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Heart Ripper

Page 9

by K. A. Merikan

  Smurf raised his eyebrows and leaned back. “What are you saying?”

  “Exactly. Moving stuff for Detroit has been working well and bringing cold hard cash,” said Blade.

  Raja glanced at Spin, who rolled his eyes. “We’re their brothers, not underlings. As it is, we are just that, because we can’t possibly keep ourselves afloat without their support.”

  “That’s right,” said Raja, “It was a good temporary solution to get back on our feet after Head’s death, but we can’t afford to have it last much longer. With the proximity of Detroit, the goods need to be something the guys up there don’t deal with. It doesn’t make any sense to make enemies among brothers.”

  Pete gave a silent nod and stroked his scruffy chin. “What do you have in mind?”

  Raja smiled. “Many people don’t have access to the drugs they need, because the FDA hasn’t approved them as safe enough or because of lobbying, and some that are legally available are simply too expensive. The guys I met in California told me some groups are turning a huge profit on this kind of stuff.”

  Spin lit himself a cigarette and nodded. “Interesting.”

  Pete jumped right in. “So fucking true. My gran got cancer a few years back and had to sell her house to afford the treatment. Scum. Taking the clothes off our backs for health. The government's no better than the dealers they try to put behind bars.”

  Raja was afraid it would soon develop into one of Pete’s conspiracy theory rants, so he spoke.

  “Damn right. With the demand, we will turn it into a profitable business without any trouble, but it would also improve the situation of the community. Borg from the California chapter is ready to assist us on this. He knows of suppliers that ship the drugs across the border. We will be distributing this shit here, but we can keep our hands relatively clean if we sell it to local distributors. Little risk in comparison with arms dealing.”

  Spin took a long drag of smoke. “Not bad. There’s always much more heat on pills and guns. Closing down that kind of operation always gets the cops more brownie points, so they fall over themselves for intel. This is also illegal but should be less risky.”

  Blade bristled. “Really? We’ll be turning down a good thing going with Detroit for an operation we’d need to set up from scratch? We don’t even know how much it will make us, how much we’ll need to invest. Do we want a setback like that right now?”

  Raja frowned at Blade. “Don’t you think staying in this limbo is a setback? If we play our cards right, we’d be expanding our territory, with the blessing of the other chapters in the region. They’d have our back if other groups wanted a piece of the business, and this could carry us from being a tiny chapter no one cares about to a player that needs to be reckoned with. Isn’t that what we all want?” He looked at Pete, eager to appeal to his family spirit. He’d be that much more susceptible to it with his grandson on the way. “To improve the conditions for our families and serve the community by supplying them with the stuff they can’t get for a reasonable price. It’s a win-win that will get us prospects. Didn’t you say your son was on the fence about guns?”

  Pete nodded with a deepening frown. “True, true.”

  Smurf huffed. “We should have a vote, because I’m not up for two years of all work and no pay. I’ve got enough of that at the warehouse. I want a clubhouse. I want a fucking party on the weekends, and I want pussy on tap.”

  Blade scowled as well. “Guess our prez doesn’t care about pussy.”

  Raja’s head snapped up, and while he kept his poker face, having Blade, who had been a close friend for years, burn him like this was as unexpected as it was painful. “What’s that supposed to mean? Are you implying I’m not thinking about all of you first?”

  Pete sighed. “To be fair, we didn’t party on our own. It’s always when we visit Detroit.”

  “And it’s likely to stay that way if we don’t become independent,” said Spin.

  Blade groaned. “Sorry, I’m a bit twitchy ‘cause of the situation. And Hunter’s peacocking around there, as if he wasn’t just a Rabid Hogs prospect a year ago.”

  Smurf nodded. “What is he? Twenty-five? And he acts like he knows it all because he’s the Detroit president’s son-in-law. Not really an achievement to get a leg up by fucking the right pussy. But with all the metal in that girl’s face, I wouldn’t swap places with him.” He laughed, but Raja could feel how bitter his voice was.

