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Serina: Awakened

Page 20

by LH Bondi

  “Serina. Talk to me Serina?” It was Joshua he was holding her brushing the hair from her eyes. He looked so worried. Why was he so worried?

  Something felt wet on her forehead. She touched it. Red blood dripped from her fingertips. The smell of iron filling her nostrils.

  Then she heard granny. And she knew. Oh god no! Not granny no! Every ounce of will she could muster came to her. And she got up.

  Granny was there a huge gash in her side where the Raif has struck her. And there she was in all her glory. Holding a spell stone with all her might holding the creature back.

  “No, you don’t! Not my grandbaby! You’ll not have her not now not ever. You evil monster!”

  Rage filled Serina at the sight before her. Power from every portion of her body sparked and filled her body. She felt the spell deep within her gut. Screaming “Noooooo!” At the top of her lungs the creature started melting before her falling limp to the ground.

  The thing no longer a threat. Serina ran over to where granny had fallen. “I’m here granny I’m here.” Tears streaming down Serina’s face. Her heart was breaking.

  “Why granny? Why didn’t you let me and Cin handle this? I don’t understand granny. Please stay. Please don’t go we need you.”

  “Now look at those tears. Should be happy for your ol granny I get to see my Martin. He’s been a waitin for a while now.”

  “Remember what I told ya. Now ya gotta trust in your granny. I told the truth. And this is how it has to be.”

  Cin was there. “Her eyes green fire. “Granny, no no no no! Please! You the only one who gets me. Our boat. Me and my little ones granny. You told me ya wouldn’t go.”

  “Now lil bit, I told ya I wouldn’t and I ain’t. I’m always here.” And she touched Cin’s heart. And you’ll be seein your old granny again. Now remember what I told ya. And your granny never lies now. It had to be like this. You’ll see your granny ain’t goin nowhere.” And she winked.

  “Lil bit, ya was wrong when ya said nobody else got ya. Ya got Serina now. And your mom. My grandbaby, don’t cha be so hard on her she loves ya so much. And ya mommas gonna be a needin ya pretty soon.” Granny wiped the tears from Cin’s face then placed mine and Cin’s hands together. Peacefully closing her eyes.

  Serina screamed. A raw painful scream that came from deep within her.

  She heard a hissing laugh. That woke her to the present. Following the sound, she saw the thing laying on the ground a smirking evil smile playing at its lips.

  She realized for the first time this was the same one she had encountered in Eden that day after the mirror pond she didn’t know how but she knew.

  The blackness had started melting away from her spell. Revealing the human underneath. Blond hair could be seen and half a blue eye protruding out of a half rotted blackened eye socket.

  The realization of who this thing was ripped her to the core.

  She turned on Joshua. “You! You did this! You brought her here! This is on you!” Sparks started erupting from Serina’s hands. She hated him at that moment.

  “Serina no!” She heard Cin “Why would Joshua do this? It makes no sense Serina.” Cin walked over tears still spilling from her eyes. She was letting them. Letting them flow free.

  She turned her eyes on that thing that was Marsha. Her head flung back her eyes erupting in green fire.

  “It was you. All you. You’re the girl Serina thinks has her Joshua.”

  At that Marsha leapt at Cin. Serina stopped her cold in her tracks. “Not on my watch! No one else!”

  “Marsha’s half forked tongue slithered out. He was mine. All mine. He was my reason for living in Eden. My second chance at a life, a family, children. He would have loved me. He did love me till you came. You came and all he ever thought about was you.”

  Joshua spoke he looked confused hurt. “Marsha of course I love you. You’re my best friend. Like the sister I never had. You and Greyson were my family. Took me in.”

  “Your sister. Your friend!? “She screamed. “ No, it was more! Was always more. I waited patiently for you to realize. Realize I was the one who loved you. Me not her. Me!” And Marsha looked at Serina. Another piece of blackness rotting off and falling to the ground. She still couldn’t move.

  “But you wouldn’t leave. You wouldn’t just go on. I tried to make you see he was with me. But nothing worked. So, I joined my family to get rid of you. Kill you once and for all. Then we could be together Joshua. And then you would see. It was all for you, all for us.”

