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Edge of Danger

Page 6

by Barb Shuler

  “Just let him bleed out,” I rasped to no one in particular. I looked over to see Doc kneeling in front of Connor. Shelby gave me a look. I manage to answer her though, “A few minutes.”

  I screamed in frustration as another pain hit hard.

  “Shit! We have to move you now, darling. It’s gonna be a bitch, it’s gonna hurt, but I have to get you inside that medical wing. This youngun’ is coming now. Lana, you’re gonna have to help me, okay?”

  “I need Jacks!”

  “Kristol, he’s on the way, but they may not make it. I need you inside, now. Is Doc Crandall here today?”

  “No, it’s her day off…” Lana said, her head tilting. “Why?”

  “I may need another set of hands.” Shelby moved to help me up and we had only made it a few steps when I doubled over.

  “Papa, I need your help over here.”

  “I can’t just leave him, even if I want to, and I do, but dammit- I took the same oath you did Sweet Pea.”

  “Fuck the oath, let the fucking scum die…” Shelby muttered. I seconded that thought.

  “I can’t…” I whimpered. My knees went out and the ground broke my fall.

  “Forget it. We’re just gonna have to deliver this baby right here. It’s not ideal, but we’ll make it work.”

  “I can’t have the baby yet. I need Jacks. I need him here with me, Shelby. I can't do this without him. Not again.”

  “You can do this, I promise you that,” she said staring into my eyes. I nodded and took a deep breath.

  “Ow…” I was squeezing poor Lana’s hand so tight the tips of her fingers were turning blue.

  There was the sound of screeching tires in the background, then loud voices and suddenly Jacks was there. He was dressed in all black, with dirt streaking his face, but he was here.

  ‘What’s happened?”

  “Jacks, thank God, you’re here. I need you to carry her inside for me. I don’t want her delivering anywhere near that piece of shit over there.”

  He scooped me up.

  “Baby, hold on, I’m here. What happened?” He asked again, looking around at everyone. His jaw locked when he saw Connor on the ground.

  “Not now, Jackson, get her to the medical wing. This baby is coming. We have to hurry,” Shelby said to him.

  The authority in her voice left him no time to argue. He followed her inside. I was laid on a table and I swear this kid felt like it was already halfway out of me.


  Baby Makes Six


  “Kris, I need you to push, babe. Just like last time. Bear down on your bottom and push.” Shelby was in a yellow paper gown now and had gloves on her hands. I wanted to laugh. She looked like one of those doctor in Grey’s Anatomy, not that I watched that show. She moved to sit on the stool she kicked over to the table. “Jacks, get behind her and let her use you as a brace.”

  “You can do this, baby, let’s meet our precious angel,” Jacks said as he kissed my head. I started pushing, and God it hurt. I don’t remember it being so bad with Joey. Yes, I tore and bled a little, well, a lot, but it wasn’t as painful. I don’t think. Though, that day I had Dani Lynn in the background cursing Drew and telling him just what she was going to do to him the next time he came at her with the intent to impregnate her. That thought seemed to help me focus and I pushed again, with a scream of… frustration, anger, pain.

  “The head’s out. Come on, Kris, give me one more big push.” I gritted my teeth and pushed. I pushed with all I had left in me. After a deep breath, I pushed one last time. And with a few grunts, I felt that final tug and then, relief. The baby was out.

  “It’s a boy. Congratulations, you two!” Shelby cleaned the baby’s mouth and nose, then rubbed him down before she wrapped him in a small blanket she grabbed from the shelf.

  Once the baby was in my arms, I leaned back against my husband and started to cry. They’d said it was a girl, guess they were wrong. I kissed the baby’s head. I needed to soak in this feeling.

  I knew Shelby wasn’t done down there. I still had things to do and whatnot, but for now, all of my attention was on my little man.


  When Jacks showed up and whisked Kris up and inside my eyes drifted back to Connor. He lay on the ground, crying out in pain as Doc tried to see where he was hurt. I had really shot him. I had never done that before. I’d only shot firearms a few times with Daddy, it wasn’t really my thing... but... I’d shot him.

