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Serina: Awakened

Page 22

by LH Bondi

  “Come on girly.” As Cin clapped twice.

  The waters did sound good. I could almost feel my aching body calling for them. So, I got up.

  We changed into suits grabbed some extra clothes and towels. And started out the door. Our fearless protector not far behind.

  Mo taking up the rear. I rolled my eyes. To anyone else this might seem strange. But I reached down and petted him. This caused the overgrown cat to walk in between the two of us. Begging to be scratched from us both.

  We met my dad at the end of the hall. His face turned a little green as he noticed Mo.

  His eyes dashing back and forth from me to Mo. My poor dad clearly nervous stammering a little as he spoke. “Hey kiddo.” And he nodded his hello greeting Cin then glanced at Mo once more. “Just coming to check on ya. See how y’all were doing. If you guys needed anything.”

  “Mr. Jonathan. Mo ain’t gonna do ya nothin. He knows ya family. An nothin more important than family.”

  “Come on boy. Mr. Jonathan. Needs to see ya more up close.” Cin spoke walking over to my dad. My dad’s eyes looked like they might pop straight outta his head. I think at that moment my dad really wished he could climb walls. In fact, he almost did.

  Mo lazily followed Cin. The large cat seeming to realize he needed to be a little patient with my father simply sat down at my dad’s feet. And looked at him. As if saying. “Well I’m here. Scratch me.”

  “Good boy Mo. See Mr. Jonathan you can pet him. He likes ya. Mo loves family. Don’t cha boy.” And she began scratching behind his ears. Making the cat begin to purr.

  Slowly my dad reached out and began to pet him. Slowly at first. Than Mo began rubbing up against him begging for more.

  My dad much more relaxed now. Began enjoying petting the large cat. Mo sensing his enthusiasm began walking around him letting his long tail wrap around my dad’s leg. My dad almost falling over.

  “Now Mo. you be careful around Mr….”

  “Now Cin were family now. You can call me Jonathan. And Mo’s fine.” My dad smiling patting the oversized baby on his neck. And he nodded to Serina. “What he’s done for my baby. He can get scratches from me anytime.”

  “Oh, now he’ll be a holden ya to that.” And Cin winked. As we walked on down the hall.

  “Umm you guys bringing Mo with you?” My dad almost sounded desperate.

  “Oh, Mo will be along. Now don’t cha be worryin about him.” Cin answered biting her lip to keep from giggling out loud.

  “Cin?” My dad hollered in almost a desperate sounding voice.

  “Ok, Mo. come on now.” And she whistled loudly. The large cat was once again beside her.

  I swear I heard my dad finally exhale.

  Chapter 26

  Heart Magic

  The mineral waters were exactly what she needed. They helped relax her body and renew her spirit. Her ankle even felt a little better. She smiled to herself.

  Before she moved here all her cuts bumps and bruises were simply from her being a little clumsy. Or gravity friendly. She liked to call herself. But here for the most part all her scrapes and bumps were from battle. She had battle scars.

  “Arr.” She said out loud. Laughing

  “That’s a pirate Rina not a soldier in battle.” And Cin snickered.

  “Same same.” Serina said shrugging her shoulders.

  “Seriously Rina.”

  “What happened in that tub?”

  “The vision I seen was so blurry. It was hard for me to make out much of anythin. It was just blurry glimpses. What I thought I seen was darn near impossible.”

  “That Marsha girl was trying to pull ya under. I don’t think she was a tryin to drown ya.”

  “Though I don’t think she would a cared. Think she was tryin to pull ya somewhere.”

  “But that makes no sense how was she even there?”

  Serina exhaled. “It doesn’t make sense?”

  “Nothing makes sense. I keep going over and over in my head these questions. And I know the answer Cin. That’s what’s killing me I know the answers are somewhere in my mind. I can feel them. But I can’t quite find them.”

  “Ok” Cin stated. “Well let’s start with what we know. We know somethin happened in that tub. We know that thing grabbed you. It left a mark. So that gives us somethin. Somethin I can use.”

