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Lost Colossus - Joseph A McCullough

Page 4

by Frostgrave


  These small, clear crystals contain a single drop of water. When smashed on the ground, however, they create a deep pool. A figure carrying the crystals may spend an action to discard a crystal, and create a 2” body of deep water anywhere within 6”. The pool must be on the ground. If a figure is standing where the pool is created, the player controlling that figure may immediately move it to any safe point on the perimeter of the pool. If this treasure is rolled, the player finds 3 crystals. These can be divided amongst the warband in the normal way. A figure may carry up to 3 Crystals of Water in one item slot (a figure carrying 1 or 2 crystals also uses one item slot).


  This ancient tome contains many lost secrets of Warden magic. When found, it may be given to a Warden, who immediately gains 50 experience points. The book is consumed in this process. A book of magic may never be bought.


  This item looks like a small piece of wood, about the size of a playing card. A figure carrying this item can spend an action and discard it to create a 2” wide by 6” long wooden bridge. One end of the bridge must be touching the figure that used the item, and both ends must be anchored to the ground or a piece of terrain. It may not be placed on top of any figures. This bridge is a permanent terrain feature.


  This appears to be a small sack full of gold nuggets, worth 500gc. Closer examination, however, reveals it to be nothing more than worthless rock. Whenever a crew returns to the mainland they may attempt to spend the Fool’s Gold. This must be the first activity attempted on the mainland. The Fool’s Gold can only be used on one purchase and is consumed in the process. Any purchase above 500gc can be made with the player supplementing the Fool’s Gold with real gold. Roll a die when making the purchase. On a 1–2, their scheme has been discovered. The transaction is not made, but the Fool’s Gold and any supplemental real gold is lost, and the crew must immediately leave the mainland and return to the Archipelago. On any other result, the deceit isn’t discovered until the crew is safely back at sea.


  A figure wearing this gauntlet does +1 damage when making a shooting attack with throwing knives.


  This large ring contains a fire opal whose colours swirl in a strange, mystical pattern. If a Heritor utilizes either the Daze or Burning Eyes ability while wearing this ring, the Target Number for the target’s Will Roll to resist is increased to 17 (instead of the normal 16).


  The Herb Pouch takes up one item slot, but may hold two herbs, essentially allowing a figure to exchange one item slot for two herbs. It may not hold potions.


  Roll on the Map Stone Table (Rulebook, page 81).


  This magic silver bowl, covered in delicate etchings, is really only of use to snake-man priests who practise blood magic. It can be sold to collectors, or it can be destroyed. If it is destroyed, the Heritor immediately gains 30 experience points. The bowl gives +1 to all Casting Rolls for spells which require the caster to have killed a sentient creature.


  This is a magic hand weapon with +1 Fight, Armour Piercing, and Executioner. Whenever a figure wielding this weapon wins a hand-to-hand combat, regardless of whether or not they do damage, it immediately suffers 1 point of damage. The Night Spear can be sold for 600gc, but can never be purchased.


  This magic ring gives the wearer +2 to any Fight Stat Rolls (i.e. rolls against Target Numbers, it does not help in combat).


  Whenever a figure carrying rope is standing at the top of a vertical structure, such as building or cliff-face, it may spend an action to set a rope. Place a marker next to the figure, and a corresponding one on the ground at the base of the structure, to mark the placement of the rope (or use a piece of string). Any figure may now use this rope to climb the structure without suffering any movement penalties. Any figure at the top of the rope may spend an action to cut it. If this is done, remove the rope markers, and any figures on the rope must make a Move Roll with a Target Number of 20. If a figure fails, it falls and takes damage as normal. If it succeeds, it grabs hold of the structure and remains in its current position. A figure carrying rope may only set one rope per game, but always starts the next game with a new rope.


