Book Read Free

Edge of Danger

Page 14

by Barb Shuler

“Your Ma is climbing a damn tree to get Tyler out of it. ”

  “WHAT?!” They all shouted.

  I cursed.

  “Look, I can’t go after her, so someone needs to get their ass over here with the fire truck. I’m guessing Ty is about fifty-five feet up. It’s the big tree by the barn. I have no idea how she got all the way up there-”

  “Holy shit! I’ll call Drew, he’s on patrol,” Anna said. I heard the mic key and the radio in my car blare to life as I watched my girls.

  “Dispatch to 36841.”

  “36841, go ahead.”

  “Proceed to 14615 County Road 7. The Sheriff is on scene. At this time the area is clear, no injuries, but your assistance is needed.”

  I heard the pause before he replied. “10-4 Dispatch. 36841, clear.”

  My cell phone rang a moment later. “Cartwright.”

  “What’s going on?”

  “Your daughter is stuck in a tree. Your wife is climbing said tree to get her. I’ve called the station for the fire truck just in case.”

  “What the- I’ll be there in ten minutes.” He growled out before he hung up. I shut the cruiser’s door and made my way towards the tree.

  “Mommy!” I heard Tyler shriek as she shifted on the branch.

  “Tyler Katherine! Keep your butt still. Please, baby. I’m coming. You have to be a big girl and stay still for Mommy!”

  “Be careful, Princess!” I cursed as I keyed the mic on my shoulder. “Sheriff to Dispatch. Y’all need to light a fire under that fire truck. I need it here, yesterday.”

  “Dispatch to Sheriff, trucks ETA is five minutes.”

  “10-4 Dispatch. Sheriff, clear.” I dropped the mic and looked back up at the tree. I moved closer to where they were, trying not to lose sight of either of my girls. “Come on, Dani Lynn, be careful.”

  “Gabe!” I heard voices call out from behind me. Robert climbed from his car, his eyes going up to the top of the tree. “How in the hell did she get up there?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “What can-” he was cut off when Drew’s cruiser, followed by Jacks’ and Charlie’s drove up. They jumped out and ran to where we were standing.

  “Why did you let her go up there?!” Drew snarled. I leveled a look at him.

  “First off, asshole, I didn’t let her go up there. Secondly, I was in the driveway by the time she was on the first branch.” Tyler screamed again and I saw leaves fall to the ground. My heart hammered.

  “Fuck! Jacks, help me get the ladder. We need on the barn roof, now!”

  “On it!” I barked as they ran to the barn. The top part of the tree covered the rooftop. There was a scraping noise, bringing all eyes to the barn’s roof. Derek and Carter were scaling the sides, a rope in their hands.

  “Sweet Christ, what are they doing?” Robert asked.

  “Derek’s gonna save his sister and his Mama,” I said as Drew and Jacks hightailed it across the yard. Gun belts were dropped, and uniform shirts stripped off by the time they reached the barn.

  “DADDY!” Tyler screamed. I could see her wiggling back against the branch.

  “Tyler! Baby, you have to stay still. Your Mama and Bubba are almost to you. Be still, please.”

  “Daddy’s coming, rugrat. Stay still please!” Drew’s words seemed to calm her more than mine did. There were more car doors slamming behind me. I turned to see the girls all running this way.

  “What’s going on? Carter said Dani Lynn was up a tree- Oh My God! What the fuck are you doing, you crazy, damn fool woman!!” Stella ran towards the tree yelling all the while.

  “Stella, if you scare Ty she could fall. For once, shut it,” Drew called out to her.

  “Holy God! Is Dani Lynn crazy?” Shelby asked. I looked at her and she frowned. “What? Even I wouldn’t climb a tree while I was eight months pregnant!”

  “I’m too old for this shit,” I muttered.

  I turned when I heard a siren. I turned back around and watched as Derek yelled towards Dani Lynn, which she ignored.

