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The Mechanic's Fix 2

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by Daniel Elijah Sanderfer


  Daniel Elijah Sanderfer

  Blue Cottage Publishing

  Copyright © 2020 Daniel Elijah Sanderfer

  All rights reserved

  The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

  No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without express written permission of the publisher.

  Cover design by: Daniel Elijah Sanderfer

  Cover Model: Ryan De Hamer

  Printed in the United States of America

  To mechanic daddy and the members of the Sanderfer's Socialites Facebook group for convincing me to write another story for Billy and Leo.

  I closed my eyes and shook my head in an attempt to erase the images of him racing through my head. But even with my eyes closed, I can’t erase the way he felt inside of me. He would always be a part of me and I’d never be happy again if I couldn’t find my way back into his arms again.

  Daniel Elijah Sanderfer


  Title Page










  About The Author

  Books In This Series


  “Billy’s Automotive, how can I assist you?”

  The voice on the other end of the line was steeped in mystery and came across as abrupt, “I need to speak to Billy please?”

  I frowned at the tone and replied, “He’s out in one of the bays right now, but could I take a message?”

  The voice replied, “No, I’ll just call back later when he’s available.”

  From behind, I felt hands on my shoulders and turned to see who it was, “What’s up baby boy? How’s the day shaping up so far?”

  It was Billy, and as I turned to look at him I replied, “Well, it’s looking pretty busy. Several ladies need their oil changed and Mr. Probst says that his engine is making a funny noise.”

  Billy rolled his eyes, “If he’d quit trying to wean that Gillape off oil it wouldn’t make all that noise.”

  I blushed and shrank down in my chair as he turned his gaze to me and wiggled his eyebrows, “Seems like I know someone else who likes to do stuff like that?”

  I looked away, “I have no idea what you’re talking about. My boyfriend is a mechanic.”

  Billy smirked and kissed me on the cheek, “You’re lucky you’re cute you little ragamuffin.”

  I smiled at him as he made his way to the back shouting, “Get your ass down from there Mike!”

  I giggled to myself. Mike is Billy’s assistant and what he lacks in sense, he makes up for in great skills. He’s one of the best mechanics around and when Billy was able to hire him here, he was over the moon with excitement.

  Since Martha died and I moved into Billy’s house things have been wonderful. He and I work at the shop during the day. Then at night, we head home, sometimes we work out, then have a nice dinner together before retiring to the bedroom to watch TV or make sweet love.

  Today was a particularly busy day, Fridays always are. Billy takes Saturday and Sundays off now to spend time with me. Before we met, he was a workaholic and would sometimes even work late to avoid going home.

  The guy who called earlier was rattling my nerves though. Who could it be? And what did they need to tell Billy that they couldn’t tell me? All of our customers had come to know me as Billy’s boy so it had to be someone I haven’t met.

  As the morning went by, I found myself over eagerly answering every phone call in hopes that whoever it was would call back. But by lunchtime, the guy still hadn’t called back and when Billy went out to pick up lunch for the crew I took the opportunity to talk to Billy’s right-hand-man.

  I carefully maneuvered my way around the various car parts and tools to the back of the garage where the guys usually smoked. Mike could see me coming and elbowed Tony, one of the guys who works in the oil change pit, “Uh oh, looks like we been caught sitting down on the job.”

  Tony waved in dismissal, “Leo’s a good boy, he knows it’s lunchtime.”

  Mike took a drag from his cigarette, “Whatcha need little buddy?”

  I took a seat next to them on a stack of tires, “I just wanted to ask you guys something really quick.”

  Tony nodded, “Sure sport, whatcha need?”

  I took a deep breath, “Okay, so earlier this morning someone called the shop asking for Billy and wouldn’t leave a message.”

  Mike and Tony shrugged, “So?”

  I frowned, “They were very insistent and abrupt. It sounded like a young gay guy.”

  Mike held up his hand, “Now, I’m just going to stop you right there. First of all, I don’t like interfering with my boss’s affairs. Second of all, that man loves you more than life itself so whatever crazy thoughts you’re having need to just stop.”

  I sighed, “I know, but lately he’s been sneaking off after work to go jogging and I just can’t help but be suspicious that he’s up to something.”

  Tony interjected, “Just because a man says he’s going jogging doesn’t mean he’s up to no good, you’re just letting your paranoia run wild, Leo.”

  I stood and dusted off the back of my pants, “Yeah, you’re probably right.”

  Mike added, “Trust us, all that man talks about all day is what you two plan on doing and how he’s going to take you…”

  His words trailed off when Tony elbowed him. “What, going to take me where?”

  Tony frowned, “Nowhere and we ain’t saying no more. Now, you better get back to the desk. You know Billy doesn’t like you coming back here when he’s not around because he’s afraid you’ll hurt yourself.”

  I pouted, “I’m not a little kid. This isn’t my first day on legs.”

  I said it as I slipped on a splash of oil and tripped over a toolbox. Mike jumped up, “Damnit Leo, see, if you get hurt Billy will murder us all.”

