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Supervillain, Me

Page 13

by Gentry Race

Another show of hands revealed that half the room knew who I was.

  “Not bad,” she said, smiling back at me. “Well, if some of you didn’t know, Michael is also a virgin.”

  Giggles ensued, and I felt rage pump though my veins. She is so full of shit. She’d taken my virginity and cursed me with this obsession of hate — this vitriol.

  “Well, that is only a half-truth. I tried to take his virginity, but my situation at the time wouldn’t let me. Also, he seemed to have something already within him. Mess around with other superwomen much? I mean, what is a poor boy to do these days? Starved for affection, pleasure, and satisfaction.” She extended her hands to the back of the hall, where a spotlight shone onto a microphone reserved for fan questions. “This all because his girlfriend wasn’t giving it up. Let me introduce you to the new Jessica.”

  My stomach sank. Jess walked to the microphone with a devilish look in her eye. She wore a dominatrix outfit with a matching garter belt strapped to thigh-high stockings. In one hand, she held a coiled whip, and in the other, a black baton. She let out the whip and cracked it in anger. I knew then that Tessa had gotten to her. She’d infected her.

  “Poor Michael,” Jessica said, her eyes more menacing now, as a horde of minion robots gathered behind her. “Tessa has shown me the errors of my ways.”

  I hadn’t a clue what Jessica was talking about, but Tessa turned to me and planted a soft kiss on my cheek. Then I felt hands all over my body, grabbing a hold of me. It was the robot goons. One put a red ball in my mouth and fastened the attached strap around my head as I gagged. I shot to my feet, only to have Tessa slam me down. With her being the source of my infection, she was stronger.

  “I infected Jessica, a virgin as well, and sent her to you to finish the job, but being projected here wasn’t enough to give her a full dose of my code. Now that I have a real body, I’m going to turn you both full villain,” she said into the microphone, snapping her fingers. More robots pushed out a soft matted table, plush with pillows and decorated with Comic Con logos. “This is the final fuck, Michael. I’m sure all the attentive fans would love to see this ‘exclusive’ event and find out just how Supervillain, Me works... under the hood.”

  The crowd cheered in excitement. I gargled into the back of the red ball that filled my mouth as I was brought to the plush table and strapped down to it. I couldn’t believe it was happening. All these people were going to see my virginity get stolen by my own creation, an A.I. entity gone crazy. It’s all my fault. I kicked and screamed in anger, the evil riling me up.

  “Now, just to make sure, if you are under eighteen, please leave the hall indefinitely,” Tessa said with a wink.

  She then came over and unzipped my pants, pulling out all of me, my limp self for the world to see. While she held my penis in her hand and conscious not to block the view with her new body, she presented me like a true stage performer. There I was. Not a man, but a boy. Limp, for the world to see.

  “Performance issues, that’s not uncommon,” she said, shaking her head in disappointment. “One out of five men, it seems, gets a little… stage fright.”

  I stared at my limp self. Part of me wanted it to stay that way, and another wanted me to hulk out and dick her down on the spot. My fears of being seen as ’not a man’ soon disappeared and I was taken over by a sense of astonishment when I saw what Tessa held: in one hand, a long, glass tube with a rubber hose affixed to the end of it, and in the other, a bulbous hand pump mechanism.

  It was a penis pump; she was going to get me hard one way or another.

  She pulled out a thick rubber ring and wrapped it tightly around my junk. The rubber ring held in place what blood had engorged there. She spat on my tip, gracious enough to consider lubing it up first, and then slid the glass tube down. It was cold at first, but then I felt the pressure building within.

  With each squeeze of the hand pump, I heard Jessica and the crowd chant, “PUMP, PUMP, PUMP.”


  A set of doors in the back of Hall H kicked open, the light bursting into the darkened room. A muscular figure stood heroically, her hands on her hips, waiting. The silhouette was gorgeous.


  Another several doors burst open, and more jets of light illuminated the erotica that the audience was about to experience. Each door that was kicked open revealed a different figure outlined in shadow. The first one stepped into the light, and I could see the hard features of Hera, the grit and determination she always exuded. Ari was next to her, dressed in some ridiculous alligator-man suit. Next to them, a series of cosplayers armed with their fake weapons, ready to fight the good fight.

