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Belonging to Ioniko: The Greek Billionaire's Obsession

Page 6

by Tee, Marian

  I grabbed my phone. My fingers trembled as I started typing, and I had to stop midway because I was already crying too hard. Hormones, I told myself. This was all because my period messed my hormones up. Just that, and nothing else, and after taking a deep breath, I resumed typing.

  Schuyler: Hey. Sorry I wasn't able to get back to you right away.

  Clay: It was a change, being made to wait.

  Schuyler: It wasn't deliberate. I promise. This weekend was just really...crazy.

  Clay: I'm glad to hear that. I don't think I can afford to fly you out to Europe every weekend.

  I nearly dropped my phone. How did he --- My face contorted into a grimace. Duh. Who else could've told him but Ioniko's sister herself?

  Clay: See you back on Monday.

  Schulyer: Yup. See you.

  Clay: We'll have dinner then.

  * * *

  When Ioniko came back, it was late in the afternoon, and I had already showered and dressed for battle. He took one look at me, and his steps immediately came to a halt. "I'm guessing it's time to talk."

  I nodded.

  "You're sure?" His voice was light and teasing. "We still have a few hours left before our flight."

  I nodded again.

  "Alright then." His voice had turned gentle, and it broke my heart."But before anything..." I found myself tensing as he moved towards me, and I couldn't help holding my breath the moment he reached me. "Are you feeling better now?"

  My heart threatened to crack. "Please don't be like this."

  Ioniko appeared genuinely puzzled. "Like what?"

  "I need you to act like a selfish, arrogant asshole right now."

  "Ah." His green eyes glinted, but his voice remained calm - soothing even - as he said, "You've spoken to the other man then."

  My heart jumped to my throat, and I stammered, "H-How did you know?" When he seemed to hesitate, I asked, "Did Kat tell you?"

  Another moment passed before the billionaire said finally, "It's you."


  "You've got guilt written all over your face, koukla mou, and it's not that hard to figure out why."

  He knew, I thought right away, and my throat tightened. He just knew. Without Kat telling him, he knew, and I had to bite my lip hard to stop it from trembling.

  "Are you mad?" I whispered.

  "I should be. If it had been any other woman, I'd have said fuck it and moved on to the next one, but obviously..." A note of self-mocking humor threaded through his tone. "I want you too much to let you go."

  "I'm sorry." I felt like I had to say it. "I don't mean to be so complicated, but..."

  "You have a hard time trusting me."

  "Ne." I was hoping the Greek word would ease the tension between us and make him smile, but it completely backfired, with the way his green eyes blazed with unadulterated, no-holds-barred lust and had my body up in flames in seconds.

  "This is why I find you so damn irresistible," Ioniko said roughly. "You never do things to deliberately impress or seduce me, and yet...every little fucking thing you do is a major turn on."

  "All that," I said weakly, "just because I remembered the Greek word for yes? Not that I'm complaining, but you really have alarmingly low standards for the women you date."

  Ioniko threw his head back with a laugh, and the sound was so deliciously sexy that it had me smiling helplessly as well. He was just so...perfect. And I---

  "Your spending time with other men..."

  I couldn't help jerking when Ioniko suddenly spoke, and when I realized how he had phrased things...ouch. I knew he had every right to describe it as he wanted, but he made it sound so...immoral.

  "What exactly is it meant to accomplish?"

  "It's just..." My tone turned awkward. "A precaution."

  "Against falling in love with me?"

  I nodded.

  "And what will it entail?"

  "Nothing physical, definitely." But when the billionaire kept staring at me, I added clumsily, "No kisses, no anything---"

  "You will not let them touch you in any way," Ioniko said coolly.

  I nodded quickly. "Not in any way."

  "Not even a single strand of your hair," he specified.