  Joshua looked angry. “You think I would ever want you after this. After what you have done to people. What you are now. Marsha I never felt like that towards you. And I never will.”

  “You lie. You just don’t want her to know. You love me. You always have.” Her face seemed to be breaking off in pieces. The one blue eye was fully visible. Marsha’s madness echoing in her pupil’s large black empty holes.

  “The mirror pond Serina.” Cin spoke her hatred for Marsha showing. “It followed Joshua. It knew he was coming to see you and it followed. In human form. It’s how it got through the gateway.”

  “Serina, you gotta believe me. I didn’t know. I would never.” Joshua looked so vulnerable.

  She placed her hand in his, a silent gesture. Letting him know that she believed him.

  “Ahhhhhh don’t you touch him!” Marsha screamed! “I’ll kill you like I killed her.” Serina looked at granny. For a spit second.

  That’s all it took Serina dropped her guard for a split second and Marsha was free. A black shadow passed before them in a blink. Then cleared just as fast. Marsha was gone.

  Serina ran to hold Cin. Both girls’ hearts were broken.

  Aunt Viv was there then holding them both. “She said it was the only way for her to protect us. She said this was the only way to win. When the time was right. We would understand.” Aunt Viv was crying speaking through tears. “Silly old goat. Went and left me all alone.”

  “Never, Aunt Viv you have us.” The girls held on tight. “Please tell me you’re not leaving us too.” And the damn of tears flooded out of Serina even more.

  Aunt Viv grasp them tightly. “I promise with all I have in me. Your Aunt Viv isn’t going anywhere. Anytime soon. Y’all are stuck with me. I’m afraid.”

  After some time had passed Aunt Viv broke away to continue.

  “She loves us all so much. Said to remind y’all she was with her Martin now and not to be sad. He had been waiting a long time. Also remember what she said. And to trust her.”

  “But I’m selfish Aunt Viv I want her here with me. Like she was always supposed to be.” Cin was crying uncontrollably.

  Serina did everything she possibly could at the moment. And held on to Cin tight. Raw emotion screamed and clawed out of Cin.

  After a long while she let go she had nothing left. Cin slumped down till she sat on the wet earth.

  She looked up at Serina who then joined her on the ground Joshua was still there and placed a hand on Serina shoulder.

  “This falls on me. I can’t begin to say how sorry I am. I should have known. I should have known how she felt. I would have never hurt her and I would give my life before I hurt you Serina.” She saw the truth there in his eyes. Those lovely brown eyes that spoke straight to her soul.

  “I know Joshua. And we will talk but now is not the time. I have things that are needed of me.” She placed her hand on his. In a silent goodbye.

  When she turned again. He was gone. Not willing to move her hand. She slowed herself to feel him for a brief few seconds longer before letting go.

  She knew what had to be done. Instinct took over. She walked over to granny and sat on the ground. Cin and Aunt Viv following surrounding granny in a circle. Willow branches were placed forming a circle. And white Easter lilies had been placed at her crown.

  Aunt Viv and Cin joined Serina on the ground. And the seer releasing ceremony began.

  The three held hands and swayed to and fro.

p; Serina’s eyes were ablaze with her inner fire “no mah ra” she chanted her hands now passing over granny’s head. “No mah ra”. She chanted over and over. The spell clearing the air. And suddenly she stopped. The rest of the spell churned like fire inside her burning brighter and brighter. Till the power exploded inside her. A blaze of glorious lights erupted from deep inside her. Spilling out over granny’s body. Lighting all parts of her in purity. The light seeming to take hold and set her free.

  Thousands upon thousands of lights could be seen where granny had once lay. Her mortal body now gone. Her spirit had been set free.

  It swirled around the three ladies. Seeming to tell each goodbye.

  And if Serina wasn’t crazy. She swore they all blinked as if giving them one final wink.

  They all sat there for what seemed like an eternity.

  Suddenly a loud scream woke them all. Followed by a large black panther plopping down on Cin’s lap.

