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Serina: Awakened

Page 24

by LH Bondi

  The hold was painful and tight and was meant to cause pain. But not a sound came out of Serina’s mouth to tell Marsha how much it hurt. She used the hurt to focus on what was to come. For she could only imagine what was on the other side of that door.

  When they had reached the top of the stairs Marsha stepped to the side, “after you old woman.”

  Not missing a beat granny hobbled inside. The hand holding on to Serina tightened even more as she was dragged into the open room. Still she never said a word. Her anger was growing by the second.

  Forcing herself to focus Serina closed her eyes and listened. She could hear, no she could see what Cin was seeing. There was Joshua in a room along with a man. Yes, she could see it clearly as if she was right there. It was the man she had seen in her vision, it was Marsha’s father. Suddenly pain went across her cheek followed by a loud noise. Opening her eyes, she saw Marsha grinning. The hand she had used to slap her still swinging in the air.

  Sheer joy practically radiated from Marsha at the pain she was inflicting on me. “We must pay attention and do as we’re told Serina. Now, let’s not keep daddy waiting.” Yanking her arm practically out of the socket Marsha started towards the door on the other side of the room.

  As they reached the entrance Marsha once more stepping aside pushing granny with her free hand then pulling me painfully along after her.

  Whereas the other room seemed to have once been a kitchen of some sort. With old dusty cooking utensils laying around on dirty worn stoves and a unused dining table and chairs that had seen much better days. This room was open and clean and had been taken care of. It had old furniture but was still in good shape and another stairwell leading up to a second story.

  Serina eyes went wide for a moment as she remembered this was the room it had all started in. This is where Marsha and her family had been murdered.

  It seemed this room had been kept as sort of a shrine. Everything still in its place after all this time. Never moving. The room feeling as if it had been lost in time. Lost in that moment right down to the sofa and chair that had been pushed out of the way in the skirmish that had led to everyone’s death.

  Serina first met Cin’s gaze telling her everything was going to be alright. And probably only she saw the slight watering of those green eyes as they looked on granny. Serina knew it took everything in Cin for her to not run across the room straight into granny’s arms.

  Next, she met Joshua and looking into those eyes told her everything her heart already knew. Yes, she trusted him. And nothing she was about to see would change what her heart already knew as certain.

  Serina saw it this time saw the hand coming followed by the pain that radiated across her cheek. As she was forcefully thrown to the floor. She caught herself her palms filling with splinters from the old wooden floor. Still she pushed herself up then back on her feet getting the hair from her eyes. While looking directly at Marsha she wiped the blood from her swollen lip. “That all you got!”

  The crazy that shot through Marsha’s eyes as she lunged for Serina was stopped short as the man simply known as her father grabbed her around her waist stopping Marsha in her tracks.

  “Now, sweetheart. Don’t pay any attention to her. You know you have Joshua.” Looking at Joshua he motioned for him to go to Marsha. Glancing briefly to Serina Joshua smiled then walked over. Placing his arm around Marsha’s waist.

  Smiling Marsha turned and kissed him straight on the lips. Then looking triumphant returned her attention to Serina as she lay her head on Joshua’s shoulder.

  Serina’s insides practically gagged at the sight of the twisted half rotted being before her touching Joshua so intimately. Her attention suddenly taken aback by the man before her.

  “I don’t believe we have met, not formally anyhow.” The man walked around facing her and granny who was now at Serina’s side. His walk was slow, leisurely even. He was a tall man with white blonde hair it was cut short in the back falling in long straight strands around his angelic face. It was the same exact shade as Marsha’s. He had a soothing tone and if one didn’t know any different would have seemed a kind man. Shame she thought how someone’s life could come to this. Then shook the thought out of her mind not letting herself fall for the man’s false beauty.

  The man smiled and introduced himself as if this were some normal meeting. The crazy in this family ran deep Serina thought.