  If he died it would be my fault. I backed up to the water fountain and started to cry.

  I didn’t want to be a murderer. There had been no doubt in my mind that it was us or him. He had already threatened us a few times. He’d been pointing that gun at Kris and the baby. I don’t even know what happened after Kris shot at him.

  He’d been so angry, the gun had come up... and I grabbed the one Kris had and just shot. I don’t know how many times.

  Hands gripped my shoulders and I screamed. I tried to fight to get away. I couldn’t do this, not again. Charlie’s deep, angry voice filtered through as he cupped my face with one hand while he held my arm in the other. The same arm Conner had twisted earlier. A whimper of pain escaped me as I met his eyes.

  “Peanut, it’s just me. It’s just me,” he said, his voice cracking. I dissolved into hysterical sobs then. I wrapped my arms around my brother and let it all come pouring out of me.

  Today could have ended so much differently. He could have - no he wanted, and was definitely going to kill us both.

  “She okay?” asked a deep voice came from behind him.

  “Not really. She’s bleeding, and there are bruises on her arm.”

  “What happened here?” Another voice boomed across the yard. I heard Connor scream. I looked around to see him being strapped to a gurney. “Someone best start talking!”

  “Chief, we don’t know yet,” said the man that was standing behind Charlie. I started shaking when he looked at me.

  “Which one is that? What happened to her? Did she have anything to do with this?” He asked in a rapid fire. My heart hammered in my chest and ears. He wanted to know what happened.

  I shot someone, that was what had happened. My chest constricted as panic shot through me. I heard Charlie saying my name, the growl of anger turning to concern.

  “Peanut, come on, you gotta breathe for me.”

  “What’s happening to her?”

  “Lana, where is your inhaler? Kid, come on, breath! Fuck!” I was lifted into the air, but my vision was going grey. My body was tight, and the tingling was making my lips numb. My hands were tingling now, too.

  “What’s wrong with her?” Charlie didn’t answer the question he just moved to the front of the building. I heard the keypad beeping... And not much after that. The pounding in my ears was enough to drown out an orchestra.

  “Lana! What happened?” I heard Shelby’s voice, and Jacks’.

  “Here, lay her on this bed. Charlie, are you bleeding?”

  “Not mine,” he growled out.

  “It’s her temple. Shit! Connor hit her with the gun… Is she okay?” I heard Kristol say. I tried to hold my arm up as something was pushed into my mouth.

  “Alana Christine McKenna, you listen to me,” I heard Shelby say as the oxygen tube was put across my face and into my nose. I made a face but I didn’t try to fight her. My face was pulled to hers. “Two breaths, get the medicine in you. Don’t make me have to stick you with a needle, cause you know I will.”

  “Shelby!” Kris scolded. I tried to smile. I blinked a few times, trying to keep my eyes open. I just wanted to sleep though. My eyes were so heavy.

  “She’s turning blue,” Jacks said. I felt a finger go to my throat. “Her pulse is jackhammering.”

  I tried to push her hand away from me, I really did, but it didn’t work. There was light patting on my cheeks. My eyes closed again. “Oh, no you don’t. You best listen to me. I will stab you in the ass with the biggest pointy needle I ca
n find.”

  I tried to take in the breaths like she asked. My chest felt so heavy. Was someone sitting on me?

  “Breathe in, Peanut. Come on, kid, you’re scaring me,” Charlie admitted, taking my hand. I curled my fingers as best as I could against his. I was able to take a deeper breath this time. I heard the swoosh of my inhaler as Shelby told me to suck in a deep breath. I took the breath and held it, but not for long. I licked my lips and could feel the meds were kicking in.

  “Last one, if this doesn’t work you’ll have to go to Lufkin.” Shelby’s face was drawn tight. I didn’t want to go to the ER. I felt the plastic slide into my mouth. The sound of it told me when to breath in. I pulled in as much air as I could, and held it for a few seconds.

  My heart felt as if it was going to jump out of my chest.

  I felt Charlie squeeze my hand tighter.

