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New Cali

Page 25

by Erik Schubach

  Shanny nodded enthusiastically and mocked punching out the air. “It's awesome. An epic battle.” Ingr grabbed Shan's flailing fists to calm her down as I rubbed my forehead, I was sure I had a headache coming on.

  I asked, “Why me?”

  Rain had not a single merciful bone in her body. “It's your own fault. A burden of heroes.”

  “But I didn't do most of the things people are attributing to me.”

  Celeste shook her head, “It is the burden of leadership. It was under your watch that these things occurred, and people need to have ideals to look up to. It isn't who or how something happened, it is the fact that they happened which is important.”

  I looked over at Tennison with Sara and Karen in their stunning gowns, “That doesn't even make any sense, she's just stringing words together and trying to sound sage.”

  They just grinned as Celeste insisted, “They are sage words, and just because you don't like what they say, doesn't make them any less true.”

  Verna said from behind us, “So sayeth Faceplant.”

  I snickered as the two friends started slinging bantering insults between them about the time my wife quite literally faceplanted into a river while she had been a Squire. I so love my family.

  Speaking of. The squealing from the girls indicated... yup. There was mother, standing at the castle doors in a deep, likely philosophical, conversation with George and Everly. They all stopped to give the girls hugs.

  Then when we reached them, they resumed the deep, world-changing discussion they had been in. Mom held out her hand, “See? I told you, and it looks adorable on her.”

  The royals sighed and each handed over five gold coins to mom, who just handed it to the girls, and they dashed off when she made a shooing motion. They'd be handing out those coins to the commoner children who looked most in need in the crowd.

  Celeste asked, “Betting? Why were we not included? What was the wager?”

  Everly sighed and gave us each a cheek kiss as she said, “Your mother had bet us that you'd not wear the wig I had commissioned for you to your brother's wedding, Laney sweetheart. But we were positive you would look your best for him. But here you are, and I can see that we were in err because your hair has grown out nicely and is adorable at that length as she says. It was just slightly too short the last we saw you what? Coming on two months ago now?”

  I cocked an eyebrow. “You two just lost ten gold to my mom? Well you should have known better and you've no sympathy from me.”

  George chuckled and said to Ev, “I much preferred it when she was but a slip of a girl who was afraid to speak with us, much less make eye contact with us.”

  Everly backhanded his gut and said, “Oh poo, old man, I much prefer her with her new confidence. She's finally come out of her shell, and she's spectacular.”

  “Yes, Everly.”

  We chuckled at the poor man, then he made a gracious ushering motion and we headed into the castle, and the grand ballroom where the Masquerade was held in each year. The cavernous space was filled with rows of chairs that were filled with thousands of people from all the realms, both Altii and Gypsy. Mother Luna, how had my brother's simple wedding with a handful of family and friends turned into a who's who of Sparo?

  I suspected it was partly because Jace was the brother of one of the rulers, but also because of this announcement the royals had for the Kingdom later. The invitations to the dukes and duchesses were just like the gilded envelopes which announced the Royal Masque only they were even more opulent, coated in copper foil. I didn't even want to think about how much copper foil invitations would cost, as the most precious metal in the world due to its short supply and high demand for all things technology.

  The castle grounds today overflowed with guards from every realm watching all the high-value dignitaries. There hasn't been a gathering like this that included all the dukes and duchesses since the war councils during the Avalon conflict. Today, this was the most secure place in the known lands. There were even two gunships patrolling the airspace over the keep and I saw sharpshooters from the Great Mother's own with their bows at the ready at every high point in the castle, adding to the security.

  Wasn't all of this overkill? Who in their right of mind would dare attack this gathering?

  I shuddered at the answer. There were a couple who weren't exactly in their right of mind who might actually chance it, or send in others on a suicide mission for them. I understood how Dianda could get people to be blindly devoted to her, but Aelwen was even more frightening because she instilled that same sort of devotion without using magic to subvert her followers' wills.

