Book Read Free

The Everything Lactose Free Cookbook

Page 4

by Jan McCracken

  2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract

  2 teaspoons honey

  6 ice cubes

  Tropical Soy Nog

  Be sure to peel your papaya before you cut it into chunks and throw it in the blender — the skin isn' edible!

  Pour soy milk into blender. Add peeled papaya, lemon zest, and vanilla. Blend on high speed until smooth and serve immediately.

  Papaya Trivia

  Papayas can grow to weigh up to 20 pounds! Now that's some fruit. It's deliciously tart, yet its sweet flavor complements many dishes. The papaya is a great addition to tossed salads, and you can use it as a base in refreshing smoothies for breakfast or an energy drink.

  Serves 1

  Calories: 177.45

  Fat: 3.82 grams

  Saturated Fat: 0.52 grams

  Carbohydrates: 29.66 grams

  Calcium: 120.22 mg

  Lactose: 0.0 grams

  ¾ cup soy milk

  1½ cups papaya, cut in chunks and frozen

  1½ teaspoons fresh lemon zest

  1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

  Fruity Yogurt Smoothie

  Why not experiment with frozen tea ice cubes? Just make your favorite flavored tea and make it into ice cubes — it will add flavor to your LI-healthy and calcium-fortified smoothie!

  Combine all ingredients in blender.

  Mix well until smooth. Serve immediately.

  Serves 2

  Calories: 231.07

  Fat: 1.79 grams

  Saturated Fat: 0.90 grams

  Carbohydrates: 49.68 grams

  Calcium: 188.37 mg

  Lactose: 0.0 grams

  1 cup orange juice

  1 cup fruit-flavored yogurt

  1 frozen banana

  4 ice cubes


  Bountiful Breakfasts

  Fresh Mushroom Scramble

  Spinach Omelet

  Veggie Omelet

  Eggs En Cocotte with Tomato Sauce

  Skillet Breakfast

  Breakfast Potatoes


  Strawberry Banana French Toast

  Buckwheat Pancakes

  German-Style Apple Pancakes

  Cocoa Pancakes

  Tart Apricot Syrup

  Blueberry Syrup

  Pineapple Syrup

  Strawberry Sauce

  Fresh Mushroom Scramble

  Simple and fresh ingredients come together to create this tasty and satisfying breakfast scramble. If you'd like it to be totally free of anything that reads “milk,” simply leave out the soy milk!The consistency of the eggs will change just a tad.

  Serves 4

  Calories: 207.84

  Fat: 12.58 grams

  Saturated Fat: 3.46 grams

  Carbohydrates: 5.31 grams

  Calcium: 71.67 mg

  Lactose: 0.13 grams

  4 egg whites

  8 whole eggs

  2 tablespoons soy milk

  Salt and pepper to taste

  2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce

  2 small cloves garlic, crushed

  2 teaspoons olive oil

  12 fresh mushrooms, washed and stemmed

  2 tablespoons chopped parsley

  Freshly ground pepper to taste

  Lightly whisk the egg whites in a large bowl. Add the whole eggs and soy milk and whisk until combined. Season lightly with salt and pepper.

  Combine the Worcestershire sauce, garlic, and olive oil. Brush the mushrooms lightly with the Worcestershire sauce mixture, then grill or broil on medium heat for 5–7 minutes or until soft. Remove and keep warm.

  Heat a nonstick frying pan and add the egg mixture, scraping the bottom gently with a flat plastic spatula to cook evenly. Cook until the egg is just set.

  To serve, divide the scrambled eggs and mushrooms among four serving plates. Sprinkle the eggs with the chopped parsley and freshly ground pepper. Serve immediately.

  Spinach Omelet

  The Parmesan cheese enhances the flavor of this omelet.

  The harmony of spinach and eggs makes this omelet not only pretty to look at but tasty and pleasing to even an LI tummy!

  Combine spinach, broth, garlic, and pepper in a small saucepan; cover and simmer 20 minutes. Stir in Parmesan cheese; cook 1 minute or until cheese is melted, stirring constantly. Set aside.

