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Cannon (Savage Kings MC - South Carolina Book Series 5)

Page 15

by Lane Hart

  “Nope. She thinks you and I are…”

  “What?” he asks.

  “More than we are.”

  “Sorry,” he says again. “I told her there was nothing going on, and she said, and I quote, ‘I can always tell when you’re lying to me.’”

  “But it’s not a lie,” I point out, and he gives me a knowing look.

  “But it’s not exactly the entire truth and she knows it. I certainly wasn’t going to be completely honest with my mother and tell her that I had only fingered you and licked your pussy, but that we’ve never kissed or fucked.”

  “No, of course not,” I agree. “And at least your mother knows you well enough to tell when you’re not being totally honest.”

  “What do you mean?” Cannon asks.

  “My parents, they aren’t like yours. They’ve never had the time to learn anything about me.”

  “You’re serious?”

  “Yes. They’re both litigation attorneys in busy law firms.”

  “Wow. That sucks. I’m so sorry, Madison.”

  “Stop apologizing to me!” I yell at him.

  Cannon lifts both palms out in front of him and grins at me. “Okay. No more apologizing. I won’t take responsibility for anything I do ever again. That’s a promise.”

  I grab the pillow from his twin bed and smack him in the face with it.

  His face is suddenly blank and stunned as if he can’t believe I actually hit him.

  “Sorry,” I say sarcastically with a smile, and then it’s on. Cannon jerks the pillow from my hands, and I turn my face just in time so that he only hits me in the back of my head, which of course knocks some of the hair loose from my bun. “Damn you!” I exclaim as I try and protect it with my hands when he hits me again.

  “Oh, did I mess up your perfect hair? I would apologize, but I don’t really give a fuck,” he says with a bark of laughter. He nails me with the pillow on my back and then my ass. I shriek and dive for the bed to try and get away since he’s blocking the door. I try to jerk the pillow from his hands. It pulls his momentum forward as we both hold on to it above my head, and then Cannon is falling on top of me with all of his weight, crushing me into the mattress. His heavy body is uncomfortable on me for only a few seconds until he shifts some weight to his knees on either side of my legs, his palms keeping his upper body off of mine. That means it’s mostly just his hips pressing into mine through my thin cotton leggings, lining us up perfectly for one specific purpose. Cannon’s face is hovering above mine, grinning with laughter until he feels the same thing a second after me. His blue eyes darken, and then his mouth crashes down on mine. It’s a bruising kiss, frantic even as his tongue plunges past my lips. I kiss him back just as hard as I fight to free my hands from the pillow above my head to wrap them and my legs that are hanging off the bed around Cannon’s back and waist. We explore each other’s mouths until the lack of oxygen makes me dizzy.

  Cannon pulls away first, burying his face in my neck and groaning, “Fuck,” as he grinds his hard length between my legs. “I never know if you’re going to push me away or pull me closer, and it drives me fucking crazy.”

  “I never know either,” I admit breathlessly before I slip my fingers underneath the back of his hoodie, t-shirt and leather cut to get to his warm skin, raking my nails up and down along his spine. His damp lips on my neck make me squirm, just like they did the night before. There’s a throbbing pulse between my legs, demanding more, wanting more than his mouth or his tongue. I want him, all of him.

  And I’m pretty sure that if there hadn’t been a knock on the door, both of us would’ve soon been naked with him driving himself into me.

  Cannon’s mouth freezes on my neck before he lifts it and says, “Yeah?”

  The door opens without warning. I don’t see who it is because Cannon is scrambling up and off of me like we’re teenagers who just got caught by his parents, blocking the view. But it’s not his mom or dad standing in the doorway when I finally sit up and see around him. It’s Hannah with tears pouring down her cheeks.

  She doesn’t comment or look shocked about what she walked in on. It’s like it doesn’t even matter when she tells us, “The police are here. They’re arresting Conrad!”

  “Shit,” Cannon says as he hurries out the door.

  I stand up and throw my arms around Hannah to hold her as she sobs, still catching my breath from where things suddenly left off with Cannon.

