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The Moore the Merrier

Page 6

by Alex Miska

  Xander couldn’t keep himself from chuckling into his fiancé’s mouth. Julian pulled back and scowled adorably. “There are other ways to initiate sex, Brat. Come on, it’s been a long day. Let’s both walk to the bedroom.” The legs around his waist tightened, and Julian tucked his face into the curve of his neck.

  “I have faith in your ability to get us both there safely.” When Xander didn’t move, he added, “Don’t worry, old man. You can just lie there. I’ll do all the work. Giddy-up!”

  Xander knew one day one or both of them were going to get hurt because he hadn’t properly braced himself before Julian ‘baby koala’-ed into his arms. “Maybe we shouldn’t do this at the altar. I’d hate to fall over and wind up in the ER on our wedding night.”

  “What?!” Julian slid down his body, and the friction made him groan. “But this is our thing!”

  “We can do this when I carry you over the threshold,” Xander soothed him.

  “Well, of course we’ll do it then. I don’t want you clocking me in the head again.”

  Xander felt his cheeks heat. The whole baby koala thing started a few months ago, on the night that had changed their entire dynamic. Xander had bumped into an extremely drunk Julian in a bar, and he’d driven the brat home. He kept falling asleep, so Xander had initially tried to platonically princess-carry his friend Greg’s baby brother, but had accidentally slammed the brat’s head against the entrance to the elevator. Julian had never mentioned it, so Xander had assumed he’d forgotten. “You remember that, huh?”

  “Of course I remember! Do you have any idea how big that lump was? I had to fluff up the hair on the other side of my head just to balance it out, you jerk!” Xander couldn’t hold back a chuckle at the gross exaggeration. “Suuuuure, laugh at my pain!”

  “I’m laughing at the bad hair days that resulted.” Despite his callous words, he rubbed Julian’s back soothingly. “Poor baby, it must have been horrible.”

  “Unendurable!” Julian’s fingers deftly unbuttoned Xander’s shirt and kissed his chest as he began working on his pants. “But I love you despite your obvious limitations.”

  “Thank God for that,” Xander murmured as he untucked Julian’s shirt and slid his hands underneath it. Julian pulled back.

  “No no no, you’re tired,” he teased, pushing Xander to sit on the edge of the bed while he undressed him lazily. Xander took each item of clothing from him and folded it while Julian slowly removed his own outfit. Just as he removed the last item, Julian began staring off into the corner of the room and said, “That would be a great place for a swing. Do you have a swing? Maybe we should put it on the registry.”

  Xander had completely forgotten about that wedding registry nonsense. As Julian began kissing a trail up his neck, he said, “I figured helping us set everything up would be gift enough. Or we could just ask people to donate to Safe Harbor.”

  “Good idea. But that doesn’t answer my question about the sex swing,” Julian teased. (He was teasing, right?) “Yes, Iceman. I’m teasing. Now scooch up the bed so I can do all kinds of sexy stuff to you.”

  “All kinds of sexy stuff, huh?” Xander must have been tired, because he started laughing. Hard. “You know dirty talk like that is what always gets me going. Are you going to do things to me? With your you-know-what?”

  “Oh, shut up and scooch.” Julian tried and failed to screw his face up into his ‘angry look’ (Xander had spent years working diligently to see that adorable kitten-sprayed-with-water mien as often as possible).

  “You know…” Was now the right time to bring this up? Seeing his gorgeous man naked was giving Xander a burst of newfound energy. He cupped the globes of Julian’s perfect ass and pulled his warm, lean body closer. “When you were in Seattle, you began to suggest something kinky before we were so rudely interrupted…”

  “You want to try that now?” Julian’s sudden blush extended all the way down to his chest, and there was no mistaking the erection that bloomed at the mention of this mysterious act. Now Xander was really curious. How much more wild could it be than a sex swing? “I think it’ll take more coordination and energy than you’re up for tonight. And we might need to-”

  “You know what? We’re both exhausted and sore from our 36-hour sexfest.” Xander didn’t want to push it, since Julian seemed so hesitant and Xander hadn’t been exaggerating. No matter how much lube they’d used during their ‘we’re engaged’ celebration, there was no escaping some discomfort. And, holy shit, how could today still be Sunday? If his life were a book, several chapters would have been devoted to this day alone. “Let’s leave your idea for a night when we both have a lot of energy. I just need to be close to you.”

