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The Gadget: The Rondon Chronicles Book One

Page 8

by V. J. Timlin

  Nat said nothing, but kept looking at Anouk with an amused expression.

  Anouk scowled at him. “Don’t flatter yourself. I’m not jealous, if that’s what you’re implying. You’re not my type.”

  “I’m not?” Nat pressed his hand on his chest as if his feelings were hurt, but laughter danced in his eyes. “What is your type then?”

  “Who said I liked men?” There, let him taste his own medicine.

  The mischievous smirk faltered on Nat’s face. Anouk grimaced. Had she taken the joke too far? She knew nothing of Anglean society. Until she did, she would be better to keep jokes to herself.

  Nat started to reply, but the door opened and ‘Mr Sunshine’ appeared in the doorframe. “Come in. Madam Valeria will see you shortly.”

  Nat nodded in acknowledgement and leaned closer to Anouk. “It won’t jeopardise either. So yes, it’s just information,” he whispered.

  “You’re not telling her where I come from as you did to Amanda?” Anouk whispered back.

  “Of course not. I don’t trust her that much.” Nat stepped inside to follow the doorman who was eyeing them with suspicion.

  “Good,” Anouk muttered, hiding her smile. Nat’s interest in Madam Valeria was purely professional, not that it would have bothered her if it had been more. Well, maybe a little, but only a little.

  ‘Mr Sunshine’ led them through a shadowy, yet buzzing, room where men sat around tables playing card games, smoking and drinking. Women—dressed in corsets, garters and laced up high-heeled shoes, with voluptuous feathers decorating their hair—moved around, entertaining and serving drinks. Occasional raucous laughter pierced the throng. The scene reminded Anouk of old Western movies.

  They navigated between the tables towards a pair of velvet curtains. The air was thick with tobacco smoke which irritated Anouk’s throat, and she started to cough. Nat gave a look over his shoulder.

  “I’m fine,” Anouk called between the fits of coughing, putting her hand over her mouth.

  Someone grabbed Anouk’s wrist. “Hey, beautiful,” a man slurred. Stench of sharp alcohol hit her nose when he tried to pull her into his lap. “Come here.”

  She regained her balance and trapped the man’s hand with hers, taking a hold of his wrist and pressing downward. The man dropped off his chair to his knees, crying out in pain and surprise. Nat reacted in a split second—he grabbed the man by his throat and lifted him up.

  “You leave her alone,” he hissed near the man’s face. His eyes were blazing. The man’s face turned redder and redder as the air stopped reaching his lungs.

  “Nat, stop!” Anouk shouted. “You’re choking him.”

  The doorman placed his hand on Nat’s. “I’ll take care of him.” Then he seized the man by his collar and dragged him towards the back door.

  The whole hazy room was silent and everyone was staring at them. The attention unnerved Anouk and made her skin crawl. She wished she hadn’t yelled.

  She clasped her hands and forced a smile on her face. “Just a minor misunderstanding.” Her voice quivered and a nervous tic started to tug her upper lip. “Please, don’t let us disturb your… um… evening.”

  The drinking and card playing at the tables resumed and soon the noise level was almost as boisterous as before, but the frequent glances in their direction told Anouk they were now the main topic of conversation.

  “Did he hurt you?” There was a genuine concern in Nat’s eyes and voice, and it warmed and irked Anouk at the same time.

  She pressed her hand on her lip to hide the involuntary twitching. “No. I think I was the one who hurt him.”

  “Good,” Nat grunted.

  “Why did you step in? I had the situation under control.” Anouk’s nervous tic was subsiding now as she got a grip on herself.

  “Aye.” Nat nodded. “Indeed, you did.”

  Anouk tilted her head. “So why did you grab him by the throat then? Were you jealous?”

  “No.” Nat swivelled his head towards the approaching Mr Sunshine, who was dusting something from his clothes with his hands.

  Anouk gulped. “You didn’t use unnecessary force on that man, did you? He was just drunk, and he honestly didn’t hurt me at all.”

  Mr Sunshine regarded her and Nat with a dark expression. “Follow me.”

  “He didn’t beat him, did he?” Anouk redirected her question to Nat, who simply shrugged.