  Cin scooted down on the bench. “Give me your leg Rina. I need to see into the monster. Find us some answers. Let me see the mark.”

  Serina lifted her leg and placed it by Cin. Reaching out Cin gently touched the mark. Her head shot back her eyes once again ablaze with green fire.

  “It got here through you Rina. You opened a portal. No not intentional. You opened it for…… Joshua. When you think of him you open a link between the worlds. Ya have a connection with him an unbreakable connection a connection of the heart.”

  “That monster figured it out. She’s been stalkin him. Stalkin him to get to you.” Her eyes ablaze her shoulders shot back. Her hand released my ankle. And the vision was over.

  “She was gonna pull you through Rina. She was aimin to kill ya. I still can’t see all her mind though. She’s hidin somethin. Somethin big.”

  “Do ya remember that night she was practically dead, and something came and took her? Whatever that was it saved her, for some reason, and whatever it is is powerful. Very powerful.”

  “It’s what’s behind all of this. But what makes her so special? Makes her worth comin out of hidin. The fact she can transform back maybe. But I don’t think that’s it.”

  “So, all this is on me.” Serina spoke, “I’m the one that keeps opening the portal. But how? I don’t understand?”

  It came to her clearly now. Every time she saw or thought of Joshua he was there. Really there. In her mind she saw him felt him and her body had sent him to her. Had opened a portal directly to her. She had been calling him to her. Unknowingly. Did he honestly think she would just call him and ignore him? What kind of person would do that? And that thing, Marsha had figured it out. She must have been stalking him. Seeing him leave. How did her own jealousy ever think that Joshua would like no love Marsha? That’s what it was jealousy.

  Serina remembered every time she saw the two together. It was always Marsha. Never him making plans. Always her hugging him. He never hugged her in return. Always her kissing him. On the cheek never, the lips. Oh, how could she have been so blind.

  “Marsha must have been stalking him for months. Seeing him come here. Waiting for the right moment.”

  “Granny must have seen that night. And knew she was coming for me. She sacrificed herself to protect me.” She held Cin’s hand as she spoke. Her heart aching was felt by Cin she knew. And the look Cin gave her in return was complete forgiveness. Because there was nothing to forgive.

  She looked at Cin. “There has to be a reason Cin. There has to be a why. Granny always had a reason. What was it? She could have easily just told us what was gonna happen. But she didn’t. She took this course on purpose. Why?”

  “Well there’s somethin else. That thing. Ya know that thing you thought your man had the hots for.”

  That earned her a kick from Serina.

  “Hey, that’s all on you, girly. One day ya gonna learn. When Century tells you what’s what. It’s gonna happen.” Wink.

  “I got the feelin Marsha is still recovering. Ya put a hurtin on it pretty bad. And they are regroupin. Comin up with a better plan to get cha. And me. It seems I’ve made the wanted list.”

  “But somethin has them scared or worried. Somethin different. And they can’t place it. So, we have a little time. Time to plan. For what I have no idea. I have no idea what to plan for. Or how we gonna fight. ”

  “But we will.” And Serina jumped all the way into the waters. “Things always happen. And we always figure it out.”

  “Now we soundin better.” Cin joined her in the waters.

  “So, all this time. I thought I was crazy. I was just missing him so bad I wou
ld see him places. Joshua was there. Really there every time. I knew he was at the dance. The rest I thought it was just in my head. Until that night when he saw,” she looked down still too ashamed to admit. “Saw me and Gabriel.”

  “Kinda like your own personal phone line directly to the guy.”

  Leave it to Cin to make it sound ridiculous. And weird.

  “Wait you can portal some guy directly to you and I’m weird. For sayin it.” She rolled her eyes and splashed me.

  “No seriously Cin how do I stop it. He asked me to stop calling him to me. How do I stop?”

  “I don’t even know when I’m doing it. It just happens. And why. Why him?”

  “Why him. Because you’re in love with him Rina. And he’s in love with you. Y’all are soulmates. When ya met. Your hearts and souls remembered each other. Knew they had found their other part.”

