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Tempting Ballad

Page 7

by Katherine McIntyre

  Renn ran a hand through his tangled hair, closing the distance to Kieran. “I mean, this isn’t the first time you’ve found me in a compromising position in a hotel room. Just saying.”

  Apparently, Leo wasn’t the only one who received the runaround from Renn.

  Kieran glowered at Renn, his hands balling into fists. The incubus looked royally pissed—all flaring eyes and drawn eyebrows. “Bull-fucking-shit, dude. Not only did you vanish in the night on us, but then we find you screwing around with this guy? Did you forget the compromising position he put us in last year?”

  Renn’s grin widened enough to show his canines, even if the smile didn’t reflect in his eyes. “I remember quite a few compromising positions Leo and I got into last year.”

  It would be a miracle if the lead singer of Discord’s Desire didn’t have a coronary in the middle of his hotel room. Leo rubbed his palm against his head, as if that might dispel the impending headache. His gaze lingered on Renn’s tight jeans which did a poor job of concealing the erection he’d been dying to wrap his hands around.

  Trevor stalked into the room next, his hands raised as if he were ready to step in between them. With the banshee’s broad shoulders and solid figure, he’d probably stand a chance at breaking the two up. Jett sauntered by, casting Leo a flat-lidded glance before returning his gaze to Renn.

  “Asshole.” Jett came to a stop in front of Renn, his hands in his pockets. “I know any idiot can play the drums, but you didn’t have to go and prove us right mid-tour.”

  Renn’s grin faltered, his gaze softening. He let out an exhale and glanced between Jett and Kieran. Leo took a step back to sit on the bed and watch from there, sinking into the mattress. Clearly, the conversation didn’t involve him yet. Though, it would eventually. Where Renn might’ve been sweet on him, the other band members had given him a reception bordering on Mr. Freeze status when they made the exchange. And that was before they understood the repercussions of what they stole.

  “We already had to cancel the show tonight, Renn, so you can bet we aren’t going to leave without an explanation,” Liz called from the doorway.

  “Is he coercing you into helping him?” Trevor asked, glancing up to Leo.

  Leo raised a hand. “I’d like to get out of the way that Renn is here on his own accord. We had a conversation and made an arrangement. He held up his end of the bargain, and now it’s my turn to hold up my end. Which I’m going to do.”

  Renn glanced back to him, those chestnut eyes mesmerizing. Something lost existed there, a little vulnerable and a little grateful, but a blink later and his gaze returned to normal. Based on the masterful way this man compartmentalized, Kincaid could guarantee Renn hadn’t told his bandmates about his missing sister, and he wasn’t about to disclose that private information.

  “How the hell did you fuckers find me, anyway?” Renn asked, crossing his arms as he glanced to the lot of them. The entire Discord’s Desire entourage crammed inside the hotel room made the place seem miniscule.

  Trevor shrugged. “After Ky got kidnapped, I didn’t want to run the risk of a repeat. I installed trackers on all of your cell phones.”

  “Oh, come on, babe. That takes co-dependence to the next level,” Danica called from the doorway. “What is wrong with you guys?”

  Leo couldn’t help the snort. The control freak in him understood.

  “So, you weren’t kidnapped,” Liz stated, striding forward to where Ky stood. Their leader’s jaw twitched, and his knuckles tensed like he prepared to start slinging punches. Liz ignored him, continuing, “You left willingly, but the remaining question is why?”

  “Stop evading, Renn,” Ky said, his voice thick with hurt. Unlike some of the others in the room who had mastered false faces, Leo included, their lead singer couldn’t disguise his emotions for a heartbeat.

  “Look, I wouldn’t have left for anything else,” Renn started and then he glanced back. Their eyes locked, and Leo could sense the pulse of desperation in the air, the way Renn reared like a wild horse at anything resembling feelings talks. He didn’t have anything to say that would help here, but he tilted his head in a slight nod.

  Renn swallowed hard and turned to Kieran. “When I was younger, my sister Belle vanished, and the entire Cantrell family decided to forget she ever existed. Kincaid approached me after the show with the first lead on her in years.”