  A cold stone settled in her gut. Yes, the man had tried to pull her into his lap without her consent, but she had defended herself without hurting him. Alright, maybe she hurt him some, but he deserved it. It wasn’t necessary for Nat and Mr Sunshine to brutalise the guy too much. Granted, however, Madam Valeria’s employee had to make sure the clients of the brothel and the gambling room were safe—that was his job. But Nat… he had overreacted. Great that he’d defended her, but there was a time and a place for it; this hadn’t been one. Anouk shot mental daggers in Nat’s back, but to her great disappointment, he didn’t twitch his shoulder blades, not even once!

  Nat and Anouk were guided through the velvet curtains and up a stairway to a small parlour.

  “Madam Valeria will be with you in a minute.” Mr Sunshine promptly left.

  Anouk walked in and studied the room. The walls, carpet and velvet curtains were all scarlet. A golden coloured baroque table took the centre, on it, a statuette depicting a man and woman frozen in a pose that left nothing to the imagination.

  Anouk flicked her eyes to the walls and walked over to take a closer look at one of the many paintings hanging there. In an instant, she realised it was a mistake. The image portrayed a vivid scene of a man and woman enjoying one another. She turned around and met Nat’s eyes. He sat relaxed on a scarlet velvet sofa, his head resting against the back.

  “Enjoying the artwork?”

  A hot wave flushed over her cheeks, and she was sure her colour now matched the room. She sat in an armchair on the other side of the table, dropping her gaze to the floor.

  “Er… Not my style.” She paused to clear her throat. “How knowledgeable is Madam Valeria about the affairs in the city?” She kept her eyes firmly focused on the floor as she spoke. It at least didn’t have any indecent imagery woven into it.

  “You mean, how much information do she and her girls extract from their clientele?”

  “Yes, isn’t it an old trick using sex to gather intelligence?”

  “True, but fortunately, Madam Valeria shares her knowledge with anyone who has money or power.” Nat’s tone was amused.

  Anouk risked glancing at him and was rewarded with a grin and a wink.

  The door opened and a middle-aged woman swept in.

  “Nat, my darling,” the woman uttered in a husky tone.

  Nat stood, took his hat off and bowed.

  Madam Valeria looked like a woman of means—well-tailored yet low-cut luxurious purple dress, pearl drop earrings, long pearl necklace and several gold rings on her fingers. She was tall and curvaceous; a few silvery streaks embellished her dark intricately braided, floral decorated coiffure. She bore a striking resemblance to a late Victorian noblewoman Anouk had once seen pictured in a museum.

  The madam sashayed over to Nat, offering her hand with the same fluid motion. He kissed it, holding his gaze on her.

  “Let me introduce you to my business partner, Miss Herring.” Nat gestured towards Anouk. Madam Valeria’s deep-blue eyes flickered in her direction.

  Anouk rose from her seat, pondering if she should bow or curtsy—she resolved to give former. “Pleased to meet you, Madam Valeria.”

  The madam proffered a light kiss on both of Anouk’s cheeks. The strong perfume assaulted Anouk’s nose, and she was close to sneezing.

  “Pleased to meet you too, Miss Herring.” Madam Valeria took a few steps back. She regarded Anouk from head to toe with the dispassion of a veteran trader. The gesture irked Anouk.

  “Your business partner is quite pretty, my darling,” Madam Valeria said to Nat before faci
ng Anouk again. “Jasper told me about the incident in the gambling room, Miss Herring.”

  “Sorry about that. It was a minor misunderstanding.”

  “It should be us apologising.” Madam Valeria gave an ethereal smile. “Jasper said you used a hand trick he had not seen before to subdue the man… impressive.” She paused and winked. “And Jasper knows all the hand tricks.”

  Anouk clasped her hands behind her back. “Er, it was just something I’ve picked up.” The wrist lock she had performed was attracting far too much attention for her taste.

  “Fascinating,” Madam Valeria breathed and tilted her head. “I do not recognise your accent. Where are you from, Miss Herring?”

  Okay, she was getting far too much attention now. Anouk shot an alarmed look at Nat.

  “Miss Herring is from down south.” He lied to the madam with the same ease as he had with Dr Arnar. Anouk hoped it would work more effectively this time.