  Shit. Hunter looking down on old friends? That wasn’t the impression Raja got when the two of them last talked. “What did he do?” he asked Blade, reaching for the beer he suddenly needed. Being reminded of Hunter made him think of David by proxy, and the sour taste left after their last texts was back. He hated being ditched. Not that he should be thinking about David’s cocksucking lips for that matter.

  “He’s acting like he’s gonna be seargeant-at-arms there soon, and he barely joined them what? Half a year ago? At parties you can almost feel as if he’s watching over us. Like what we do is his responsibility. The poor, ugly cousins from Ohio. Fucker gets me so riled up.” Blade squeezed his hands into fists. “They had a bunch of strippers over, and he told me not to grab their asses. What the fuck, man? Why’d you have strippers over then?”

  Raja sighed and chewed on the inside of his cheek. He hadn’t noticed that personally, but maybe Hunter simply didn’t behave this way toward him? “Anyone else?”

  Pete waved his hand and had more beer. “He’s just being an ass, fuck that.”

  “Are we voting or what?” Smurf groaned.

  Raja massaged his eyes. “You need some time to think? This would be a big commitment. There would be no time for the guns if we start this, but no gain comes without risks.”

  Spin released a puff of smoke. “How urgent is this, prez?” It always felt strange for a man twice his age to call Raja that, but it gave Raja a little nod to his ego. “You just came back. Let’s give it a week or two for the vote. What do you think?” He looked around the table and everyone nodded.

  Raja felt his muscles go lax with relief. He really did believe in this plan, and that meant that he’d spend the next week trying to convince his men to vote yes. It was going to be a challenge, but once he slept off the journey, he would be ready to tackle it head-on.

  “Let’s do that. We’ll have a vote in seven days at noon. Everyone agrees?”

  Pete even gave him a little salute and passed him another beer.


  The desire to lie in bed passed as the afternoon turned into a lazy time with the people Raja trusted most. He relaxed talking about life, watching a game on TV, and playing cards, with bottles of beer steadily passing through all their hands. They ended up getting some pizza, and with serious matters out of the way for the time being, Raja finally felt that he’d come home.

  When he went behind the station to the desolated restroom to take a piss, it was Blade he found outside, smelling of beer and smiling.

  “Raja, I need to know, are you still fucking Hunter’s brother? I mean, I know you were away, but is that still a thing?”

  Raja zipped up his pants, walking out into the fresh air. “What? Why?” he asked, hating how thick his tongue felt in his mouth.

  “I mean, wouldn’t that be the perfect little revenge on the arrogant fucker? So smug with his Detroit buddies but doesn’t even know the Toledo prez is fucking his little brother.” Blade swayed a bit from side to side and had to prop himself up against the wall.

  Raja smirked and stretched, watching Blade as his mind tried to weigh this option. He wouldn’t mind fucking those slick, tight lips again. “I already did.”

  “But he just gave you head, didn’t he? And you said he was easy. Listen to this.” Blade laughed and crossed his arms on his chest. “If you actually fuck him and bring me his underwear as proof, I’ll vote in favor of your new plan, how about that?”

  Raja frowned, confused by his clearly straight friend spending time on thinking about gay sex. What was Blade’
s deal? “That’s how much you want to kick Hunter’s ass, huh?”

  “Hell yes! Nobody tells me where I can and cannot put my hands on a stripper. Thinks he’s all that,” Blade spat, and Raja chose to shift a bit farther away from him. “Fuck that!”

  Raja didn’t know what sleeping with Hunter’s brother would prove to Blade in the context of the business opportunity they were to vote about. Was this because fucking a lot of people was seen as such a masculine thing? Maybe Raja having many partners... somehow made him look more legit as a leader in Blade’s eyes? Whatever Blade’s reasoning was, Raja knew beforehand that he’d do whatever was necessary to convince the members to go with his plan. He was their prez, and he wouldn’t allow anyone to undermine the club’s success, even the members themselves.

