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Just Me

Page 11

by Lexy Timms

  Excitement rushed through her as she got closer to ending her shift, eagerly awaiting being alone with Ben again. Even when they were in a crowded place, looking into his eyes made her feel like the only person in the world. It was a special feeling she didn’t want to end, and when Talia rung up the last customer, Katherine quietly excused herself to freshen up in the bathroom.

  After removing her apron, Katherine looked in the mirror, fluffing her long brown hair, and noticing her blonde roots as she made a mental note to retouch her dye. It had been such a drastic change to color her hair, but nothing was too much when her safety was involved. For a split second, she missed her blonde locks, but quickly brushed it to the back of her mind as she focused on taming the butterflies in her stomach before joining Ben for dinner.

  Chapter Sixteen


  SO ENGULFED IN THE new product mock ups his designer had sent him, Ben didn’t notice Katherine until she was standing directly in front of him. Slowly, he closed his computer, a wide grin spreading across his face as he watched her shift her weight from one foot to the next, looking nervous.

  “All done?” He glanced around the bakery, noticing it was empty for the first time.

  When he arrived, it was packed with patrons, but now the bakery had cleared out, leaving no one but Katherine standing before him. Forcing a breath he didn’t realize he was holding, Ben was blown away by her beauty, staring with appreciation as she blushed before him.

  He loved the effect he had on her. It was obvious she liked him, though she still blushed as if she was holding a secret. Amused, Ben stood, quickly packing his laptop away before offering his hand.

  “Ready?” he asked.

  Katherine stared at his hand for a long moment before placing her thin fingers in his palm, allowing Ben to lead her out of the bakery after she waived to Talia.

  “That’s your friend from Hendrick’s, right?” Ben asked, as he led her down the street.

  “Yeah, we work together,” she asked, looking around. “Are we driving?”

  “I thought we’d just walk down to the park. They have a little festival tonight. Is that okay?” Ben paused, suddenly unsure of his plan.

  “Oh yeah! That would be great,” she nodded quickly.

  Ben took an extra second to stare into her deep blue eyes, reminded of the mystery that swirled through them. She was so secretive, and deep down he liked that. There was something incredibly exciting about not knowing the end to the story as he scrolled through the first chapter, eager to learn more.

  Leading the way, Ben walked down the bustling street. Katherine’s job was located on one of the more popular blocks in the city. She was quietly observing the crowd, scanning the street like a tourist.

  “Have you ever been down to the park?” His question caused Katherine to jump with shock.

  Ben couldn’t help but to wonder why she was always so jumpy around him, but he pushed it to the back of his mind as a smile grew on her face. She was so beautiful, he chose to focus on nothing but the bashful look in her eyes.

  “No, I don’t think so,” she finally answered.

  “It’s one of my favorite places in the city,” Ben told her.

  “Well, I’m glad you’re taking me,” she smiled up at him, from a vantage point at least a foot shorter than Ben’s tall stature.

  The two walked closely, and Ben felt a strange normalcy around her, stopping himself from taking her hand in his more than once. It was out of his character to hold hands, but Katherine was proving to be everything he wasn’t used to. She easily brought him out of his shell of work, as he felt drawn to the bakery knowing it was the only way he could contact her.

  When they arrived at the park, a large crowd greeted them. Food trucks surrounded the perimeter as a band played in the center of the concrete stage area. Families spread blankets on the lawn, laying out while children played freely, running barefoot in the grass.

  Surely, it would be one of the last weeks before you needed a jacket to brave the evening weather, so everyone was intent on soaking up as much warmth as possible. Ben thought for sure that Katherine would enjoy the festivities, but as he looked down, he was shocked to see the concern on her face as she scanned the crowd.

  He couldn’t help but ask her, “Is everything okay?”

  “Oh, yeah,” she said, forcing a smile he could tell wasn’t genuine.