  “Hm,” Danica murmured. Even now, she looked every inch the savvy businesswoman, even if she’d stormed in with the rest of the band. Her hair was pulled into a low chignon, and her cream blouse offered a gorgeous contrast to her maroon suit jacket and skirt. “What did he want in return?” Those green eyes locked on him with an ‘I know your kind’ look, mostly because they were the same breed.

  Renn didn’t respond at first, his shoulders tightening with the obvious conflict.


  Leo didn’t want the rest of the band along on this, but based on their insistency, they wouldn’t be leaving without real answers. However, he didn’t need their trust—he had enough leverage on them to ensure loyalty, since they stole the Accords from Alberich’s trove, not him. He’d just been the one to break those pesky Accords. Leo always preferred to have a back-up plan.

  “I needed his help in approaching potential allies on the Unseelie side,” Leo spoke up, pushing himself from the bed to stride next to Renn. He resisted the urge to slide an arm around the man who brimmed with enough tension to demolish a building. “The Ashewarrens would only entertain an audience with me if they could talk to a Cantrell.”

  “So you chose Renn,” Trevor said, the hesitance clear in his voice. The man watched him, caution buzzing in his stance.

  “We’d already spent one night together, which is more than I can say for anyone else in his family,” Leo replied, the grin tugging at the end of his lips.

  Renn offered him a grateful smile, one that reached those deep brown eyes. His brows curved with a wickedness that always felt intimate. “You wouldn’t have gotten far with the rest of my family. For satyrs, the lot of them are prudes.”

  Jett placed a palm over his chest. “How dare they only have sex once a week.”

  Renn let out a gagging noise. “I’d die.”

  Kieran rolled his eyes, his fists unclenching. “We know. But seriously, Renn. Why didn’t you say anything? You could’ve told us the situation you were in. You know we would’ve backed you.”

  Renn’s features softened. “I know.”

  “Come on, Ky,” Jett interjected. “Just because you bleed all over the pavement for anyone doesn’t mean the rest of us have to. We’re all allowed to keep some secrets.”

  Kieran frowned, crossing his arms while Trev clapped a hand on his shoulder. Liz ran fingers through her hair before meeting Jett’s eyes with an understanding glance.

  Time to get a handle on this situation.

  “Look, whatever feelings you’ve got on the situation can be sorted out later,” Leo said, loud enough that the roomful of furtive glares and looks switched to him. “The Ashewarrens lost someone with similar circumstances too. They think the Harrods are behind the kidnappings and want us to investigate, per our agreement to form an alliance.”

  “I can’t go back to the tour, guys,” Renn responded. “This is my chance to at least try and find her.”

  “You’re not doing this alone,” Kieran shot back. The man blazed but whether with anger or passion, Leo hadn’t the slightest. The lead singer switched between the two at a blinding pace.

  “First off, he’s not,” Leo spoke up, reigning the situation in. With the way this crowd bickered and tempers flared, someone needed to corral them. Apparently, he’d become the designated babysitter. “I wouldn’t send him into danger by himself. I plan on direct involvement with this case. But if the rest of you want to join in this crusade, you’re welcome to on one condition.”

  “You make the calls,” Danica hazarded, cunning in her eyes. “Am I right?” He’d worked with the leann
an sidhe this long for a reason. She was cutting and clever in a way few fae could compare to.

  “Correct.” Leo lifted his chin and stared at the other members of the band. “I know you’re used to working your own way, but if you’re stepping into my operation, you’re going to have to follow my lead.”

  Kieran’s frown deepened. “How are we supposed to trust you after the last stunt you pulled?”

  “You’re not,” Leo responded. He would’ve preferred conducting business like this in a full suit behind a table or desk rather than three seconds after he’d come into their drummer’s mouth, but beggars couldn’t be choosers. “Look, this isn’t a relationship built on trust, but one of mutually assured destruction. If my ship sinks, so does yours, and vice versa. So let’s agree we’ll all be happier to complete the task in the most efficient way possible.”

  “Ever the businessman,” Liz commented, her dry sarcasm complementing his own. He wasn’t shocked she and Danica seemed to get on as well as they did.

  “Seriously, guys,” Renn stepped in. “This is my problem, and I’ll take care of it. You don’t need to get involved.” This hotel room grew smaller and smaller by the second.