  “Shall we talk business?”

  Madam Valeria heaved a dramatic sigh and smiled to Anouk. “With Nat, it is always business, business, business.” She strolled to a divan facing the door.

  “Thank you,” Anouk mouthed to Nat, who gave her a single nod in acknowledgement before turning towards the madam.

  “So, what can I do for you?”

  “You probably know the former warlord, Stalo De Meriweth, escaped from prison three days ago.” With Valeria’s nod of acknowledgement, Nat continued, “I wounded him this morning, but he managed to escape and has gone into hiding.”

  “And you came to see if I had any information about his potential hiding places.” Madam Valeria’s tone was sweet and amused.

  Anouk glanced over at Nat. How many times had he asked her for a favour? And was money really the only way he returned them?

  “Madam Valeria, you know me too well.” Nat smiled.

  “Yes, my darling, I do.” She tucked her feet up onto the divan, leaning on the arm. “I do not have anything for you now, but give me two days.”

  “Thank you.”

  A knock on a door interrupted them.


  The door opened and Jasper bowed to his employer. “There is a gentleman in the library, madam.”

  “Thank you. Tell him I will be right there.”

  The fabric rustled and the pearl necklace rattled when Madam Valeria stood from the divan. Nat and Anouk followed suit. The meeting was clearly over.

  Madam Valeria faced Nat. “I am afraid I have to go now. These gentlemen are always so impatient, and I am just a poor businesswoman. I cannot afford to keep them waiting.” She uttered another dramatic sigh. “But please, come again in two days—the usual arrangement.” She lifted her hand and Nat kissed it once more.

  “Of course,” Nat replied.

  Madam Valeria looked to Anouk. “It was a pleasure to meet you, Miss Herring.”

  “The pleasure was all mine.” Relief filtered into her formal phrase.

  A smile appeared on Madam Valeria’s face. “You are a very fascinating woman.”

  Anouk stiffened. “Thank you, madam.”

  Madam Valeria’s intent gaze unnerved her. What did she want from her?

  “There is something unique about you, I can tell,” the madam continued, walking slowly towards her. “Do you have any Ulda-blood?”

  “No,” Anouk responded at the same time as Nat said, “Yes.”

  Madam Valeria ignored Nat. “Fascinating.” She stopped only a step away from Anouk and reached to touch her cheek, but Anouk took a step back. The madam flashed a smile. “Please accept my apologies, my darling. You see, Miss Herring, I have never seen eyes like yours. Greenish-brown… beautiful.” She nodded, a hint of calculation entering her admiring look. “I could offer you employment—the money is superb. In addition to your unique eyes, you have a good bone structure and agreeable pale complexion. Breasts are quite small, but then not all men like big bosoms. And you have skills. You would do well… very well.”

  The burning blood rushed back to Anouk’s face and neck as she fought the urge to slap Madam Valeria across her painted face.

  “You are very kind, but at the moment, I have no desire to pursue another career path.” Anouk’s tone dripped ice.

  “Oh, such a shame.” Madam Valeria gave Anouk a regretful look and offered her hand. “Please, keep my offer in mind, will you?”

  Anouk stared at the hand like it was a five-headed snake but knowing the woman to be an important informant, with a reluctance Anouk reached out and gave a quick dead-fish handshake.

  Sensing friction, Nat angled his body ever so slightly between Anouk and Madam Valeria. “Miss Herring is only here for this assignment, and then she has another engagement away from the city.”

  The Madam regarded Anouk for a moment. A slow smile split her face, giving a predatory edge to her friendly expression. The hair on the back of Anouk’s neck stood up—she didn’t like the woman. What was so special about her eyes? Did Madam Valeria see through her? Did she recognise Anouk wasn’t an Anglean or even from the planet?

  Madam Valeria spun on her heels with a sigh and, with an air of arrogance about her, left the room.

  Chapter 8

  As soon as they were outside Madam Valeria’s establishment, Anouk grabbed Nat’s arm to stop him in his stride. “What the fuck was that all about?”

  Nat glanced at her, his brows crinkling. “You have a foul mouth for an educated woman, did you know that?”

