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Wasteland Road Knights Trilogy

Page 15

by Andrew Dobell

  ‘I knew it,’ he said. I knew there was something different about you, something special. Ever since I took you from your parents, I knew I was right.’

  Nero poked the end of the gun he was holding into the back of Nero’s head. ‘Stop mouthing off,’ Nero said.

  ‘No, it’s fine. Let him talk,’ Nyx called out.

  Nero looked up at her with his eyebrows raised. ‘Really?’

  Nyx walked over, wiping her sword in her jacket before she addressed Rex. ‘My parents? Tell me about my parents,’ Nyx asked.

  She watched as Rex glanced up at the gun Nero was holding before he looked back up at her. ‘What do you want to know?’

  ‘Anything. Who were they? Where were they?’ she said, feeling a little exasperated by him. He’d never once told her anything about her parents other than to brag about how he’d stolen her mother’s swords and reforged them into her current sword. But now the tables had turned, and she wanted answers.

  ‘Look, I don’t know much. It wasn’t like I spent any time with them, I just hunted them down. When I spotted you, I knew you would be perfect. I don’t even know if they’re alive. I didn’t kill them. I hurt them, sure, but I didn’t kill them,’ he said.

  ‘How very charitable of you,’ Cryptus said who’d wandered over and was listening to him.

  ‘When you spotted me?’ Nyx asked. ‘What do you mean perfect? Perfect for what?’

  ‘Isn’t it obvious? I mean, look at…Ugh, ack,’ he trailed off, gurgling and struggling for breath. He moved his hands from his head and started to claw his throat trying to get at something. Nyx looked and saw dark shadowy tentacles wrapped around Rex’s neck.

  Nyx hesitated, suddenly conflicted about helping him. She wanted him dead, in fact, she wanted to kill him herself, so why stop whatever this thing was, she thought for a moment. He knew more, though. He had been about to tell her something, to explain to her why he’d taken her.

  Nyx reached forward and tried to grasp at whatever it was that was strangling him, but her fingers slipped right through it. She could feel it, its coolness, like cold air, but she couldn’t grasp it or hold it.

  As she watched, the tentacle jerked and constricted, suddenly crushing his throat to half its size. Blood welled up from Rex’s mouth as his eyes rolled back and his face went bright red. Seconds later, with his eyes almost entirely red from burst blood vessels, he went limp.

  The blackness around Rex’s throat faded away, and he dropped to the floor.

  This wasn’t the first time she’d seen this kind of thing, and she suddenly felt very vulnerable out here in the open. Standing up, she saw Cryptus standing to one side and looking behind them.

  Nyx knew who and what she would see, and slowly turned around.

  In the shadows at the base of a nearby cliff, a slim humanoid ink black figure, seemingly made of darkness itself, stood watching them.

  ‘Guys,’ Nyx said, nodding towards the daemon.

  Chapter 19


  Nero looked up at Nyx and noticed her tense body language and the direction she was looking. Frowning and wondering what she was looking at, Nero turned and followed her gaze towards the base of a low cliff below a rocky outcrop.

  Standing in the shadows was the Whisperer, the daemon that Nero had seen at Rex’s Watchtower. The thing stood there in the shadows, watching them surrounded by flowing tendrils of shadow waving about around him like sea urchins.

  Nero slowly put his hand back on his handgun, but didn’t draw it yet. This thing was a daemon, like the brute that Nyx had just killed, but the Whisperer was not some aggressive beast. He was intelligent, cunning, and probably more powerful.

  He glanced over at Nyx, who looked just as worried as he felt, and wasn’t sure if this was a fight they could win, even with Nyx by their side. Nero also noticed a small tear form in her eye, and then stream down the side of her face as she blinked. This thing had taken away her chance of finding out more about her parents, and clearly that had upset her.

  Nero turned to face the Whisperer and took a deep breath. ‘So why did you do it?’ Nero asked.

  The daemon smiled, revealing its wicked teeth while its eyes flared with a pinprick of red light. ‘He’d outlived his usefulness and was betraying me, so his life was forfeit. It’s nothing personal, it’s only business,’ it said in its curiously melodic voice.