  Any figure that has suffered a Lost Fingers or Crushed Arm permanent injury may choose to replace their hand with the Silver Hook. This is the only way the Silver Hook can be used. The Silver Hook does not take up an item slot. A figure with the Silver Hook always counts as armed with a magic dagger; however, the figure may never be armed with a two-handed weapon, a shield, a bow, or crossbow. The Silver Hook is Indestructible. If a figure ever heals the Permanent Injury that allowed him to use the Silver Hook, then the Silver Hook is immediately discarded.


  If a figure wearing this brooch is the target of a spell, it may discard this brooch and cancel the effects of that spell. This must be done after the Warden has made a casting Roll but before any Will Rolls are made.


  This magic two-handed weapon can also be used as an oar for a small boat. If a figure equipped with this oar is in a small boat, that boat receives +1” of movement (up to a maximum of 7”)


  When carried by a Warden, this wand supplies two points of magic power, each of which can be used once per game to increase either a Warden’s Casting Roll or their Will Roll to resist a spell by 1 per point used. These points can be used individually on different rolls, or used together on a single roll.


  The Lost Colossus Weapons and Armour Table is designed to replace the Weapons and Armour Table found in the rulebook, and players should use it whenever they are called upon to roll on that table. This new table greatly enhances the variety of different weapons and armour that can be found, but players should choose whether or not to use it at the start of their campaign. If using it, a player should roll once on the Lost Colossus Weapons and Armour Table, and then again on the specified sub-table to determine the type and properties of the weapon found.