  “It’s old magic Rina. Heart magic. And you being a protector makes it possible for the two of y’all to be together.”

  “Now that I know about that connection y’all share I can feel him a little through you. He has always been able to cross over here pretty easily. It’s a gift he has. But never like he can now that he’s found you.”

  Serina swam back to the bench and sat. “Then we can be together. Me and Joshua I mean truly together.”

  Saying the words out loud made her heart overflow with happiness. Then she remembered the last words he spoke to her. Because of what he had seen. The happiness draining from her like it was leaking from a civ.

  “Yep, ya made quite a mess girly.” Hopping up on the bench herself. “But I have a feelin that boy will be forgivin ya. He loves ya, Rina. Would forgive ya just about anythin.” And she wrapped her arm around her friend. “Besides, there’s nothin to forgive in truth. Both of ya need a butt kickin for not a sayin anything to the other.”

  “I know Cin. I know we didn’t say anything. But I knew Cin I knew I loved him from the moment I first saw him. I also knew I didn’t feel anything of the sort for Gabriel.” Serina looked out ahead of her as if far away in her head and whispered the rest. “I shouldn’t have ever let him kiss me.”

  Looking down. “Regardless. I feel like I betrayed Joshua. Even though in reality I didn’t. So, what says he’ll forgive me. Or be ok with what I did.”

  “Your best friend. That’s what says.”

  “And besides. It was a kiss, barely a kiss at that. It’s not like ya married the guy.”

  Biting her lip Serina put her head down on Cin’s shoulder.

  “Why was everything so complicated when it came to her and Joshua?” She thought to herself.

  “Cause if’n it wasn’t then it would be normal. And who in the heck would want that.” Cin answered her and they both laughed a little.

  Chapter 27


  The next pass of time seemed to go by in a blink and the same exact time very slow. Serina wanted so badly to run to Joshua but she knew in her heart now was not the time.

  Something was happening something bigger than her. The reckoning of whatever was gonna happen in Eden. Was coming closer and closer.

  Cin and her both knew it. She had a nagging feeling; her gut was telling her to go back to that house. To the strange home she had come upon that day in the forbidden woods on the outer edge of Eden.

  Serina had thought about that house off and on since that day. But now it almost felt as if it were calling her. In fact, almost screaming at her to return. Something was holding her back. In her heart she knew it was herself. Not wanting to face Joshua and the hurt she had caused. No matter how many times she told herself there was nothing to harp on. What was done was done and to forgive herself. The hurt she had seen in his eyes was there each time she closed hers.

  She was in her room now. Curled up in one of her oversized and overstuffed chairs. The weight of the past heavy upon her. Tears once more fell down her cheeks. And she placed her hand over her heart to ease the ache.

  She felt him before she saw him as his warm hand gently wiped the wet tear from her face. Her heart stopped, and she held her breath as she opened her eyes.

  He was there. He had come to her. Not even thinking she leapt off her chair and embraced him with all her might. Not willing to let him go.

  “Serina,” he whispered her name so quietly she almost didn’t hear.

  Lifting her head, she met his gaze unshed tears still in her eyes. “Wait. I have something to say.” She spoke all the love she felt for him she was no longer hiding no longer suppressing trying to pretend it wasn’t there. “I love you Joshua.” She had spoken the words. And the joy she felt overflowed. The unshed tears were flowing now. But had changed from heartache to happiness.

  “I always have. Since the first moment we met. The first moment we touched. I knew I was yours and would never be another’s.” She looked down briefly. “I am sorry for what you saw. I never wanted him to kiss me. I was......I don’t know.”

  He touched her face now moving that stray lock of hair. “Serina, listen to me. You have just made me so happy.”

  She looked up at him now. She was smiling but a little confused.

  “You don’t look happy. You look sad. What’s wrong? I don’t understand. If it’s Gabriel. I don’t feel anything for him. He’s a friend. That’s all.” His eyes never changing. She began to back away. He stopped her.