  “How ever will we keep up our codependent reputation if we ditch you now?” Jett responded in a sardonic drawl.

  “You’re not doing this without us, Renn,” Kieran said, crossing his arms over his chest. He looked up to meet Leo’s gaze. “Fine. We’re in. We’ll follow your lead through this escapade. But if you try to pull another feint like you did with Alberich, you’ll regret it. Unlike you, we don’t give a flying fuck about our reputation.”

  “Are you coming back to the RV?” Liz asked. She cast a glance to the door. “We’re parked in a lot up the street for convenience.”

  Renn’s shoulders tensed again, the motion almost imperceptible, but after spending some time in close quarters with him, those slight signals were becoming all the easier to read.

  “Or, alternately, you could enjoy some privacy,” Leo stepped in. “I’m sure a few rooms have opened up by now. I’ll book them if you say the word.” Waking up with Renn in his bed this morning offered a brush of relief when he’d needed it the most. There was something to be said about waking up with another person beside you, something about the proximity that made the world feel a little less lonely. And he’d been lonely for a long time.

  “Oh, fuck yes,” Danica breathed. “Sorry, guys, but I’d like some time where I don’t have to try and keep quiet because Liz and Kieran are bunked right above us.”

  Liz shrugged. “If you’re paying, I wouldn’t say no to some alone time.”

  “Well what are we going to do with the RV?” Kieran asked, his arms crossed in front of his chest and blazing with stubbornness. Leo knew the type—no matter how many logical arguments he presented, Kieran had sunken his teeth into his stance and refused to let go.

  Liz passed Kieran a look. “Park it in the lot, genius. We’re not turning down the chance for an uninterrupted bang pad.”

  At the mention of uninterrupted, Renn glanced over to Leo, a wry smile clinging to his lips. The sexy gleam in his eyes reminded him of where they’d left off. However, with the rest of the band in tow, their privacy was at a premium.

  A knock sounded at the door. Claude stood in the entryway, his brows drawn and confusion etched on his elegant features. His fist remained raised, even though he didn’t knock again.

  “I saw the door open at the end of the hall…” he trailed off, his gaze switching to each member of the band crowded in the room until it landed on him.

  Leo strode forward, closing the distance between them. “Turns out we’ve got some companions on this endeavor,” he explained as he stepped in front of Claude, directing his attention. “Renn comes with a very persistent entourage.”

  Claude crooked his eyebrow, the disapproval clear in his grey eyes. “Won’t that make things a little risky?”

  Leo had known him long enough to catch the signs, the way his responses grew sharper than normal and how he’d been bringing his judgement out to play a little more often as of late. Renn wasn’t a huge fan of him either based on the lascivious wink he passed in Claude’s direction, a guaranteed attempt to rile him up.

  “We’ve got an assurance they won’t go running to either Court,” Leo said, resting a palm on Claude’s shoulder. The selkie’s shoulders sank, and he offered a nod, even though he still didn’t seem thrilled with the prospect.

  “That’s one hell of a polite way in saying blackmail,” Kieran drawled, rocking back and forth where he stood.

  “This standing around to bicker thing is passé,” Jett commented, striding toward the door. “If I recall, this hotel has a bar, yes?”

  Renn stepped forward to follow him. “After tonight, I could use a drink.” When he reached the door, he cast a glance to Leo, a questioning look in his eyes.

  As much as Leo wanted to banish the whole lot of them and fuck Renn into the bed, that wouldn’t happen tonight. He now needed to book rooms for the rest of the band and update Claude and Marisa on the change of circumstances.

  “I’ll meet the rest of you down there,” Leo said, tilting his head in response. With that, Renn tipped two fingers in salute and strode down the hall after Jett. Claude stood by his side watching in silence, the intense observation one of the reasons they’d gotten along so well in the first place.

  “What are we still doing here?” Trevor asked Danica, offering his arm.

  Danica slipped hers through and led them in the direction of the door. “There’s a bottle of Tanqueray down there with my name on it.”

  “We can either sulk here or the RV if you want, but I think we’d be happier at the bar,” Liz commented, giving Kieran a teasing nudge. The lead singer rolled his eyes and slung his arm around her shoulders.

