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Fate: Limited Released Until April 30, 2020: Episode Three of Season Two Finale (Demon Gate Series Book 12)

Page 3

by Nicholas Bella

  “I used a spell to counteract the souls you two had feasted on. The spell allowed you to fight off the poison of the souls. Think of it like an antibiotic and the soul as a virus,” Vahiel said.

  “As soon as you three killed those shamans, all hell broke loose,” Andre said. “Bombings, fires, mass shootings, skyscrapers imploding, complete chaos broke out all over the world.”

  “Holy shit!” was all I could say. I didn’t even want to think about how many innocent people died in those attacks. How long had they been planning that shit?

  Raphael just looked pensive as if he wasn’t surprised by the news.

  “It’s a distraction,” Nasini said as she rose from the sofa. “While Katashniel hopes our attention is redirected at stopping the melee that’s spread over the world, it allows him time to regroup. To find another way to hide his position. We cannot allow ourselves to be swayed from the real mission at hand.”

  “But helping the people, isn’t that a priority for our king?” Andre asked.

  “It is, and there are demons who are handling that. It is important for us to show the humans that we can be trusted. We can be helpful and that we are needed on this earth,” Vahiel chimed in. “But, until we kill Katashniel, our efforts will be for naught. That is why I wanted to capture the soul of the shaman lieutenant. I have also taken a pint of his blood and slivers of his flesh.”

  “For what spell?” Nasini asked.

  “A location spell. For Gregor to have been able to hide Katashniel, he would have needed blood or flesh of his. He would have digested it as well as the other two shamans. Now that I have saved you three, I will need to go to our king. I will need his blood and flesh as he is Katashniel’s half-brother, using what I’ve gathered from the shamans to act as Katashniel’s essence and linking him to our king, there will be nowhere he can hide. It won’t matter that Mahmet is at his side.”

  “Speaking of spells, how do we protect ourselves from the spell that almost killed us? What if all of Katashniel’s army has that kill the killer spell?” I asked.

  “I honestly believe the spell was only cast on those demons more imperative to Katashniel’s success. The shamans, most likely Mahmet, and the demons part of his security regalia, and Katashniel himself. But, you’re quite right. Best not to rule it out that more demons could have that failsafe. Which is why I will have the king drink the same potion I injected you with. As well as those part of Adriel’s personal regalia, you all will be protected. And quite frankly, you and Raphael are safe because the potion is still inside your bodies and will be for at least twenty-four hours,” Vahiel said.

  “That’s good, because if Mahmet is a seer demon, he might have taken that precaution with himself,” Andre said. “I’m just glad the demons I killed in the sewer weren’t spelled like that.”

  “Which is why I don’t think many of Katashniel’s army are protected. That spell is very hard to cast, and only a demon of powerful magics can pull it off, but not without being weakened in the process,” Vahiel said.

  “May I get the anti-death potion, then?” Andre asked Vahiel.

  “Ugh, I don’t understand how you can tolerate such insubordination, such disrespect to have lesser demons not address you with your title. I would never allow it,” Nasini said as she looked at Andre, me, and Raphael with disdain.

  Vahiel chuckled as he walked over to his table and began mixing a potion. “Because I don’t care. I have no need to toss the title of ‘lord’ around. I like for demons to be comfortable around me, I find that their company is more pleasant that way.”

  “I guess that is what makes us different. I’d rather not have the company of lesser demons,” Nasini stated.

  “Well, you have two mates that give you all the company you could ever want. And, I don’t know how much of a shock this will be to you, but they are lesser demons. Only knights, not lords,” Vahiel replied.

  Nasini rolled her eyes. “You know what I meant.”

  “Yeah, and I just had to point out the hypocrisy.” Vahiel turned with a shot glass filled with the same gold liquid that was in the syringe he had injected into Raphael and probably me. He walked over to Andre. “You can just drink it and your body will absorb its essence.”

  “Thank you… my Lord,” Andre said, taking the glass from him.

  “Please, Vahiel,” the lord chuckled.

  Andre nodded, then downed the potion. He gagged a little, but managed to keep it down. “Aww, man, that was terrible tasting.”