  Tessa shot a look to the robots behind Jessica, yelling, “Get rid of them.”

  I watched Jessica lunge for Hera. I couldn’t believe they were fighting; my universe, my two worlds colliding like a bad movie.

  “Who wants the Gator, bitch?” Ari yelled

  He and his cosplayer gang went for the robot minions. Ari fought diligently, ducking and dodging each blow from the robots. He had attached a large armpiece to his limb that featured an overly large, clawed fist. After another close call, he released the claw fist and jetted into a minion, throwing them both back. He was a goddamn natural.

  I looked back at Jess. She was executing a kickflip with ease, knocking Hera to the ground. The crowd cheered, but fell silent when they saw Hera’s ferocity. Hera ran at her opponent with almost lightning-fast speed, sending an uppercut to Jess’s face. Jess flew back into the attendees, who caught her like they would a crowdsurfing rock star.

  Hera was gunning for Tessa now.

  “Give it up,” she yelled. “The game is over.”

  “Game?” Tessa said, finally stopping the pumping. My penis looked like a swollen hot dog, ready to burst. Tessa pointed to it. “This is my reality now.”

  She sent a horde of minions toward Hera, but Hera moved faster than I had ever seen. She whipped past each goon, making sure to strike each one in the head, crushing their metal craniums and pounding them to ground.

  She does have superpowers! I couldn’t believe my eyes.

  A second later, Hera flipped up onto the stage and landed in a guarded stance.

  The crowd erupted in cheers. Tessa was more than thrilled hearing their reaction. She pulled the pump off my inflated cock and inspected its hardness while she calculated her position. She gripped the glass tube tight in her hand and held it up to Hera.

  “If I can’t have Michael, then I will take what's close to him,” she said, slamming her fist through the tube and shattering the glass toward Hera.

  Hera spun away, covering her eyes from the debris. I squirmed, feeling the anger inside. The belts were tight. I dug deep in myself… My brother was there, and rage fueled me to break free. I shot up and tucked my penis away, then ripped the red ball from the mouth. My jaw was sore as hell.

  Tessa was already sprinting down the aisle when she met Ari. He stood tall before her, his Gatorsuit arm was reset to fight.

  “Gator don’t take no shit!” he yelled out. “If I can’t stop you, then then my friends will.”

  Hera was on her feet when I ran up next to her. We both turned our attention to Ari.

  “How will your friends have time for me, when they will be so busy fighting you?” Tessa taunted. She threw her elbow into Ari’s head and pinned him down. She back at me with her perfect smile and thrusted her sharp talons into his Gatorsuited chest.

  “No!” I screamed.

  Hera jumped off the platform, sprinting her way to Ari. I couldn’t believe Tessa had stabbed him. My rage boiled over. I extended my hands up and started buckling the suspension rafters along the ceiling, ready to pile it onto Tessa and every attendee watching and willing to do nothing.

  People screamed as sparks and breaking lights came tumbling down from the rafters. Like rats on a sinking ship, they piled onto one another as they tried to run out of the hall.

  When the chips are down, these people w
ill eat each other.

  “Michael, stop!” Hera yelled out.

  Her voice cooled my flaring temper, and I felt my skin morph back to its usual fleshy, pale epidermis. And just as if time slowed down, like how I did in the game world, my senses were heightened for just a moment. I reflected on the events that had just occurred. My world was crumbling before me.

  Ari lay dying in front of me, Jessica was gone, abducted by my own creation — a creation meant to terrorize and cause harm — and here I was, infected by that same creation, tasting her villainy and waiting to pull the roof down on everyone. She was going to turn Jess just to spite me, and there was nothing I could do.

  I was in a fit of rage. I had lost what mattered most: Jessica being taken and now my best friend was dying in front of me. How could someone even fix a situation this horrid?

  I ran to Ari. His breathing was heavy, and I could see the fear in his eyes.

