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Playing Pretend Box Set

Page 46

by Natasha L. Black

  But she wasn’t going to know any of that. As far as she’d ever know, I was just someone who was giving her a hand in a rough time, and that was the end of that.

  I put the barstool back at the counter and threw away the packaging from changing the bulb, then I took the garbage out and left it by the dumpster before heading back inside. I hadn’t been going out much besides when I was with Hannah. I really didn’t feel like socializing.

  It was hard enough facing the fact that our situation was temporary. I didn’t want to make friends I wouldn’t keep when it was over, and I didn’t want to hang out at the places I normally hung out at only to have people I met there find out the truth about what I was doing.

  I wasn’t rich, it wasn’t my credit card, and I wasn’t going to spend all of my own money making a show to people right now. I had to save what I could until I was through with the job, then I’d be able to assess how much money I had when it was time for me to find my own place.

  Pouring a drink, I sat down on the couch and turned on the tv. There were so many streaming apps for me to choose from, it took me almost as long to find something to watch as it did to change the bulb and get the few things done around the house that I’d accomplished.

  But, with the whiskey warming my stomach and easing the tension in my mind, I soon settled in to something mindless and lighthearted. It would take my mind off the seriousness of my situation, and I could live with that.

  The door opened and Hannah came breezing in. The rush of fresh air that came through the door with her carried the light scent of her perfume straight to me, and my heart skipped a beat as it filled my nostrils. We’d still not talked about the fact that we’d had sex, and I was getting the strongest impression that it wasn’t going to happen.

  Enough time had passed, and we’d seen each other enough now it would be awkward to bring it up, and I didn’t want to put myself in that situation with her. She was so free, so relaxed with her dealings with me, I didn’t want her to think that I was worried about what happened – or worse, that I thought we were going to do it again. Christ, I sounded nothing like the battle-tested military man I was. Hannah had turned me into an emotional train wreck without even meaning to.

  I wasn’t hired to fuck her. I was hired to pose for her when we were in public. For all I knew, she may as well have thought that it was just something fun we did one night, and she’d moved on with her life. Maybe I needed to do the same. Hell, I didn’t want to even think about my ex-wife anymore, and I knew when I was out of here, I wasn’t going to want to think about Hannah, either. I would go back to my original plan of only looking out for me and my needs, and I would enjoy women in the moment, then get rid of them before they had the chance to sink their claws into my life – and my heart.

  “It’s bright in here,” Hannah said with a smile. “Thanks for changing that bulb that blew out.”

  “I figured it was the least I could do. You know, you give me an eight-thousand-dollar wardrobe, I change a lightbulb once in a while,” I said. She laughed and it was glorious to hear. She was clearly getting more comfortable around me, her laughs often rippling through the apartment when we talked.

  “Well I really appreciate it. It’s not that easy for me to get up there and do it myself,” she admitted. “I was trying to picture what it would be like for you to be on one of those stools trying to reach up there,” I said with a grin. “I figured I’d better do it so you didn’t fall and break your neck.”

  “Well, thanks, I do appreciate it. Drake, do you have a minute? There’s something I want to talk to you about.”

  My heart automatically skipped a beat. In a sudden, hopeful instant, I wondered if she was going to bring up what had happened and what it meant for us – perhaps even telling me that she thought it meant more than just sex. But my heart sank when she continued and it had nothing to do with that.

  “Remember that gala that I told you about?” she asked.

  “Yeah,” I said, trying to sound more enthusiastic than I felt.

  “Well, my dad is going to put it on sooner than I thought, and I really need you to go with me,” she said. “This is going to be big.”

  “What do you mean?” I asked. “How big are we talking?”

  “Well, the Senator is going to be speaking, and all the high-ranking officials in the public service departments are going to be there, too. I’m guessing that means my ex will be – there’s no way he’s going to pass up the chance to be seen at a place like that.”

  “Even though he was fired for being dirty? Let alone your parents disapproving,” I commented, and she shrugged.

  “That’s the way he is. And unfortunately, even as the disgraced officer he’s become he’s still a favorite among many who are on the force. That’s the whole reason why I didn’t go to them about how he’s been stalking me. It wouldn’t do any good,” she wrung her hands as she spoke, and the sudden urge to beat the shit out of the guy arose.

  The more she talked about the man, the more I wanted to make him disappear. It scared me to think that such thoughts would run through my mind, but at the same time, I hated the way he treated her. He was the scum of the earth as far as I was concerned, and he needed to be treated like it.

  “What do you need me to do?” I asked.

  Her face lit up. “Really?”

  I nodded, and she continued. “Not much. You’re going to have to get a tux if you don’t have one already. I don’t remember if you got one.”

  “I’ll get one,” I said. “But what do you need me to do there?”

  “Just make sure you have your story of where you came from and what you do down pat. If you’re asked questions, you’re going to have to have consistent but vague answers. Though I’m sure you’re going to be primarily ignored,” she said as she walked over to the fridge.

  I tried not to stare at her ass as she bent over, fishing out a Greek yogurt from the back. She turned around and I quickly dropped my gaze as I took another drink of my whiskey. I didn’t say anything, and she sighed.