  "Um..." But then I saw the billionaire glare at me, and I said quickly, "Understood." I didn't know whether to start thanking God for making this man blind about me or drive Ioniko to the nearest hospital so he could have his head checked. Or if not that then maybe his eyesight. Ioniko's every word was making it sound like I was some kind of headturner who had to beat men off with a stick when we both knew it really was the other way around. Ioniko had the kind of looks and presence that literally struck people dumb, and I saw it happen all the effing time.

  So the way he was acting now, like he needed to keep men from stealing me away...

  A squeal of surprise escaped me when Ioniko suddenly took hold of my waist to pull me close, and in the next second I was pressed against his lethally muscular length. "Nik?"

  He stiffened, and it was then I realized I had unthinkingly shortened his name. "Sorry---"

  "I like it," he interrupted gruffly.


  He stared down at me, a brooding expression on his darkly handsome face. "I want you, Schuyler...and we both know you want me back. You want to be mine."

  The words messed me up, making my heart squeeze painfully even as my breasts ached and my nipples tightened in arousal. They messed me up so bad because he was right, and I heard myself whisper, "Yes." With what I was asking him to do, I owed him the truth at the very least. "I want to be yours," I told him shakily, and it was just crazy, just plain crazy the way his eyes seemed to blaze with relief like a part of him still doubted my feelings for him.

  "So be it then." His voice was taut. "I cannot promise to wait for as long as you need me to, but I will try---"

  He stopped speaking.

  Because I hadn't any choice.

  Or rather I hadn't given him a choice, with the way I had raised myself on my toes, curled my arms around his neck, and covered his mouth with mine. I just needed to kiss him. Just needed to so badly, with the way his words had my heart racing like mad and butterflies flying like crazy in my stomach.

  The truth was, a part of me had been pessimistically convinced that Ioniko would never say yes to my condition. He was one of the most eligible bachelors in the world, someone whom literally millions of women would practically do anything to go out with. Most people would've expected me to drop to my knees in gratitude the moment he told me he liked me, but instead I wanted him to let me "date" other guys while dating him.

  It made no sense for a man like him to agree to such a thing, the same way it made no utter sense for the billionaire to be attracted to me in the first place.

  And yet he did want me, and he did say yes, so can you blame me for wanting to kiss him? I just needed to show him how much his agreement meant to me. And anyway, it was only meant to be the briefest of smacks...


  Yeah right.

  This was Ioniko, after all, and suffice to say, the guy didn't do smacks.

  His surprise was evident the moment our lips touched, but after another moment he recovered and took complete control, one hand tightening around my waist while his other hand drifted up.

  In the next moment, he held my hair in a fist, and my entire body tightened at the primitive possession of his touch.

  Another moment, and he was guiding my head, angling it in such a way that he was able to deepen the kiss as his lips parted mine open, and I could only whimper and yield. His tongue drove inside my mouth, and my toes curled. I had never thought that my first kiss could be this impossibly hot and exciting, and my arms tightened involuntarily around his neck as his tongue started stroking the inner contours of my mouth.

  I could feel myself getting dizzy, and my nails dug into his back. Just a kiss, and it was so, so good. How can a kiss be so good it made me feel like I was starting to float---

p; His head lifted.

  And that was when I realized the reason why I felt like was floating was because I had forgotten to breathe.

  * * *

  We were boarding his private jet four hours later, and Ioniko still wasn't letting me forget that his kiss had me breathless and nearly unconscious. From the time we had lunch at a Greek taverna to the time we strolled about the city, Ioniko's thoughts had just been awfully plain for everyone to see.

  While he hadn't actually said a single ungentlemanly word about it, and he wasn't exactly strutting like a peacock that had successfully wooed its mate, he was also radiating so much masculine satisfaction that he had me torn between laughing and cringing, and I didn't know whether to throw myself in his arms or hide under a rock.

  "Will you please quit it?" I begged him as soon as the captain and his co-pilot returned to the cockpit.