  “Shh. It’s going to be okay,” I promise her as I rub my hands up and down her back even though it feels like a lie. The man she loves, the father of her unborn child, is being put in handcuffs and carted off to jail, or even worse if he’s convicted, prison.

  “It’s not fair,” Hannah says between sobs.

  “No, it’s not,” I agree. “I’ll go to the station with Cannon and see about getting him out on bail.”

  “You think they’ll let him out?” she asks, pulling away to look at me hopefully.

  “I can’t promise anything, but we’ll try. If he’s got a clean record, then there’s no reason why they shouldn’t let him out until his court date.”

  Hannah nods, and then I walk with her down to the porch where Cannon and Conrad’s dad is comforting his mom, who is crying while they watch their son get arrested.

  Cannon is down on the lawn, talking to Conrad or the police, who have him leaning against the side of the marked police cruiser, hands cuffed behind his back, as one of the officers pats him down.

  “Don’t worry. We’ll figure this out,” Cannon tells his twin. “I’ll meet you down at the station!”

  “I can’t believe that asshole would do this shit here!” Conrad yells, and the cop slams his face into the side of the car and then another one comes over to help shove him into the back. His face thankfully isn’t bleeding, but I bet he’ll have a hell of a bruise on his face.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  Madison and I aren’t able to leave my parents’ house right away. We have to spend some time convincing Hannah to wait there, since we weren’t sure how long shit would take at the police department. Madison and I got her cell number and promised to keep her and my parents up to date on any news.

  It’s a good thing Hannah stayed behind too, because Madison and I were left to sit around, waiting and pacing for hours. Goddamn Bailey! I’m so angry I can’t breathe.

  Finally, around ten that night, we’re told that my brother has been processed, but that we wouldn’t be given a chance to post bail until he sees the magistrate tomorrow morning.

  “That son of a bitch did this on a Sunday to make sure he couldn’t get out!” I yell in frustration at the officer behind the glass.

  “Cannon,” Madison says softly when she grabs my arm. “I’m sorry, but there’s nothing else we can do tonight. There’s no point in getting angry when the officers are just doing their jobs.”

  “Doing their jobs? Bull-fucking-shit! They’re still doing whatever Bailey tells them to do!”

  “Cannon!” Madison says more forcefully as she grabs my face and makes me look at her. “Calm down before you get yourself arrested. Conrad needs you out to help Hannah, remember?”

  I cover her hands with mine and take a deep breath. “Yeah, I remember.”

  “Then let’s go. Hannah’s going to try and get some sleep at your parents. She asked if we could go by the beach house and get their things for them.”

  “Okay,” I agree. It’s not much, but at least it’s something to do to keep me busy so that I don’t think about what could be happening to Conrad at the moment. Are the other guys in lockup hurting him? Are the cops? Who the fuck knows? There’s not a goddamn thing I can do about it right now!

  My hands are nearly shaking in anger as I drive us to the beach front property. At least I don’t have to worry about tracking Roman down to get a key. There’s an electronic keypad where you enter in a code to unlock the door, so we just had to ask Hannah for the most recent one.

sp; The kitchen and living room are filled with just the basic furniture the house comes equipped with. I don’t see any of their personal items, so we head to the master bedroom.

  “If you want to start packing up their clothes, I’ll get everything from the bathroom,” Madison suggests.

  “Yeah,” I agree as I toss the luggage on the bed and open it up to start throwing things inside. I start with the bottom drawer of the dresser, grabbing handfuls and tossing it all in, trying not to pay any attention to the panties or lingerie owned by my future sister-in-law. I’m making good progress when I reach the top drawer, and then I notice the black and white photos sitting on top. They’re ultrasound pictures. I didn’t even know Hannah had been back to the doctor. I pick up the top photo, which shows an image of the baby that is so clear you can see the rounded shape of the head, even its tiny nose and its hands raised to its mouth. My eyes water with emotion at the sight and it’s not even my kid. I’m just it’s uncle, but I can’t wait to meet him or her.