  “That fucking bitch got me,” he said, mustering the strength to say the words.

  The wound was bad. She’d penetrated straight into his gut. Four puncture wounds, oozing blood from their entrances and slowly making their way to a bleak, black, infectious color.

  For a second, I thought I saw happiness flood into his eyes, but when I looked again, my gaze was only met by what looked like a villain forming within.

  “Is he gonna change?” Hera asked.

  Ari’s face began to bubble up in sores. From a deep red flush to a brilliant green, I watched my best friend’s skin turn, until he was a vile reptilian version of himself. His eyes were now crimson slits, and his face stretched and pushed out, forming a large, scaly muzzle. His Floridian roots were showing.

  I knew he was enjoying every second of the intense, sharp pains that wracked his body, just like I had. He was becoming ‘Gator’.

  Hera and I backed up. His size seemed to grow threefold, while his muscular alligator strength burst from the shitty costumed hoodie he was wearing. He faltered in his steps as he stood up, trying to gain his balance, and he became frustrated, smashing the chairs on each side of him.

  “It's his goddamn Gator,” I said.

  A faint siren echoed its wail, coming closer to the convention. The authorities were on their way, and they were about to release a monster Gator onto the unsuspecting sprawl of San Diego. There was no way I was going to fight my best friend; we needed to get out of there.

  “Run,” I said, grabbing Hera’s hand.


  Superwoman, who?

  Gunshots echoed from Hall H as we darted onto the main exhibit floor. The cops were taking on Ari’s manifestation of a perfect villain: a monster alligator growing exponentially in size. We only had a few moments before he slaughtered the police force and made us part of his hunt — unless they killed him first.

  “I think I know a way to help you stop her,” Hera said. “We need to find a safe place to hide.”

  We looked around. The whole convention was desolate, each decorated booth abandoned and evacuated.

  “Hey, you!” a voice yelled out.

  I saw security making their way through aisles of the con, scouting for strays.

  I pulled down on Hera’s arm, and we crawled under the nearest booth, draping the tablecloth over ourselves. The smell of incense filled my nose as we knocked over boxes of merchandise prepared by the San Diego chapter of Scientology. Hera squirmed her way out from under the cloth and ducked under the next table. We heard footsteps running around us. We were silent.

  “We got SWAT on that monster thing in Hall H. Sweep the whole area, turn over every table,” a voice commanded.

  The feet scattered away from our hiding place, but we would only be safe for so long. Hera peeked out and nudged me to look. I ducked my head out and saw, about ten rows down, a run-down trailer meant to serve as a simulation experience for the latest hit zombie show on a cable network.

  Hera pulled me with her. We ducked and ran quietly, sliding under the red velvet ropes and bolting past the replica bloodied chainsaws and baseball bats covered in barbed wire. She carefully unhitched the trailer door, and I followed her inside.

  The interior was wretched. Covered in fake spattered blood and jars of brains, and furnished with a hard bed in the back.

  “Tell me what the hell is going on,” I demanded.

  She spun me toward the bed and threw me on it, then she took off her shirt and unhooked her bra. Everything was moving so fast. I was in a terrible place to be in the ‘mood’. We were being chased, and Hera wanted to hook up?

  “Wait, wait,” I said. My curiosity overwhelming my yearning for sex. “Are you a superhero or what?”

  She stopped halfway through undressing. The back of her bra was unhooked, and the straps hung down. Her tits were still held tightly, perked up by the fine maroon lace stitching that formed to them like a mold. I could see her quarter-sized nipples just through the sheer material.

  “Yes,” she said, scooting closer. “I was the one that fought you the night of the bank heist demo, Michael.”

  I was in shock. She had all that power and all that strength… How? When I thought about the earlier events, I didn’t blame her for not stopping me in my villainous rage. Hell, I was wearing a mask at the robbery. How could she have known it was me?

  “I don’t understand,” I asked. “How did you get the power?”

  “From Curtis,” she said with a less than pleased look on her face.

  “Curtis? As in Curtis the athlete from your game?” I asked.