  Nyx took a step forward and took her sword in both hands. ‘You piece of shit, you took away my one link to my parents. I vow to make you suffer for this,’ she said.

  The daemon smiled. ‘There’ll be time for that soon enough,’ it said, while living darkness whipped around it and suddenly it vanished.

  Nyx lunged forward as it disappeared, but it was gone before she could reach it. Nero cursed, feeling bad for Nyx. She’d only wanted some information out of Rex, something to hold onto, something to use or cling to, but he’d been taken before they could do anything.

  ‘Curious,’ Cryptus said from beside him.

  Nero turned to face him with a raised eyebrow. ‘What?’

  Cryptus turned to face him. ‘Do you not think so?’ he asked.

  ‘I’m sorry, I’m not sure what you mean,’ Nero said.

  ‘He didn’t kill us. I mean, he could have, the daemon I mean. So, why did he leave?’

  ‘I don’t know. To taunt us? To frustrate Nyx?’ Nero answered, not quite following his train of thought.

  ‘Valid answers, for sure,’ Cryptus said. ‘But not the one I’m thinking of. No, I believe it was something else. There probably was a bit of vindictiveness in there that the thing probably took a great deal of enjoyment in, but honestly, I’m not sure that’s why it left. No, I think the reason it left us is that it’s scared.’

  ‘Of us?’

  ‘Of her,’ Cryptus said.

  Nero looked over at Nyx and nodded. Cryptus was probably right. The Whisperer now almost certainly knew that Nyx could kill daemons, something very few could do. Naturally, it didn’t know how such a thing might work, and how dangerous Nyx really was, but what it did know is that if it did attack now, it might actually die at her hands. This seemingly immortal and nearly invincible creature had to face up to the genuine possibility that it might die. An alien and scary thought for it for sure, and not one it would like the idea of.

  ‘’Of me?’ Nyx said. ‘That… thing is scared of me? Wow, I’d never considered that before. That’s crazy. But anyone can kill one of those things,’ Nyx said.

  ‘True, yes, but it’s incredibly difficult. They have to be obliterated, utterly destroyed for them not to just heal back up again. But what you do is something much scarier for it. I mean, think about it. The Whisperer is no different to that brute you just killed, fundamentally speaking. The brute is an idiot compared, of course, but it’s still the same kind of creature,’ Cruptus said.

  ‘Yeah, I get that,’ Nyx said.

  ‘Well, the whisperer has lived for centuries, or, at least, that’s what he and others like him have said about their life spans. They’re nearly immortal, or maybe fully immortal. Who knows? They’ve not had to worry about death for millennia, and then you come along, able to kill them with a single stab of your sword. You’re dangerous. You could kill them very easily. Something very few humans can do,’ Cryptus explained.

  ‘I’m a threat to them,’ she said.

  ‘Which also makes you a target,’ Nero pointed out.

  Cryptus nodded. ‘Yes, it does.’

  ‘So, I’m in danger?’ Nyx asked.

  ‘Well, let’s just say I’d keep a low profile from now on if I were you,’ Cryptus said.

  ‘Hey, where’s Ras?’ Nero asked.

  ‘He was over by the car last time I saw him,’ Cryptus said.

  Nero frowned and walked over towards his charger, wondering why Ras had not joined them yet. He couldn’t see any movement over there, but as he walked around the car, he spotted Ras slumped down on the far side of it.

  Ras looked up at Nero.
‘Hey boss, I think I took a stray bullet or something,’ he said and pulled his hand away from his side, revealing a deep red wet stain beneath.

  ‘Shit, we gotta get you some help,’ Nero said. He looked around to see Cryptus and Nyx close by. They were equally as concerned once they saw Ras’ wound and helped Nero lift him into the back of the car. Nyx climbed in after him and did her best to help.

  ‘Do you know what you’re doing?’ Cryptus asked her.

  ‘Pheen taught me a few things back at the Watchtower. I’ll see what I can do, but we need to get him back there,’ she said.

  ‘Is the Watchtower the best place?’ Cryptus asked.

  ‘His mate, Gus, is back there. Once he’s stable, Gus can take him back to his camp,’ Nero said. ‘I don’t really want to stay there any longer than needed, though, even with Rex gone.’

  ‘Me neither,’ Nyx said.

