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Rebel Bachelor

Page 2

by Kayla Hensen

  The pool lights gave the stone patio a romantic ambiance and there was a bar beneath a pergola. Duncan slid over, not because he wanted a drink but he was interested in who sat around the bar. A pretty woman. Not someone he had seen before at the parties and there was an air around her that was different. A little more serious.

  “Hi there,” Duncan said, sliding his elbows onto the bar top.

  She gazed at him with deep brown eyes, soulful and deep. Her silky black hair flat against her back and tucked behind her ears. It seemed to shine brightly under the moonlight. Her blue dress sunk low in the back and came just above her knees. Conservative and an understatement at a party thrown by the Sinclairs.

  Duncan thought maybe she’d speak to him but instead she returned to her drink and took a long sip. She stirred with her straw, clinking the ice together. Tough room. Or well, tough patio, anyway.

  “Can I get you something?”

  “Whatever she’s having.”

  The woman laughed and the bartender wink. “One virgin lemonade coming up.”

  Duncan laughed. “Sounds good to me.”

  “You must really want to get my phone number.”

  Duncan shrugged. “What can I say? I know a beautiful and intelligent woman when I see one. Duncan Williamsworth.” He offered her his hand.

  She glanced at it before shaking. “Penny Reynolds.”

  The name rung a bell, so Duncan played along and nodded his head. “Nice to meet you. Oh, I remember! You got me on the guest list. Thanks for that.” He gave her a wink.

  She sipped her lemonade with a smirk on her face. “Have you surprised Chris yet?”

  “Not yet, but I’m working on it real soon.” Duncan tipped the bartender as he was handed his lemonade. He gave it a taste. It wasn’t bad with just the right balance between sour and sweet. “I guess I better head back inside so I’m there for the big introduction. You know how the Sinclairs love to indulge.”

  “Oh, don’t I know!” Penny laughed and glanced at her phone. “Speaking of that… Mr. Sinclair? What can I do for you?” With her phone to her ear, she hurried away toward a private table. Duncan followed her with his eyes, enjoying how she moved. The way her hips slinked. Now there was a woman he could get behind.

  “Eyes back in your head, Williamsworth.”

  Duncan turned and saw Christopher Sinclair himself standing behind him. Chris glared at him with frosty eyes and his hands were shoved in his pockets. “I’m surprised you remember my name.”

  “Remember it? How could I forget someone like you? Whatever the case, keep your hands-off Penny. She’s my father’s assistant and a hard worker. She doesn’t have time for the likes of you.”

  Duncan chuckled. “Again, the Sinclairs think they are masters of the universe but I hate to tell you, Chris, you’re not. You aren’t in charge of who I am or what I do. If I want to talk to Penny, I can.”

  “How’d you even get in here?” Christopher demanded, his jaw pushed out in a scowl that seemed to change the entire look of his face.

  Duncan loved every second of it. “Wouldn’t you like to know.”

  “You snuck in, didn’t you? I’m going to get security in here and then well see how fast your head spins. I’m going to enjoy watching them drag you off.”

  “Mr. Sinclair?” Penny joined their little party with her phone still clenched in her hand. It was just a minute or two early for Duncan’s liking. “Is there a problem?”

  “This freeloader is my problem.”

  Penny’s eyes flashed to Duncan and back to Christopher. “You… you’re not old friends?”

  “Is that what he told you?” Christopher took a deep breath and settled into a wide stance. “I see what you’re doing,Williamsworth. Now, I’m going to say this only once, so listen close. You won’t be staying. You won’t be interfering with my family or with business. You’re going to need to leave before I have our security team throw you out.”

  Duncan held up his hands. “My mistake, Sinclair. I thought it would all be water under the bridge but it’s clear you’re not evolved enough for that.”

  Christopher stepped forward as if he wanted to punch him and it’d almost be perfect if Duncan had a camera crew. That kind of unhinged behavior could cause the board of directors to view him as a risk. Someone unable to control their basic urges. Shareholders hated stuff like that. Too bad but it was Duncan’s first move.