  It was Mo. Granny had sent him for Cin.

  Chapter 24


  The next few days felt like things had gone by in a blur. Cin’s parents had flown in from some part of the globe. Where I didn’t recall. Or seem to care. My parents had come home straight away that night.

  Everyone was in such a shocked saddened state. I don’t really know if my parents even noticed Mo in the house that night. If they did they never said a word.

  Aunt Viv had went into cooking mode. I guess that’s how she coped. Cooking and cleaning. Me and Cin spent the better part of that night just sitting in my room. Both of us numb. Not knowing what to say.

  Tears appeared off and on for the better part of that night. And I had no idea if mine would ever stop. I had never experienced such a loss. And my heart was broken. I wanted so much to help Cin. I couldn’t even imagine. The lightness had gone out of her eyes. And all I could see was pain.

  In all that time that first night. She never spoke a word. Just sat there holding Mo till the two of them passed out in one of my chairs. I brought her a blanket and covered her to help. I didn’t know what else to do.

  Me, I never slept. I was scared of the demons in my dreams. My brain was in shut down.

  So much to process. So much pain and heartache.

  Cin’s parents were there at first light. And I felt a little easier as Cin saw her momma and ran into her arms. No matter what. A mother’s arms can make anything better.

  Before she left. She walked back to me and hugged me fierce. “We gonna be fine Rina. We just gotta let the sadness out. Ya gotta let it all go. No regrets.” She whispered into my ear.

  She turned her getting into the car, Mo following. It actually made me smile. The large cat getting into a vehicle. And everyone acting as if it was normal. As if sensing my smile Cin rolled down her window.

  “Hey it’s completely normal. Love ya girly. See ya soon.” Wink.

  I don’t think I was ever so happy to see that wink.

  After that I went inside then straight out to the fountain. I sat where we had all been laughing and joking just a moment ago. It felt like that, anyway. Time is a tricky thing. One moment, one blink of an eye and the world can change. And I began to cry once more.

  At that moment I felt my mother’s arms and I turned and stood so I could hold on to her tight.

  “I’m so sorry baby.” She spoke holding me. “She was a wonderful lady. Nope I’m wrong. She is a wonderful lady. And we will celebrate this life. Knowing she is happy in her second.”

  Pulling back, I was confused. “Mom you know?”

  “My baby. I’ve always known. I knew about Granny Hind. About Grandma Iv. And I’ve known you were a protector since you were born.” Tears began to flow, and her voice cracked. “I was wrong Serina. It’s my fault you are thrown into all this. Grandma Iv warned me. But I wouldn’t listen. I always thought there would be time. And you should be able to have a choice, to have a normal life. Then gramma passed, and we came here.”

  “Aunt Viv tried to warn me, but I wouldn’t listen.” She touched my hand. “Can you ever forgive me?”

  “Of course, I forgive you Mom. All you were trying to do is protect me. That’s your job.”

  “Maybe a little too much at times.”

  She smiled, and we hugged each other. Then sat back down.

  “It’s my fault mom. I should have known. I should have protected granny. But she protected me.”

  My mom reached across the table grabbing my hands. “You listen to me Serina. Aunt Viv told me everything. And granny did what she knew had to be done. Nothing could have changed that. You knew granny. If she saw another way. Don’t you think that’s what she would have done.”

  Tears were falling again. As I shook my head yes.

  My mom stood up and hugged me from the back of the chair placing her chin on the top of my head. “I love you Serina. Don’t you ever forget that.”

  Things seemed at little better after that. The normal of the rest of the day felt abnormal to me. We ate, talked even tried to watch tv. I couldn’t even remember what show was on. Time passed in a blur.

  The next day there was a celebration in town . A celebration of granny. Seemed there had been so many well wishers, people coming to pay their respects, Cin’s Mom didn’t quite know what to do with them all. Granny had helped and befriended so many people she was loved by everyone she knew.

  The whole town named the day in honor of Granny Hind and Cin’s mother felt like the only way to truly celebrate her mother was with a festival of life. All the proceeds were being donated to charity in granny’s name.