  “If you’d like, we can go somewhere less chaotic,” he suggested, fearing the large crowd was the cause for her concern.

  “No, it's fine. Let’s have fun,” she said, now wearing a smile that reached her eyes. After watching her closely for a long moment, Ben conceded, strolling around the perimeter of the park as they read the menus together.

  Again, he was certain that something was troubling Katherine, but decided he would have to earn the right to help her. She needed to trust him, and he was fine with working up to that level of closeness. More than anything, he was happy that he wanted to be close to a woman.

  Work had been his girlfriend for far too long. A change of pace was more than welcomed, and so he focused on the present, telling Katherine which food trucks he had tried before, and pointing out others he had heard great things about.

  “Mex-orean?” Katherine stumbled through reading the name of a food truck.

  “They take traditional Korean barbeque and wrap it up into a tortilla like a burrito,” Ben explained, watching Katherine’s eyes light up with interest.

  “I want that!” She smiled broadly and the two happily joined the line of people waiting to place their orders.

  “So, how was work?” He asked, as they took one step closer to the front of the line.

  “It goes so fast, especially when it’s busy. Talia has been showing me the ropes and we work really well together,” Katherine explained.

  “That’s great. It always has to be a team effort if you're going to succeed in business,” Ben agreed, citing one of the founding principles of his company.

  “I saw you typing away in the corner. You must have had a busy day too,” Katherine noted.

  “Oh, just a few emails,” Ben shrugged it off, not wanting to bore her with talk of his work.

  It was one of the last tidbits of advice Rachel gave him before he left the office, determined to find Katherine. She knew how easily he could go off on a tangent, talking about their new line of pet accessories, and why last month’s sales were less than expected.

  Now, in the middle of the park and surrounded by patrons, he was the far from his comfort zone, but he still felt relaxed. Katherine had a calming effect about her, always making it easier for Ben to unwind and try new things. He was a man of habit, typically sticking to the same routines and restaurants.

  A date for Ben was usually at a high-end restaurant with a menu that listed no prices. Regardless, he always wore the same uniform—a pair of comfortable jeans and a button up shirt. He wasn’t the type of man who flaunted his wealth, and staring around the large crowd, he doubted anyone knew who he was, let alone how much he was worth.

  “I’ve never had Korean barbeque, but I love Mexican food,” Katherine broke the silence brewing between them.

  “I’ll have to take you. I know a great place downtown. You’ll love it,” he assured her, and she brightened up at the suggestion.

  “Between you and Talia, I’m going to eat my way clear through this city,” she joked.

  “San Francisco is known for food. You have to try it out,” he reasoned.

  “How can I help you two?” A young man asked, when they finally reached the food truck.

  “Ladies first,” Ben nodded towards Katherine.

  “I’ll take the chicken burrito,” she smiled, and the guy scribbled onto his small white notepad before turning his attention to Ben.

  “Make that two,” he said, making the order easy.

  “Have you had this before?” Katherine asked, when they received their orders.

  “No, but I was expecting them to be a
bit bigger,” he acknowledged, holding the miniature burrito with one hand.

  “Me too!” Katherine laughed, before taking a bite and throwing her head back in ecstasy.

  “I take it they’re good,” Ben chuckled, before taking his first bite and understanding her reaction.

  Packing immense flavor, the burrito masterfully captured the essence of Korean barbeque, but still had a Mexican flair with an abundance of spices. It was a perfect blend of two of his favorite cuisines, and he was more than satisfied with Katherine’s choice.

  After a few paces, they each finished the burrito, discarding their trash in a black bin before continuing around the perimeter of trucks.

  “Want to try another one?” Ben asked, knowing the burrito was more of an appetizer than an entrée.

  “Well, I can pay for the second one,” Katherine offered, which made Ben smirk a bit.

  He hadn’t told her about his immense wealth, and he had no plans to. She was constantly fighting him on the bill, but he thought after easily paying for the Mexican Korean hybrid meal, they were past that debate.

