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Fated Forgiveness

Page 8

by Alanea Alder

  “His name was Alexander and he had a human mate too?” She took Aleks’s hand. Gabriel nodded.

  “Though, if it makes you feel better, the two of you are nothing alike. She was tall, elegant and breathtakingly beautiful. She was soft-spoken, more like a queen.” Gabriel grunted when Ashby elbowed him in the ribs. In a rare display of vulnerability, Gabriel blushed. The men looked anywhere but at Rebecca.

  “Not that you aren’t amazing in your own ways,” he said. Frowning at him, she nodded. Breathing a sigh of relief, Gabriel continued.

  “They finally tracked the hyenas and vampire down, but they were too late. The vampire had already drained Selena of her blood. Alexander arrived in time to see the vampire drop her body to the ground.” Gabriel’s eyes looked haunted and far away. Ashby scooted closer and lay his head on his mate’s shoulder. Aleks picked up Rebecca and placed her in his lap. He wrapped his huge arms around her as if to keep her safe. Beside him, Liam felt both of his mates lean closer to him. He wrapped an arm around each of them.

  “Alexander was about to rip the vampire’s head off, when I stepped forward. I told him that death would be too easy. If he handed him over and I would ensure he suffered for all eternity.” Gabriel shut his eyes at the memory.

  “La douleur de l’eternite,” Ashby whispered. Gabriel nodded.

  “Alexander agreed, but warned that if he saw another vampire again he would kill them on sight. Relations between both races ceased that night. I was allowed one final trip back to Arkadia. I testified to the shifter council as a neutral source regarding the betrayal of the hyenas against the Arkadions. My testimony was needed, as I was the one who killed the hyena Elder when his clan barred the way into the palace where Selena was being held.

  “We buried the vampire in Arcadia and returned to the Arkadion citadel to lay Selena to rest.” Gabriel took a deep breath as if bracing himself against the memories of such a painful time.

  “When Alexander carried his mate’s body into their home, Celeste was overcome with grief. Both of them lay across her body and sobbed. When Celeste looked up and saw me standing there with Leon and Roald, she flew into a fit of rage. Her eyes turned black and the elements bent to do her bidding. In the language of her people she began to chant, weeping the entire time. Lighting flashed and it seemed to strike the center of the room. When I opened my eyes, I was a mile away from Arcadia. From that time forward, no vampire has ever set foot in that city.

  “Years later I discovered that Alexander Arkadion, in his grief, could not stay in Greece. There were too many memories of his lost mate. He packed up his entire family and set sail, coming here to an undiscovered country. The seven Arkadian towns and cities were founded as the nation grew, and each town was protected by that same barrier that Celeste created in Greece.

  “For their betrayal, the hyenas were stripped of their council seat and lost a voice in the governing of their people. Their punishment was to live on the outskirts of any shifter community like the scavengers they were. This gave the Arkadions and future Alpha Mothers the upper hand in council meetings. The Alpha Mother speaks for all seven seats. It was the only way to compensate the Arkadions for their loss.

  “It’s not exactly a happy story. I’m sorry I ruined your festive spirit,” Gabriel said.

  “Nonsense. We all needed to hear the history of our people. I think that tonight was a perfect night for it. Everyone gathering here today shows that we are strong and that together nothing can defeat us,” Liam said, his voice full of emotion.

  “I would love to get a copy of that for the archives,” Kent said.

  “Got it,” Rebecca said, playing with her phone. “I just need to edit out that part about how Gabriel thinks I suck.” She stuck her tongue out at Gabriel, whose eyes widened.

  “Now Rebecca, you know I don’t feel that way.”

  “Humph!” She refused to look up.

  “I’ll get David and Daniel to create that inventory software you need for the library,” he offered. She looked up and stared at him with a soulful expression. He sighed.

  “I’ll get you the calendar you want.” Her face broke into a huge smile.

  “Really! You are the most amazing man ever!” Aleks bit down on her shoulder.

  “Ow! Okay, okay, second most amazing man ever.” She tilted her face up and Aleks leaned down to kiss her senseless.