  “That’s probably a good idea. I did say I was going to do all the work tonight.” Julian rolled his hips to remind Xander just how up for the task he was. With a firm kiss, he added, “Now scooch!”

  With one last squeeze of his Julian’s tush, he did as he was told. Xander’s cock throbbed as he watched Julian crawl toward him slowly, almost lazily, like a panther stalking its prey. Julian kissed his inner thighs, rasping against them with his five o’clock shadow, before licking up Xander’s hard shaft, swirling his tongue around the head to capture a bead of pre-cum. Xander groaned and threaded his fingers through Julian’s silky, dark hair as Julian swallowed him in one smooth motion. It was as though Xander’s entire consciousness was centered in his cock, surrounded by the delicious heat of Julian’s mouth, the suction and undulation of his tongue, the wet sound of lips sliding up and down his shaft. He didn’t even notice the sound of a cap clicking open and shut, but Julian’s finger was slick as it circled his opening.

  “Please…” he begged, but Julian lifted his mouth. Xander raised his hips, chasing those beautiful lips but they abandoned him, exposing Xander’s painfully erect cock to the cool air of the room.

  Julian’s eyes were dark with passion, but his brow knit in the beginning of a frown. “You’re a bit red. Would you like me to ride you instead?”

  “No, please,” Xander moaned. Despite the fact that he would love to take Julian any way he wanted, the day had left Xander feeling raw and desperate. “I need to feel you everywhere.”

  Before he could blink, Julian was on top of him, kissing him with aching tenderness. “Then you will,” he whispered against Xander’s lips. Julian sucked and licked and nibbled his throat as he slowly prepared him. After wiping his fingers on a tissue, Julian slicked both of their members with a generous coating of lube and guided himself to Xander’s hole. He laced their fingers together, gliding up Xander’s body to lick into his mouth as he entered with small, incremental thrusts, skimming his prostate with each motion. Tongues swirled and danced, hard nipples beaded against each other’s chests, and Xander’s cock slid against the soft, smooth skin of Julian’s stomach.

  Xander wrapped his legs around Julian’s waist and his free hand ran up and down Julian’s side, careful not to tickle him. They both groaned when Julian paused, seated fully inside him.

  “I love you so much,” Xander told him.

  A tear slid down Julian’s cheek and he said, “I love you more.”

  His lips quirked as though he was teasing but Xander could tell that, to some extent, Julian really meant it. Xander’s heart constricted. Fucking depression! He tightened his legs around Julian, flexed his inner muscles, and stroked Julian’s cheek to catch the errant tear. “I don’t think that’s humanly possible, and I’ll do my best to remind you every single day.”

  Xander opened his mouth to say more, but Julian kissed him and began to rock against him, moving in small, gentle strokes so they could stay in this embrace, chest to chest, heart to heart. Their breathing synched. Their passion climbed slowly and, despite the pressure and glide of his erection against Julian’s stomach, Xander held himself in check until Julian’s breath hitched and movements stuttered, until warmth pulsed within him. The sight of Julian, cheeks flushed and eyes fluttering shut,
tipped Xander over the ledge and he let the pleasure wash over him.

  Sometime later, they drifted back into their bodies. Julian pulled out and curled against him. Xander closed his eyes and breathed in the delicate-yet-masculine fragrance dancing over the stronger scents of their lovemaking. He still couldn’t get over the fact that this beautiful, brilliant…

  “Since I have the week off and Logan’s spending the day with the boys, I’m going to drive up to Boston and beat the crap out of their dad. Want to come with?”

  …bloodthirsty man was his. Xander chuckled and pulled Julian to lie across his chest. “I don’t think that’s the best idea.”

  “Well, I bet some of the guys from work would be up for a field trip,” Julian muttered. Xander didn’t doubt it. Everyone at Heimdall Security was a highly-capable, protective, retired super-soldier (SEALs, Delta Force, Marines).