  He only smirked, not even having the decency to pretend he hadn't any idea of what I was talking about. Gaaaah. He was being such a shameless jerk about this, but my attraction to him just kept growing, and I could only shake my head and silently pray to the heavens. He's too perfect, God. Why did you have to create such a man and have him torture me?

  Although Ioniko excused himself to conduct a couple of business calls as soon as the jet was airborne, I no longer felt as uncomfortable or overwhelmed the way I had during my first flight. Since we were flying with the same crew, I felt just a bit more relaxed and was able to return smiles more easily when the cabin attendants welcomed me back.

  "We have been apprised of your condition, Ms. Mathers," Hilda said, "so please rest assured that we will do our very best to make the flight as comfortable as possible."


  "We have more than ample supplies of heat pads and painkillers," Fotini added, "and we've also replenished our stock on drinks that are known to be natural remedies for your condition."

  I finally understood what they were talking about and felt my cheeks heat up in response. "Um, thank you. I'm sorry you had to be so troubled---"

  Hilda quickly shook her head. "It was actually quite cute," she revealed with a smile. "I've been working for Mr. Vlahos for some years now, and he's never made any special requests on behalf of a female guest's before."

  "And the way the boss looks at you, Ms. Mathers..." Fotini's giggle betrayed her youthful awe of her billionaire employer. "He's so obviously smitten, ma'am."

  "He's just being considerate." Or so I tried to convince myself even as their words had me squealing and cartwheeling in my mind. Smitten. They thought Ioniko Vlahos was smitten with me.

  Oh, if only.

  We had been flying for over two hours when Ioniko found me yawning and nodding off in my usual seat at the lounge.

  "Sleepy?" he asked as he scooped me off the chair.

  "I can walk---"

  "But then I'll have no excuse to hold you."

  "Like you really need an excuse." But Ioniko only smirked at this, and I found myself with bigger problems to tackle when I realized where he was taking me.

  "Uh...." This was his room, not mine.

  "Relax, koukla mou. I haven't forgotten you are having your monthly flux---"

  I couldn't help grinning. Another archaic term!

  Ioniko caught sight of my expression. "Perhaps you should know that I am not as conservative as you are, my Schuyler. I wouldn't mind fucking you now if you keep grinning like that..."

  I looked at him horror. Did he really mean that?

  Ioniko raised a brow. "Care to put it to the test?"

  I fervently shook my head, saying feelingly, "I'll take your word for it."

  And so that was how I ended up in bed with Ioniko, with all our clothes on.

  * * *

  "And nothing happened after that? As in, zero? Nothing at all?" Sara asked disbelievingly the next day. It had only been an hour since Ioniko had dropped me at my apartment, and Sara hadn't wasted any time in coming over and demanding deets about my weekend with the billionaire.

  "He told me if he kissed me, he might not be able to stop."

  Sara wrinkled her nose. "And you believed him?"

  "There was...evidence."

  Her eyes widened. "Oh." A moment later, she asked with great interest, "How much evidence?"

  Both of us burst into laughter after that, and it was quite some time before Sara finally stopped asking questions about length, width, and thickness, and we were able to get some actual work done.

  It was already six in the evening when Sara left, but it was still enough time for me to shower and fix myself up a little before my doorbell rang and Clay presented himself with a bouquet of tulips.

  He was as good-looking as I remembered, and while the unconcealed admiration in his gaze made me feel self-conscious, it was still different. Too different, and it worried me. A lot.

  Dinner was fun and lightly flirtatious, and while I couldn't quite make myself flirt back, I strove hard not to be discouraging in any way either. If I were serious about protecting myself from future hurt, then I had to be just as serious in giving other guys a chance.

  And I thought I was succeeding until we were standing outside my apartment door and Clay remarked ruefully, "I guess that does it."

  What was he talking about?

  "You tried your damnedest. I appreciate that, but...the fact that you had to try---"

  "Clay." I tried not to sound anxious even as my stomach started churning. "What exactly are you saying? Didn't we have a good time? I thought---"

  "Whatever you thought this would accomplish," Clay interrupted gently, "you obviously thought wrong. You're already halfway in love with him."