  “Serina, no it’s not Gabriel, Marsha, or anyone. I love you. I told you that. Nothing you could ever do or say would ever change that.” He looked so full of sorrow she couldn’t touch him right now.

  She let out a gut wrenching laugh. As she pulled away from him. “You love me. But what? You don’t wanna be with me. Would rather some other guy have that burden.”

  His brows creased, and he began taking steps towards her. “Didn’t you hear me. I said I love you Serina.” His voice was rising. “How could you ever be a burden to me?”

  “Then you just don’t want me. Don’t wanna be with me. Is that it?” She crossed her arms. She was getting angry now. And she was trying with all her might to calm the storm that was raging with in her. Better to feel the anger than the hurt. She heard her heart say.

  He had reached her then. And she stood her ground meeting his eyes and never flinching. His hands were on her arms he was holding her tightly.

  “How could you think that. Ever of me. Look at me Serina look at my eyes. I’m not hiding anything. Of course, I want you. Want to be with you. Always. I never want to leave you. But. ...

  “Really look at me Serina. I could never give you what you deserve. A real relationship. A chance for a life with someone. I can’t give that to you.” He dropped his hands. Looking to the floor. “You deserve a real guy. A real man. Not someone like me in this half-life. You deserve someone who is a part of this world. Not mine back and forth never really being able to exist here. I can never be what you need. Be what you deserve.”

  Her heart overflowed with love at that moment. It was his love for her that had held him back. She had just been too blind to see.

  “Joshua,” she spoke softly lifting his head. Serina did the only thing she knew to show him how she felt. Her lips met his. Blending together their souls. Sparks electrified her body she could feel all the way to her toes. His arms wrapped around her pulling her closer intensifying the kiss. He took control now. Neither of them holding back his arms supporting her was the only thing keeping her upright. The world stopped. Every emotion was in that heated kiss. She never wanted that feeling to end. Her senses were on fire. She had never felt this. He had kissed her before but never like this. Never with such raw feelings. Feelings that had been denied for far too long.

  After a moment passed he started slowing the kiss gently easing the fire. Her senses starting to come slowly back to earth. Her breathing coming more normal. Till he softly released her. Their foreheads touched. They both sat there not wanting the moment to end.

  She was the first to break the silence. “Joshua, all I will ever w
ant is you.”

  “Serina...” he began to speak she brought her finger to his lips gently to silence him.

  “We are meant to be together Joshua. Can’t you feel it. And Cin, she has seen it.” She felt the need to go on. To explain further. To help him see. He was all she had ever wanted. All that would make her heart complete.

  “Your ability to come here. Me being a protector. We’re tied to each other Joshua; don’t you feel it.”

  Her hands were on each side of his face. “We love each other Joshua. Don’t you think its high time we stop fighting it and just allow ourselves to love.”

  He spoke hope starting to grow deep within his eyes. The sadness was still there holding him back. “But how, Serina, how could I live with knowing what you gave up for me. Knowing you gave up a life a family maybe even a family of your own.”

  “Joshua, do you feel this?” She spoke touching her hand to his chest.

  His answer a simple nod.

  “When we are together. We are whole. Even here in this world. Our hearts knew the moment they found each other. The only thing that would ever break me. Is not having you.”

  “So, if you’re asking me to give you up. To give us up. It’s not happening. Not now not ever again.”

  His eyes searched hers looking for answers only she could give. And Serina knew the moment he found them.

  Grabbing her around her waist picking her up his lips kissing her once more. Breaking the kiss Serina playfully kissed his nose. “So, I take that as a yes.”

  “You can take that as a forever.” He gently lowered her till her feet touched the floor. “I still don’t know if I’m what’s best for you Serina.”

  She started to speak but he silenced her.

  “But... as long as you will have me. I am eternally yours.”

  She kissed him once more. Then smiling, “forever, I like the sound of that.”

  Her phone dinged. Letting out a short burst of air. She bit her upper lip. And smiled. “That would be Cin.”


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