  Combine eggs and water; beat lightly. Coat a 10" omelet pan or heavy skillet with cooking spray; add 1 teaspoon margarine. Place pan over medium heat until just hot enough to sizzle a drop of water.

  Pour half of egg mixture into pan. As mixture starts to cook, gently lift edges of omelet with a spatula and tilt pan so uncooked portion flows underneath.

  As mixture begins to set, spread half the spinach mixture over half the omelet. Loosen omelet with a spatula; fold in half and slide onto a warm serving platter.

  Repeat procedure with remaining ingredients.

  Spinach Rating

  Spinach is a great source of vitamins A and C, and it has lots of minerals, iron, potassium, and beta-carotene. Spinach has a high calcium count as well; however, spinach contains substances called “oxalates” which stop calcium absorption.

  Serves 6

  Calories: 168.79

  Fat: 11.02 grams

  Saturated Fat: 3.57 grams

  Carbohydrates: 3.46 grams

  Calcium: 164.34 mg

  Lactose: 0.10 grams

  1 10-ounce package frozen chopped spinach, thawed and undrained

  3 tablespoons chicken broth

  1 clove garlic, crushed

  ⅛ to ¼ teaspoon pepper

  ¼ cup grated Parmesan cheese

  10 eggs

  2 tablespoons water

  2 teaspoons margarine, divided

  Nonstick cooking spray

  Veggie Omelet

  Colorful veggies add to the crunch and the appeal of this easy-to-prepare omelet. Keep that rainbow of veggies coming into your LI lifestyle every day. Not only is it an LI-friendly thing to do, but it will also improve your overall health.

  Serves 2

  Calories: 161.81

  Fat: 10.46 grams

  Saturated Fat: 2.85 grams

  Carbohydrates: 6.61 grams

  Calcium: 48.33 mg

  Lactose: 0.08 grams

  ½ cup thinly sliced mushrooms

  ¼ cup chopped green pepper

  ¼ cup chopped onion

  1 tablespoon diced pimiento

  3 eggs at room temperature, separated

  2 tablespoons mayonnaise

  ¼ teaspoon salt

  ⅛ teaspoon pepper Nonstick cooking spray

  Combine mushrooms, green pepper, onion, and pimiento in a 1-quart casserole; cover loosely with heavy-duty plastic wrap and microwave on high for 3 to 3½ minutes or until vegetables are tender. Drain and set aside.

  Beat egg whites until stiff peaks form. Combine egg yolks, mayonnaise, salt, and pepper; beat well. Gently fold egg whites into egg yolk mixture.

  Coat a 9″ glass pie plate or quiche pan with cooking spray. Pour egg mixture into pie plate, spreading evenly. Microwave at medium (50 percent power) for 8 to 10½ minutes or until center is almost set, giving pie plate a half-turn after 5 minutes.

  Spread vegetable mixture over half of omelet. Loosen omelet with spatula and fold in half. Gently slide the omelet onto a warm serving platter.

  Veggies and Lactose

  You will be delighted to know that all fresh veggies and fruits are totally lactose free in their natural state. Grow your own, pick your own, or buy them fresh from the market — it doesn't matter as long as you cook with the freshest fruits and vegetables possible.

  Eggs En Cocotte with Tomato Sauce

  En cocotte is French and means cooked in a casserole.

  In this case, the casseroles are tiny ramekins. Remember eggs contain that all-important vitamin D that helps you absorb calcium!

  Preheat the oven to 350°F.

  To make the sauce, heat 1 tablespoon oil in a hea
vy frying pan or iron skillet. Add the garlic and cook for 1 minute or until it starts to turn golden. Add tomatoes. Cook over medium heat until thickened, approximately 15 minutes.

  Grease four ½-cup ramekins with 1 tablespoon olive oil. Break one egg into each, trying not to break the yolk. Pour the tomato sauce evenly around the outside of each egg so the yolk is still visible. Add a little Tabasco sauce and sprinkle with chives. Season lightly with salt and freshly ground black pepper.

