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Code Wolf: A Macconwood Pack Novel (The Macconwood Pack Series Book 3)

Page 14

by C. D. Gorri

  Tulla didn’t have the chance to really think about that before. All her attention was on her son, as it should be. But he was fast asleep now and no worse for wear. She walked back to find Tate standing at the back door. He seemed to be listening. He opened the door wide and in walked the four-legged version of Randall.

  “They’re here. They are safe.” Tate’s first words seemed to be to reassure the beast before them. He was panting heavily, his caramel eyes glowed as he gazed past Tate to where Tulla stood. She came forward slowly, but the Wolf backed up a step.

  “Careful, he’s Changing back now. It is painful and he feels vulnerable. I’m going to go outside, but I wouldn’t touch him until he is himself again.” Tate raised a hand and without looking at Randall he went to stand on the back deck.

  It took ten full minutes for the cracking and popping sounds of Randall’s flesh and bones as they stretched from Wolf to man to subside. When it was all finished, he lay there on the hardwood floor unmoving. The sound of his breathing told her he was still alive though what she had just witnessed seemed excruciatingly painful.

  His naked body was covered in sweat, his eyes were closed, there was a gash on his left shoulder that was leaking blood. Tulla did not think, she acted. She removed some hydrogen-peroxide and gauze from under the sink and went to his side.

  “Randall? I’m gonna clean this out, okay,” her whispered words seemed to reach him because he turned to give her easier access to the wound. Once cleaned and wrapped she sat back on her legs.

  He held himself still under her careful ministrations. She moved to brush back a strand of hair that clung to his cheek with trembling fingers. Warm brown eyes opened and met hers, the color changed to gold for a second and Tulla gave him a shaky smile. She hadn’t had the time to worry about him, not since she was looking after Danny, but now that he was here she couldn’t hold it in any longer.

  “Randall? You came back,” she held her hand to her mouth to hold in her sobs just as he sat up and reached for her murmuring words of comfort in her ears.

  “Oh baby, God, Tulla, my Tulla. Of course, I came back, I’ll always come for you,” he rained kisses on her face and down her neck as she clung to his neck crying harder now that she had him to lean on.

  “It’s alright, everything is alright.”

  She allowed him to comfort her, she even loved the way his body responded to her. His hardness pressed against her belly as he cradled her on the kitchen floor. But his words sank in and she was angry again.

  “It’s alright? You lied to me!”

  “I never lied-”

  “You never told me you’re a Werewolf!”

  Randall stilled as she stood up out of his embrace. He dropped his gaze and she felt more than saw his shame and guilt. She felt bad for causing it after all he’d done for her, but if they were going to have a future they needed to clear this up.


  “You’re right. I lied by omission. I didn’t tell you what I am because I didn’t think-”

  “What? You didn’t tell me before because you thought I wouldn’t believe you? Thought I wouldn’t accept you?”

  “That was part of it, but mostly I didn’t tell you because I had no right to you or to Danny. And I, I wanted the both of you more than anything I’ve ever wanted in my whole damn miserable life. I fell in love with you, Tulla. I didn’t plan it, but I did. I’m sorry.”

  He stopped talking almost as quickly as he started. Tulla’s ears were ringing. Did he just say he loved her? And did he just apologize for it? That was it.

  “You are a Werewolf, correct?”

  “Yes,” Randall’s head flew to the side as Tulla slapped him squarely on the jaw with every bit of muscle she possessed. Her hand stung afterwards.

  Randall’s shocked brown eyes met hers, but before he could speak she pointed directly in his face. Her best angry mommy pose.

  “That’s for lying to me and for not believing in me.”

  “I guess I deserve that-”

  “Shut up! It is not your turn to talk. Now where was I? Oh right, now this, this is for saving my son,” she kissed him on the lips. A soft and sweet gesture, but she pulled back before he could wrap himself around her, before his tongue could enter her mouth.