  ‘You don’t have to. I’ll stay with him. Drop me at their gates. I’ve had fun, but I wasn’t planning on staying with you pair, anyway. I have my own path to walk,’ Cryptus said. ‘What do you think?’ he asked Ras.

  ‘Sounds good. I wasn’t going to stay with you, either. Don’t want to cramp your style,’ he said to Nero through clenched teeth.

  Nero smiled. He couldn’t deny to himself that we had been getting more than a little worried that the number of people travelling with him was growing beyond what he’d planned. Taking Nyx with him was one thing, but Ras and Cryptus, too? That would have been too much, he thought. But maybe he'd been worried about nothing, and maybe they’d just wanted to help him free Nyx.

  With so many people only looking out for themselves in this desolate wasteland, taking whatever they wanted and not caring who they hurt in the process, seeing and experiencing real human kindness was almost strange and alien.

  He’d lived for so long on his own, not wanting to trust others, not wanting to help others, but to just survive, this was something that might take a little getting used to. But he didn’t mind that idea. They might have faced death today and won, but it had been made so much easier facing it with friends, people who were willing to stand up and fight for what was right.

  ‘Style? What style?’ Nero asked, keeping the tone light.

  Ras laughed, and then bent double with pain.

  Nero’s mood sobered up as he backed the car up from the rock, which hadn’t done much damage the vehicle really. As the charger moved it made an ugly sound, and he suddenly remembered the flat that it had from the spikes that had been dropped.

  ‘Shit. Gotta change the wheel,’ he said. ‘Won’t take long.’

  Nero jumped from the car and went to work. He’d changed innumerable wheels over the years and kept a bunch in the back strapped to the sides of the trunk. He pulled one free, grabbed the jack and started to raise up the car. It didn’t take long, and in less than ten minutes the spare had been fixed into place and the burst tyre restrained in the trunk. He’d have a better look at it later and see what he could do with it. He might live in the wasteland, but there was always another use for the scrap that he and others threw away.

  Moments later, the car roared to life as Nero steered it past the remains of Rex’s convoy, and the custodiac of the Watchtower himself, before gunning it back the way they’d come.

  They soon passed the other wreaks from their chase, and within thirty minutes, the tower itself rose up before them, its ominous shape dark against the dusky sky.

  A single remaining guard stood on the walls, but Nero guided the car towards the rear garage, and as they approached, the door opened up to reveal Gus and several other guests and residents.

  ‘We heard you coming,’ Gus said. ‘There’s like two or three guards in the entire place, and they can’t control us. It’s hilarious,’ Gus beamed, talking to anyone in the car who would listen.

  Cryptus climbed out and helped Ras out of the back.

  ‘Ras? Are you okay? What happened?’ Gus asked.

  Ras grunted in reply, ‘I’ll tell you later.’

  ‘Hey! Hey, you can’t do that. You can’t open this door,’ a guard shouted as he ran into the garage from the courtyard.

  Gus turned. ‘Shut the fuck up,’ he spat.

  The guard stopped short and looked around at the stony faces of the residents and guests who stood against him. ‘Okay, sure, you’ll see though, when Rex comes back,’ the guard said.

  ‘He isn’t coming back,’ Cryptus said. ‘He’s dead, and so are his Dogs of War.’

  A roar and a cheer went up amongst the people assembled here. As Nero watched, the guard tried to back away, but the crowd surged towards him with murderous intent on their faces.

  Gus took hold of Ras on the other side to Cryptus.

  ‘He’s taken a bullet or shrapnel or something to the body,’ Nyx called out to Gus and Cryptus. ‘Take him to Pheen in the tunnels, she can fix him up.’

  ‘Will do,’ Gus said and started to walk away.

  Cryptus made sure he was okay before returning to the car and stepping up to Nero’s window. ‘It’s been fun and educational,’ he said, offering his hand.

  Nero shook it. ‘Good to meet you, too.’

  ‘Maybe, I’ll see you guys again sometime,’ Cryptus said.


  ‘Take care of her,’ Cryptus said.

  ‘Me take care of her? It’s more like the other way around, I think,’ Nero smiled.

  Crytus looked up to Nyx. ‘Take care of him,’ he said.