  Mike escorted me back to my desk, but I was still left with a sinking feeling that something was going on, and furthermore, what were the guys talking about when they said Billy wanted to take me somewhere?

  I was lost in my thoughts when Billy came into the shop with a big box of chili dogs and fries from the little diner down the street. He plopped everything down on the counter and took a big sip of his fountain drink, “Lunch is here.”

  I dialed the phone for the back and Tony answered, “Yep?”

  “Lunch is here guys!”

  “Thanks, Leo.”

  As I hung up the phone, Billy unpacked two and set them in front of me, “Wieners for my little wiener.”

  I giggled and he continued to stare at me. That same silent stare that used to make me weak in the knees when we first met. “What,” I said as I started unwrapping my hot dogs.

  He smirked, “Nothing, just lost staring at your pretty face.”

  The phone on the desk rang and I quickly answered it, “Billy’s Automotive?”

  It was him, that same voice that had me so uneasy earlier. “Hello, can I speak to Billy please?”

  “Sure,” I said as I placed the phone on hold.

  “Who is it?” Billy said.

  I sighed, “They won’t say, but they called here earlier and wouldn’t leave a message with me.”

  Billy jumped to attention and suddenly looked very nervous, “Oh, just send it back to my of

  I scowled as he quickly ran to the back. Upon transferring the call, I watched nervously through the glass as he smiled and laughed, just the way he does with me.

  Tony and Mike emerged from the back rubbing their hands together. “Oh boy, lunchtime!”

  They grabbed their food and crashed on the lobby sofa. Tony shouted, “Hey Leo, can you put it on the soaps?”

  Mike growled, “Aw man, why can’t we see if there’s a game or something on?”

  Tony frowned, “It’s Francesca and Dave’s wedding on Inescapable Bliss.”

  “Yuck,” Mike quipped before adding, “Does your wife know you watch this crap?”

  Tony shushed him while I giggled behind them. Mike likes to act like he doesn’t get into the soaps but I catch him watching the TV through the glass from time to time.

  It’s all my fault. When I first started working here Billy let me place a suggestion box in the lobby so we could find out what would make our guests more comfortable. Most of them being ladies said they would like there to be something on the TV other than sports.

  Once I told Billy, he didn’t mind me making the changes. Especially since he didn’t have to hear it anymore. He’s able to focus more on managing the garage now that I work the front desk. To be honest, I rather like the soaps. It’s something to look forward to during the day.

  Every once in awhile, I’ll sit down with the ladies waiting for their cars to be completed and we’ll comment and Kiki about all the drama. I’ve really come to love this job and Billy and I wouldn’t know what to do if all of that changed now.


  “Well, I cannot tell you how much I appreciate you seeing me on such short notice, I know you’re a busy guy.”

  I heard the tail end of the conversation as Billy hung up and turned to me with a guilty expression, “What are you doing back here, baby boy? I thought I told you to stay out from back here because I don’t want you getting hurt.”

  I tried my best to look sad as I replied, “I know, but your lunch was getting cold and I missed you. We always eat lunch together. Plus, Tony just threw a whole stack of magazines across the room when some mysterious person objected to David and Francesca’s wedding on Inescapable Bliss.”

  Billy chuckled, “Well aren’t you the sweetest thing. I was on my way. I just really had to take care of that call.”

  “Who was it?” I said casually as we walked back toward the lobby.”

  He paused for a moment and mumbled, “Just a customer needing a quote on something.”

  I arched my brow, “But you just thanked them for seeing you on short notice?”

  Billy hardened his expression, “You shouldn’t be listening to my phone calls, baby boy.”

  I frowned, “Why not? You’re my boyfriend and I don’t hide anything from you.”

  Billy raised his voice and pointed, “Look, baby, you’re just going to have to trust me on this one. Don’t be eavesdropping on my calls, okay?”

  I tossed up my hands, “Fine!”

  As I stormed to my desk, Billy followed me, “Aw come on baby, don’t be like that. Do you honestly think I’m up to no good?”

  Mike added from the sofa, “We told him to stop being paranoid earlier.”

  Billy’s eyes widened, “Were you gossiping with the guys about me?”

  I shrank down in my seat, “Maybe.”

  Billy stared at me hard before growling, “I don’t even know what to say.”

  I quickly shouted, “Why are you mad? You’re the one hiding shit from me!”

  “Hey, don’t you raise your voice at me!”

  A look of shock invaded my expression as I stood up and started gathering my things. “Where are you going?”

  I mumbled, “I think I’m going to go home early today.”

  Billy quipped, “We don’t close until five. Who’s going to run the desk?”

  “Figure it out,” I shouted as I stormed out the door and to my car.


  Son of a bitch I snarled as I rubbed my face. Mike added from behind, “Why don’t you go ahead and tell him, Billy? You know how upset he gets and reads into some things?