  “I asked you on the date, I’ll cover the tab,” he smiled.

  “So, this is a date?” Katherine asked, leaning closer to him. She had moved closer with each step until they were so close, their hands continued to bump.

  “Yep, this makes two,” Ben proclaimed boldly, bringing another shy smile to Katherine’s face. Her lips were bright pink, calling his attention as he fought the urge to lean down and kiss her.

  “You counted breakfast as a date?” She asked.

  “Didn’t you?” He wondered.

  “I did. But, if your rule is true, I should have been allowed to pay at ‘Batter’,” she squinted her eyes conspiratorially.

  Realizing the truth to her statement, Ben quickly searched for an explanation. “That was an exception,” he began, but Katherine laughed so loudly he couldn’t continue his own argument.

  “I’d like to amend the rule,” he decided, holding one finger in the air.

  “Is that so?” Katherine quipped.

  “Yes. From now on, I always pay,” he said definitively.

  “That’s not fair,” she argued.

  “Yes it is,” Ben said, as he reached for her hand, interlocking their fingers together as she looked to him with dreamy eyes. The connection silenced her argument, and by default it seemed Ben’s amendment was implemented.

  When they chose a second food truck, Katherine didn’t argue about Ben paying, and their hands didn’t separate. Walking hand in hand, they strolled through the park as the sun set over the city, leaving a beautiful orange backdrop.

  “Want a crepe for dessert?” Ben asked, as they passed a dessert truck. After the second food truck, he was stuffed, but he didn’t want the night to end and dessert seemed like a reasonable extension.

  “We can split one,” she suggested, with a childlike smile, and he happily accepted.

  Thankfully, there was no line at that truck, so they quickly ordered a single crepe topped with whip cream and a bright red strawberry sauce. Leading her through a crowd, Ben brought Katherine to a small picnic table beneath a large tree. The leaves were changing with the weather, as burnt orange and yellow leaves surrounded them.

  “This is delicious,” Katherine closed her eyes with delight as she bit into the dessert. Ben watched her tongue slide across her pink lips with envy, wanting to taste her himself. His attraction to Katherine multiplied the longer he was around her.

  She was effortlessly sexy, a trait he valued more with every passing second. She was timid and yet carefree, a strange combination that made him want to know more about the mysterious beauty.

  “You have a little whipped cream on your nose,” Ben pointed out when Katherine took another bite, this one messier than the first. Her cheeks grew a shade darker as she blushed, wiping the cream from her nose as she smiled bashfully.

  Unable to contain himself any further, Ben stood from his seat, leaning across the table. Katherine watched him with desire in her eyes and he knew the timing was right when she slowly closed her eyes, lifting her chin to offer her lips. Accepting her invitation, Ben pressed his lips to hers and felt the softness of her lips.

  Chapter Seventeen


  WITH HER EYES CLOSED, Katherine was left to her dreams as Ben caressed her lips softly with his. He was so gentle, and careful, treating her like a delicate flower as she pressed her thighs close, desire rushing through her quickly.

  As her mind swirled with thoughts, she tried to convince herself that it was all real because the way Ben made her feel, it felt like a dream. He had been a perfect gentleman the entire night, and now with a sweet kiss, she doubted it could get any better.

  While secrecy had been a cloak she found comfort in, Katherine suddenly felt the desire to strip the layers away and reveal the true self she had shielded from everyone all these years. There was something different about him, and she found it fateful that the two had met with all of the layers of security she had placed throughout her life.

  While it was only a few seconds, their kiss took Katherine’s breath away, leaving her wanting more when Ben finally pulled away. Without a word, he sat back into his seat, smiling sheepishly as he stared across the picnic table with lust in his eyes.

  Katherine could sense that he wanted her, and it was beyond exhilarating to be desired by a man as attractive as Ben. Dressed so casually, the bearded chin accentuated his effortless style. Her eyes roamed over his chest, wondering how defined his muscles must be to press against the pressed cotton of his white button up shirt.