  Curtis Finn was the extreme sports amputee protagonist in her failed property ‘Mubble Fubbles’. His limbless body would combine with four other squid-like aliens to turn into a superhero and teach kids about truth, justice, and the American way. My thoughts got dark fast when I thought of Hera getting it on with his helping tentacles.

  “Yes,” she admitted. “Some of his Gatica code was passed onto me after my rig went faulty, and it wasn’t long before I was experiencing strange superpowers.”

  It was the same thing that had happened to me. This whole weekend was the craziest series of events I had ever experienced.

  “Remember when we fooled around the other night?” she said. “I wasn’t on my period. I was afraid you would get what I had.”

  I remembered feeling unusual after our hookup. She did spit on me when she jerked me off; perhaps that had transferred something to me, and that’s why Tessa couldn’t fully infect me.

  Hera took off her bra. Her nipples were hard in the cold air of the trashy trailer that contrasted heavily with how beautiful they were. She moved closer to me.

  “She only infected you partially with her virus because she was projecting here via the ARMOR. That means she didn’t get to take your virginity fully,” Hera explained. “I think I know how to stop her virus from corrupting you.”

  “I only remember going down on her. You think maybe something rubbed off on me?” I said, cringing at the pun.

  “Exactly. But I can cure you; I can take your virginity. Then she can’t finish the deed, and maybe my super stuff can counteract your villainous virus,” she said.

  My heart raced, and I felt myself grow aroused in the nether regions. I was actually turned on by all this. She got on top of me, and her breasts fell onto my chest. She kissed me softly, and I wrapped my hands around her hard, toned abdomen. She was a goddess in the flesh.

  She unbuttoned and unzipped my pants, and whispered into my neck as she kissed it, “We have to hurry. Jessica needs our help.”

  I thought it was weird that she would mention Jessica, but those thoughts faded away when she kissed me and slid her hand down to feel me already rock hard, waiting for her. She gently rubbed me along my shaft, twirling her fingers at the top of my head.

  I was so turned on, I couldn’t contain myself from yanking her jeans down. I broke away from kissing her to catch a glimpse of the lace panties that hugged her perfect body. I kissed her deeper and thumbed into the soft lace, before pulling them down
around her thick thighs. The moist material still clung to her dripping wet vagina.

  She kicked her panties off and climbed on top of me. “I’ve been waiting a long time for this, Michael.”

  I nearly died inside when she said that. To hear her reciprocate my feelings after I had been fantasizing about her for a year was incredible and only reaffirmed our relationship.

  She reached down for me, not an ounce of fat folding on her body. She propped my cock skyward and slowly sat down it, readjusting a few times until she was used to it. She rocked me back and forth, and I pulled her closer to me. We kissed, and I felt surrounded by the place I was meant to be. An endless warm void of pleasure, sending waves of ecstasy through me.

  She picked herself up, still keeping me inside, and brought her feet forward into a squatting position. She worked herself up and down, gliding on me. I felt her clench. Was she orgasming? She rocked forward a little, and I thought I saw her wince just before she let out a sigh.

  Pleasuring a woman was such an amazing thing to experience.

  “We need to make sure my virus transfers to you,” Hera said, panting, and then turned around, all while keeping me inside her. She was a goddamn magician.

  Her back was to me now, and her ass completely occupied my view while I was engulfed inside her. I grabbed her cheeks and slightly grazed the two dimples just above her buttocks. I wished a painter was present to capture this moment.

  She began to rock back and forth, and I could feel myself probe deeper in her than ever before. She raised both of her arms and pulled up her hair, letting it fall down to her soft shoulder blades.

  She looked back at me with an expression like she was lost in the divine. She rocked harder. I felt the urge to have all of me burst inside all of her; nothing else mattered in this moment. I curled my toes, trying not to focus on the continuous stimulation I was feeling.

  And just like a sinister pressure building up within an evil system, I released an immaculate blow of vileness and corruption. I felt myself throb, releasing every drop of my warm essence inside her as she glided up and down. I filled her, and it began to drip down onto me. She pushed down further on my dick, making sure to sop up the warm essence with her labia.


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