  “Mostly, you’re just going to be a stage presence, you know? I want you to be there for show, let Brandon see that I’ve moved on, and I’m not on the market any longer. Maybe seeing you again so close will make him think twice about ever bothering to me again,” Hannah said wistfully.

  I laughed. “I’m not sure that would be the best place to throw a punch, but I can’t guarantee that I’ll be able to control myself if he gets in your face again.”

  Immediately, Hannah’s face lit up as well. She chuckled. “It was kind of amazing to watch you deck him that night. I wouldn’t mind seeing it again.”

  “I doubt your parents would see it that way,” I said. “I’m sure that’s not the kind of publicity they want to deal with.”

  Hannah shook her head. “Probably not. I swear it’s going to be fine, though. I know Brandon doesn’t have the balls to do anything that stupid at a place like that.”

  “Hopefully,” I finished my drink. “Where and when is it?”

  “Friday, down at the Warming Center. Don’t worry, we’ll be going together so you aren’t going to have to try to find it. Just make sure you look the part, okay?” she asked as she finished the rest of her yogurt.

  “Anything you need Hannah.”

  Hannah grinned and my heart melted. Good God the woman was going to be the death of me.

  “Thank you. Anyway, I’ve got to get going. This is exactly what I needed from you. This might actually work!”

  “Glad I can help,” I said. She grabbed her purse off the counter and flounced out the door, leaving me to turn my attention to the rest of my show. I got up and poured another half glass of whiskey. I didn’t want to go to this gala. In my mind, it was the best way for this entire scenario to be blown and the real truth to come out.

  But, if Hannah thought that this was the answer to her problem, I’d be there for her. After all, that was the agreement. That was what she was paying me for, and that’s wh
at I was going to do.

  Hell, I didn’t think there was anything I wouldn’t do for Hannah.



  “And how is school coming? I can’t believe this! Last thing I hear is that you go through a nasty breakup, then here you are with a ring on your finger and a degree in the near future!” Mrs. Yandy beamed.

  “Life certainly is full of surprises, isn’t it?” I said, trying to act as natural as possible. “I never thought I’d get swept off my feet like that, and school is fabulous. I’ll have my degree and be helping the kids in no time.”

  “Yes,” she let her voice drift off. Though she had more of a heart for others than my parents or Brandon ever did, there was still an arrogance to the woman that prevented her from truly meeting me at my level. I brushed it off, after all, reminding myself that it didn’t matter if I had the support of the people who tried to impress my father.

  As long as I was doing what I knew to be right, that was all that mattered. I was going to help those kids, and no one was going to discourage me.

  “Married? Are the rumors true?” Candace Wilhelm walked over, champagne in hand and her nose slightly upturned. She looked suspiciously from me to Mrs. Yandy and back again.

  “It’s true. You know, when you find the one, you just know,” I said, brushing off her comment.

  “And how do you know that this is the one?” she asked. “I thought Brandon was the one, but he’s not the one who put the ring on your finger, is he?”

  “Brandon and I didn’t work out, but I did find a man who was exactly the kind of partner I was looking for. I just knew he was right for me,” I shrugged. “What can I say?”

  “And you just ran off and got married?” Candace asked.

  “We eloped and went on a nice honeymoon over spring break,” I lied. I knew I could pull off the story with how much I’d practiced, and Candace appeared to be satisfied even if she didn’t agree with what had allegedly happened.

  “Are you happy? Really, truly happy?” she asked, still pushing for more details.

  “Deliriously so,” I said. “He’s wonderful.”

  “And what does Mr. Wonderful do for a living?” Mrs. Yandy asked, clearly feeling left out of the conversation now.

  “He’s an investor first and foremost, but his father is in the auto industry, and he works with him. He’s going to inherit the family company in a few years when his father retires, but until then he likes to spend his time with investments,” I said.

  I’d talked with Drake extensively about what he allegedly did that brought him into money, and we’d practiced our angles and answers to the questions that might be asked. After a couple hours of laughing and making fun of each other, we had the story down.

  It didn’t matter which of us were talked to, our stories would line up and we had the answers right on the tips of our tongues.

  “Where is he? I would love to meet him,” Mrs. Yandy said. “He sounds like a real catch.”

  “You might say that,” I said with a laugh. “He’s over there right now.”

  I gestured toward the other side of the room where Drake was speaking with a couple of men from the fire department. He looked to be perfectly at ease in his tux and with a glass of champagne in his hand. The men were laughing and talking, and for a brief moment, even I might have been fooled.

  I knew he could fit in anywhere he wished, but he had all the elegance of any of the politicians in the room, as well as the ease and grace of those my parents would have called well-bred. It didn’t matter that he had spent most of his adult life in the military and had come from a difficult childhood, he may as well have been born right into the world I lived in.

  “Well, he looks like he’s a little busy at the moment, but I’m going to get my chance to see him before the night is out,” Mrs. Yandy said.

  “I’d like to talk to him as well, but I’m afraid that I’m going to have to cut out early tonight,” Candace said. “I’ve got a date myself that I can’t be late for.”