  “Yeah, sorry, no time to add artificial flavoring,” Vahiel said, then patted him on the back.

  “Now that we have killed those shamans, Mahmet will send even more demons after you, Vahiel. Both you and the king,” Nasini said, turning the discussion back to the mission at hand.

  “That is why the king must be heavily guarded. You, Ade, and Isabella should be by his side. I will need Brian, Andre, Raphael, and Oria by my side. They will be sending their soldiers after us in order to stop whatever I may have planned,” Vahiel said.

  “Do you think he knows?” Raphael asked. “All the details?”

  Vahiel shook his head. “Mahmet isn’t a demon I’d want to doubt, but he won’t be able to see the details, just the outcome. For instance, the attack on the world was no doubt his doing. He did foresee a future in which the shamans would have lost, although he wouldn’t have known how. Just as I am sure he foresaw a future where the shamans would have won. He may see the future, but that doesn’t mean the future he sees can’t be altered. That is why he has struggled to keep Katashniel hidden. But with this spell, nothing will be able to stop us.”

  “So, get to it,” Raphael said.

  I was working hard to pay attention to everything that was being said, but I couldn’t ignore the need I had inside of me. Gnawing at my cock and asshole, the need to have sex with my mates. After everything I’d been through, I needed to regain strength. I’d felt much better after feeding, but having sex with my mates gave me another type of rejuvenation and strength. I wondered if Andre and Raphael were feeling the same way, especially Raphael since he’d been through what I’d gone through. I focused my attention back to what Vahiel was saying, because it was important.

  “This will take some time to gather everything I’ll need. In addition to the ingredients I mentioned, there is the matter of retrieving a Dogu Stone, several of them, and they aren’t easy to find. I’ll have to open a portal to Fourth Hell. Mahmet knows how powerful I am, he’s already sent demons to attack me. Now that his shamans are dead, he’ll be increasing those attacks. I will need the three of you and Oria to help protect the portal while I gather the stones,” Vahiel said.

  “I had no idea you were under attack,” I said.

  “When I was no longer by the king’s side, yes. Luckily, I had Ade as my backup. When I cast this spell, the wards protecting our king will have to be lowered. That is why it will be crucial for his strongest Agotos to be by his side, while the rest of us hunt Mahmet and Katashniel,” Vahiel said.

  “If you’re going to go into Fourth Hell, won’t you need the permission of the queen?” I asked.

  “It will help, yes,” Vahiel said. “Which is what I plan on doing.”

  “Well, I don’t know if you know this or not… you probably do—”

  “A new queen has been crowned, yes, Lord Dakkar told me. Considering the alliance Queen Dalani has professed, I should have no problem getting her blessing,” Vahiel said.

  “It would be best if you took her yourself,” Nasini said. “She has been newly crowned, that might not settle well with the demons still in Fourth Hell. Just having a trinket object representing her blessing might not be enough if there is unrest there.”

  Vahiel pursed his lips as he thought about what Nasini had said.

  “But those are Fourth Hell demons, they aren’t strong enough to harm Vahiel, right?” I asked.

  Nasini rolled her eyes. “Arrogance like that will get you killed.”

  “Nasini, ca
n you blame him for being arrogant? Agotos are revered for a reason,” Vahiel said. “Anyway, to answer your question, yes, I am very powerful and could probably take on many demons lesser than me. But this is a plane where I can be overtaken by both demons who are solid in form and non-corporeal. Nasini is right, I will be better off bringing their queen with me.”

  “What if she doesn’t want to go?” Andre asked.

  “She will not be given a choice,” Vahiel replied, and the way he responded sent chills down my spine. It was probably one of the few times I could see the threat that Vahiel was. Normally, he was the party demon, all laidback and fun-loving by demon standards. But he was in Mach-ten mode now, no games to be played.

  Honestly, a part of me was excited that it seemed like we were getting close to taking down our enemy, and it was about damned time. But the other part of me, well, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t about ready to shit my pants. There was no telling what kind of demons would be attacking us, what weapons they’ll have. I would have to put all my faith in the training Raphael had put me through. I was sure he and Andre were thinking the same thing.

  “We should go to the king now,” Nasini said.