  “Okay, enough of this serious stuff, leave that for old men like me. You all have some celebrating to do,” Lachlan said loudly. Everyone stood up and began talking at once. Sebastian, Liam and Kent ran inside to quickly change into swim trunks. Liam grumbled the entire time because their clothes were still in separate rooms, which meant he didn’t get to see his mate’s bodies. Until he made room in the master closet, Sebastian had what little he owned hanging in the guest room. Liam still wasn’t happy with how little his mate had.

  Kent and Sebastian walked up behind him after they had changed and each grabbed an ass cheek before darting past him to race outside. Growling playfully, Liam chased after them. Once outside, Liam found himself scanning the crowd for his mates.

  “Liam, look! We got you something!” Rian yelled. Liam turned to look and stared at the monstrosity in Rian’s hands.

  “Why did you get him a blow-up alligator floaty?” Aleks asked curiously. Liam felt himself flush with embarrassment. Kent stepped up next to him.

  “Siblings torture each other. They love you too much to leave you alone.” Kent kissed Liam’s shoulder. Liam felt better after hearing Kent’s reasoning, and found himself smiling at Rian’s antics spanking the alligator. He was totally unprepared for what happened next.

  Sebastian walked up to Rian smiling. He took the alligator floaty from his hands and passed it to Damian then very calmly he pushed Rian into the pool. He quickly dropped his swim trunks and shifted right there in front of everyone. It was the quickest and smoothest shift he had ever seen. Where his little mate had stood was the fifteen foot alligator from the other night. Sebastian quietly slipped into the pool. Wolves and lions jumped out in record time. Rian took one look at the advancing alligator and a high-pitched scream emerged. One right after another.

  “What the fuck!” Aleks exclaimed.

  “Aww he’s so cute, I want to hug him!” Rebecca said trying to climb out of Aleks’s lap. The man kept a death grip on his wife.

  “What the fuck!” Aleks exclaimed again as Rian’s screaming continued nonstop in the background.

  “Liam, you better go get Rian, I think he’s going to manage to drown himself in the shallow end,” Kent said, laughing hard.

  “What the fuck!” Aleks exclaimed again.

  “I wonder what else he can do? Maybe a dinosaur!” Rebecca bounced around on Aleks lap and his face turned a deathly white color.

  “Help!” was the one-word screech being repeated in higher and higher octaves. Finally deciding that he needed Rian with all of his mental capacities, Liam screwed up his courage and jumped into the pool. He waded over to where Rian was freaking out and hauled him out of the water. Rian practically climbed up his back.

  “Rian! Ri-an! Quiet down, you know it’s Sebastian, he’s not going to hurt you,” Liam yelled. Rian quieted down to a whimper. Sebastian’s large body floated over to where Liam stood in waist-deep water. Sebastian’s body seemed to shiver before he transitioned into a baby seal.

  “Aw, I want one!” Liam heard Rebecca say.

  “See, look how cute he is,” Liam said, trying to shake Rian off his back.

  “He is kinda cute that way. But no more shifting into scary things, Sebastian. I apologize for teasing Liam, so please don’t eat me,” Rian said, stepping out from behind Liam. Sebastian darted over to a beach ball and balanced it on his nose before head-butting it to Rian. Rian smiled and caught the ball. Sebastian shifted one more time, back into his human form.

  “I don’t mind you and Damian playing around with Liam, but no teasing like that. You hurt his feelings,” Sebastian accused. Rian turned
to Liam, remorse written all over his face.

  “Liam, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings,” Rian rushed.

  “I know, Rian, you take good care of me, buddy. This party is amazing,” Liam said, staring heatedly at his mate, knowing he was naked under the water.

  “Um, I still get my phone, right?” Rian asked. Liam rolled his eyes.