  And the thing with David had broken off so rapidly that it was still an itch under Raja’s skin, tiny yet impossible to scratch. Maybe if he fucked the little Bible basher, he could finally move on? And David would get a hot first time bottoming, something not everyone got. Raja sure hadn’t. No matter how Raja looked at it, there were benefits for them both in that plan.

  “Yeah, I’ll do it.”

  Blade broke into an even louder laugh and patted Raja’s back. “Do it, and you’ve got my vote, man. And no fucking cheating. I’ll know.”

  Raja laughed and combed back his hair, already wishing for another beer. There was heat simmering underneath his skin at the thought of touching David again. He was a juicy little piece of meat that Raja would gladly chew on.

  “Don’t worry. I don’t need to cheat.”

  Chapter 11

  It had been over a month since David last saw Raja, and yet the illogical part of his brain kept offering him recycled images of the man. The problem with working at a gay-friendly place was that he kept meeting gay or transgender people, and for the most part, they were completely normal. Nothing like what he’d been led to think. They bought flowers and other decorations just like everyone else, and none of them were in any way scary. Well, with the exception of Raja, but he was not a customer.

  Just a few days ago, David had served a male couple who came in to order flowers for someone’s eightieth birthday. They were clearly very family oriented, and it made David all warm inside to talk to them while they held each other’s hands, as happy as any well-matched couple.

  No one hit on him. No one was a horrible human being. Nice people came in to buy flowers and apart from a man who made a scene because his cacti died, the job was a dream. David was happy to take overtime and learn from Lindell about the business. Even David’s mom approved of his job, though he hadn’t built up the courage to tell her he wasn’t going to college in the fall.

  With the amount of gay porn he’d been watching despite trying not to, he was making peace with the realization that he might in fact be attracted to guys more than girls. Or just to guys for that matter. It wasn’t easy. Some days he got upset about it, but on others watching Lindell’s loving relationship with his partner, Mark, filled David with hope. He tried not to dwell on it too much between hanging out with Asty and Hunter, babysitting for them, and slowly but steadily working on their garden. He’d even visited the clubhouse a few times, and managed to casually get out of Hunter that Raja was in fact away.

  Raja never texted again, and David figured that would be the end of it. All Raja wanted was to get into his pants, so when he got rejected, he didn’t care to talk to David again. It hurt, but at least it made David’s resolve to remain celibate easier.

  He moved two boxes of potted flowers and was halfway through arranging them on the shelves when the bell rang, informing David of a customer’s arrival. It was still very early. In fact, they didn’t start selling before 10:00 a.m., but he was glad to assist nevertheless. He stood up and walked over to the door, where someone stood obscured by a bunch of artificial trees that seemed like a popular buy this season.

  “Hello, can I hel—” David’s tongue turned into knots when he faced Raja.

  His legs seemed endless in the dark jeans and motorcycle boots of a similar color. The burgundy T-shirt he wore was just baggy enough to appear nonchalant without hiding Raja’s amazing shape. His tattooed arms and face had a darker hue than David remembered, and with the hair pulled back with a dark blue bandana, Raja’s beard seemed even thicker. His dark eyes were sharp, and David already felt as if they were cutting right into the depths of his chest.

  David took a step back and sucked his lips in, trying to decide on a strategy. “Are the flowers for a special occasion?” he mumbled in the end. He would not be giving Raja the satisfaction of getting all flustered.

  Raja’s eyebrows rose, and a small smile lurked in the depths of his lovingly shaped beard. David still remembered how all that hair felt against his skin. The prolonged silence made him uneasy, and he started sweating despite the cool air inside the shop.

  Raja turned his body halfway to the door and locked it.

  David’s heart began thudding, and his resolve for celibacy was melting under Raja’s heated gaze. “I— okay… I don’t think you can do that. What was your name again?” he asked even though they both knew it was just a gimmick to show Raja that David had not been thinking about him at all.