  "No. No. You're wrong." And this time, I was seriously panicking. "It's not like that---"

  But Clay only stepped forward and pressed a soft kiss to my forehead. "Take care, Schuyler."

  I found myself staring dumbly as he walked away, and the entire time, I kept thinking to myself, He can't be right. He can't be. He can't. Clay was wrong. He had to be wrong. But in order to prove this, I had to go on another date. I had to keep going on dates until I found someone who could make me feel more than Ioniko did. Be more than Ioniko was.

  That was all, just that, but this time the mere thought of it suddenly made me feel like gagging.

  I can't do this again, I realized sickly. There had to be another way for me to protect my heart and keep myself from falling for the billionaire. There had to be. Just had to be. But no matter how hard I tried to come up with a solution, my mind remained frighteningly blank, and when I eventually fell asleep, it was with my heart still lodged in my throat, and the shadow of Ioniko's name tainting my lips.

  When I woke again, it was only close to midnight, and the shrill sound of my doorbell was ringing throughout the apartment. I could barely keep my eyes open as I fumbled my way to the door. "Coming---" My voice trailed off the moment I saw him.


  "Can I come in?"

  "Uh...of course." I was instantly awake, and I took my time shutting the door close while frantically working to calm my racing heartbeat. When I turned around to face him, it was to bump straight into his chest instead, and I would've lost my balance if not for Ioniko swiftly taking hold of my arms.

  "You're okay?"

  "Um, yes---" My voice trailed off as the way he instantly relinquished his hold caught me off guard. Something was wrong. The Ioniko I had come to know in the past few days tended to seize any excuse to touch me. So for him to suddenly act like this...

  What's wrong?

  Please just don't stare at me like that.

  Tell me what's wrong.

  But the continued silence was forcing me to draw conclusions that made me want to throw up. He's here because he's going to say goodbye. He realized I'm not worth the wait. Or maybe he was never...

  My heart stuttered at the thought. No. It couldn't be that. Could it? My gaze flew up to his, a part of me unconsciously yearning for his reassurance but instead all I saw
in his eyes...

  Oh God, no.

  He was looking at me like...

  No. No. No.

  Like he realized he had never truly wanted---

  I couldn't even allow myself to complete the thought, and I found myself in danger of shutting down as I fought for control and tried to convince myself I could still turn things around. "Ioniko...I'm sorry." The words came out jerkily in a whisper that betrayed my growing terror.

  "You didn't do anything wrong."

  But if that were true, then why was he looking at me like he no longer cared? Why was he looking at me, I thought hysterically, like the whole world was right and that I could never ever matter to him?

  I saw his lips crack into movement, knew that he was about to speak, and the panic rising inside of me threatened to spiral out of control. "Is it because I wanted to date someone else? Because if it is, I've already decided it won't happen again." I couldn't get the words out fast enough, feeling like I was in a race, and I had to beat him from saying things that I wouldn't be able to bear hearing.

  "I know...I know it was stupid."

  I hated the way my voice kept breaking.

  "So you have my word. I'm not going to date another guy again. Okay?"

  But there was nothing else I could do---

  "Ioniko, please."

  Because I myself was starting to break, and I couldn't seem to stop it. I just kept breaking, with the way he was looking at me.

  "Say something, please."

  I was begging. Breaking. Crumbling. And all he could do was stare.


  Asshole. Asshole. Asshole. Stop staring at me like it's too late. Stop.

  "Please, Ioniko."

  My eyes closed at the damning silence. Is this my punishment, God? For being too terrified to trust in what You had planned for me? Was it really too late?

  The tears started to fall.

  I'll trust in You then.

  And I made myself forget my pride. My fears. I made myself forget everything.

  So please, don't take him away.

  I looked at Ioniko...and I tried.


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