  Nyx smiled from where she now sat in the front passenger seat, having climbed through to it. ‘I will.’

  ‘Go on, get out of here. You don’t want to see the shit storm that’s about to go down here now that Rex is gone.’

  ‘What will you do?’ Nero asked him.

  ‘Same as you: head out into the wastes, see where fortune takes me,’ he said.

  Nero nodded. ‘Stay safe.’

  Cryptus smiled back before banging his hand on the roof of the car. ‘Go on, go.’

  Nero gunned the engine and sped off with a wheel spin, kicking dust up into the air behind him. He stuck his hand out the window and waved as he went.

  He looked over at Nyx. She sat back next to him, one foot up on the seat, looking out the window with her arm resting on the window base. As they sped along, the rush of wind caught her hair, making it waft back and forth.

  There was no going back now. He’d done it. He’d saved her, and now he was no longer alone. His life had taken a sharp turn off the road he had been forging ahead on for so long now, and there really was no going back.

  Less than a week ago, he’d been quite happy to wander through the wastes, going about his business, alone, surviving. Now, though, he would be doing it with someone else. They drove in silence for maybe ten minutes, burning rubber across the wasteland tracks, before Nero decided he wanted to know where he stood with her.

  They’d had a strange few days, and although he knew he liked Nyx, he wasn’t sure how she felt. Nero didn’t want to mess about, he wanted to know where they stood. Spotting a suitable place, Nero turned off the track and drove up to the top of a rocky rise before skidding to a stop. He pulled on the handbrake and turned the engine off.

  ‘What are we stopping for?’ Nyx asked.

  Nero opened his door and looked at her. ‘We need to talk,’ he said before getting out and wandering around to the front of the car. He’d seen her raise her eyebrows at his comment, and wondered what she’d do.

  She got out as he perched himself on the hood of the car, crossing his feet in the dusty orange sands. Nyx wandered around and walked a little past him up to the edge of the small cliff that they were on top of. She’d taken her long trench coat off, and Nero couldn’t help but admire her as she reached up and stretched after all the driving today. The moonlight picked out her form and shape against the shadowy landscape before them.

  She certainly was beautiful.

  She turned as she relaxed and smiled at him. He liked that smile. It h
ad a naughtiness to it that he loved. ‘So, what’s so important that we need to stop and have a chat?’

  ‘I’ve been alone a long time out here, wandering the wastes, moving from camp to camp, always alone. Freeing you from Rex and the Watchtower was… Well, it wasn’t a choice I came to lightly,’ he said.

  ‘Nero,’ Nyx said.


  ‘Get to the point,’ she said.

  Nero smiled. ‘Sure. I just want to know where we, you and me; where we stand,’ he asked.

  ‘That depends on you,’ she said.

  ‘On me?’

  ‘Do you like me?’ she asked.

  Nero smiled again. ‘Heh, well, yes, I do.’ There was little point in lying or being coy, he wanted the truth, anyway.

  She took a step towards him. ‘How much do you like me?’

  ‘Well, I think you’re a very beautiful woman,’ he said.

  ‘Really?’ she said, closing the gap between them some more.

  Nero nodded.

  ‘Well, you’re not too bad yourself,’ she said, stepping right up to him and putting her feet on either side of his.

  ‘Sooo…’ Nero said.

  Nyx reached forward, gently took hold of his jaw in her fingers and pulled him towards her. Her touch was soft, and he allowed himself to follow her lead, moving where she was urging him. His face approached hers as she placed her other hand on his thigh. As their lips touched, he closed his eyes and revelled in the feeling, the delicate caress of her kiss.

  After a few seconds of bliss, she pulled away and locked eyes with him. ‘Does that answer your question?’ she asked.

  Nero reached up and took hold of her waist with his hands and pulled her in. She put her hands on either side of his face as she kissed him again. Their movements bolder, more confident as they started to explore each other. Nero couldn’t resist any longer and moved his hands down to her bum, taking a good handful in each and enjoying the feeling of their weight and softness. She seemed to enjoy it, too, but eventually pulled away and took his hands off her bum.

  ‘There’ll be time for that later, it’s been a hell of a day, don’t you think?’ she said.


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