  “Yes, you still get your phone. Kent, can you grab his bathing suit?” Liam said stalking towards his mate. Kent walked up to the edge of the pool and threw the swim trunks to Sebastian. When Liam saw that Kent was also staring at their mate with lust-filled eyes, his control snapped. Knowing his mates were feeling his growing need was his undoing. He lifted Sebastian out of the water and flung him over his shoulder. He stepped out of the pool from the shallow end where Kent was now waiting for them. Kent ran his hand down Sebastian’s crease and with his other hand grabbed the back of Liam’s head, kissing him desperately. Liam felt Sebastian’s hand go down the back of his swim trunks to massage each of his ass cheeks. Being mated to both of them, they could feel everything through their bond.

  “Liam, hurry up and take us inside, I’m about to blow and I don’t want to give everyone a show,” Sebastian moaned. Laughing, Liam and Kent broke apart and grabbed hands before running for the house.

  “Tear that ass up!” Rian yelled.

  “Happy mating!” Ma yelled, laughter in her voice. Liam waved good-bye to everyone before shutting the back door behind him.

  “Hurry!” Sebastian whimpered. He and Kent sprinted for the stairs. They made their way up in record time and nearly ripped the door off the hinges flinging it open. Liam threw Sebastian on the bed as he and Kent stripped off their bathing suits. He heard the drawer open and close and when he looked over to Sebastian, his little mate already had three fingers deep in his own ass.

  “God, I can’t wait. I’ve never been this hard,” Sebastian said, pushing frantically. Liam had to grab the base of his cock to keep from coming at the sight. He heard a moan and he turned to his right. Kent had one hand reached behind him and he seemed to be wiggling something.

  “Sweetheart, are you wearing a butt plug?” Liam nearly swallowed his tongue when his gentle giant of a mate nodded. Liam carefully removed his mate’s glasses before pushing him onto the bed.

  “Kent, fuck our little slut there while I take this tight ass of yours,” Liam said his voice dropping an octave as his lion came to the surface. “Do you like being called our little slut?” Liam asked, unsure if he had crossed a line.

  “Yes, please fuck your slut.” Sebastian’s face went slack with need.

  “I need your huge cock so bad my mate, my love.” Sebastian moaned. Kent’s eyes became unfocused as he stalked Sebastian on all fours on the bed. He easily flipped their mate over onto his hands and knees.

  “Hard, fuck your slut hard,” Sebastian said, taking on the role beautifully.

  Kent fed the head of his swollen prick into Sebastian. He paused before slamming the entire length into him, bottoming out. Sebastian screamed in pleasure. Unable to stay away a second longer, Liam climbed onto the bed and pushed Kent over Sebastian.

  “Our little slut deserves pleasure, reach around and grab that gorgeous cock of his, Kent,” Liam said, pulling the butt plug out of Kent excruciatingly slow. Kent dropped his forehead to Sebastian’s back and moaned. He wrapped on arm around the body of his small mate and began to stoke Sebastian.

  Liam pulled apart Kent’s ass cheeks and licked the small, pink hole.

  “Oh fuck!” Kent yelled.

  “You taste like heaven,” Liam said before leaning forward to spear his mate with his tongue.

  “Please Liam, please fuck me, haven’t I been a good mate, too?” Kent asked, panting.

  “Yes, you both were very good mates today.” Liam sat back on his knees and took his dick in hand. With no preamble, he thrust forward and began to ram into his mate’s greedy hole.

  “Kent, you helped to arrange this party to show your mates how much you care.” Liam reached down and inserted a finger alongside his cock. Kent went wild bucking into Sebastian and then back to impale himself on Liam.

  “Sebastian, you stood up for your mate, you defended me. No one has ever done that for me before,” Liam said, hoping the bond would share with his mates how he felt. How no one had ever taken care of him before and how much it meant to him.

  “I love you Liam, I love you Kent. I want to stay like this forever!” Sebastian screamed out his release.

  “I love you both so much,” Kent said, thrusting as deep into Sebastian as he could as Sebastian’s pleasure washed through them all.

  “You both are my everything, I have never loved anyone like this,” Liam said before his orgasm compounded by his mate’s raced through them, expanding through every cell before exploding. Liam could feel everything. There was no Kent, Liam, or Sebastian. It was if they were all one. Groaning, Liam eased Kent and Sebastian to the left, gently laying them all on their sides, the entire time their cocks laid deep in each other.