  The fire truck was backing into place, but the fact that so many trees were in one spot they didn’t have a clear path so they had to move and try again. Now, though, it looked like they may not be needed.

  Dani Lynn

  “Tyler, come on baby. Can you back up towards Mama? Go slow.”

  “I’m scared.”

  “I know, baby, but I’ve got you. I need you to scoot back just a little bit, okay?”

  I’ve never been so scared in my life. I was fighting the need to vomit I was so frazzled. The fear in my precious daughter’s voice was killing me. She wiggled back slowly and as soon as I could wrap my fingers in the back of her pants I pulled her to me. I hugged my daughter against me.

  “I swear if you ever do this again you’re grounded until I’m dead.”

  She was crying now and my heart broke.

  “Okay, baby. I need you to get on my back so we can start back down okay?”

  “I can’t.”

  “Yes, you can. Come on, Daddy and Gramps are waiting on us.” I helped her get on my back and I slowly wiggled my ass back down the branch I was on. The top of the tree swayed with our weight. I froze and closed my eyes for a second only to pop them open again. That was a bad idea. I moved from one limb to another with no problem.

  The next transition was a different story. The limb looked solid, but shifted with my weight. There was a loud cracking noise, I slipped, and both Tyler and I dropped in the tree. Thankfully, it wasn’t far, but the screams we let out had everyone on the ground scrambling.

  “Dani Lynn! Tyler!” It took a little maneuvering to get her back into my arms. I hugged her to me.

  “Are you okay, baby?”

  “I don’t gotta pee no more...” she started to cry and I held her to me.

  “Shhh, it’s okay, baby.” I felt something wet under me and at first I thought it was from Tyler...but no... that was all on me. My fucking water had just broken.

  “Son of a- bean picker!”

  “Andrew Landry!” I snarled. My hands were shaking as I tried not to puke. What the hell?

  “Baby, are y’all okay?” He asked.

  “Tyler is fine.” I replied. My stomach tightened and I bit back a curse. I should have known those Braxton Hicks mofos were all a bunch of shit! I gripped the limb we sat on and took a deep breath.

  “Baby, are you okay?”

  Sure, I was. I was about to give birth to the next Tarzan. I lost my fight with nausea and turned abruptly, my stomach contents spilled out of me as I coughed.


  “Ma, hold on, I’m coming in to get Ty.”

  “Day Day, Mommy not has to pee no more!” Tyler chimed in.

  “Ma! Are you okay?”

  “Dani Lynn!” Drew called out. I cringed in pain.

  “I’m fine, for fuck’s sake. Come get us down!” I growled out. I rubbed Tyler’s back with one hand and my belly with the other.

  “Hold on, little dude. I beg you, just stay in for a little bit longer.”

  I swallowed and took a deep breath before trying to move. I looked around to see Derek yank on the rope he and Carter tied to the brick piling holding up the back of the barn. Drew and Jacks had joined them on the roof of the barn and my heart about stopped. Derek made his way into the tree by jumping across the small gap between the tree and the barn.

  He was at my side in what seemed like seconds. His arms went out for Tyler who was crying again. “Ma?”

  “I’m okay. Get Tyler down.”

  When they climbed down a few limbs Derek hollered to Carter and the boys. They all had a hold of the rope and were able to lower Derek down to the ground with Tyler. I sighed in a rush of relief when she was on her own two feet and running for her Gramps. A sharp pain shot through my abdomen and I cursed, my hand snapping a small twig of a limb in my hand.

  “Dani Lynn, can you scoot this way a bit,” a voice called out. I looked up to see the fire department had finally got
ten the ladder into the tree. I held my hands out to Callan - Trace’s cousin - was new to the rescue squad still, but I trusted him. His team mate Luke was also right there. One big pull and I was on the ladder, one of them in front and one behind me. A few steps down and a pain shot through me so hard I stumbled. They had me upright before I knew what was happening.

  “Are you hurt?” Callan asked me.

  “Labor,” I panted out. Callan cursed and yelled for a medic.