  “I’ll see him out,” Penny said. Her voice rung out clear and she stepped between Duncan and Christopher. “Don’t worry Mr. Sinclair, I’ll make sure your engagement party isn’t effected by any of this.”

  Christopher finally glanced away. “It better not, Penny, though I know you’ll do your best. And I know this scumbag tricked you into adding him to the guest list. Pretty low, even for a Williamsworth. Stay out of my way, and I’m sure we’ll get along just fine.” He turned and headed back toward the house.

  Duncan chuckled, happy to get a rise out of him. When he saw the look of abject horror and embarrassment on Penny’s face, he stopped. He hadn’t thought she’d take it so hard. “Hey, I’m sorry about that. Really. I didn’t think Chris would harbor such a deep grudge. We were just college students, you know? It was supposed to be a friendly rivalry.”

  Penny blinked her eyes quickly then her gaze narrowed to a fine point. “I think you knew he’d take it that hard. You knew and you used me to do it. Putting both my reputation and my job on the line.”

  Her job? Duncan hadn’t thought about that but he thought she was over reacting. “Now, c’mon, Penny. Maybe we can relax. Enjoy the party.”

  “My name is Ms. Reynolds and I meant what I said. I will show you out of this party. You’ll go and you won’t come back. If you think I can’t throw you out of here, then you have another thing coming.”

  Duncan sighed and stuffed his hands down into his pant pockets. Penny was being a total buzz kill. It was too bad, she was exceptionally cute. “Lead the way,” he said.

  Penny did. She hurried for the house and Duncan kept a close distance behind. Too bad, Duncan thought they could’ve had a little bit of fun.

  Chapter Four

  Penny saw Duncan Williamsworth out of the mansion and to the curb. She didn’t trust him even when he got into his limo. She stood on the curb, watching his limo drive off, wondering what the trick was. Penny felt like a fool to fall for the oldest trick in the book. Getting on the guest list with a few bold face lies. He had sounded so sincere. Well, Penny wouldn’t make that mistake again.

  “Hey, I hope you won’t hold this against me,” Duncan said.

  Penny stared him down. Hold it against him? She hoped she’d never have to see him again. “You might’ve ruined my reputation with the Sinclairs. Something I’ve worked really hard to build in a short amount of time. Excuse me, Mr. Williamsworth and have a good night.”

  Duncan looked like a wounded puppy with sad eyes for a split second. He quickly recovered and straightened up a little taller. “You too, Ms. Reynolds. No hard feelings, I hope.”

  Penny couldn’t believe his gall. She did an about face and hurried up the front steps leading back to the mansion with a shake of her head. It was hard enough walking in heels but it was even harder walking in heels and being angry at the same time.

  The butler gave her a knowing look but there was sympathy in his eyes. “How much trouble are we in?”

  Penny didn’t want to scare Walter. “It’s my fault. You did your job. You let people in based on the guest list.”

  “Yes,” Walter raised his eyebrows, “I did, but I knew of the bad blood between the Sinclairs and the Williamsworths. I should’ve asked more questions. I’ve been with the family for thirty years, Ms. Reynolds. I should’ve known better.”

  Penny doubted Logan or Christopher would want to fire Walter for her mistake. However, her job might be another story. She cursed the day Duncan had called her on the phone. How dare he lie to her. How dare he use her like that so he could what? So he could get
a kick out of upsetting Christopher during his engagement party?

  It was too bad. While Duncan’s pick up lines had been obvious, he was handsome. Penny wasn’t looking for a boyfriend, she was too busy to care about that sort of thing, but their conversation had at least been fun.

  “I’ll take care of it, Walter. Don’t worry.” Penny squeezed his arm in support and stepped inside. Inside was getting warm and smelled of honey ham and roast potatoes. The Sinclairs loved nothing more than a great big meal at their parties.