  Slowly, their cocks began to harden again. Through tears of joy and release, they made love moving as one body. They moved slowly, savoring every touch as it was magnified by three. Shortly before dawn, their collective orgasm ripped through them, and all three of them gave in to the darkness.

  Chapter 7

  Liam was yawning at the table the next morning when his grandfather walked in whistling, wearing jeans and a button-up white shirt with the cuffs rolled up. The casual look on him was something different. Liam cracked his neck and sighed with relief when it popped. He had spent last night in the recliner again after waking up to an arm full of armadillo.

  “You’re still here?” Liam asked, sipping his coffee.

  “I thought I may visit for a while. It’s been a long time since this house has felt so warm, I’d like to see what changes you have made to the place.”

  “Oh! I didn’t know you were coming down for breakfast or I would have cooked something fancier,” Sebastian said, frowning down into his frying pan.

  “Don’t be silly. You’re my grandson now, you can relax,” Lachlan said, pouring himself a glass of juice.

  “Don’t be fooled by the smiling face. That just means he’s going to figure out a way to work you more,” Liam grumbled. Sebastian spun around and frowned at his mate.

  “Be nice to our grandfather or no crepes for you,” Sebastian chided. Liam pouted. Kent walked into the kitchen in his normal suit, glasses in place, looking sexy as sin. Liam felt himself getting aroused thinking about office games. Sebastian moaned, bracing himself against the counter, and Kent stopped dead in his tracks and swallowed hard.

  “Liam, be good,” Kent admonished.

  “My mates are picking on me,” Liam whined to no one in particular.

  “Lachlan, you were right, the southwestern pride was the only hold out. The threat of sending in the Sentinels had them responding. They are sending us one of their own.” Kent took a deep breath. Sensing his mate’s pain, Liam stood and went to his mate.

  “What is it?” he asked, taking the folder and placing it on the table. Gently, he pushed his mate into the chair.

  “How bad is it, son?” Lachlan asked, frowning.

  “He’s only eight. His name is Brendan Walters. He told his mom that he liked boys. They have been keeping him in the basement.” Kent’s voice broke.

  “He comes here. We’ll take him,” Liam said, rubbing his hands over his mate’s. Liam felt Sebastian move toward them, and then his heat was suddenly at their backs as he wrapped his arms around them.

  “We’ll take them all, won’t we, Liam? All the kids with no homes?” Sebastian asked. Liam looked at him then at Kent, both of them waiting on his answer.

  “Yes, we’ll take them all.” Liam knew that he could never turn a child away.

  “You did say you wanted a large family,” Sebastian snickered above them. Liam stilled. Reality hit. They would have a child living wit
h them again. It had been so long since Kyle had joined them, and he was practically a teenager when he moved in. This boy was eight. Liam would bet that he still believed in Santa Claus. Christmas! They were going to have so much fun shopping.

  “What did you just think of that has you glowing from the inside out?” Kent asked. Lachlan chuckled.

  “He must be thinking about Christmas. It’s his favorite holiday. Every year his parents would take off to go skiing, leaving him with the Arkadions. He looked forward to Christmas every year,” Lachlan said.

  “You knew?” Liam asked, surprised that his grandfather knew what his parents were really like.

  “Where do you think your presents came from? You didn’t know?” he asked at Liam’s surprised expression. Then Lachlan shook his head.

  “Never mind, you were never supposed to know.” He sighed.

  “Liam, I’ve known since you were very small how your parents treated you. As much as it pained me as a parent to admit that my only son would ever hurt his child, I knew it would kill me if he ever did. Think about it, Liam, if I had shown you any kind of favor growing up, what would your father have done?” Lachlan asked.

  “Nothing, but I would have probably died in a horrible accident,” Liam admitted. Sebastian gasped.

  “Exactly. I may have announced you as my heir last night, but your name has been on my will for almost twenty years.” Lachlan said sadly.

  “We’re going to have real Christmases in this house again, hopefully I’ll be invited.” Lachlan winked.

  “Of course you’re invited,” Sebastian said, kissing the tops of Liam and Kent’s heads before walking back to the stove.


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