  Vahiel nodded and grabbed a jar, a dagger, and what looked like a bottle of liquid from his table, then he said something in our ancient demonic language and I swore I saw a glowing shield flash over the table.

  “Did you just cast a spell to protect those items?” I asked, getting my curiosity out of the way.

  He nodded. “Not that I don’t trust you, I do. This will remain to protect everything from attacks when we’re gone. My home is guarded, but if Katashniel has other powerful magic workers on his side, which I’m sure he does, they may be able to break down my barriers.”

  “Why not leave it with the king, Vahiel?” Raphael asked.

  Vahiel smacked his lips in frustration, then nodded. “A wise idea, and I’m silently kicking myself for not thinking of it first.”

  Raphael chuckled. “That’s because you’re not used to needing help.”

  Vahiel winked. “True.” He lowered the ward he had placed over the potion table and gathered more items to take with him. “Nasini, Ade, Isabella, and I will go to the king. I’ll gather what I need from him and leave it there to be protected by the spell and very powerful demons. I’ll return here, and the six of us will go to the queen, gather her, and then we’ll locate a portal.”

  “Six?” Andre asked.

  “You, Raphael, Brian, Myself, Oria, and of course, we will need an Elegarate to perform the summons to open the portal. I may be extremely powerful, but every demon has their special skills,” Vahiel stated.

  “Do we really need to have Lord Oria? Why not Lord Rohan?” Raphael asked.

  Nasini snorted. “She saved your life, Raphael.”

  He looked at her, bowing his head. “She did more than that. She lifted a weight I had been carrying for centuries off my shoulders. For that, I will be eternally grateful.”

  “She’s creepy, I get it,” Vahiel said. “Honestly, nobody likes to be around her.”

  Nasini yelped. “Vahiel… rude! She is a fellow lord and might I remind you, regent?” she scolded, but there was a lack of conviction behind her words… which was rare.

  Vahiel laughed and nodded. “Yeah, I know exactly who Lord Oria is. I’ve known millennia longer than you, my dear. Facts are facts, though. And it is because she is the demon of fear that she will be beneficial to us. If… no, when we’re attacked, she can cripple a demon with fear and while they are cowering, you three may feed. Because you are vulnerable when you feed, you will need someone as powerful as Oria to watch over you.”

  “Okay, I’m sold,” I said.

  “Wise as always,” Raphael complimented Vahiel.

  Nasini flipped her braided hair over her shoulder. “Well, let’s go. The faster we can take down Katashniel, the sooner I can get back to life as usual.”

  “You three, clean up these bodies. I’ll return shortly. Oh, and while I’m gone, you should probably get in a quickie. That goes for your triumvirate, too, Nasini. You all must be buzzing with the need to fuck,” Vahiel said.

  “Well, I didn’t want to mention it, but yeah,” I said.

  “Oh, wait, before you leave, can you work your magic so Brian and I can teleport?” Raphael asked.

  “Ah, yes, of course,” Vahiel said, then he did just that. I felt the spell flow through me, tickling me with the electric charge. “There, all good.”

  “You don’t mind if we fuck in your bedroom?” Raphael asked.

  Vahiel arched an eyebrow. “That’s the only place you better not fuck. Now, get to it. It’ll make your stronger, and hurry, time is of the essence.” He turned to Nasini and cocked his head as if to say, “Let’s go,” and like it was timed, he disappeared along with Nasini, Ade, and Isabella.

  I looked at Raphael. “We’ve been commanded to fuck.” I couldn’t help but laugh at that.

  “I’m not complaining,” Raphael smirked, then he grabbed me by the back of my head and pulled me in for one of his powerful kisses. The kind that could make me forget my name. His passion matched my own and when the breathing got heavy, I knew we’d be fucking in no time. When I cleared the way to remove my clothes, Andre leaned in, kissing Raphael, and their kiss was different from the one I’d shared with Raphael. Raphael was more possessive and Andre was actually submissive and it was the sexiest shit I’d ever seen. My dick stirred to attention and I slipped my arm between them, wanting to be sandwiched between my mates like I’d been so desperate to be. I mean, fucking Dakkar had been amazing, the man knew what he was doing and that ribbed asshole and dick of his was legendary. But nothing could ever compare to my men.