  Since I don’t want to cry or be sad, I let my anger rise to the surface, pissed that Bailey is so heartless that he would take away the father of his grandchild, when his daughter needs him around the most.

  Turning around, I know I need to let some of the rage out or I’m going to explode and break shit. The luggage is the lucky winner of my wrath when I sling it across the bed so hard that it hits the opposite wall with a loud thud before it falls to the floor, spilling some of the clothes from inside.

  “What’s…oh.” Madison’s standing in the bathroom door holding a hairbrush.

  “Fuck!” I shout to the ceiling before I hang my head and brace my hands on the mirror dresser as my eyes fill with so much moisture that I know it’s a losing battle. “I want to kill that bastard!” I exclaim.

  From the corner of my eye, I see Madison still standing frozen. I wish she would just go back in the bathroom and give me a few minutes to get myself together. But she doesn’t. She comes over and puts the hairbrush on the top of the dresser and then wraps her arms around my waist, pressing the side of her face to my upper back.

  Her trying to comfort me is the last thing I expected but exactly what I didn’t know I needed. The mountain of anger inside of me falls away, leaving nothing but a vast chasm of sadness that I have to figure out how to cope with. Right now, there’s not a damn thing I can do to help my brother. I’m sure he knows that. Deep down, I know that, but I fucking hate feeling so…helpless.

  I use the heel of my hand to dry my face right before Madison lifts hers and looks at me in the mirror, her arms still wrapped around the front of my body. That works as a decent distraction because it reminds me of when I watched us in the bathroom mirror at the dealership. Now our positions are just reversed. That night I was giving her what her body needed to relax and find her confidence. Now, she’s offering me what I need.

  There has been so much going on that I haven’t yet had time to think about what we were doing when Hannah came to tell us that Conrad was getting arrested. I didn’t plan on falling on top of her, kissing her, or nearly ripping her clothes off. It just happened, like I couldn’t fight it even if I wanted to.

  It feels the same now when I turn around in her arms to stare down at her actual face, not just the reflection. Her dark chocolate eyes are filled with a heated hunger as she looks up at me. It’s the opposite of how she felt about me those first few days.

  Cupping her face, I lower my lips gently down to hers and kiss her. It’s not a frantic kiss like the one at my parents’ house. This one is slower and less demanding, giving Madison the chance to walk away.

  She doesn’t. Instead, she reaches up and starts pushing my cut down my shoulders and arms so that I have to drop them from her face to take it off. Next is my shirt and hoodie that’s lifted together and gone in the blink of an eye.

  Her fingertips and nails glide lazily over my shoulder and chest, down to my stomach. I expect her to undo my pants next, but she’s just taking her time touching me, like she’s wanted to do it for a long time and plans to get her fill.

  I hope she’s ready to reciprocate. But I know without asking that she will when she pulls away from our kiss to raise her arms over her head. I yank her sweater up, and it’s barely free from her hair when I slide my palms up both of her sides and back down, loving just the feel of my skin against hers.

  As if she’s getting impatient, Madison pops the front clasp of her white satin bra, freeing her amazing tits and letting the straps fall down her arms and to the floor.

  “So fucking beautiful,” I tell her before my lips are on hers again and my hands are weighing both of her heavy breasts. My thumbs rub across her nipples, making them hard and causing her to moan into my mouth. That sound is enough to make me rock hard behind the fly of my jeans. Releasing her breasts, I reach down behind her to squeeze her juicy ass through her thin leggings and then lift her up enough to lay her down on the bed.

  “I want to see all of you,” I tell her when she props herself up on her elbows to watch while I pull her tall boots off.

  “Only if you’re next,” she says, grabbing the hair tie from her bun to pull her midnight hair free so that it falls in waves over her shoulders. The sight of her looking so gorgeous and eager for me takes my breath away. It’s several seconds later before I remember what I was doing. Getting her naked, right.

  Grabbing the waistband of her leggings, I drag them and her panties down her legs at the same time until they’re off and out of my way. I’ve seen a lot of naked women before, but I’ve never been this overwhelmed, so desperate and nervous all at the same time. But then, none of them have been this beautiful and incredibly confusing to me either.