  “Tulla,” his eyes were glowing again and she felt the pain and longing well up inside him.

  “Just a minute, now that was for Danny, but this, this is because I love you too.”

  Tulla stepped back and pulled the cotton nightshirt she was wearing right off her head. Her breasts were bare underneath, her nipples pebbled in the air-conditioned room. She watched with heavy lidded eyes, her heart pounding in her chest.

  His reaction was instantaneous, Randall’s eyes lightened to that molten caramel color she loved, and his lack of clothing did nothing to hide the fact that he was aroused just by the sight of her. Tulla bit her lip.


  When Randall walked back into The Sea Mist he had little concept of where he was or how much time had passed. The Wolf in him demanded he get away from the scent of blood and death that permeated the air by the cave on the beach. He needed to distance himself from the other Wolves there who were too close to what he’d marked his.

  His Wolf recognized Tate’s promise, a sort of Pack bond magic that allowed him to trust in his Packmate, to see the truth in his words. Otherwise he might have done more damage than he cared to. His Wolf trusted Tate to care for his mate and son. Randall’s mind was working overtime just to comprehend the events as they happened, he was in no position to rationalize the Wolf’s need to leave.

  He’d never felt so out of control as Wolf or man as he had on that rocky shore. Truth be told, he didn’t care to feel that way again. His brain couldn’t imagine what Tulla must think of him now. Had he lost her already? Lost his only chance at love?

  That fear brought him to her back door before he knew where he was. It was time to face the music and Randall had never looked forward to anything less. There was simply no way Tulla could ever love a beast like him. And without her or Danny in his life, well, Randall didn’t even want to think about it. Suicide was hard for Werewolves. Living with a broken heart was even harder.

  He wasn’t surprised that his Packmate was still there to let him in. Tate, always true to his word, had stayed to watch Tulla and Daniel. He opened the door for Randall before the Wolf even made it to the top of the deck. Randall padded into the kitchen. The room looked slightly askew from his Werewolf eyes, but he recognized it.

  The coconut, sea-salt scent that was Tulla permeated the air. He breathed it in deep, allowing it to invade all his senses. The image it evoked of his heart’s own true mate was there in his mind’s eye until, suddenly, she stood before him. She looked beautiful in her long t-shirt with her whiskey colored hair loose around her shoulders in soft waves. Her gray eyes were slightly red from the tears she undoubtedly shed that night for her son.

  Randall wanted to comfort her, to shield her from everything she’d witnessed the past few hours, but he couldn’t undo the past. All he could do was try to mend the damage he’d done. There were things he needed to say, but he couldn’t do that in his present shape. He closed his Wolf eyes and concentrated, it wasn’t long before he felt that familiar hum of magic surround him.

  He was still shocked at the way he was able to call the Change to him. Indeed, his Wolf was with him in a way he’d never experienced before. Stronger, unified, full of purpose. He finally believed that soon, there would be a day when Werewolves the world over would no longer suffer from the curse that kept them separate from their Wolves except for the full moon. Today was the first time he’d felt real hope for their species. The entire day had been a series of firsts. Not all of them good.

  He hadn’t meant for her to see him go through the lengthy process of Changing, but he had little choice in the matter. He knew it wasn’t pretty. It was downright disturbing, maybe even disgusting. But he couldn’t wait to face her any
longer. Whatever blows she dealt, he knew he deserved them. He’d take them all, everything she had. The pain, the hurt, the disbelief, the anger, and then he’d beg if he had to.

  The slap was surprisingly hard. She walked over to him and landed a blow right across his cheek. He felt the sting all the way through his body, sensitized as it was after Changing so recently. But he didn’t object. He deserved her anger.

  It was the kiss that shocked him. Tulla’s declaration of love after everything had left him speechless. When she pressed her sweet body against him wearing nothing, but his favorite pair of purple panties with a certain kitty on the front, he damn near lost his mind. Any semblance of self-control flew right out of the proverbial window.