  I blinked. With each blink I could see the worry on Charlie and Shelby’s face more clearly. “She sounds raspy.” Shelby said. The cold metal of the stethoscope against my skin sent a shiver through me. “She’s going to have to go to the ER. I need to call and have someone waiting on us.”

  “I’m going with her,” Kris said. My head rolled to the side and I saw here on the bed, tears on her cheeks as she held her baby. The little blanket covered most of it. Was it a boy? Or a girl? Jacks moved to her and whispered, I pulled at Charlie’s hand and blinked up at him.

  “Sh-she ok-okay?” I asked. I coughed a little. My face pulled into a grimace. I hated these attacks, they made my chest and back hurt like a mofo afterward. I could hear the rattling in my own lungs. This was a bad one.

  “She’s okay, Peanut.” Charlie brushed hair from my face so I could see better. Jacks pushed the rolling bed Kris was on closer to where I was. I reached out, pulling my hand from Charlie’s and took hers.

  “You saved us out there. Thank you,” Kris said. I closed my eyes as another wave of tears rolled from my eyes. I didn’t want to think about that.

  “What happened out there?” Jacks asked. Charlie’s hand tightened around my free hand.

  “We were out working in the flower box, the one Jana started. I thought we would be okay…” she shuddered and I watched as Jacks kissed her head. “He just showed up. He had a gun pointed at us… My labor had already started, so when he demanded we come with him, I was moving too slow for his liking. He grabbed me up…”

  “I’ll kill him!” Jacks snarled. Kris took his hand and shook her head.

  “No, you won’t. Let them deal with him. Anyways, he was trying to manhandle me, so Lana there put herself in the way. I didn’t see it all, but I did see him crack her in the cheek, and head with the gun. She didn’t back down, though.”

  “How did he end up shot?” Charlie asked. I looked away and fought to not start sobbing again like a big baby.

  “I tried to shoot him. I missed…”

  I let out a small breath before I spoke. “I did it.” My voice sounded funny. I sighed. “He was- he had his gun pointed at Kris. She’d dropped the gun… when his finger started to pull back on the trigger, I picked up the gun and shot him. I…” the tears I had been fighting started to roll down my cheeks.

  “Peanut. It’s okay. You did what you had to. There is nothing to feel bad about.” Charlie tried to make it better, but it wasn’t. I was going to be a murderer.

  “I- I killed him…”

  “You did no such thing, Alana.” I looked up to see Doc G coming into the room. Shelby gave him a tight smile as she talked on her cell phone.

  “He- I mean-”

  “Stop. He’s going to live. He might piss sitting down but, eh.” Doc said, a small grimace pulling at his lips.

  “What?” I asked. He wasn’t saying something.

  “Well, his injury may cause lasting damage, but he won’t die from it.”

  “Doc, what aren’t you saying?” Charlie asked.

  It took him a moment to answer. I was going to jump out of my skin.

  “Well, judging from what I just heard, Lana here didn’t really aim. So... when she pulled the trigger he must have been standing at just the right angle.”

  “Papa, just tell us,” Shelby said, joining us once again. She laid a hand on my shoulder as Doc spoke again.

  “She shot him in his family jewels.” Doc did grimace then.

  It took me a second, or three, to figure out what he meant. I went wide-eyed. Holy crap! My gaze went to Kristol when she started laughing. I mean a full on belly laugh that had her grimacing in pain as she shifted on the bed. I was mortified, and she was laughing her ass off. Literally.

  “Kristol!” Shelby said, but then she too started laughing. She shook her head and we waited, and waited, and waited for Kris to stop laughing. Jacks took the baby from her when he started to protest the jostling that her laughing was causing.

  “I’m- I’m sorry… but… he deserves that!” Kris laughed more. It took her a few minutes - okay so maybe it was ten - to calm herself and stop laughing. “Stupid bastard deserves for it to get infected and fall off.”

  “Jesus,” Shelby said, snorting.

  “You two, that’s enough. Lana, sweetheart, it wasn’t your fault. He came here looking for trouble and karma bit him in the unmentionables. There is no reason for you to be upset, or blame yourself.” Doc gave my arm an affectionate squeeze.