  “Come on. Let’s go corral the kids,” he said, striding past them. Kieran passed a look back in his direction. “We’re not done talking about this though.”

  Leo kept a level face, hiding his amusement. Out of everyone in the band, Kieran was the easiest to read. The door clicked shut, and Claude turned toward him.

  “What are you doing, Leo?” Concern flared in Claude’s eyes even though he didn’t shift his stance. They’d always been far too similar. “You’ve maintained we need to keep our operation slim. Having an entire band along for the ride will draw unnecessary attention. And that group? They’ve got a reputation for drawing attention.”

  “Their reputation is what we’re going to use to our advantage,” Leo reassured him. He took a few steps forward to place his palm on the doorframe. “Better to hide behind their smokescreen while we figure out the best way to infiltrate the Harrods.”

  “I don’t trust them,” Claude said, crossing his arms and meeting Leo’s gaze.

  “No one’s asking you to,” Leo responded. “I’m just asking you to trust me.”

  Claude heaved out a sigh, and for a moment, he didn’t respond. “Fine. I know Marisa won’t be happy about this though.”

  Kincaid snorted. “When is she ever? My sister hates curveballs.” Claude slipped past him, and he locked the door behind him before they set off down the hall. “We’ll have to convince her it’s a good idea.”

  Claude’s silence gave him answer enough. Kincaid only prayed the bullshit he spewed would turn out true.

  Chapter Nine

  Renn woke up to the sounds of rustling. His eyes were bleary, and his mind felt like someone soaked up a bunch of cotton balls in moonshine and set them on fire. He’d gotten so busy chasing away his demons last night that he’d tipped back a bar’s worth of alcohol with the crew. Though honestly, the copious amounts shared in good company had been worth every second. Renn began to push himself up and winced.

  Satyrs didn’t stay hungover for long, but he’d pushed himself hard last night. Bright sunlight streamed in through the windows, and Renn rubbed his eyes so he could see clearly. Kincaid crouched on the opposite side of the room,
rummaging through his suitcase. The bed smelled like him, the waft of his aftershave enough to spark Renn’s cock to life.

  “Rise and shine, Drunken Beauty,” Kincaid drawled from the ground where he continued to parse through his suitcase. “We’ve got an eventful night planned.”

  Renn pushed himself out of bed, swinging his legs over the side. He didn’t bother with clothes, because he rarely did unless he needed to. Besides, the appreciative gleam in Kincaid’s eyes as he scanned him over had his engine revving. “By eventful night, I hope you mean one spent naked and in this room. Or really, anywhere—I’m not picky.”

  Kincaid lifted an eyebrow, struggling with his smirk. “Unfortunately, I mean one where we hit a local night club to try and get a pulse on the Harrods. You guys will be playing before the headliners to get the crowd rowdy while me and mine start doing what we’re best at.”

  Renn rolled his eyes. “All work and no play makes Leo a pent-up boy.” The man possessed a one-track mind for his goals in the same way he had a one-track mind for sex. “So far, you haven’t come close to meeting my sex drive’s requirements. I can always pop off for a snack on the side.” He knew he goaded the man on, but damn was it fun.

  A growl came from Kincaid’s lips, and he rose from what he was doing to stalk over in his direction. Those hands gripped his wrists like iron, and Kincaid only needed to give the slightest shove for him to fall back onto the bed. Renn’s grin widened. Kincaid hovered over him, his legs threading around Renn’s. The proximity made him hotter, as did the pressure around his wrists that hadn’t ceased.

  Kincaid leaned in and claimed his mouth like he owned it. His tongue was rough and demanding, and his lips were smooth seduction.

  Renn kissed back, reveling in the thrill that sparked between them, a deliriousness he’d fast grown addicted to. He’d grown hard the moment Kincaid wrapped his hands around his wrists, but the way he ravaged his mouth had him ready to unravel.

  When they broke for breath, Kincaid loomed over him. Renn couldn’t help soaking in those golden eyes and the pale green skin deepening with the hollow of his throat and the arc of his cheekbones. The man’s scent, all rosewood and bourbon, threatened to consume him.


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