  Place the ramekins in a deep baking tray and pour enough boiling water into the pan to come halfway up the sides of the dishes. Let the eggs bake for 15 minutes for soft eggs and another 3 minutes if you prefer your eggs to be more set. Serve with bread and margarine.

  Cheaper by the Dozen

  With their low price and high protein, eggs are the best buy around. They come dressed in their own little cases that protect them until you're ready to use them. Best of all, eggs are lactose free and friendly!

  Serves 4

  Calories: 231.70

  Fat: 13.15 grams

  Saturated Fat: 2.86 grams

  Carbohydrates: 19.13 grams

  Calcium: 67.30 mg

  Lactose: 0.06 grams

  1 tablespoon olive oil

  1 clove garlic, crushed

  3 vine-ripened tomatoes, peeled, seeded and chopped

  ½ teaspoon olive oil

  4 eggs

  Tabasco sauce to taste

  2 tablespoons chives, snipped with scissors

  Salt and pepper to taste

  4 slices thick multigrain bread

  1 tablespoon margarine

  Skillet Breakfast

  Skillet meals are quick and easy and you have only one pan to wash.

  Potatoes are lactose free and give some heft to this dish.

  Serves 4

  Calories: 248.79

  Fat: 12.77 grams

  Saturated Fat: 2.97 grams

  Carbohydrates: 30.44 grams

  Calcium: 73.98 mg

  Lactose: 0.02 grams

  1 bell pepper, chopped

  ½ onion, chopped

  3 tablespoons olive oil

  3 medium sized white potatoes, cooked and diced

  1 fresh tomato, chopped

  1 clove garlic, chopped

  ¼ cup Cheddar cheese, grated

  Serves 2

  Calories: 173.69

  Fat: 3.87 grams

  Saturated Fat: 0.79 grams

  Carbohydrates: 31.83 grams

  Calcium: 27.67 mg

  Lactose: 0.0 grams

  1 large baking potato

  1½ tablespoons margarine

  ¼ teaspoon celery salt

  ¼ teaspoon paprika

  ⅛ teaspoon pepper

  ¼ cup finely chopped fresh parsley

  Sauté chopped pepper and onion in olive oil. Add potatoes and brown slightly.

  Add tomato and garlic, cooking until mixture is warm.

  Top with cheese. Serve with eggs of your choice.

  Breakfast Potatoes

  Potatoes are great for breakfast and these will wake up your taste buds as well as your metabolism. There's no lactose in this recipe, so your tummy will be full and happy.

  Scrub potato and pat dry. Prick several times with a fork. Place potato on paper towel in microwave oven. Microwave on high for 5–6 minutes, turning potato after 3 minutes.

  Let potato stand 5 minutes to cool before checking for doneness. Cut potato into ¾″ cubes and set aside.

  Place margarine in a 1½-quart casserole. Microwave 30 seconds or until melted.

  Stir celery salt, paprika, and pepper into margarine. Add potatoes and parsley. Toss all together.

  Cover with casserole lid. Microwave on high for 2 minutes. Stir before serving.


  No wafflin' with this recipe. The flour and cornmeal combo give the waffles a great texture, the old-fashioned rolled oats give them a bit of a crunch, and the egg whites make them almost float away. Top your waffles with 2 teaspoons of blackstrap molasses; the molasses alone meets almost 12 percent of your daily calcium needs.

  In a large bowl, combine the flour, oats, cornmeal, and baking powder.

  In another large bowl, whisk the yogurt cheese, water, margarine, and egg whites until well combined. Stir into dry ingredients and allow to stand for 15 minutes.

  Preheat a 7″ waffle iron on medium setting and pour batter to cover about two-thirds of grid. Bake until steam stops escaping. Waffles will be golden in 3 to 4 minutes.