  I looked around as our friends slipped into their places in the second row, and our family sat in front of them in the seats reserved for the family of royalty. The place looked like a fairyland. All white silk sheets draping and swooping everywhere, and strings of those new tiny twinkling electric lights made the entire ballroom sparkle. How they made the bulbs so small was a mystery to me. There wasn't anything we couldn't do in there modern times it seems.

  The raised platform where the ceremony was to take place was covered in white flowers and draped in more swooping white silks.

  I kissed mom and Celeste's cheeks as I and the girls stepped up to the platform to stand with George, Everly, and... Duke Fredrick? What was he doing up there? Misty and Shanny were the ring bearers, or as Shan insisted, they were the ring 'bears', complete with growling and making claws with her hands.

  Once we were in place, the crowd quieted down at the booming sound of the ballroom doors being closed. I stood up straighter then looked to the side as everyone turned their heads and there was Jace, in his dress armor and dress cape in the colors of Wexbury, his sash showing the crossed blades behind the crest of Wexbury and a gold star above them indicating his squire's rank. Then below that the other crests of his station. House of Laney, House of Celeste, and finally Crest of the Great Mother.

  My poor brother was almost as burdened as I was with titles and their associated crests.

  I glanced over to see mom, smiling widely, tears welling. Don't do that to me mom, if you start crying I'll start bawling. Celeste hugged mom to her and Donovan hugged Emily who was tearing up too where they sat next to mom. I forced my eyes back on Jace, who took to the platform three stairs at a time with his powerful strides. I felt pride for my little brother swelling in my chest and I fought off the tears fighting to well up in my eyes.

  I held a hand out and grasped Jace's hand as he beamed at me. Then I fussed over his sash, and he pattycaked my hands away to the mirth of the chuckling crowd. I whispered, “I'm so proud of you.” Then I licked my finger and smoothed down an errant hair on his head. He whispered in a whine as people chuckled again, “Laneyyy.”

  Then he cocked an eyebrow as he took his place on the left of George. “New armor?”

  I glanced down, my new armor was crafted similarly to the last, but instead of the roguish scoundrel feel to the look with the hunting cloak, it was more elegant now, but still functionally the same as before, giving me free range of movement for fighting. And my hunting cloak looked more like a hooded robe now.

  This time they didn't even try to pretend the tiara was anything but that by proclaiming it was a forehead protector, with all its carved silver feathers and leaves. I gave up fighting them about it and grudgingly wore my little crown as penance for daring to rise to co-ruler of the realms.

  The pan pipes started playing a haunting melody and everyone stood excitedly and turned to the doors that swung open again. Then Elise Baker stepped in. I had never seen her look so beautiful. The elegant and delicate white gown with a ten-foot train that Everly commissioned for her just made her look angelic as she strode down the aisle, stopping the row behind us to hug her parents and her sister Karen where they all sat with Tennison.

  The music ended with her last step as she reached the top of the platform and faced my brother, who looked completely me
smerized by the shy beauty who stood before him. Everyone sat.

  Then George cleared his throat, and all eyes were on him. He glanced at Duke Fredrick. “Wexbury, you had a point of business?”

  Fred inclined his head. “I did, Highland.” The formal addresses, using their realm names, what were they up to?

  Fredrick stepped up to Jace who stood at rigid attention, and the duke picked an invisible piece of fuzz off of Jace's cape as he said, “I understand your original plan was to be married after you were knighted?”

  Jace nodded and Fred said, “Then your sister, our Great Mother, threw a wrench into the works which has thrown all schedules out of whack, resulting in the postponement of this year's knightings?”

  My brother smirked and said clearly for everyone, “She did. She's a propensity for such shenanigans, my Liege.” Hey, why was the crowd chuckling?

  Fred said, “Well let us fix that oversight so you can proceed as you had planned, young squire.” He patted his fine suit's pockets like he was looking for something. “I seem to have misplaced my blade. Does anyone have one I could borrow?”

