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Fate: Limited Released Until April 30, 2020: Episode Three of Season Two Finale (Demon Gate Series Book 12)

Page 5

by Nicholas Bella

  I cleared my mind of the worry for Vahiel and focused on my task to help protect the portal. No doubt, the powerful magic Somani was using would draw the attention of other demons nearby, those who were enemies of our king would come. I could almost sense some coming closer, like an electric charge in the air. “Prepare yourselves,” I told my mates.

  “I’m ready to kick ass,” Andre said.

  “Don’t feed, we don’t know how many demons may come and you can’t leave yourself vulnerable,” I advised.

  “Sure thing,” Brian said.

  Not ten seconds had passed after I said that when a demon materialized in a puff of black smoke. Whether or not the close proximity was his attempt to catch me off guard, I’d never know. I used the dagger Vahiel had given me to stab the demon through his heart before he could have a chance to move out of my range.

  More and more demons came, materializing in a number of ways, through smoke, fire, lightning, or simply appearing. At least thirty stood before us, some with weapons, but all with murderous intent. They attacked in various forms. Some threw fire or ice balls, others threw energy blasts. One caught Brian, sending him flying in the air and slamming into a thick tree. I couldn’t go to his aide, as I was fending off three demons. They teleported around me as their way of dodging my fire. “You will not survive this attack,” I warned them as I carefully focused on their movement patterns.

  When one popped up behind me, I stabbed him without turning around. He let out a guttural scream, and that pleased me. I pulled the blade out and blasted another demon with my fire, ashing him before he could teleport again. More and more demons came and I teleported, catching some by surprise and stabbing them with speed and precision. I could see Andre and Brian fighting back to back as they fended off demons with their fire abilities and their daggers.

  Five demons materialized around me and attacked. I teleported and they followed, hot on my trail. You could smell the scent of burning flesh in the air and see the bodies of the fallen still smoldering on the ground.

  “You will fall this day,” one of the demons proclaimed… foolishly.

  “Our true king, Katashniel, will rule over this world and in hell,” another demon professed.

  I landed and stabbed the demon who was closest to me in his gut. His warm blood gushed over my hand, slicking the handle of the dagger, which was dangerous if it slipped from my grip. I switched the blade and wiped the blood on my pants before teleporting again to get some distance from the other demons close on my trail. I landed and Oria popped up next to me, placing her tiny hand on my leg.

  At least fifteen demons surrounded us, the barrage seemed endless, and I didn’t think I’d ever had to fight so many demons at one time in my life. I took a deep breath as I steeled myself to fight. I could feel my other mates getting closer, and I threw a glance over my shoulder to see that Brian and Andre were behind me with their backs to me, giving cover.

  Oria stepped up to the crowd of demons, her pretty blue eyes scanning their monstrous faces. “Tell me… where is Katashniel?”

  “Lord Oria... I have heard of you, the fear demon. Ancient demon in a child’s guise, you don’t scare us,” a demon boasted.

  Oria tilted her head. “Oh?” She smiled as sweetly as I’d ever seen her.

  “Attack!” the first demon who had opened his mouth commanded and they charged us.

  I tightened the grip around my dagger, preparing for the first demon stupid enough to try me. One of the demons teleported in front of Brian, his claws lunging forward to stab my mate. Brian dodged the blow and followed up with a counter, stabbing the demon in his abdomen with his blade. The demon howled in pain, then fell to the ground when Brian pulled his blade out.

  It all happened so fast and I was proud of Brian’s skill, both he and Andre had taken to my lessons well. Another demon charged toward me and I teleported away, giving myself some distance to look at the demons attacking Andre and Brian. Those who tried to attack Oria were laying on the ground, curled in fetal positions and screaming in terror.

  Another demon turned to me and advanced. I tightened the grip around my blade, ready to take him out, but he stopped short and staggered back. His eyes were wide with fear, his mouth agape as he fell to the ground and scurried back, hands out before him. I looked up to see all of the other demons reacting the same way, which meant Oria was attacking them in a way only a fear demon could.