  “As Dani Lynn would say, shit happens and when it does, you just roll with it,” Kris said, smiling. “Speaking of, where is she?” She said, right before she grimaced in pain.

  “Kris, baby, you ok?”

  “Yeah… no… I think you may get your wish,” she said, laying back, smiling at Jacks’ confused expression.

  After looking into her eyes for a few seconds, he shook his head, looked at her stomach and then back at her. A huge smile broke out on his face. “Really?”

  “Yup!” she said, popping the p.

  While a chorus of congratulations passed around the room, Shelby wheeled over the portable ultrasound machine that had been bought for the center. Dani Lynn said that with all the pregnant women that had been hanging around, she thought it might come in handy. Guess she was right.

  Shelby got to work checking on the surprise second baby, while Jacks and Kristol shared a hug and a few kisses.

  “Everything looks good with the baby, but we need to get you moved to the hospital. You should be able to hold this one in until you get there, but let’s not take too many chances,” she said cleaning and replacing the machine to the corner where she pulled it from.

  “As I already said, where is Dani Lynn?” Kristol asked again, once her and Jacks separated.

  Both Jacks and Charlie’s postures changed with that question. I actually got a good look at Jacks now that my brain was functioning. He was in all black, his gun belt was still on, and he had dirt still smeared on the side of his temple. I raised a brow and looked at Charlie.

  “There was… Peanut, I need to tell you something.”

  My heart took a dive to join my stomach. The look in Charlie’s eyes said what he was about to say might kill me.


  Reality Kicks In


  “There was an accident. Wayne, Gabe and Dad were hurt,” I said. My eyes never left Lana’s. “Dad and Gabe are both in surgery now. They had…” She looked from me to Jacks. He picked up where I couldn’t.

  “Your dad and Gabe were badly injured. They’re going to be in surgery for a bit. It’s going to be a rough few hours.” He took her hand. “Your dad is a strong man. He’s not going to give up, so neither are you.”

  She shook her head, starting to freak out. The knock on the door surprised me, making me curse. Riley and another EMT, one of the newest members to the EMT team, walked in. I believe her name was Megan. They were pushing the gurneys they used on the ambulances. I shook my head when Lana went to get up again.

  “I want to see my daddy!” Her tone was almost a growl. I could see the determination and tears in her eyes. She
lby moved to her side.

  “Lana, honey, I need you to calm down, okay? I don’t want you having another panic attack. It’s only going to cause your asthma to flare up again. Your bronchial tubes are already inflamed, let’s not make it worse, okay?”

  “I want to see my daddy! He can’t be hurt. I need him,” she said. Her voice cracked. Riley moved over to her and nodded her head at the others.

  “Hey, come with me and Meg. Once you get checked out, you can see your dad, if he’s ready for visitors, okay? We have to make sure you don’t need anymore treatment first.”

  Lana looked between them and then her big blue eyes met mine. My heart clenched. I didn’t want to have to tell her this. I wanted to spare her the bad parts of life.

  “Lana, sweetheart,” Kris said taking her hand.” I’m coming with you. I’ll be right here, okay. We’ll get checked out-” another painful grimace had her pausing mid sentence.

  “After you have this baby,” Shelby muttered.

  Kris took a breath, then scowled at Shelby before continuing, “Then, you and I will go and wait on news of your dad and Gabe. Okay? Maybe we can check on Dani Lynn and Derek, as well. I’m sure they need us to stay strong for them too.”

  “Derek… oh God,” She said before she dissolved into sobs. I cursed, and removed the oxygen from her face, before I scooped her up and brought her to my chest. I stood with her in my arms.

  “Load Kris up, we’ll all go together. That baby may not make it much longer in that oven.”

  I walked out of the room and moved towards the front. I made my way out and moved to sit on the bench by the front steps with Lana. I tried to soothe her tears. “Peanut, you gotta calm down. Please.”

  Thor who had followed everyone from the clinic wing licked her face and whined.

  “Deputy McKenna, can you let us talk to the women now? We need a report of what happened,” Chief Amerson asked me. I met his gaze and shook my head.


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