heart.

  She had no sooner entered the tree line than she saw him. “Joshua? Is that you?”

  “Are you spying on me?”

  “Spying on you no. No. That’s not it.” His words coming out stammering. “I was worried I felt something.”

  “Felt something?” Serina walked closer. “Felt, what did you feel?” A sudden breeze stopped her in her tracks she could hear the trees screaming their warnings.

  “Get back! Stay safe! Protect yourself!”

  The breath was knocked out of her. She scrambled to come to her senses. Trying to catch her breath. The taste of blood and dirt filling her mouth.


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