  I walked over to the demon cowering before me and he screamed as I drew closer. I didn’t let that stop me. Even as he begged for his life, I plunged my dagger into his throat. His black blood squirted out, splashing my cheek and hand as well as my shirt. I watched as he gurgled and choked on his own blood before falling over dead. I looked up to see Brian and Andre finishing off the demons who were paralyzed with fear. Some were begging for mercy on their knees, but it wasn’t to my mates or myself… it was to whatever they were seeing.

  We killed off those demons, and I fed on the soul of the last one I eliminated. The orgasm that followed was exquisite and I collapsed to one knee as my body shook. Brian and Andre were at my side, Andre reaching between my legs to give my cock a good squeeze, and I quaked again as pleasure rippled through me.

  “I thought you said not to feed,” Brian remarked. “And here you are gorging yourself on demon souls.”

  “Just… just the one,” I said through pants. “I figured you two would as well.”

  “I was following your orders,” Brian said, then pinched me under my arm.

  I winced, then chuckled. “Okay, well, don’t feed until it’s safe to,” I amended.

  “Think they feared me in the end?” Lord Oria asked as she looked down at the corpse of the demon who had delivered the foolish boast that had insulted the powerful demon Lord Regent.

  “They all did, my Lord,” I said. With the aid of my mates, I stood to my feet and shook off the last of my orgasm.

  “More will come,” Oria stated.

  “We’ll be ready, my Lord,” I said. I had no idea how many demons would come or how long Vahiel would be in Fourth Hell, but I hoped they wouldn’t be too much longer. Somani was still chanting to keep the portal open so Vahiel and Dalani could jump through it whenever they were ready.

  Fifteen minutes passed before another attack came. This time, twenty-three demons materialized all around us. I charged the nearest one and he teleported then reappeared behind me. I ducked whatever attack he had planned, then stabbed him in the leg. He would die from the wound thanks to my spelled weapon, but it would take time. Time he could use to continue to fight. He growled in pain from my attack and I turned and tackled him to the ground. I pinned one of his arms to the ground, but he clawed at my face, shredding my flesh, which sent blinding pain across the surface.

  I ignored the pain and wasn’t worried about his attack, as he wouldn’t be able to penetrate my Agoto’s armor with his claws alone. I pulled my dagger from his leg and plunged it into his chest before he could claw me again. He howled in agony, but it was enough to kill him, so I rose to take on the other demons. Out the corner of my eye, I could see Oria watching us with a smile on her face.

  “Will you help, my Lord?” I asked as I engaged in hand-to-hand with another demon who also had a weapon, one that could kill me if he got a lucky blow in. I could sense the power emanating from his weapon as I was sure he could sense the power coming off mine.

  “I’m entertained right now. I want to see what you three are made of,” Oria said, then giggled.

  Fuck… if we survived this, I was taking my mates on a much-deserved vacation. I used my fire powers and burned three demons who rushed at me. Out the corner of my eye, I saw Brian torch a demon who was trying to restrain his arms while another clawed at his chest. He kicked the demon in front of him, then set him ablaze. Andre was more of a brawler, I noticed, not wanting to take the quick kill by burning. He was stabbing, gouging, and slicing left and right. There was a fire in his eyes that proved meeting Brian and becoming an Agoto
had been the best thing to ever happen to him.

  He was covered in their blood, strips of black and red demon goo all over him, and he couldn’t have been more thrilled. The smile on his face as he plunged his blade through the open mouth of a demon… well… I loved that he loved being a demon. If a show was what Lord Oria wanted out of us, she was getting it, but now it was time for the finale.

  I took account of how many demons were left, twelve. We could take them all right then. “Feed!” I yelled, then I opened up my Agoto and no demon could get away from this attack. The souls of eight demons flowed into me at the same time. My body electrified with the energy and pleasure as I devoured their souls. My back stiffened as an orgasm ripped through me, sending me collapsing to the ground in a quivering heap of flesh. I quaked in uncontrolled ecstasy, my pants flooded in cum, so much of it running down my thighs. It was intense and I enjoyed every second of it. My muscles felt like wet noodles and I lay on my side, panting and waiting for the moment to pass. The grass was slick with demon blood as I writhed in it, and I couldn’t have cared less at that moment. Brian and Andre were in the same shape that I was in, but better yet, every demon who’d come to attack us lay dead at our feet.