  “Michael, Marsha’s father. Oh, and Greyson’s, can’t be forgetting my little slugger now can I. And of course, my wife, Alain. But you wouldn’t know her. This place took them away from me. Drove my wife to such sorrow. Can’t even take care of our children.” He paused briefly shaking his head. “But my Marsha took care of everything and now that she has found me I’ll take care of it all.”

  He was rambling now throwing sentences together as the different thoughts came to the front of his mind. “This place, they call it Eden as if it’s some sort of paradise. And you,’ he spoke pointing to me, ‘well all of you,” and waved his hand to granny and Cin. “Want to stop me from showing everyone what this place really is.” As he spoke extending his hand to granny first then me. “Not wanting to shake my hand. I see.” Dropping his hand, “well we all see who the gentleman is here.”

  “What exactly is this place, Michael?” Serina spoke calling his attention back to the present. “Or rather what do you perceive it to be?” She knew she was baiting him, but she needed to know more needed to know what he intended to do. What fate had he seen for all of them. For all the souls whose lives were dependent on her their protector.

  Michael looked to Serina his eyes starting to swirl from ice blue to black. The Raif that was inside of him or rather a part of him starting to come forth. Reaching her side, he extended a long-twisted finger. The nail on the end long dripping a thick ink like substance. Running it a mere fraction over the side of her face but never touching. Not till it reached the base of her neck and ran a burning trail across her collar bone. The burning flesh filling her nostrils. Still she never flinched.

  “Pain, what this place truly is, is pain. Raw and unforgiving. Now maybe you won’t forget.” He grabbed her face in one hand shoving her backwards as he finished speaking. “But unlike that mark just burned into your flesh. My pain the pain this place causes will never end. This place took everything from me. Everything, and nothing I could do would stop it. I failed them. But now. Now that I have the first key. They will be set free. All the demons will come forth. And then they all will see. See what this place truly is. A hell. A rotting hell full of demons feasting on the flesh of the foolish beings that choose to torture me. Torture us all by taking away what we loved most in the world. Taking away what we lived for. And then, they all will see this place for the hell it truly is.”

  “You would do that to your wife, to your son. You truly are a monster. Just look what you have done to your daughter.” Serina spoke her heart beating faster than she ever thought possible. And she braced herself for what she knew was coming.

  Michael was transforming now and walking slowly towards her. His eyes changed first to huge black orbs. That glazed over his face elongated sharp jagged teeth sticking out his now overly large mouth. His long-forked tongue slithering out. He seemed to grow a few feet at the rest of his body twisted and morphed into the monster he truly was his outside now matching his inside. Long twisted fingers reached out for her. Grabbing around her neck. His tongue flickering out slithering finding her beating heart.

  “I was planning on keeping you alive torturing you feeding off your soul slowly over time till you would die. But not before knowing pain. Soul wrenching pain of every soul you failed. Hearing their screams in every second of every waking moment.” He spoke in a hiss. “But now,” and he breathed in deep. “Tasting a protector. I don’t think I can resist. I don’t think I can stop.”

  “Remember what cha lookin for their Michael.” Granny was there holding up the key.

  Michael sharply turned his head. Looking first
at granny and the key. Then back to Serina. He hesitated only for a moment then threw Serina across the floor her head slamming into a wooden table that sat at the corner of the sofa. Her head ringing, she heard Cin. “Now Rina!” She felt Cin before she saw her. Their powers connected. The energy that had been stored in her gut came forth at once. A blinding light shot forth from the two. Seer and protector together. Their powers coming together in one blinding moment.

  Serina opened her eyes her sight still joined with Cin. Seeing the Raif had granny by the throat set off something primal inside her and she screamed the energy spilling forth from her filled the room. She heard deep primal screams as the creature weakened and granny used the key and stabbed the thing deep within its gut. Thick blackened syrup came forth from the creature spurting out in waves each scream sending more of the liquid in its body draining in thick puddles through the cracks in the wooden floor. Energy from the spell spewed out the hole the key had created the light ripping the creature’s torso in two.