  Serves 7

  Calories: 335.84

  Fat: 9.84 grams

  Saturated Fat: 3.05 grams

  Carbohydrates: 43.74 grams

  Calcium: 258.14 mg

  Lactose: 0.07 grams

  1 cup all-purpose flour

  1 cup old-fashioned rolled oats

  ½ cup yellow cornmeal

  5 teaspoons baking powder

  2 cups yogurt cheese

  ¾ cup water

  6 tablespoons melted margarine or oil

  3 large egg whites

  Strawberry Banana French Toast

  This is a show-stopper for a Sunday brunch and pretty enough to be a dessert!

  Cut a horizontal pocket in the bread. Combine strawberries and mashed banana. Fill pocket with strawberry-banana mixture.

  Combine eggs, soy milk, and cinnamon. Soak both sides of stuffed bread in milk mixture.

  Melt butter in a nonstick skillet over medium heat. Cook bread about 3–5 minutes on each side, making sure it is cooked through. Bread will turn golden.

  Garnish with fresh sliced strawberries if desired.

  Serves 1

  Calories: 301.00

  Fat: 8.45 grams

  Saturated Fat: 3.22 grams

  Carbohydrates: 48.37 grams

  Calcium: 89.96 mg

  Lactose: 0.03 grams

  2″ thick slice of whole grain bread

  ⅓ cup sliced strawberries

  ½ banana, mashed

  2 eggs, beaten

  ¼ cup soy milk

  ½ teaspoon cinnamon or to taste

  1 tablespoon butter Strawberries for garnish (optional)

  Buckwheat Pancakes

  This variation on an old-fashioned favorite is made with buckwheat flour and tofu. You won't be able to taste the tofu, but it adds a great texture.

  Yields 12 pancakes

  Calories: 342.64

  Fat: 10.33 grams

  Saturated Fat: 1.05 grams

  Carbohydrates: 54.70 grams

  Calcium: 80.55 mg

  Lactose: 0.0 grams

  1 cup buckwheat flour

  1 cup unbleached white flour

  2 teaspoons baking powder

  1 teaspoon baking soda

  ½ teaspoon salt

  ½ pound soft tofu

  2½ cups water

  2 tablespoons oil

  2 tablespoons honey

  In a large mixing bowl, combine buckwheat flour, white flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt.

  In a blender, combine tofu, water, oil, and honey. Blend together until mixture reaches a smooth consistency. Make a well in dry ingredients and pour in contents from blender. Stir until ingredients are just combined; there will be lumps, but don't worry about them.

  Heat griddle or large skillet over medium-high heat. Lightly oil. Pour ¼ cup batter onto griddle for each pancake.

  The tops of the pancakes will bubble and begin to look dry when it's time to flip them over. Flip and brown the other side 2 minutes or until golden.

  Serve hot with warm syrup, your favorite fruit sauce, or fruit preserves.

  Stack 'Em

  A pancake stack makes a deliciously edible centerpiece for a brunch or special breakfast. Place a large hot pancake on a warm serving dish and spread generously with your choice of filling. Repeat, using 4 or 5 pancakes. Top with fruit sauce that will run down the sides, fresh blueberries, and a large dollop of nondairy whipped topping.

  German-Style Apple Panca

  It just doesn't get any easier or more scrumptious than these fresh apple pancakes.

  Preheat oven to 450°F.

  Combine apples, sugar, cinnamon, and lemon juice in a bowl. Toss to coat the apples. Melt 2 tablespoons of margarine in a large, heavy-bottomed pan over medium-high heat. Add the apple mixture and sauté the apples for 6 minutes or until just soft.

  Place the remaining 3 tablespoons of margarine in an 8″ × 11″ × 2″ baking dish. Put baking dish in the oven until the margarine is melted. Spread apples evenly over the bottom of the dish.

  Prepare the batter by whisking together the eggs and soy milk in a bowl until well blended. Add flour and salt. Stir until just combined. The batter will be slightly lumpy. Slowly pour batter over apples.

  Bake for about 20 minutes or until the pancake is golden brown and puffed. Sprinkle with confectioners' sugar. Cut into pieces and serve immediately with warm maple syrup.


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