  “No,” I fired back. “I’ve been trying to plan something nice for him since we met and I’ll be damned if I’m going to spoil it this close to our six-month anniversary.”

  Mike sighed, “Alright, but you know he thinks you’re cheating on him, right?”

  “What?” I shouted.

  Tony added as he stood up and threw his hot dog wrappers away, “Yes sir, that’s what he was asking us earlier, was if you’d been talking to us about anything.”

  I ran my hands through my hair, “Shit, shit, damn! I was worried this would happen.”

  Mike replied, “How are you going to fix it?”

  I sighed, “I don’t know, but do you think you guys can handle things here while I go try to smooth things over with Leo?”

  Mike gave me a thumbs up, “Sure thing, boss.”

  After a quick trip to my office to get my jacket and keys I made my way back to the lobby. Mike stopped me just before I stepped outside, “I think what you’re planning is the sweetest thing, but maybe you shouldn’t put so much strain on your relationship.”

  I rolled my eyes, “Thanks for the suggestion, Einstein!”

  Mike held up his hands, “Don’t get snippy with me, I’m on your team.”

  I took a deep breath, “I’m sorry Mikey, I just want everything to go perfect with this thing and I didn’t expect Leo to get so upset.”

  Mike waved in dismissal, “Eh, it’s no problem. I know that kid is your heart.”

  I could feel the emotion welling up inside of me as I replied, “I’d die for him.”

  Mike nodded, “I know.”

  On the way back home, I had to stop in town. I pulled up outside the little place where I’d been going to meet Marcelle for the past few weeks. I checked my surroundings as I rushed to the door. Inside, a beautiful Hispanic boy turned around, “Billy, I’m so happy to see you!”

  I smiled at him, “I can’t tell you how much I appreciate what you’re doing for me.”

  He winked at me, “It’s no problem. I never thought when we first started this you’d be so good.”

  I rubbed my knuckles up and down on the front of my overalls, “Well, I’ve always had pretty good rhythm.”

  He giggled through his nose, “Mmm, I’ll say. “

  Silence lingered for a minute before I pulled out my wallet and handed him fifty dollars. He tucked it into his pocket and motioned me with his finger to follow him. We stepped to the back behind a velvet curtain and thirty minutes later, I emerged.

  Winded and tired from the day's work I had the brief thought that maybe I was taking on too much by seeing him right after work. I hadn’t counted on getting to see him today. Thankfully, he was a good sport about me being in my work clothes.

  I waited at the counter as he emerged sliding on his dress shirt, “I do say you’re getting better with each session.”

  I shrugged, “Well, I don’t have much time. I wish we could see each other more often but I just can’t get away from Leo long enough.”

  “How is Leo?” he said empathetically.

  I sighed, “Paranoid and suspicious as ever.”

  Marcelle stretched out his hand and placed it on top of mine, “Oh honey, you know I’m here for you if you need anything.”

  I nodded, “I know.”

  “Well, you try to have a good evening and I’ll see you soon.”

  “Will do,” I said as I exited.

  Why was I putting myself through this? Between work, Leo, and this, I was stretching myself thin. But I had high hopes everything would work itself out in time. Once Leo understood why I was doing what I was doing he’d get it. But until then I had to keep my relationship with Marcelle a secret.

  Marcelle had a reputation around town as the biggest queen this side of Floyd County. No one went to his place unless t
hey needed help. Hell, he was the best at what he does. You’d be hard-pressed to find someone with his experience just over the river in Louisville and Louisville is a big place.

  As tired as I was, I wasn’t looking forward to dealing with Leo. I knew he’d still be fuming from our spat earlier but he needs to learn to stay out of my business when it comes to some things. As I stepped into the house, Leo was sitting on the couch watching TV with his head resting on his hand. “Hey, baby boy,” I said as I hung up my jacket and made my way over to where he was sitting.

  He gazed at me with tear-filled eyes and mumbled, “Hey.”

  I took a seat next to him, “I’m so sorry for what happened earlier today.”

  “Me too,” he whimpered.

  I took a deep breath, “You know I love you, right?”

  He nodded silently as I continued, “You know I would never keep anything from you but this is something very personal that I need to work out on my own.”

  He shook his head, “But why can’t you tell me who it is that you were talking to?”

  I took his hand in mine, “Baby, I would never do anything to hurt you. We’ve been together for six months and you’re my whole world.”

  “Really?” He pouted.

  I nodded and continued, “Hey, what do you say we have a nice dinner together and watch some TV?”

  He perked up a little, “Okay.”

  I patted his leg, “That’s my boy.”


  I still wasn’t happy how things went down with Billy and me earlier, but there was nothing I could do. I just had to trust that he wasn’t up to no good. As we made our way to the kitchen, I couldn’t help but notice a pink business card sticking out of his back pocket.

  I had to find out what it was for. Maybe it would give me a clue as to what he’s been up to these past couple of weeks. My opportunity would come soon enough when he went to take his shower. I’d just go through his pockets and see if I could find some more clues and what that business card was to.


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