  I moaned as their lips and hands caressed me in all the right places. I knew we didn’t have the time to really enjoy this moment, but I would indulge in the pleasure. They only parted from me long enough to remove their clothes and then they were back on me.

  “Ahhhh fuuuck,” I growled as their dicks entered my hungry asshole. I adjusted wonderfully once they breached my opening, and the gliding of their dicks along my anal passage had my eyes rolling in my head in pure ecstasy. We were all moving in the motion that pumped their cocks into me with a rhythm that made my body sing with pleasure. My hands gripped the cushions of the sofa and I loved looking down into Raphael’s face as I rode him. God, he was gorgeous, his eyes half-closed, but focused on me as he panted.

  Andre’s tongue was in my ear, licking, his teeth gently biting my lobe as his chest pressed against my back. He had one of my nipples between his fingers, while Raphael worked the other, both keeping me trapped in the most wonderful sensation. The way their cocks rubbed against me and each other had my eyes rolling and my toes curling.

  “Did you miss us, boy?” Andre growled in my ear.

  I nodded. “Yes… yes, sir.”

  My cock was hard and straining for release, and by how well they were working me over, I knew I was about to shoot.

  “I can’t wait to watch you cum,” Raphael said. “Cum for us, baby.”

  Ahhh shit, that was all it took. To hear those words come out of his mouth with that Italian accent, I was done. My body stiffened and I cried out as my spunk squirted Raphael all in his face, coating his lips, chin, nose, and cheek in milky whiteness. He didn’t care, because at the same time, I could feel their cocks unleashing inside of me. We rocked hard against each other, trembling and spasming as the world stood still.

  I swore, I never experienced anything so fucking intense as when they were both inside of me. My muscles turned to jelly and I collapsed on top of Raphael and Andre fell onto us both. We were just a sweaty pile of male flesh, huffing and puffing after one out-of-this-world orgasm. It took a few moments for Andre to gather enough strength to pull out of me and fall back onto the sofa. My body trembled from the sensation of his cock leaving me. I felt his absence and wanted him back inside, but I knew we had shit to do. So, this romp would have to be eno
ugh. I sat up, but didn’t rise right away. I enjoyed the feeling of Raphael’s softening cock still inside of me as I straddled him. Little indulgences.

  “Well, I feel much better,” I said. “How about you two?”

  “Always, after I shoot a load off into that tight, luscious ass of yours, boy,” Andre said, then slapped my ass cheek.

  “It was needed, Vahiel was right,” Raphael said, then he tapped my other ass cheek lightly as his way of telling me to rise up.

  I got the hint and stood up, moaning a little when his cock slid out of my well-battered hole. Raphael shivered from pleasure one last time and I chuckled. I was looking down at both of them and they were looking up at me. “So, I noticed something different between you two.” I pointed at them. They both looked at me with knowing grins. “Yeah, don’t look at me like that. That kiss you shared spoke volumes. Did you two come to some sort of understanding in my absence?”

  Andre chuckled and it was deep and as sexy as the man himself. He nodded. “We did, I’m over my issues.”

  “As am I,” Raphael parroted, then he rose from the sofa.

  “That’s it?” I asked. “No elaboration?”

  “When we’ve killed Katashniel, I’ll give you the full replay,” Raphael said.

  “Fine, no skimping on the details. I want the full show.” I reached behind myself, wiping my fingers between my cheeks and coming away with some of their cum that had slipped from my hole. What the Agoto hadn’t absorbed. I was going to need a good enema, that was for damned sure.

  “Think we have time to shower?” I asked.

  “No, we need to be ready by the time Vahiel returns,” Raphael said, then he began to dress and I followed suit, as did Andre. He left his shirt off because of the cum on his chest. He ran his have over the cum, turning it to ash, then brushed it off like dust before putting on his shirt.

  “Huh, that’s a neat trick,” I pointed out.

  “It comes in handy,” Raphael said.

  “Well, I’m not doing that to my asshole,” I said. I twisted a little because of the cum still sliding down my inner thighs. “I feel all sticky and squishy.”


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