  She hurried into the main living room where most of the people were gathered and looked for Christopher so she could apologize in person. Plus, she needed to survey the damage for her mistake. She spotted him by the piano with Lana, his finance, by his side—a beautiful woman with fiery red hair. Gorgeous in every way and the way she looked at him…

  The way Christopher smiled at her melted Penny’s heart. They almost always held hands and Penny wished she had a relationship like that to go home to. She didn’t have time to meet anyone but it’d be nice. Oh well, Penny thought. Maybe one day.

  Christopher raised Lana’s hand and kissed it gently. People were always around, talking to him, and Penny wasn’t sure if she should approach. His eyes fell to her and Penny raised her hand discreetly as possible. A moment later, Christopher gave Lana a squeeze and politely excused himself. “Penny, hey. Everything all right?”

  “Mr. Sinclair,” Penny nearly tripped over her words. “About earlier and what I did, I am so sorry. I believed the lies Duncan Williamsworth told me. I should’ve been smarter about it and asked around. I promise you it won’t happen again.”

  “Oh please, don’t worry about it. I’m not upset with you or anyone other than Duncan. This is his standard operating procedure. I hadn’t known he returned to town, if I did I would’ve expected it. Most of what I said was for his benefit, not yours.”

  Relieved, Penny let out a deep breath. “If you’re sure this won’t ruin my standing with you or your father. I really love my job.”

  Christopher’s eyes widened. “Is that what you’re worried about? Penny, we love having you with us. I can promise you that you’re job is not at risk. We would never let you or anyone else go over what Duncan chooses to do.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Sinclair. Congratulations on your engagement. I’m sorry I pulled you away from Lana.”

  Warmly, Christopher grasped her hand. “Stop apologizing. Enjoy yourself tonight. Your dress is beautiful, by the way. Come talk with Lana, she was asking about you. Let’s get you some food and have a nice night. It’s a celebration and we can leave all the nastiness about Duncan behind.”

  It sounded like a great idea to Penny. She wanted nothing more than to forget everything about him and go on with the rest of her life as if she had never met him. Never heard of him. Penny wanted to leave him in the wind.


  By the time Penny returned to her condo by the ocean, it was long after midnight. Her cat, Klous, met her at the front door. Blinking his gorgeous kitty eyes, Penny scratched his head. She kicked off her heels, walked into the kitchen and filled Klous’s bowl. “Meow!” Klouse proclaimed happily and he dug into the bowl of crunchy kibble bits. The bag said made with salmon but Penny could never tell the difference between any of the cat food variety she had tried.

  With her cat fed, Penny meandered into her bedroom and changed into a comfortable pink shirt and relaxed fit pajama bottoms with an elastic waist. Just the kind she needed after eating and drinking too much at a party. She turned on her table side lamp and climbed into bed, utterly exhausted.

  Resting against her pillows she scrolled through her phone messages to see Logan’s name popping up. Really, Penny suspected he never slept. He just slept and breathed work. Penny fired him off a quick message about getting to it in the morning.

  “Tired, huh?” He replied and she assumed it was good natured. “How was the party?”

  Just great!” Penny replied back, cringing at the thought. “Lana is wonderful and your son is always a pure gentlemen.” It never hurt to butter an employer up before they learned of a big mistake.

  Logan wished her a good night and Penny counted herself lucky. She knew he had softened over the last few months and he wasn’t always so easy to work for. Penny cringed at the thought.

  Penny reached over and turned off her light. Settled deep down into her pillows, the comforter tightened around her as the weight of cat paws leaped onto the blanket. Penny almost grunted but she liked the cuddle. Klous curled himself on top of her pillow and she threw an arm around his furry body. Her hand vibrated against the tremor of his pur.

  Happy kitty, happy life, Penny thought, and quietly drifted off to sleep.


  It was before the break of dawn when her day started. Penny showered and changed into a simple pantsuit. She ate her breakfast of toast and coffee over the sink while she worked, hammering out everything Logan needed the night before. There were no new messages from him which meant he either was still asleep (she doubted it) or he was getting ready to head home to Hamilton Springs with his wife. Penny welcomed the break but she was terrified about meeting them both in person. They were legendary.

  And Penny was scared witless.