  Lost Colossus Weapons and Armour Table

  Die Roll Weapon/Armour Sub-Table

  1–2 Throwing Knife Roll on Throwing Knife Properties Table

  3 Dagger Roll on Melee Weapon Properties Table

  4–9 Hand Weapon Roll on Melee Weapon Properties Table

  10–12 Two-Handed Weapon Roll on Melee Weapon Properties Table

  13 Staff Roll on Melee Weapon Properties Table

  14–15 Missile Weapon Roll on Missile Weapon Properties Table

  16–18 Armour Roll on Armour Properties Table

  19–20 Shield Roll on Shield Properties Table

  Throwing Knife Properties Table

  Die Roll Properties Selling Price

  1–4 Superior Weapon, +1 Damage 80gc

  5–7 Superior Weapon, +1 Shoot 120gc

  8–9 Magic Weapon, +1 Damage 150gc

  10–11 Magic Weapon, +1 Shoot 200gc

  12 Magic Weapon, +2 Damage 200gc

  13 Magic Weapon, Extremely Light 150gc

  14 Magic Weapon, True Flight 150gc

  15 Magic Weapon, Counts as Dagger in hand-to-hand combat 150gc

  16 Magic Weapon, Venom 150gc

  17 Magic Weapon, Boomerang 150gc

  18 Magic Weapon, +1 Shoot, Increased Range 150gc

  19 Magic Weapon, +1 Shoot, Indestructible 150gc

  20 Magic Weapon, Armour Piercing 150gc

  Melee Weapon Properties Table

  Die Roll Properties Selling Price

  1–2 Superior Weapon, +1 Damage 100gc

  3–4 Superior Weapon, +1 Fight 150gc

  5–6 Magic Weapon, +1 Fight 200gc

  7 Magic Weapon, +2 Damage 200gc
/>   8 Magic Weapon, +1 Fight, Indestructible 350gc

  9 Magic Weapon, +1 Fight, Sunfire 350gc

  10 Magic Weapon, +2 Damage, Executioner 350gc

  11 Magic Weapon, +1 Fight, Giant Slayer 350gc

  12 Magic Weapon, +1 Damage, Vampiric 300gc

  13 Magic Weapon, +1 Damage, Battering 300gc

  14 Magic Weapon, +1 Fight, Venom 350gc

  15 Magic Weapon, Elemental Blast 250gc

  16 Magic Weapon, Extremely Light 250gc

  17 Magic Weapon, Healing 250gc

  18 Magic Weapon, Luck 250gc

  19 Magic Weapon, Magic Power (1) 250gc

  20 Magic Weapon, Flashing Blade 250gc

  Missile Weapon Properties Table

  Die Roll Properties Selling Price

  1 Superior Bow, +1 Damage 200gc

  2 Superior Crossbow, +1 Damage 200gc

  3 Superior Bow, +1 Damage 200gc

  4 Superior Crossbow, +1 Damage 200gc

  5 Magic Bow, +1 Shoot 300gc

  6 Magic Crossbow, +1 Shoot 300gc

  7 Superior Ammunition, +2 Damage 100gc

  8 Magic Ammunition, Extremely Light 100gc

  9 Magic Ammunition, Armour Piercing 100gc

  10 Magic Ammunition, Elemental Blast 100gc

  11 Magic Ammunition, +1 Damage, Increased Range 100gc

  12 Magic Bow, Indestructible 200gc

  13 Magic Crossbow, Indestructible 200gc

  14 Magic Ammunition, Undead Slaying 200gc

  15 Magic Ammunition, Demon Slaying 200gc

  16 Magic Ammunition, True Flight 100gc

  17 Magic Ammunition, Luck 100gc

  18 Magic Ammunition, Aquatic Slaying 200gc

  19 Magic Ammunition, Force 100gc

  20 Magic Ammunition, Webcaster 100gc

  If ammunition is rolled, the player may choose whether they have found an arrow (for a bow) or a bolt (for a crossbow). Once this decision is made, it cannot be changed. Either way, the player finds one arrow/bolt of that type. This ammunition takes up an item slot as normal; however, a figure with a quiver may hold one piece of magic ammunition ‘for free’ in the quiver. All ammunition are one-use items. Once a player has fired the arrow/bolt, it is lost. If a player uses magic ammunition with a magic bow or crossbow, the player must decide whether to use the bonus from the ammunition or from the bow or crossbow, not both.

  Armour Properties Table

  Die Roll Properties Selling Price

  1 Magic Light Armour, +1 Armour 500gc

  2 Magic Light Armour, +1 Will 300gc

  3 Magic Light Armour, +4 on Swimming Rolls 200gc

  4 Magic Light Armour, +2 on Fight Stat Rolls 300gc

  5 Magic Light Armour, Slow Fall 500gc

  6 Magic Light Armour, Spell Resistance 400gc

  7 Magic Light Armour, Brightness 400gc

  8 Magic Light Armour, +2 on Move Stat Rolls 300gc

  9 Magic Light Armour, +1 Move (May not take a figure above Move 7) 500gc

  10 Magic Light Armour, Water Walk 300gc

  11 Magic Light Armour, Climbing 300gc

  12 Magic Light Armour, Healing 300gc

  13 Magic Heavy Armour, Slow Fall 500gc

  14 Magic Heavy Armour, +1 Will 300gc

  15 Magic Heavy Armour, +4 on Swimming Rolls 400gc

  16 Magic Heavy Armour, +2 on Fight Stat Rolls 400gc

  17 Magic Heavy Armour, Spell Resistance 500gc

  18 Magic Heavy Armour, Brightness 500gc

  19 Magic Heavy Armour, Elemental Absorption 500gc

  20 Magic Heavy Armour, Deflection 500gc

  Shield Properties Table

  Die Roll Properties Selling Price

  1–2 Magic Shield, +1 Armour 350gc

  3–4 Magic Shield, +2 on Swimming Rolls 200gc

  5–6 Magic Shield, +1 Will 200gc

  7–8 Magic Shield, Brightness 250gc

  9–10 Magic Shield, Spell Resistance 250gc

  11–12 Magic Shield, Elemental Absorption 250gc

  13–14 Magic Shield, Spike 250gc

  15–16 Magic Shield, Battering 250gc

  17–18 Magic Shield, Healing 250gc

  19–20 Magic Shield, Deflection 250gc



  If this weapon does 1 or more points of damage to an aquatic creature, that creature is immediately reduced to 0 Health.


  A figure that is hit by this weapon receives -4 Armour, to a minimum of 10, for the purposes of determining damage for that attack only.