  Everything tasted better after brushing her tongue against Ben’s and Katherine found it difficult to focus on anything other than the gorgeous man sitting across from her. It was all surreal, yet she never wanted it to end.

  “It tastes better off of you,” Ben broke the silence as he glanced between the dessert and Katherine’s blushing cheeks.

  When her mind failed to draft a response, a set of teenage girls arrived at the edge of the picnic table. It was just the bail out that Katherine needed. “You can sit here,” she announced, motioning towards the end of the table.

  Ben, refusing to follow her eyes, remained trained on her side view as she smiled brightly at the teenagers looking to Ben with googly eyes. Her stomach was filled with nerves, and she found every reason not to face him, knowing how deeply those bright green eyes could see.

  The girls continued their conversation, carrying on as if Katherine and Ben weren’t even there. In that silence, they stole every glance available, finishing the crepe in silence before Ben rose, taking the empty plate as he made his way to the brown garbage can.

  Without thinking, Katherine followed, climbing around the wooden bench as she smiled one last time to the young girls, silently saying goodbye. Extending his elbow towards her, Ben offered assistance and Katherine happily accepted, looping her arm through his before following him as he moved down the cement sidewalk.

  With the sun went much of the crowd, leaving a fraction of the food trucks and crowds they attracted. Even with the festivities slowing to a stop, Katherine wasn’t ready for the night to be over. Thinking back to the first time she saw him on that fateful day when he barged into the bakery ready to buy a dozen pastries.

  He was as carefree and confident then as he was parading her through the food truck festival that evening. The more she could remember of their first encounter, the more certain she was that it was his demeanor that first attracted her.

  Katherine was used to handsome men pursuing her, as it was something she had experienced since her early teens. What made Ben so appealing was how easily he seemed to embody what she so desperately desired—peace.

  Unlike most people she knew, Ben moved at his own pace, with extreme flexibility she had grown to need after living on the road. He wasn’t caught off guard or disgusted by her request for casual dining. In fact, Ben appeared to have been planning for a casual evening a
ll along.

  He moved with such confidence, Katherine didn’t second guess her choice to follow him. After being forced out of the only city she loved, and thrust into a life of running from constant danger, it was a welcome change of pace to slow down and enjoy life instead of watching it pass her by.

  Just then, a kid whizzed by on a bike, startling Katherine, who tripped into Ben’s comforting arms. For what felt like an eternity, he looked deep into her eyes, contemplating his next move. With pleading eyes, Katherine silently expressed the longing that burned deeply from the pit of her stomach.

  She wanted more of him, and deeper than their earlier peck. What Katherine craved was intense, and from the look in Ben’s eyes, she knew he could deliver. His jaws tensed as he fought back his own desires, until he could take no more.

  Reaching with hi right palm, he gripped the nape of Katherine’s neck, pulling her to him as their lips collided in a passionate embrace. Her eyes closed as she tried to savor every second, relishing in the flavors of his tongue. Ben was dangerous with his seduction, causing her body to bend towards his, seeking pressure in all the right places.

  It was as if the two of them were in the park alone, silence surrounding them. When Ben’s hands found her body everything else dimmed, leaving only the chemistry that sparked between them like faulty electricity.

  When a soft moan escaped her swollen lips, Katherine pulled away, abruptly ending the embrace as she put two feet between them. It was too much, the way her chest rose and fell with exhaustion, her heart racing like she’d run a marathon. Ben was too intense, and she could admit she couldn’t handle whatever it was coursing through them.

  “Slow—I need to take it slow,” Katherine finally spoke, out of breath.

  Ben watched her closely, the left side of his mouth curling up as he heard her explanation. Moving quickly, he pulled Katherine back to him, wrapping his strong arms around her as he rested his chin on the top of her head.


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