  Another scream was heard her connection with Cin severed she looked towards the sound. It was Marsha she was trying desperately to get to her father. Joshua was holding her back. But how much longer could he hold her. Then she saw Marsha starting to transform and knew it wouldn’t be much longer. Her blackened hands reached around her forked tongue finding Joshua’s heart. “You will be with me. And we will save him.” Her tongue finding his heart. Serina heard Joshua scream as Marsha’s tongue began penetrating his chest.

  Serina was up now and across the room holding Marsha by the head. The spell came easy shooting out of her fingers. “No one else!” She screamed the electricity shooting out of her hands seeming to melt the blackness off Marsha’s body. Her tongue rotting away disconnecting from Joshua. He fell slumped to the floor.

  Letting go of Marsha she ran to Joshua picking his head up placing it in her lap. Tears rolling down her face. “Joshua! Joshua!” She screamed, “speak to me. Please! After everything we have been through it can’t end like this. Please. Suddenly she felt him move and slowly he opened his eyes.”

  Reaching up he gently touched her face. “You won’t be getting rid of me anytime soon Serina. Remember, we have forever.”

  She laughed through her tears. Then gently kissed his forehead.

  “Ya done good my grandbabies. Ya done real good.” Granny’s voice came through seeming to wake her up. And she looked around. Cin and granny were wrapped up in each other.

  The monster known as Michael lay there withering on the floor. His lifeless body still seeping out the blackened liquid. No human feature to be found. In the end. She supposed that was how he truly was. And so, the monster had finally passed. Whatever human part there once had been had long since gone. Nothing left but blackened sagging skin hanging on long malnourished looking bones that were twisted and deformed.

  Marsha lay withering and shaking black ooze mixed with blond tendrils lay around her body. The spell had been strong. She wouldn’t last much longer. Serina felt no pity for this evil that lay before her. Given a choice she would gladly do it again.

  Joshua kissed Serina’s hand waking her from her thoughts, as he slowly got to his feet then extended his hand to her. Once she was in front of him his brows creased with concern. “What did they do to you?” His fingers gently touching each bruise and mark.

  Grabbing his hand with her own she brought it to her heart. “The only things that would have hurt me is if they would have taken any of ya’ll.”

  Warm arms came from behind as Cin and granny wrapped everyone in a warm embrace.

  After the tears had been shed and everyone was once again smiling. Leave it to Cin to break the silence.

  Punching Joshua in the arm, “ya done good there to Josh. Knew ya could do it.” And she winked at me.

  Smiling I grabbed Cin never wanting to let go. “We did it, Cin!”

  “Never had any doubts! Remember what I told ya, Century is always right.” Then she winked. “And now I have my granny back.”

  “Back?” Granny walked over popping Cin on her bottom. “Lil bit, now what’s ya granny always told ya. Told ya I wasn’t a goin nowhere.” Then she shook her head. “Serina’s not the only one who should be a listenin.” And she cackled.

  “So,’ granny spoke as she hobbled over to Joshua, ‘you the reason my lil bit can come over here.” And she patted him on the shoulder. “Well, you and Serina. But one don’t quite work without the other does it?” And she cackled loud. “You two finally stopped that being silly and decided to love each other. Yes sir. Bout time.”

  Joshua seemed a little embarrassed. “Yes ma’am.” He spoke turning an interesting shade of red.

  “Uh ugh, ain’t none of that silly stuff. Ya family now Joshua. Better be gettin used to ya granny. Or ya gonna be spendin a whole lotta time turnin red.”

  This caused Joshua to laugh and nod. “Yes ma’am. I’ll sure try.”

  Granny hobbled over to where the creature that once was Michael lay. Then picked up the ancient old key. “Time to put this somewhere safe. We don’t want that first lock undone now do we.” Granny spoke while putting the ancient relic in her pocket. Then patting it making sure it was still there. “Now let’s get on outta here and go home.”

  Serina had one thought and as she turned. She heard Cin before she saw. “She’s gone, Rina.”

  As Cin’s voice penetrated her ears Serina saw the trail of bits of blackened tissue and blonde hair disappearing out the door. Mouth agape she turned to Cin a questioning look on her face needing no words for the seer to answer.