  “I’m here, just get her down,” Shelby said. Drew was at the bottom of the ladder and helped me down. I was panting heavier now.

  “Shelby, he’s coming.” I bit out.

  “Get her inside. Now!” Shelby gave the order and Drew had me in his arms, sprinting toward the house.

  I’m not sure what happened after that. I know I was taken to bed, stripped of my pants and Shelby was barking out orders like the Gods of War were invading. It’s all fuzzy, as the mix of pain and fear caused a bit of amnesia, but I do know my handsome little man is laying across my chest right now. My body is spent and I think I could sleep for a month.

  “Dani Lynn, sweetheart, are you okay?” Daddy sat on the bed beside me and took my hand.

  “I’m okay.” My voice sounded so weak, even to me. “Your grandkids may be the death of us all… I blame Andrew. I was not this bad.”

  “What?” Drew barked out a laugh and shook his head.

  “Well y’all did tear down a barn once…” Daddy said, laughing.

  “He has a point, bro,” Jacks chimed in from the door. Tyler clinging to him. “Someone needed to see that Mommy and her bunny were okay.”

  “Come here, baby. Just no bouncing, okay?” I said, my arms opening for her. “Come meet baby Reid.”

  “What’s the middle name?” Jacks asked.

  “We’re still working on that.” I smiled. I relaxed back against the bed and watched Tyler as she studied her little brother. For the first time she was actually old enough to get what was going on. I smiled and closed my eyes.

  The excitement of the day being too much for me. I seriously needed a nap, a two week long nap.


  Dani Lynn

  Nervous energy consumes me as I paced the front of the church. I checked my watch again and sighed.

  “Calm down, baby. It’s all going fine so far.”

  I met Drew’s gaze and clicked my tongue. Daddy was two minutes late. The man was never late. Before I could say anything the doors to the church opened and Daddy, Wayne and Robert hustled in. Their tuxedos made them look sharp. I relaxed and hugged Daddy when he came up to me.

  “I’m late, I know. I couldn’t get this damn bow tie done.”

  “He’s as nervous as a kid on the first date,” Robert said, chuckling.

  “Well, there is no need to be nervous. He’s marrying the only woman I know that can put up with his stubborn, bossy, grouchy butt on a daily basis.”

  I grinned when he scowled.

  “I love you, Daddy.”

  He smiled and pulled me in for a tight hug. “I love you, too. Now, let’s get this party started. I’m ready for a beer.”

  “Yes, Sir,” I said before kissing Drew and moving through the sanctuary and back into the middle of the church, the same room we had all been in to get ready for each wedding over the last few years. I knocked and smiled as Kris opened the door.

  “How’s it going out there?” She asked me. I looked back towards the front real quick and then back to her.

  “Great. We’re ready.” I grinned.

  “Girls, are you sure this dress looks okay on me?” I smiled at Lori as she stood there holding her small bouquet. The silver dress was knee length and form fitting, but not too tight. It had small embellishments of crystals along the pleated middle. A small veil lay across her face.

  “You’re gorgeous, Lori,” I said. Kris agreed and I moved to hug her. “Come on, let’s go get ya hitched.”

  “Jackson is still walking me down the aisle? Is that still okay? I’m so nervous,” she said, rambling.

  “Lori, relax. It’s going to be fine.” I took her hand, then Kris and I lead her out of the room.

  Our dresses matched Lori’s. We looked like three silver bells walking around to the front of the Sanctuary. We walked inside and I smiled at Jackson.

  “Take good care of her.”

  “You know it,” he grinned, leaned in and kissed his wife, then turned to hold his arm out to Lori. “Shall we?”

  “Yes,” she said. I smiled and moved to open the doors. Kris and I put the door stops down and took our places.

  When Mrs. Talbert started playing the organ, I stood straighter and started walking up the aisle towards the altar. I moved to stand to the side, as did Kristol. When the music changed the few bodies that were in attendance stood. I smiled as I watched Lori come down the aisle towards my dad.