  Anouk snarled. “Don’t try to change the topic. I don’t trust that woman, and I’m sure she is up to something.”

  “I’m sorry about what happened back there. Madam Valeria, however, is one of my most important informants. I can’t afford to offend her.”

  “You could have said something when she offered me a position in her whorehouse.”

  “I figured you could handle it.”

  “Yes, but I would have appreciated if you had stepped in before she asked me to reconsider her offer,” Anouk muttered, then crossed her arms over her chest.

  Nat shifted his weight and fiddled with the Gadget on his glove. “Look, we’re not playing a gentle game here, Anouk. People are going to test you, they’re going to fight you, bait you, and tempt you. And if I jump to your rescue every time things get a little tense, you’re going to look weak. And you don’t want to know what happens to weak people out here.”

  Anouk stiffened and dropped her hands to her side. Although Nat had given her a similar warning just hours earlier, hearing it again still hurt and worried her. “I’d hate to see your overprotective streak for me extending only to random people and not your connections.”

  “That man in the gambling room crossed the line.” There was an angry edge to Nat’s voice.

  “I don’t disagree with you.” Anouk forced her tone to stay at a conversational level, “But A, I had no trouble subduing him and thus didn’t need your help, and B, your reaction was out of proportion, you nearly choked him. And C, it was Mr Sunshine’s job to intervene, not yours.”

  It was Nat’s turn to stiffen. “My apologies. Maybe I overreacted there.”

  “Thank you, and apology accepted but you have to trust me.”

  “I do, I do,” Nat said, rubbing his neck. “But I expect the same in return. Remember, this isn’t your world and, most likely, things here are very different from yours. There are rules I have to follow.”

  Anouk nodded. Yes, this was not her world and rules were different. As much as she hated to admit it, he was right. She had been in Rondon only a day, and she could tell as much already.

  She shot a sour look at Madam Valeria’s brothel. The streetlights illuminated its grey walls, giving it a menacing air against the dark sky. “Do you think she saw through me and guessed I’m not from this planet?”

  A smile tugged the corner of Nat’s mouth. “No, I don’t think she thought that at all Anouk. That’s not the kind of thing that jumps to people’s minds.” He swivelled his head towards the house of
adult entertainment before meeting Anouk’s eyes again. “Madam Valeria is always looking for new girls. You shouldn’t read anything into it. Your eye colour is unique, but in a non-alien way, I assure you. The madam simply recognises quality.”

  Anouk scowled at Nat. “I should be flattered? Is that what you’re saying?”

  Nat’s eyes widened. “No,” he blurted, then cleared his throat. “No, of course, not. She has made similar offers to other girls. I know she’s interested in expanding her business and getting the best…” Nat paused, his cheeks flushing. He spun on his heels. “Uhm, we should get going.”

  Anouk blinked. Did he just say she was the best and then blushed? What was that supposed to mean? Was he… mocking her? Or was that a Freudian slip?

  The way the madam had looked at her still made her skin crawl. Perhaps Nat hadn’t seen it. After all, Madam Valeria had been standing sideways to Nat whilst facing Anouk. On the other hand, Nat had emphasised how important the madam and her connections were to him, so he might choose to turn a blind eye. An icy grip tightened in Anouk’s chest—she couldn’t trust Nat, at least not near Madam Valeria.

  “Great work. I mean, what you did to that man.” Nat’s comments made Anouk jump. “Did I scare you?”

  “Sorry, I was miles away.” She forced a smile on her face. “Thanks. I’ve practised Japanese martial arts for years.”

  “Good to know you can handle yourself in a tight spot.”

  Nat’s expression was sincere; no teasing or smugness about it. Anouk blushed. “Thanks.”

  “It’s been a long day and you must be tired, so let’s get to my camp.”

  She cracked a yawn. “Good idea. I could use some rest. It’s been a pretty, umm, unusual day.”

  That was an understatement. A couple years ago in India, she had had one of those bizarre days. She got bitten and robbed by a monkey and then saw an elephant wearing a shirt and trousers. Little did she know then how weird her days would get.

  They walked along the winding shadowy streets, Nat leading the way—for a small eternity, Anouk’s aching body told her. Nat took yet another turn to a narrow street that resembled the last, and the last before that.


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