  She grabbed her laptop bag, slung it over her shoulder, and said goodbye to Klous—who at that point was settled on the sofa for a nap. Oh, to have his life! Penny didn’t know if she’d love it or if she’d die of boredom. She was halfway to her car parked by the side of the road when her phone rang.

  Here they went or so Penny thought. Instead she was surprised to see it was her mother. Penny tossed her laptop bag in the car before answering. “Mom? You okay?” It was so early. The sun wasn’t even completely up yet.

  “Well, good morning to you, sweetheart! I thought if I wanted to get you on the phone, I better do it while I lay in bed. If I wait until after my morning run, I’ll never get to hear your lovely voice.”

  Penny rolled her eyes and pulled the car away from the curb. “Hi, Mom. How are you?”

  “Surprised you answered the phone. Have you had breakfast yet? How are you feeling? I hope your allergies aren’t acting up.”

  “I’m fine. And yes, I ate. I’m on my way to work. Big day for me.”

  “Already? It’s so early, Penny. I know you say you love your job—”

  “I do.”

  “But you work too much. How can anything be worth all this work? You’re so young! Don’t you want to have fun? Maybe meet someone?”

  Penny frowned. “This is the same conversation we always have. I think you don’t even need me on the phone to have it.”

  “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. You know how I worry. You’re my only daughter, after all. I want to see you happy.”

  “I am happy. I love my career.”

  “Working for Logan Sinclair? I know his company is the biggest and the best but that doesn’t mean it’s the best for you, honey. He’s running you into the ground.”

  “He has high expectations. That doesn’t mean he’s running me into the ground.”

  “All right, all right.” Her mother sighed. “Can’t fault me for trying. You know how much I love you.”

  “I love you, too, Mom.” Penny smiled.

  “Just remember in a few nights we have that dinner at your father’s company. You’re expected to be there. And you’re expected to have a date.”

  A date? A dinner? Penny had forgotten. She outwardly groaned. “But Mom….”

  “No buts. The invitation said plus one.”

  “That’s optional, Mom. Don’t use this as an excuse to set me up with someone.”

  “Have a nice day, honey!”

  “Mom!” Penny practically shrieked into the phone but her mother had already hung up. Penny grunted and placed the phone down on the passenger seat. What was she going to do? With Logan in town she didn’t have time to appear at her father’s company dinner. How was he going to get out of this?

  Chapter Five<
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  He woke with a bad headache and a heart full of regret. Who knew he could even do such a thing? Duncan always lived large, gambled big, and did what he wanted. He threw consequences to the wind. He had enjoyed getting under Christopher’s skin but when he turned to Penny….

  He didn’t know her. She wasn’t in his circle or part of his life but the fact she feared the mighty Sinclairs might fire her punched Duncan in the gut. He had never wanted for money or employment before. It shocked him to see the worry on Penny’s face. Duncan didn’t want to be the one responsible for someone losing their job.

  If the Sinclairs dumped you, you were finished. It was a simple fact that’s how life went in Hamilton Springs. No one would touch you.

  But Duncan couldn’t plead on her behalf. It wasn’t the sort of thing he did. He laughed, he was smug, and he was happy with people thinking that’s all he was. He didn’t want people thinking he had a heart. They might stomp all over him.

  Duncan dressed in a short sleeve yellow polo shirt and relaxed trousers before he headed over to the main house for breakfast. His brothers were eating out on the balcony overlooking the family gazebo. They were sharing a pitcher of orange juice, coffee, buttered toast, and eggs. A simple breakfast by Williamsworth standards.

  Duncan joined them. His brother Jackson wore his leather jacket to the table. Meanwhile, Matthew, the saintly older brother, looked like he was ready to launch a board meeting. “Morning, Matthew. Jackson.” He unfolded his napkin as Madge, one of the waitstaff in the house, placed a hot plate in front of him.

  All of his favorites were there. Pancakes, bacon and eggs. It was different than what his brothers received so Duncan couldn’t have been happier. “Thanks, Madgy.” She grinned shyly, turning her face away as she headed back inside.

  Matthew shook his head. “Good morning, baby brother.”


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