  “You should have brought him here,” I said. “It would be a great way for the two of you to get to know each other while you have your other friends around.”

  She laughed. “He would never want to come to anything like this. People trying to prove to each other how wealthy and important they are. No, he’s secure enough in his own service to society and his finances he doesn’t need to make a show of it to the rest of the city.”

  “How nice!” Mrs. Yandy said. She was easily impressed by money and those who allegedly had it, but I had a feeling the entire person was fabricated out of jealously. Candace never did like it when I was succeeding in life and she wasn’t, and there was little doubt in my mind she had to make up for the fact I was married to a rich, good looking man and she was still single.

  If only for her sake she knew the truth. Tonight, I could pretend to my heart’s content that this was how my life had turned out, and no one at the dinner would know otherwise. I could be the person they wanted me to be while still holding to my own values.

  Hell, I could make any one of these bitches jealous. Little did they know that they had nothing to be jealous of. It was just me trying to get rid of my ex. This was all going to come to an end, and I would have to figure out how to tell them why it didn’t work out.

  But that was in the future. Tonight, I wasn’t going to even think about it being over. Tonight, I was going to be that girl with the husband and the happy life.

  “Well, good luck with your date. I think I’m going to refresh my champagne,” I said, taking the opportunity to get away from the two women. I quickly grew tired of the competition, as good as it felt for me to be the one on top in their eyes. Mrs. Yandy was already engaged in another conversation with one of her old friends, and Candace was clearly pissed off enough I was sure she’d be leaving soon.

  I headed over to the champagne table, glancing around the room to gauge where my parents were, where Drake was, and whether Brandon was there. I hadn’t seen him all night, and a large part of me hoped that he hadn’t come.

  It was surprising, that was for sure, but it was also a relief. If he wasn’t around, I didn’t have to worry about anything happening between him and Drake. Then again, if he wasn’t around then he wasn’t going to get to see me and my new ‘husband’, either.

  I had to admit, there was a secret part of me that almost hoped he wouldn’t. The longer it took for him to figure out I was allegedly married and back off, the longer I would be able to keep up this façade with Drake. Perhaps it would last another month, maybe even two.

  Of course, the longer it lasted the harder it was going to be for me when it finally ended, but I didn’t want to think about that right now. I just wanted to focus on the moment, and how I felt in it.

  I made eye contact with my father and quickly turned away. I didn’t want to talk to him or my mother, that was for damn sure. We had barely spoken in over a year, out communications kept to familial obligation. I was tired of the fighting with them, of never feeling as though I was good enough in their eyes.

  They weren’t close to me, and they didn’t give a damn whether I was married or not. All they cared about was whether someone was getting away with taking their money by living in that apartment with me. But, if I had a ring on my finger, I knew it was likely they would back off.

  “Well, well,” the voice reached me before I turned to see who spoke. My heart fluttered in my chest and raced, and a knot formed in my stomach. I didn’t even have to turn around to know it was Brandon at the table.

  “Look who decided to show up to Daddy’s dinner,” he said.

  “This is a family affair, Brandon, of course I’m going to be here,” I snapped.

  “Showing support for the family you hate? How noble of you,” he remarked snidely.

  “And why are you here? You got fired from the force and left disgraced. I wouldn’t think that you would want to show your face around these people,” I said. I knew, of course,
he was far too arrogant to have any shame over what he’d done, but I was going to push his buttons as much as I could.

  When I was in a safe place, I wasn’t afraid to get a rise out of him. If he were to try anything here, he would be in trouble, and he knew it. It didn’t matter what the men on the force thought of him, there would be no denying abusing me. Jail would look good on him, I thought.

  “Because I love this city, and I want to show my support for all the citizens in it,” he said. “Including you.”

  “Fuck off,” I replied. “You never supported me, which is a large part of the reason I dumped your ass.”

  “Careful,” he said. “You’re making me angry.”

  “Like I care,” I replied.

  “You will. Trust me, you will,” he said haughtily.

  “Is that a threat?” I snapped. He smirked, but before he had the chance to reply I felt an arm around my waist.

  “Is everything alright, baby?” Drake asked. I looked up at him with a smile and glistening eyes. His timing was perfect.

  “This is Brandon. My ex,” I said. “He was just leaving.”

  “That’s not what it looked like from over there,” Drake said.

  “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” Brandon snapped.

  “I recognize you from the club, asshole,” Drake said. “I don’t appreciate how you grabbed my wife.”

  “Your wife?” Brandon laughed, looking shocked. “You can’t be serious.”

  “I am and it’s none of your business,” I said. “Now get out of my face and leave me alone.”

  “Is that anyway to talk to someone you love?” he asked.

  “Loved,” I said. “Past tense. In fact, now that I know what love really is, I don’t think I really did ever love you,” I said, placing my hand on Drake’s solid chest and leaning into him with a smile.

  Brandon’s eyes turned almost black with barely masked rage.

  “Get out of here, man, before I make you,” Drake said. “That’s the only time I’m going to ask you nicely.”


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