  I pull out my wallet and grab a condom before I finally lose my shoes, socks, and jeans in a hurry to be in bed with Madison before she changes her mind about this. Maybe that’s why I tried taking things slow, like I thought she was going to tell me to stop and wanted to hear it sooner rather than later.

  “Are you sure about this?” I ask before I climb on top of her. I’m pretty sure that, as soon as I do that, it’ll be impossible to think. When she doesn’t answer, I follow her gaze to where’s it captivated by the thick length between my legs. “Madison?”

  “Yes?” she asks, finally lifting her dark eyes to mine.

  Fuck, I love that I affect her almost as much as she affects me.

  Unable to help my grin, I ask her the question again. “Are you sure you want to do this?”

  “Only if you are,” she says, making it sound like she’s wondering if I’m having second thoughts. Never.

  I climb up on the bed, crawling over her legs until I’m close enough to her face to kiss her. As I press my weight down on her body, Madison melts into the mattress and spread her legs to make room for me between them. Her soft curves feel fucking amazing against my hard muscles. And when her hands come around my back again, they hold me to her like she’s scared I’m going to up and leave. An army of men couldn’t drag me away.

  We kiss, tongues caressing, exploring while our lower bodies do the same. With a shift of my hips, I could be inside of her; but for some reason, I’m not in a hurry. I’m enjoying the taste of her gasps and moans too much. Maybe a little too much, which means I need to put the condom on sooner rather than later.

  I pull away from her mouth to sit back on my knees and roll the rubber on my thick length, watching Madison’s eyes on my hand and cock the entire time. She even bites her bottom lip like she’s in a hurry for it or thinking about putting it somewhere else.

  As soon as I’m sheathed, though, she wraps her fingers around me with one hand guiding me between her legs while her other grabs the back of my head to pull my lips down to hers again. I ease inside of her with my tongue and cock at the exact same time. She’s so tight and slick that I don’t force myself deeper; I just slowly rock my hips back and forth, back and forth, until eventually she’s surrounding me, and I can’t go any further.

  But it’s n
ot enough for me or for Madison. Both of us clutch at each other even tighter as if we can’t get close enough.

  “Cannon, please, I need you,” Madison whispers against my lips, making me realize that I had stopped moving when I was trying to bury myself as deep as possible in her. I pull my hips back and thrust forward at the same time she rolls her hips seeking me out.

  “Goddamn, Madison,” I fall forward and groan into her neck. “Do that again, baby.”

  We keep that same rhythm going, and it feels so good that it’s almost painful. I need a release, but I need us to come together even more. I refuse to go until Madison goes. To do that, I have to slow down even more. She’s close; I know she is because her pussy is throbbing around me.

  “Cannon!” Madison cries out as she digs her nails into my ass to make me drive into her deeper.

  And then it happens. She gasps suddenly underneath me and then she’s pulsing around my cock, squeezing me tight, pulling me deeper until I can’t hold on a second longer.

  I let go while she’s still moaning and trembling all over, and it’s the most amazing thing I’ve ever felt as that hot release spills from me like she’s trying to drink me down into her body and keep me there forever. A shiver from the pure ecstasy of the sensation rolls down my spine and spreads outward through every inch of my body, making me wish that it would never end.

  Once my body collapses on top of Madison’s, I don’t even have to ask because I know it was as mind-blowing for her as it was for me.

  Which only leaves me with one question I don’t yet have the strength to ask aloud – when can we do that again?


  “Wow,” I murmur as I go completely limp underneath Cannon’s heavy, gorgeous body. “Just…wow.”

  “Ditto,” his groggy voice says from where his face is resting against my neck before I feel his lips press a kiss there. It makes me squirm, which makes him groan since he’s still inside of me, not fully hard, but still hard enough that my body notices and really likes squeezing around him while he’s there. A few more squeezes and then I’m having a mini orgasm, not nearly as powerful as the first one, but still nice to have as more of those warm tingles spread through me.


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