  “All I can say Rina is everythin happened as it should.”

  Cin walked over placing her arm around Serina’s shoulder. “We got this!” Serina didn’t even have to look she knew beyond a doubt that ended with a wink. She took a deep breath. Her gut telling her that for now everything was good. She smiled took a much needed deep breath. And was joined by granny and Joshua.

  “Let’s all go home.” Serina spoke opening a portal and they all walked through Martin waiting for his Ema. With a fresh plate of homemade fudge.

  Safely back at granny’s Eden houseboat Serina made sure to close the portal completely this time. Cin being brought to tears after first meeting her grandpa. Her and Joshua went out on the back porch to give them some privacy while at the same time getting some much needed time of their own.

  Staring blankly out into the water Serina found herself actually relaxing for the first moment in what seemed as forever. Joshua came up behind her his arms reaching over her shoulders. She welcomed the warmth and safe feeling it brought to her. So she leaned her head back closing her eyes enjoying the safe feeling of being held in his arms.

  He kissed the top of her head. Then spoke breaking the silence. “Cin told me you would be ok. All I had to do was listen to her. It was one of the hardest things I have ever done.” He paused taking in a breath then kissed the top of her head. “When I first saw what she did to you. I wished her dead. I wanted to kill her with my bare hands.”

  Serina reached up wrapping her hands entwining their fingers together. “The moment I lay eyes on you. I knew where your heart truly belonged. I am sorry about Marsha I know you didn’t care for her like she wanted. But in a way she was a part of your family.”

  He pulled back turning her, so he could look into her eyes as he spoke. “Serina, no. Nothing in this world, my life would mean nothing without you. Whatever she was to me. Died the moment I saw what she was and what she had done to you.” Closing his eyes. “When I think what could have happened. What almost did because of me.”

  Reaching out touching his face. “Joshua, look at me.”

  He did. And she smiled and continued. “I’m here. I’m fine. And it wasn’t all your fault. I knew, Cin told me about the portals I was creating. And still I couldn’t help myself. I called you once again.”

  He closed his eyes as if in pain. “No, I knew how dangerous it was and I went anyway.” He smiled a little as he finished. �
�I just can’t seem to stay away from you.”

  “But look what that almost cost us.”

  “Joshua, I’m so grateful for it all. If none of that would have happened. We wouldn’t be here. And we wouldn’t be together. And that thing Michael would still be out there.”

  “But Marsha ....” he began.

  Serina silenced him with a kiss. “Is gone. And not our problem.” She spoke as she finished the kiss. “Besides. That spell I don’t think she will last very long.”

  “She’s probably already dead.” She spoke then turned around looking out at the water. “I can’t say I am sorry. She deserved to die.”

  He stood behind her his hands rubbing up and down her arms. “Me neither.’ He placed his chin on the top of her head as he finished. ‘In the end it wasn’t her. Marsha was gone and some monster living in her body.”

  They stood there in silence for a short while. Until Joshua broke the silence. “I do regret having to tell Grey and her mom. Poor lady isn’t even really there. I don’t even know if she will even realize what I tell her. And Grey, I hope he realizes that he will always have me.”

  “It’s ok Joshua.” She spoke leaning into him more. “I know you need to go and tell them.” She turned facing him as she continued. “I just wish somehow I could make it easier for you.”

  “I just wish I knew what I was gonna say.”

  She spoke placing her hand on his chest. “Trust your heart. And the right words will come. You will know what to say.”

  “Ya boy might be a wantin to get cleaned up some first.” Cin spoke leaning against the door.

  They both smiled. Joshua answering first looking down for the first time at his clothes. “I think that would be the thing to do. Ummm the washroom?”

  Pointing with her thumb Cin pointed behind her to a door on the left. As Joshua walked past Cin moved touching his arm and he stopped. “Ya done good Josh, real good.” Looking straight in his eyes, “ya can tell her anything, ya know. It’s gonna be ok.”


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