  Raja smirked and stepped toward David, making it blatantly obvious just how much bigger and taller he was. “Nice try. You have one more chance.”

  David took a step back, trying not to stare at the hands he’d missed so much. “Raja. I kind of forgot about you.” He frowned, thinking back to all the nights when he remembered Raja viscerally.

  Raja touched an orchid staring at him from a vase. “Funny that you of all people say that. I still remember the first guy I fucked very well.”

  David opened his mouth to answer but then just sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. What kind of disaster was this visit? One that would turn his life upside down again and make him dirty mind, body, and soul, or just a little one to make his thoughts sticky? He’d promised himself that he’d go with someone special next time. Even if all in all it would be a man.

  “What do you want?” he grumbled in the end.

  Raja sighed and looked around, pushing his big, veiny hands into his front pockets. The gesture made the jeans slide a bit lower, revealing skin and dark hair leading to— “Nice place. How have you been?”

  The question was so normal it threw David off balance. How was he supposed to be rude responding to that? “Good, thank you. I’ve been learning a lot here.” He looked at the window, hoping to see a customer wanting to come in, buy some flowers, and save David from himself, but the street was dead quiet.

  Raja walked past David, and the brush of his hot skin against David’s was such a shock David hardly kept from shuddering. And that cologne. He didn’t remember it smelling that amazing.

  “Is that what you want to do? Sell flowers?”

  David stole a glance at the back of Raja’s jeans, which hugged Raja’s thighs so well. “I really like seeing things grow, tending to them, and then getting to enjoy watching the flowers bloom.”

  Raja smiled and moved his hand over the counter. “It suits you. I bet the customers love you. Do you get tips here?”

  The conversation felt so safe and detached from the sexual tension between them that David exhaled in relief. “Not in general, but I am very good at the job, so sometimes customers will bring me gifts after I helped them save their plants. But it’s like, baked goods and things like that. This one lady brought me a scarf, but that will have to wait until winter.” He dared to smile, even though what he wanted to say was, why didn’t you even text me for over a month?

  Raja leaned his back against the counter. “Will you show me?”

  David stalled. Where was he supposed to show it to Raja? At his house? Was Raja trying to invite himself? Was he out of fuckbuddies for the night? “Maybe some day. What have you been up to?”

  “Work. I’ve been all over the country, visiting other chapters. Things are looki
ng up for me,” Raja said, relaxed as ever. “I only returned yesterday.”

  “Did you visit any place nice on the way?” How many men did you hook up with?

  Raja grinned. “I’ve had a nice day off on a beach in California, and I’ve seen some amazing landscapes on the way. You should go with me next time, if they give you some time off here.”

  A wave of heat and ice rushed through David’s body, leaving his mind blank. California? The urge for adventure was like a string on which Raja was pulling him in. David imagined himself at the back of Raja’s bike, stopping at diners and shady motels, crashing country song contests and visiting obscure local museums before attending a biker bonfire.

  David licked his lips. “Me?”

  Raja urged him closer with a casual gesture, and David took half a step closer, fantasizing about learning to surf.

  Raja leaned in and grabbed his hand, pulling him so close David could sense the heat radiating off Raja’s body. “Wouldn’t it be fun? Just you and me on the road.”

  David pulled away, too excited about this for his own good. “It would be, but don’t you have a lot of other guys you could take?” He shrugged and moved to the counter, pretending to arrange the leaflets and business cards. He acted like he didn’t notice Raja approaching, but the heat gathering in his face was reaching new levels even before Raja’s big, strong hands rubbed his arms.

  “It’s more fun with someone who isn’t used to it.”

  David couldn’t take it anymore and looked up into Raja’s eyes. “So you don’t even send me a quick pic for over a month, and now you want to take me to California all of a sudden?”

  Raja sighed, and his gaze wandered over David’s head. “You told me you didn’t want to talk.”

  David frowned. “I told you I didn’t want to hang out.” And he remembered, because he’d read that text a thousand times. “Because I knew what you meant. I’m Catholic, not stupid.”


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