  “Oh, thank God,” he answered and took her mouth with his own. His moan of pleasure reverberated in his chest and only grew louder as their tongues tangled and she ground her hips against his. Damn, she tasted so good. Like salted caramel and pina coladas on the beach.

  “Say it again,” he growled against her neck.

  “I love you, Randall, I love you,” she smiled against his mouth and he sucked on her lower lip loving every single inch of her.

  “I never thought I’d hear you say that.”

  “I still haven’t heard you say it,” she bit her lip as his hands came up to capture each side of her beautiful face. Her silver eyes sparkled with desire and Randall worked to keep still. She deserved nothing, but the truth from him.

  “Tulla, I have loved you since the day my eyes landed on you at that pier, hell, maybe even before that. I love you, do you hear me?”

  “Yes, yes, I hear you,” she laughed and moved to kiss him, but he held her still.

  “I love you, woman! So fucking much!”

  “Show me,” she arched into him and Randall thought he’d explode right then. This was his woman, his to love and cherish and protect. He kissed her face then her neck and shoulder. He used his tongue next, tracing a path along the curve of her jaw to the base of her neck where it met her collar bone. He tasted the sweet salty scent of her, delighted in in the feel of it on the tip of his tongue.

  He needed more. He dipped his head and cupped her breast with one hand, raising the dusky pink nipple to his mouth. Tulla’s groan was his reward. He suckled her in his warm mouth and felt her knees buckle. His hold on her was strong and he swept her into his arms his mouth still busy at her full breast.

  His used his large, long-fingered hands to hold her naked body against his. The curve of her ass fit perfectly in his left hand, while his right hand ran along her spine and neck and chest. He couldn’t get enough of her, but the kitchen was too small for what he had in mind.

  “Hold on,” he growled, satisfied when she held onto his neck. She dipped her head and stroked his ear with her tongue and Randall bumped the two of them into counter. Tulla laughed and tugged on his hair, kissing him within an inch of his life. He damn near swooned. Her tongue was wicked when she used it like that!

  “Darling, I could hold you here all day with you kissing me like that if you want, but I got bigger plans.”

  “You do?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Then what are you standing here for?” Her sultry gaze ignited a fire in Randall’s belly. There was nothing in the world he could compare to the feeling of this woman in his arms.

  There simply wasn’t a big enough word for the emotions sweeping through him body and soul. He felt as if he were caught in tide he never wanted to get out from. If this was love, then Randall wanted it, he needed it, all of it. She was everything. Mine.

  The sound of someone knocking on the door reached his ears a little too late. When the doorknob began to turn, he twisted his body, shielding Tulla from whoever it was that had a fucking death wish. Randall growled out loud, a snarling sort of noise that caused Tulla to gasp.

  “Don’t open that fucking door,” his deep voice was answered with a chuckle, but the doorknob abruptly stopped moving. Shit, he forgot about Tate.

  “You guys are good? Alright, man, I’m out,” Tate was gone before Randall could say thank you, but he’d make sure the guy knew he appreciated everything he’d done for him. Pack was Pack. He’d do the same for Rafe and Charley, Tate and Cat, and any one of the Wolf Guard. They were brothers, well, brothers and just recently, a sister. A family. Families cared for and protected each other.

  He had a family of his own now too. The thought made his chest swell with pride and happiness. A true happiness he never thought he’d feel. He ground Tulla against his arousal and kissed her long and hard. She let out a slow, deep moan that he found insanely tempting. Oh yeah, he was going to make her moan like that for hours yet.

  He used his memory of the house to carry Tulla across the way to his room. The door swung open and he carried her across the floor to the bed. He landed on top of her in a tangle of arms and legs and lips and tongues. He needed to feel, needed to taste every single inch of her luscious body, but that would have to wait.

  “I need you, right now, I need you inside of me,” Tulla’s whispered plea made Randall momentarily forget the feast he was going to make of her. Well, not forget, he’d just put it on hold.