  “They probably would be, but I think you should leave that honor to Logan and Chance,” Xander said and made a mental note to call his lawyer in the morning. He probably knew someone in the Boston area that could be on hand just in case his fiancé was picked up for assault.

  “Fine. But if they’re too nice, I’m totally going up there to kick some ass,” he replied stubbornly. Xander cuddled him close and stroked his hair. All the events of the day caught up with him at once and Xander’s chest tightened until it became hard to breathe. He had never met the families that had rejected the children staying at Safe Harbor, and that was probably a good thing. He wasn’t a violent man, but such people could drive him to it.

  Julian lifted his head enough that beautiful emerald green eyes met his and Xander’s overwhelming love for the man in his arms banished his dark thoughts. “Come on, Iceman. You can let Cassius in and try to take off his hat, while I take out my contacts and start the shower.”

  Character Guide

  Jackson and Dean looked exhausted, and Logan didn’t blame them. If it were up to him, everyone would have had nap time about halfway through the shopping gauntlet. Chance was dragging ass too, but he kept the conversation flowing. Suddenly it occurred to Logan that someone else might be worried about them.

  “Have you called Kendall and Marcus yet?”

  “Can we?” Dean asked, as though they didn’t have brand new phones and an unlimited calling plan.

  “Of course! You can call anyone you want, anytime, although I might have questions about 1-900 numbers,” Chance told his brothers. Logan wondered if Chance was going to add something else they’d discussed privately with Logan’s parents, but he shouldn’t have worried. “HOWEVER, you’re barely fourteen, so don’t expect complete privacy. We’ll probably check your texts and photos and social media, just like your new grandparents did with Julian and Logan. We want to make sure you’re safe, that’s all. I know we’re not technically your parents, but-”

  “No, that’s cool. I… I kind of like having rules,” Jackson said.

  Chance didn’t look surprised. “I did too, when I moved in with my Nana. You know, I spent years worrying that if I did something wrong, she’d stop loving me. But love isn’t conditional. No matter what, you’re my brothers, and I will always be in your corner.”

  The three brothers stood there awkwardly for a moment, so Logan rescued them by telling them this was their home, and they should feel comfortable opening cabinets, getting themselves food or Tylenol, putting things on the grocery list… “How about you bring your bags upstairs and call your friends so they know we haven’t chained you up in the basement with only rats for company.”

  “You have rats?” Dean asked, and Logan worried a bit because the boy sounded hopeful. They’d resigned themselves to the fact that Dean would probably be bringing home injured animals, but Logan hadn’t counted on rodents.

  “No. I don’t think we even have a basement.” Logan looked to Chance, who shook his head. The boys grabbed their bags and headed up to their bedrooms. Chance and Logan took the opportunity to put a grocery list on the fridge and put post-its on all the cabinets (okay, maybe Logan was going a little far, but he wanted the boys to know they could grab plates and stuff on their own). The boys popped their heads down to let them know their friends were okay and they all said a slightly awkward goodnight and went to bed.

  “Sweets, you’re incredible,” Chance said as he snuggled against Logan’s side. “I don’t know what I’d have done without you.”

  “You’d have done exactly what you’re doing. I’m just here to keep you from being outnumbered,” Logan said. It occurred to him, if he and Chance married one day, he could adopt the boys too. They could legally change their names before they turned eighteen and, heck, they could all become official Moores if they wanted to.

  Logan held his boyfriend close and whispered reassurances, concerned that Chance would be up all night worrying about rules and the upcoming visit to his father and what kind of lives the boys had lived (especially for the past few months). But before he knew it, Chance’s deep even breathing and cute little snores confirmed that he would be getting some much-needed sleep. Exhausted, Logan soon fell asleep as well.

  Four in the morning came too soon, but Logan was used to early mornings and knew he’d at least get to sleep in a bit tomorrow before they hit the road. He wandered through the hallway and was surprised to find the light on in the kitchen.

  “Good morning!” he said, possibly too cheerfully, because a box of cereal flew through the air.