  The sound of hundreds of blades from the ring of soldiers at the periphery of the room sent up a metallic hum in the air, he chuckled and said, “Not you lot. I was thinking more...” He paused when he looked my way to see Misty with Anadelea laid on her arm, Shanicia mirroring her with the dagger of the Great Mother... again? Grr. That girl.

  The Duke cocked his head at the girls then rolled his eyes and addressed me, “I can think of no greater honor than for your brother to be knighted by your blade, Great Mother Laney.”

  My smile bloomed and I automatically started to unsheathe Anadele, but then thought better of it as unless you've handled her, it was easy to misjudge the unnatural sharpness, and I quite liked my brother with both arms, so I switched hands and drew Hera from her sheath and presented her to the Duke. “Fred.”

  He bowed his head and took it then turned to my brother. “Squire Jace, please take a knee.”

  My brother did as Elise covered her mouth, tears starting to flow. I reached out to take her hand and give it reassuring squeeze.

  Duke Fredrick looked around then addressed his vassal, “Squire Jace of House Laney of Wexbury. With the power vested in me by this bloke...” He nudged his chin toward the King. “And my title as Duke of the Realm of Wexbury, blah de blah, pomp and circumstance... I knight thee Sir Jace of Wexbury.” He tapped his shoulders with the flat of Hera's blade then handed the blade back to me. I sheathed it as he said, “Please stand Sir Jace.”

  My brother stood and the duke put an expectant hand out. Jace understood after a second and removed his sash. Everly handed Fred another sash and he looked over to Misty, who was crying happy tears for her uncle who was more like her sibling as their ages were so close. Then Fred handed it to her.

  My eldest stepped up to Jace and draped the new sash, indicating he was a full knight of the realm now, over his shoulders then gave him a peck on the cheek then slugged him in the gut when he just smirked. Causing more laughter as he oofed.

  Fred said to the room, “I give you Sir Jace, Knight of the Realm of Wexbury.”

  Everyone cheered and when they settled George looked at Fredrick. Then he made a shooing motion with his hands. “Now shoo if you're done stealing my thunder. I've a wedding to officiate.”

  Only those of us on the platform were treated to the finger he flipped the King as he bowed deeply and graciously. “Of course, Highness.”

  George chuckled at the man then stood tall. The ceremony that followed was the first time I felt blessed to have the curse of the glow of mind magic inside me as I committed every tear-inducing moment to my memory forever as one of the happiest days of my life. My baby brother got married.

  I had told Celeste about what had happened when I stripped Eris of her magic. She had already deduced that I had claimed the magic as my own. And she didn't treat me as the monster I felt, she just saw it as the next evolution of me, and she loved me. The kids, of course, had been sneaking around and overheard, but none treated me any differently and are sworn to secrecy... but Sylvia knew right away, and of course would tell Rain... what good is a secret if everyone in the Inhabitable Lands knew it! It was just as bad as when we tried to keep the fact I was an Adept a secret.

  After a short intermission, the castle staff turned the wedding hall into a banquet and reception hall. And after a bit, we saw off the happy couple on their new life together as they ran outside to a waiting courier airship to parts unknown. The castle shook with the sheer volume of the cheering of the crowd outside.

  Once again those of us gathered in the ballroom silenced when there were two short blasts from the royal trumpets.

  We all turned to see Everly and George standing at the bottom of the sweeping staircase up to the second level of the ballroom, and the grand balconies that circled the space. Everly stepped up two steps to see everyone and said, “There are two celebrations today, and as we saw a new couple as they were joined as a new family, I am pleased to announce an addition to our royal family as well.”

  Murmurs rippled through the crowd in speculation. My eyes widened as I surmised what this was and I wanted to jump up and down in glee.

  The royal crier stepped forward from the entrance for royals at the top of the stairs and called out in a clear and concise tone that carried well, silencing the speculation below, “Her royal highness, daughter of King George and Queen Everly of Highland, the crowned Princess, Shavon of Highland Reach.”