  “I love you,” he said as he settled between her legs. The swollen tip of is cock sat right at her warm opening. She was ready for him, hot and slick with her arousal. He leaned down and kissed her full on the lips, his eyes boring into hers.

  Randall pushed her thighs wider apart. He thrust into her warmth until he was buried inside of her. Tulla moaned and arched into him, gripping his waist and then his thighs with her hands, pulling him closer to her. He kissed her mouth and eased almost all the way out of her before pushing himself in again. In and out, in and out, slowly and deeply each time. A rhythm old as time, but completely new for them both. Every time like the first.

  He’d never had this kind of connection with any of the women he bedded. They were nothing, just bodies to ease an ache. His Tulla, she was everything. Her body fit him like a glove. As he pushed inside of her he held her gaze steady, what he saw reflected in the silver pools of her eyes was nothing less than love.

  It was more arousing than anything he’d ever felt. His thrusts became harder and faster. He’d marked her already, but that was mostly his Wolf. This time it was the man who needed to make her his, this time he’d ask her first.


  “Oh, Randall, you feel so good,” her pants were coming faster and faster. He sensed her near completion and wanted to beat his chest with pride that he could make her orgasm so readily.

  “Tulla, I want to mark you, now. Please, I know I did it before, but this time I want to ask you first, before I do it, I want to make you mine, forever.”

  “I am yours, Randall, sure as I was destined to be the day I was born. I love you. Yes, you can mark me,” she turned her head to the side and bared her throat for him.

  Randall wanted to howl out loud. She was so brave, so open and true. He felt her muscles contracting around him as he moved inside of her. Their bodies were slick with sweat, but he’d never felt so damn good in his life. Anticipation made his hands shake as he reached forward and swept her hair back across the pillow.

  Tulla moaned and arched her body, her full ripe breasts pressed against his chest making him ache with need. He could hardly contain himself. Tension rose with each and every stroke of his body. He was going to come inside of her, soon, it was all he wanted to do, but first.

  Randall kissed the spot where he already marked her. Small indents form his teeth were still there. He licked it once, twice, then he bit down. He knew when the feeling hit her as she raked her nails down his back and groaned against him. Her body shuddered, skyrocketing him into similar spasms that rocked them both into one long, shared, sweet as sin orgasm.

  White hot lots exploded behind his eyes as he poured himself into her. Her cries told him she was experiencing the same, and his male pride made him want to howl with joy at giving his mate the most intense or
gasm of her life, but he was too caught up himself.

  It was never ending, like being caught in a hurricane of feeling. Pleasure, sharp and poignant, only to be overcome by emotions so intense Randall thought he’d weep. Joy, love, a sense of home, of belonging, and intense pride filled him. Mine.


  The trip to New Jersey was long. They decided to drive along with a caravan of her belongings from The Sea Mist. Randall insisted she keep the property, even though she offered to sell. She was glad. It made her feel good to have something of her own. For now, she hired a local couple to run the place for her. Mr. and Mrs. Atkins readily agreed to manage The Sea Mist in her absence. They said they needed a a new project.

  It was a little scary leaving the life she’d built for herself and Daniel to move across the country with a man she barely knew, but what else could she do. She belonged to this man and he belonged to her. Werewolf or grizzly bear, Tulla was in love with him.

  He laughed when she told him that, he also told her there were people, Werebears, who would think it quite funny too. There was so much she needed to learn! One thing was certain, Randall Graves was the best thing that ever happened to her.

  The fact that her son had readily accepted the news that she and Randall were getting married told her she’d made the right decision. Her little blonde whirlwind looked at her with his guileless blue eyes as if she were crazy when she asked him if he would be okay with her marrying him.

  “Mama! That’s why he came here! Right, Randall? Would it be okay if I called you, Dad?”

  Tulla’s eyes teared up when she thought of how that big man of hers fell to one knee in front of Danny and opened his arms out to his son who readily jumped into them.


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