  “Jesus Christ, Logan!” Chance’s brother said (Logan wasn’t sure which one and hoped he’d get a clue soon). “What are you doing up?”

  “Time to make the donuts,” Logan drawled like the man in that old commercial.

  “You make donuts? Cool!” Logan considered explaining, but he could make donuts if the boy wanted donuts. “Oh, shhh, Dean’s still asleep.”

  “No, I’m not,” an exhausted voice sounded from the living room. Aha, so this one was Jackson. Awesome.

  “Why is he sleeping in there? Is it spooky upstairs?” Logan had never slept up there, but next weekend they’d fix everything up with paint and new carpeting and more than one lamp, and the twins would feel more like it was their home too.

  “No, Dean says she’ll be fine if you carpet the stairs for traction, but Luna was crying at the bottom of the stairs, so Dean and I brought the mattress down here to sleep with her.” Although Jackson sounded exasperated, he grinned and picked up the little dog as soon as she trotted into the room. “We can bring it back up now if you want.”

  “Nah, leave it there, especially if you want to go back to sleep,” Logan said.

  “I thought we were going to Moore Delicious?” Dean asked, wandering blearily into the kitchen.

  “I figured Chance would drive you over before he went to work. I didn’t expect you to wake up at this ungodly hour.”

  “Well, we’re awake. Give us five minutes, and we’ll be ready to go,” Jackson said, bouncing on the balls of his feet.

  “I’ll give you twenty. Take showers, relax. I’ll leave a note for Chance.” The boys raced upstairs and the cats streaked after them, probably worried they were running away from something. Logan left several notes, to be sure Chance saw one of them before he started worrying about his missing brothers.

  Even with showers, the boys were ready to go in just over ten minutes. Logan was relieved to see Dean had taken a little extra time to fancy himself up; he’d be able to tell them apart. Logan baked a few extra loaves of bread and made fresh butter for Dean while teaching Jackson how to make muffins. When Amelia arrived, Dean asked to help out front and changed into a Moore Delicious t-shirt. The part-timers all came in that morning to get briefed on what would be needed while Logan was away tomorrow, and the twins immediately charmed them.

  Even when they weren’t working (or eating), Jackson and Dean were great company, chatting casually about everything under the sun. Logan offered his apartment upstairs if they wanted to take a nap, but the boys said they
were having fun. He assured them that they didn’t have to work to earn their keep, but Jackson said he enjoyed learning, and it looked like Dean had a bit of a crush on at least one of the employees, so Logan suggested that they use this as a way to earn extra pocket money. He assured the boys they would have gotten spending money anyway, but they said they felt better earning money to buy Christmas presents. Logan could respect that.

  Before Logan knew it, it was five o’clock and Chance was poking his head in the kitchen saying, “You’ve got to see this. My brother is working his mojo out here.”

  “Yeah. Dean’s been flirting with Sean all afternoon,” Jackson said, rolling his eyes. Logan wondered whether the eyeroll was in response to Dean’s flirting or Chance’s use of the phrase ‘working his mojo,’ and decided it was probably both.

  “You know you’re both too young to date, right?” Chance asked. “Other than going to homecoming with someone, no dating for another year at least.”

  “I think they should only wait as long as I did,” Logan said jokingly.

  “That’s a great idea!” Chance laughed.

  “When did you start dating? Any gender.” Jackson asked.

  “When I was twenty-six,” Logan said. “What? I’m a late bloomer and, once I met your brother, I didn’t want anyone else.”

  “We had secret crushes on each other for five years!” Chance wrapped his arms around Logan’s waist.

  “Not that secret. Everyone else knew,” Jackson snarked.

  “Awwww! You already know the storrrryyyy!” Chance whined.

  “Julian ruins all my fun,” Logan complained, wishing he could pout without looking ridiculous.

  “Actually, Xander told us the day we met him,” Dean said from just outside the doorway. Perhaps their conversation hadn’t been as sneaky as they’d thought.

  “Yeah, he was trying to keep us busy until Julian showed up, and then they bullied us into going to Safe Harbor,” Jackson groused.


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