  He was all smiles as he watched her moving towards him. I’d not seen him this happy since I was a kid. The last year and a half had brought us a helluva lot of new changes. The biggest was Dad’s happiness and attitude.

  If it hadn’t been for Lori, I don’t think he would have survived the injuries he had sustained. It had broken something inside him, until she came back into the picture.

  I had to fight the tears as the ceremony moved forward. Dad’s smile, Lori’s soft words, it was all a blur once the tears started. I felt Kris move closer and we shared a big grin as the preacher spoke. Drew held the rings out to the preacher and it all became real when the words “you may kiss your bride” filled the church. There was whooping and hollering as Dad dipped Lori and kissed her.

  “Congratulations, Daddy!” I threw my arms around his neck and hugged him tight.

  “Thank you, baby girl.” He kissed my cheek before I stepped back.

  “Lori,” I hugged her as she turned to me.

  “You remember how to treat a lady, right, old man?” Robert asked as he came up and I laughed.

  “Let’s not go there. I don’t need to know about that.”

  “No one is complaining here,” Lori shot back.

  I snorted.

  “Y’all are all crazy.” I grumbled as I walked a few steps away and looked over at the pue where my kids sat, waiting.

  Drew pulled me back against him and I smiled. I watched as everyone came up and hugged Dad and Lori. This was what family was all about. Happiness. Derek came up, and after he shared a moment with Dad he came over and kissed my cheek. I hugged him to me.

  “Love you, baby boy.”

  “Love you too, Ma.” He kissed my cheek again and we went back over to where Dad and Lori stood.

  As a group we left the church.

  Today started yet another new chapter in our lives.

  No matter what happens in the future, we will always face it together, as one.


  After the Rain - Nickelback

  Black Smoke Rising - Greta Van Fleet

  Blackout - Muse

  Blow Me Wide Open - Saint Asonia

  Crawl - Breaking Benjamin

  Emotional Girl - Terri Clark

  Eye of the Tiger - Survivor

  Feel Invincible - Skillet

  Hang On - Ellie Goulding

  Hysteria - Muse

  Keys to the Kingdom - Linkin Park

  Scars - I Prevail

  The Threat Is Real - Megadeth

  Unknown Soldier - Breaking Benjamin

  Warrior - Disturbed


  Thank you for being a loyal reader and being a part of the Shattered Lives Series. This series has been one that I have poured my heart and soul into for the last two years. But, it’s time to say goodbye.

  This is technically the last book in the series, but anyone that knows me knows these characters will be back in smaller roles in another series, soon. I have a few novella’s planned as well.

  Stay tuned for the “Those Days” book 1 of “The Broken Roads Series” which
is a new spin off of the Shattered Lives Series. It will take place in Burke and Alto, Texas (both of which are real Texas towns) but I will be putting my own spin on them. There will be recurring characters from the original series in the spin off, and you will get to meet a whole new group of people.

  Until then, I want to say again, thank you!

  About the Author

  I’m a Carolina Girl by right and a Texan by birth... so I have a Texas-sized temper. Living and working in both states I’ve learned a lot about hard work, adapting to your surroundings and making the best of the path that you have been led down. My grandma Dollie once told me I would know what I was meant to do when it happened. She was right, as always.

  As with most book lovers, I am an avid reader. Reading has always been a hobby - a passion, really. Reading helps to expand the perimeters of one's mind. That is what got me to start writing as a kid. If I had paper...or a wall... I was writing. Words are a part of us all. Why not use them, right?

  During the day I work as a ‘desk jockey’ and help the residents of my county navigate themselves around our little, but not too little country town. By night I am either blogging, doing PA work for some of my favorite authors or I am fighting with the voices in my head. (They can be stubborn at times.) It’s a way to cope and make the troubles of the day disappear, if only for a few hours. It’s a blessing and I am cherishing every moment. For that which is my creation, may become someone else's treasure.

  Tomorrow is never guaranteed so I want to make sure I live the day as fully as possible.





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