  The royal trumpets played a fanfare as two doormen seemed to just materialize by the doors, and they pulled them open. A young girl, possibly a year or two older than Shan, her ebony skin positively glowing just like her bashful smile as she stepped to the top of the stairs in a royal gown of silvers and golds that looked to be spun from fairy silk from folktales told by the fire. She was every inch that fairy tale princess as she seemed to glide down the stairs.

  A strangled cry broke the silence of the entranced crowd. Shanny blurted out in a sob, “Desiree?!”

  The new heir to the throne almost stumbled on the stairs as her head snapped up, eyes searching almost desperately. I tried to grab Shan as she darted past, pushing people out of her way as she dashed through the crowd. The princess blinked in incomprehension for a moment, then her dark eyes went as wide as saucers as she hiked up her skirts and practically leapt down the stairs as she blurted out, “Shanicia!”

  My youngest batted away a blade that one of the guards instinctively drew to block her path, then she spun low, leg sweeping the guard, sending him tumbling unceremoniously to his ass, and came up to grab the princess in a hug as they spun around in glee while the King and Queen looked on in shock.

  Then it hit me. She had called out Desiree... not Shavon. That was the name of her sister who we have been hunting for for many years, ever since we fostered Shan.

  We had learned that the people we had fostered our daughter from, the Weavers, weren't actually her birth parents. Her parents had died in a marauder raid when she was four, and she and her sister were taken. The marauders had sold her to the Weavers, who ran a group of thieves, and she never knew her older sister, Desiree's fate.

  We had spent hundreds of gold coins searching the entire realm of Hell's Gate for Desiree to no avail. I had always thought the worst. Marauders were barely human as they had no morality nor remorse. They were violent to a one, and some wouldn't bat an eye at abusing a child, and some of the cannibalistic groups of marauders even saw them as a delicacy.

  I thank Father Stone every day that all they had done to Shanny was to sell her for profit at an illegal slave market in the first town they passed after killing her parents. We had a slim hope that they had sold Desiree too.

  Yet... there they were. And why wouldn't my tears stop?

  We were all whisked away to some private chambers, where we learned the truth of it all. Desiree had been sold in that same slave mark
et, to a Fisher couple in Solomon who wanted someone to help out on their boat. They renamed her Shavon. And when Everly first laid eyes on the girl when they were on a diplomatic mission in Solomon, she had fallen in love with the scrappy, iron-willed girl.

  After negotiations with the Fishers, they finally closed a deal where they would be given titles and lands in Solomon if they fostered Desiree with them. Desiree arrived in Highland a month ago and has been the court secret so they could present the kingdom's heir to the court in grand fashion.

  Just seeing how Desiree... or Shavon, interacted with Everly, showed that the Queen's love was mutual. The girl adored Ev. And this was all a dream for her. First her parents were killed in front of her, then she was sold into servitude and thought that was to be her life forever, and that she would never see her little sister again.

  Then the nicest lady she had ever met befriended her. And this lady kept revisiting for months, and they did so many things together and saw so many amazing sights that she thought to never see. She had thought that that must be what having a mother who loved her would be like. And when she was asked if she would like Everly to foster her, she had broken down in tears. It wasn't until after she agreed wholeheartedly that Everly revealed to her that she was Queen of Sparo.

  We sat in the Jewel watching as Shan showed her sister all about the airship as we watched. It didn't seem to phase Shan that her sister was Crowned Princess of all the realms. And it seemed to us like the two had never been apart.

  I almost broke down myself when Shanny introduced Mist to her. “Desi, this is our sister Misty. She's got magic and can talk to animals. She's awesome, you'll love her.”

  My happiness had no bounds, and I knew that there was nothing that could ruin that moment.

  With that thought, I was falling through the world speeding east far beyond the Fringe. And I found myself standing in a world on fire as people around me with pikes roared out a challenge across the valley.


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