  I heard a clapping in the background, then saw the lovely Mary Janes of Lord Oria as she approached me. “My, my, my, that was amazing,” she giggled. “I had heard the stories, so many stories, and it left me curious as to what an Agoto was capable of. I missed the night Katashniel’s army ascended to this world. Missed the power of the Agotos. I see now why our king holds your kind in such high regards. I am impressed.”

  I finally had the strength to get to my knees. I was face to face with the terrifying Lord. I bowed. “I’m happy you enjoyed the show, my Lord.”

  She giggled. “Oh, so much carnage,” she said, then turned to wave her hand at the bodies and their parts littering the area. “They were no match for the three of you.”

  I would have preferred she’d crippled them with her power of fear, but no, they weren’t a match for my mates and me. “High praise, my Lord.”

  “I especially enjoyed watching that one,” she said, pointing to Andre, who was now rising to his feet along with Brian. “The lust for killing was ever so apparent in his eyes.”

  Andre laughed. “I do enjoy killing things that need killing, my Lord.” He wiped some blood from his brow, then flicked it off his hand.

  Brian just looked at Andre with an arched eyebrow, then he shook his head and laughed. I knew Brian enjoyed taking out demons too, but nowhere near the level that Andre did. The three of us really were meant for each other, as there was no judgement among us.

  There was a loud sound like thunder cracking, drawing all of our attention to the tree. The slit in the tree glowed brighter red as Vahiel and Queen Dalani emerged. Finally! Vahiel was carrying a black velvet pouch that I assumed held the Dogu Stones he had gone there to gather. Somani’s body gave out and he began to collapse to the ground, but Vahiel caught him.

  “I’ve got you, old friend,” he said, then he looked around at all the dead demons and laughed. “Looks like you all had fun.”

  “It… it was something,” Somani said with labored breath as he leaned on Vahiel. Even though he wasn’t in the fight, he was still splattered with the blood of our enemies. That showed how close some came to attacking him.

  “Oh, it was marvelous!” Lord Oria chimed in. “So much slaughter. Ooooh, so much pain and fear.”

  Vahiel cocked an eyebrow. “I take it you got a pretty good high, Oria?”

  She nodded vigorously. “Mmmm hmmm.”

  I hadn’t taken into account that she would be feeding off the fear of the demons. Another reason why she wanted to sit it out. “Can we go?” I asked, wanting to get cleaned up since I was a mess.

  Vahiel nodded. “I’ll be going to the king to work my spell. You three get yourselves cleaned up and join me there. You have half an hour.” His electric blue gaze settled on Andre and he cocked his head. “Is that my shirt you’re wearing?”

  Andre glanced down and shrugged. “I borrowed it. You’re just now noticing?”

  “Wasn’t a priority, I guess. Ugh, you can keep it,” Vahiel said, noting what a bloody mess Andre’s clothes were.

  We had a half hour before regrouping, certainly no time for another fuck session. I wondered what else would be in store for us. Well, I guessed we’d find out in thirty minutes. I looked at Brian and Andre. “Let’s go,” I said. They walked over to me, each taking my hand so I could teleport us home. I couldn’t remember the last time I didn’t have to worry about killing a demon. When my days were filled with business meetings, maybe one of my mates coming to me or me going to them for an afternoon delight, and then my evenings finishing off with a great meal and in the arms of my mates. Carefree… that was what I was missing. My carefree life.

  Hmmm, maybe my life stopped being carefree the moment Brian had pulled me over. It wasn’t until he came into my life that the king followed and my duties as a knight were put to the test. Still, I wouldn’t turn back the hands of time for anything. Having Brian and Andre in my life had given my existence more meaning than I’d had in centuries. Yeah… if we survived this, a vacation was in order.



  Raphael teleported us right into our bedroom, a place I loved to be inside, especially when the three of us were in the bed doing what we did best. For now, sex would have to wait. We needed to shower and get dressed.