  There was plenty of food everywhere. Gumbo, étouffée, fried fish and shrimp so much food. But most important in the center of it all a fudge stand. They sold just about every flavor imaginable. Well when I say they. I really mean me and Cin. Who else knew the right way to make it.

  There was a band playing at the end of the street. I had never heard of the music. But Cin told me it was Cajun zydeco. Or something.

  People where everywhere. I wondered at one point where they all parked.

  It was good for everyone. It helped us all remember how much granny loved life. And how she would want us to be. But this was especially good for me and Cin. I was worried about us. I didn’t quite know what to say. We had spoken on the phone. It was brief and casual. Not at all our easy flow.

  When we first saw each other that morning. Cin just wrapped me in a hug. “Promise me Rina promise me right now. You won’t go nowhere. You won’t leave me.”


  “No! I’m not lettin you go till you promise me.”

  “I promise Cin. I’m not gonna leave you. Ever.” She let me go. And looked down at the ground. “Cause I don’t think my heart could take it.” Tears were there one escaped and she wiped it away.

  “Cin,” she looked at me with questions in her eyes. “Wanna show these people how to make some granny fudge.”

  She smiled then and a little light started to burn. “You got that right girly.”

  Yep I thought to myself were gonna be fine.

  People were everywhere. And everyone that came to the fudge stand had a story something about granny. Almost all ended in laughter. It was wonderful. Reminded us all how lucky we were that she was in our lives.

  Cin’s parents came by the stand. Her mom Dauphine immediately started looking at the different kinds of fudge. “It all looks so good George? I don’t know which one.”

  Her husband came up beside her with the biggest grin Serina had ever seen on a man. “Well then we’ll just get a bit of each.”

  “I love you. You know me so well.”

  Cin looked very confused.

  Me I thought it was sweet.

  Cin started gathering the fudge. Looking at her parents with a confused look on her face. “Since when do ya like fudge Mom?”

  Her Mom looked at her dad and grinned and looked back at Cin. “Just been craving it here lately.”

  Cin’s hand brushed her mom’s as
she handed over the bag. Her eyes green fire. Followed by the biggest grin she had ever seen on Cin.

  “Ahhhhhh I’m gonna be a big sister!” And started jumping up and down. Running around the counter to hug her parents.

  The whole family had happy tears of joy. As for me I silently joined in.

  Yes, we were definitely going to be just fine.

  That evening a lighting ceremony took place. Everyone had a floating candle that they placed in the swamp. A final tribute to granny. The sight was one to behold. Hundreds of tiny lights floating off making there way through granny’s true home.

  I held Cin’s hand and we both said our final goodbyes to granny.

  Watching the tiny flames disappear far out into the swamp. Both of us knowing somehow this wasn’t the end.

  A dance floor had been placed in front of the gazebo where the band was playing. Lights were strung up to and fro making a canopy of sparking lights over the dancers. It gave one the feeling of dancing under starlight.

  I sat there looking at all the people enjoying life, the couples dancing enjoying each other. The fathers and daughters. The mothers holding their toddlers tight swaying the sleeping infants in time to the music. My parents and Cin’s, everyone enjoying and celebrating life. “You did it granny. You brought everyone together.”

  The trees carried a whisper to me telling me to look. When I looked up I saw a long black tail hanging from a nearby tree two golden eyes staring down I couldn’t help but to smile. I don’t think our fearless protector would ever be far from Cin ever again.

  I elbowed Cin and motioned to the tree. Rolling her eyes. “He’s been a tad overprotective these last two day. He’ll be fine ain’t nothin gonna happen. And he kinda makes me feel better. Ya know.”

  “Yeah I know.” I hated to admit but Mo made me feel better also. And anything that helped was much appreciated.

  My mind drifted off again and while watching the couples my mind started drifting to Joshua. And the two of us dancing on the floor. Serina wondered if he was never interested in Marsha then why. Why was he always so regretful? Why did he always look so sorrowful when anything had happened between them? Every kiss, every look. He always looked as if he regretted.


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