  A figure armed with this weapon or shield who wins a fight may choose to push its opponent back 2” instead of the normal 1”. A figure may only use one Battering item at a time.


  If this throwing knife misses its target completely (i.e. the defender’s total Fight score is higher than the attacker’s Shoot score) then the weapon returns to the owner’s hand and may be used again with a later action.


  When equipped with an item with Brightness, the figures receives a bonus to its Fight score when it is the target of a shooting attack. This bonus is +1 Fight in the case of light or heavy armour and +2 Fight in the case of shields. Only one item with Brightness can be used at one time.


  Once per game, a figure equipped with an item with Climbing can use it as a free action during their activation. For the rest of the turn, the figure suffers no movement penalties for climbing.


  Whenever a figure equipped with an item with Deflection has a Critical Hit scored against it, it may roll a die. On a result of 10+ the Critical Hit does only normal damage and is not doubled. A figure may only use one item with Deflection at a time.


  If this weapon does 1 or more points of damage to a demon, that demon is immediately reduced to 0 Health.


  Whenever a figure equipped with an item with Elemental Absorption takes damage from elemental magic, the amount of damage is reduced by 2. A figure may only use one item with Elemental Absorption at a time.


  Once per game, when a figure wielding this weapon hits its opponent, it may declare that it is using the Elemental Blast. The attack does 4 extra points of elemental magic damage.


  Whenever a figure fighting with this weapon rolls a natural 20 for a close combat attack during its own activation, it immediately receives an additional action, to a maximum of 3 actions in the activation.


  This weapon does not take up an item slot.


  When fighting in hand-to-hand combat, the opponent of the figure wielding this weapon suffers -1 Fight.


  If this ammunition hits its target, regardless of whether or not it does damage, that target is immediately moved 10” directly away from the shooter. The target will stop if it encounters any terrain more than ½” tall, but moves through any other figures.


  This weapon does +2 damage when fighting large creatures.


  The maximum range for this item is 4” more than is standard. For example, a throwing knife with Increased Range has a maximum range of 12”.


  This weapon can never be damaged or destroyed, and is thus immune to spells such as Warp Weapon.


  Once per game, a figure equipped with an item with Healing can spend an action and regain 2 lost Health. This will not cancel the effects of poison.


  If a figure rolls a natural 1 for a close combat or shooting attack using this weapon, it may re-roll the die.


  Any figure may use this weapon. In the hands of a Warden, however, it also supplies one point of magic power which can be used once per game to increase either a Warden’s Casting Roll or th
eir Will Roll to resist a spell by 1.


  A figure wearing magic armour with Slow Fall never takes any damage for falling, regardless of the distance.


  A figure equipped with an item with Spell Resistance receives +2 on all Will Rolls to resist spells. A figure can only receive the bonus from one item with Spell Resistance at a time.


  A magic shield with Spike can be used as a dagger in hand-to-hand combat. A figure never counts as unarmed while equipped with this item. Attacks made with a shield with spike are considered magic attacks.


  This weapon does +4 damage against undead.


  When using this weapon, the shooter ignores all penalties for cover or intervening terrain.


  If this weapon does 1 or more points of damage to an undead creature, that creature is immediately reduced to 0 Health.


  Whenever a figure with this weapon causes at least 1 point of damage in hand-to-hand combat, the figure regains 1 lost point of Health. This may not take the figure above its starting Health. Only 1 point of Health is regained regardless of the amount of damage caused. The figure does not regain any Health if the figure damaged is undead.


  Any attacks made with this weapon count as poisonous.


  Once per game, a figure equipped with an item with Water Walk can use it as a free action during their activation. For the rest of the turn, the figure counts as amphibious.


  If this ammunition hits its target, regardless of whether or not it does damage, it wraps the target in a strong, sticky web. Whenever the target activates, it must make a Fight Stat Roll with a Target Number of 16. If it fails, it receives no actions for that activation. If it succeeds, it has escaped the web. It activates as normal and does not need to roll again. Large creatures get +3 to their Fight Stat Roll to escape the web.


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