  “You look worse than all of us,” Brian said, gesturing to me.

  I looked down and snorted. It was true, I was covered in demon blood and guts. Fuck those demons. They were the reason why the world had been fucked up for all these months. I wanted to kill every last one of those motherfuckers. Because of Katashniel’s uprising, I had been exposed at my job. I lost friends, family, and acquaintances. I had to tolerate the nasty rumors and whispers behind my back from people who didn’t trust demons and were afraid of them, and who could blame them? If I wasn’t one myself, I would be talking shit about demons too. Mainly, because I wouldn’t have understood how a demon could be good. We had a lot of educating to do, that was for sure.

  “I’m going to wear my jogging suit, one that I won’t care too much if I get bloody again,” I said.

  Raphael laughed. “I’m sure you will. I bet your cock was hard the entire time we fought those demons.”

  “It was. No shame in my game,” I said.

  “What I want to know is what the hell Oria showed them to make those demons cower in fear like that?” Brian asked.

  Raphael rubbed his eyebrow. “Their worst fear, whatever it was. I got a small glimpse of what mine was when I teleported with her.”

  “Really?” Brian said, beating me to it.

  Raphael nodded.

  “What was it, if you don’t mind me asking?” I asked.

  “I can speak more freely about it now, since I know the truth. My greatest fear was that my son’s soul was roasting in the fires of hell, tortured because of what I’d done to him,” Raphael said.

  “Oh my god.” Brian stepped closer to Raphael, hugging him, and he hugged him back. “I’m so sorry.”

  They pulled away and Raphael kissed Brian’s forehead. “It’s okay. For centuries, that was the fear I carried with me. My guilt. But Oria revealed to me that what I saw was only my fear, not the truth. Fact is, my son’s soul was sent to heaven immediately. King Adriel doesn’t keep innocent souls, even though he would be more powerful if he did. It’s one of the reasons why the demons have parted from him and joined Katashniel. They see his mercy as a weakness, not worthy of his Kingship.”

  “Those demons have it wrong. It’s harder to be merciful when you’re the king of the most evil section of hell. I have nothing but respect for Adriel,” Brian said.

  “Wow. That is the best kind of news. Holy shit.” I had to take a step back, because although I was happy for Raphael, to know that the guilt he’d been carrying for
over three centuries could be alleviated was a blessing. I was sure he still felt guilty that his son had died by his hands, but he could be at peace knowing his son was in heaven. For me, it was my assistant. The young lady I had killed because I’d been too foolish, scared, and stupid to listen to Brian and Raphael when I’d first become an Agoto. To know her innocent soul was in heaven took a load off my conscience.

  “Wait a minute, that means… the people I killed who were innocent, like the lady from the nursing home…” Brian began, looking at Raphael with eyes begging for confirmation.

  Raphael nodded. “Their souls are in heaven, baby.”

  “Praise King Adriel. The man is amazing. It’s like he has so many layers,” Brian said with a wide grin. “He is this serious as fuck demon king who I would never ever fuck with. But, then he has this soft side, maybe that’s the humanity in him. Whatever the case, I’m grateful.”

  “As am I,” Raphael said. “Now, we really need to wash up and get dressed.”

  “If we all get into the shower at the same time… can we keep our hands off of each other?” Brian asked.

  “No,” I said. I already knew I’d want to fuck Brian if we were that close together and naked.

  “You better go first, then. Andre and I can shower together, but if you’re in the shower with us… with that body… it’s irresistible,” Raphael said, and I agreed.

  The moment Brian’s ass comes into my view, all glistening with suds, my dick has got to be inside of it. “Don’t take too long,” I added.

  Brian laughed as he made his way into the bathroom. “You two are pathetic.”

  “Yeah, whatever, just hurry up,” I retorted.

  I turned to see Raphael stripping out of his clothes. He placed them in the hamper, then sat down in the chair, legs spread wide, cock and balls resting nicely between muscular thighs. There was a light dusting of blond hair on his legs, which I found to be incredibly sexy.


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