Bound for Love

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Bound for Love Page 3

by A R McKinnon

  "Come on let’s go." When she wobbled dangerously again, he picked her up and carried her to his car muttering to himself about women and their damn ridiculous shoes.

  As far as he was concerned the only acceptable use for those sinful heels would be them scattered across his bedroom floor. Or maybe digging into his backside as he buried his body in the sweet warmth of her pussy. He could almost picture it and had to give his head a shake to clear the lust filled thoughts.

  "Where are we going?" She asked when he had her bundled into the truck.

  "Somewhere I can keep an eye on you without you getting into any more trouble." He cringed at the thought of her following through on her intent to flirt with other men. Grayson knew that she was watching him. He felt her gaze follow him and he watched her become pensive and angry, drinking far more than she should, before he sprang to action.

  He shouldn't have allowed it to reach the point that it had. Grayson felt guilty that his petty behaviour now had her suffering. Thankfully he'd caught her before she marched herself into the midst of four major man-whores. They'd have seduced her and had her passed among them faster than she could blink. He knew John had eyed her at the club, and he wouldn’t be a gentleman or protect her privacy.

  They wouldn't stop to consider that she was drunk either, and she wouldn't have gotten so much as a "thank you" in the morning for her trouble. His fists clenched on the steering wheel when he thought of the consequences if he'd been too late, as he almost had been. He'd like nothing more than to put her over his knee and give her the spanking she deserved for her foolishness.

  Melanie had been persistent, she rubbed her surgically over enhanced breasts against him and flaunted too much flesh trying to hold his attention every time it strayed to the petite blonde drinking herself into a glorified mess alone at the bar.

  It had been a mistake to dance with Melanie. She was Jackson's second cousin. She and Grayson had gone out a few times, they had even played together in the past doing scenes at Haven. Trouble was she couldn't seem to leave things between them in the past where they belonged.

  When she'd suggested that they leave and head back to his place he had firmly declined. He had no desire to carry on a relationship with her. He excused himself just in time to save Lucy from making a huge mistake.


  The sun was bright and evil. Lucy squeezed her eyes shut and burrowed her head deeper under the covers to block out the piercing pain that pounded against the inside of her skull.

  The sharp clean masculine smell on the sheets sank slowly into her consciousness and she bolted upright in the bed, temporarily forgetting the throbbing. The duvet slid lower and she realized to her shock and dismay she was in her underwear.

  She pulled the blankets back up so that she was fully covered just as the door to the bedroom swung open.

  As soon as she saw Grayson standing in the doorway, memories of the night before hit her, battering her already sore brain and she bit back a groan.

  She remembered him dancing and her growing anger. She recalled her incredibly stupid excessive drinking but worst of all she remembered his rejection. It stung. Oh, it stung bad.

  He had brought her here, and somewhere between the front door and the living room she decided that spending the night with him seemed like a good idea after all. She recalled how she'd thrown herself at him. It made her cringe and her body heat with embarrassment.

  She swore she could feel the blush rising from her toes and spreading through her in a warm flush that made her want to flap the duvet creating a breeze to cool herself down.

  His mouth had been everything her fantasies had taunted her with, and then some. With supple but firm, sure lips. He had kissed her with no hesitation and she'd melted into him, but then before she could really begin to enjoy the caress he'd stepped back putting several inches of despised space between them, before telling her that they wouldn't do anything until she was in control of her own actions.

  She supposed she should thank him this morning. Instead, she wanted to throw something at him and knock the cocky grin off his face.

  "Morning, I brought you breakfast and some Acetaminophen." He said coming fully into the room like he owned the place. Then she remembered that he did, in fact own the place.

  The smells coming from the tray he carried made her stomach rumble. Embarrassed, she clutched the duvet closer to muffle the sound.

  There was a plate filled with bacon, eggs, and pancakes. A bowl on the side contained fresh fruit. There was orange juice and coffee as well.

  "Wow, you certainly went to extremes." There was more food then she could possibly eat on her own. The idea that he might join her in the big bed to help her eat the massive number of calories did funny things to her insides. She tried to ignore the silly fluttering sensation.

  "I figured you'd need something to combat the beating you gave yourself last night." He smiled placing the tray on the bed next to her before moving to the dresser and pulling a t-shirt from the top drawer.

  "I don't think I have bottoms that will fit you, but the shirt should be long enough."

  "I can't eat all of this." she protested. She had decided to focus on the food and ignored him as he pulled the clothing from his drawers.

  "Eat what you want and leave the rest. It's not a big deal." He laid the t-shirt at the bottom of the bed. "The master bathroom is through that door." Grayson pointed to the closed door across from the bed. "Shower if you want. The towels are clean. I'll be in the kitchen when you're ready." Without another word he left the room, closing the door behind him.

  She swallowed thickly, barely able to give a nod at his retreating form. She was suddenly nervous that “when you're ready” meant “ready to talk”, and she didn't want to. A long hot shower quickly became her top priority. She scrambled out of his bed.

  When cold air hit her backside, she remembered she had worn a thong under the unforgiving bridesmaids dress and since she couldn't recall removing the dress on her own there was a very distinct possibility that Grayson had gotten a look at her ass. She scurried to the shower as fast as her legs could carry her.

  Lucy stripped off what little of her clothing remained and stood under the onslaught of pounding water praying for her body to obey what her mind was demanding. Forget Grayson Witter!

  GRAYSON DRANK HIS coffee and tried to keep his focus on the Saturday morning crossword but his attention was continually drawn to the steady drumming of the running water in the bathroom. It had been running for a long time. He grinned, Lucy was avoiding him, but she would have to make an appearance before too long. The hot water wouldn't hold out forever.

  Her mouth had been sweet and willing the night before. Stopping when all he wanted to do was enjoy everything that she offered had been a strain on his self control.

  Helping her remove her dress had stretched that control further and when he'd caught a look at her ass in that cream coloured lacy thong it had all but snapped, but he wouldn't risk a misunderstanding between them. Lucy would know exactly what he wanted from her and would agree before he'd go any further. Thoughts of Julia tried to surface but Grayson shoved them away, focusing on Lucy again.

  She was perfect. Out of the neck breaking high heels she stood not quite as high as his shoulders. She was shorter than the women he was usually interested in, but he couldn't imagine her any other way. She was so small in comparison to him though that she made him feel like a brute, and he was half afraid that if he unleashed his lust on her she might break.

  Their contrast made him hesitate to admit how badly he wanted to put her through her paces, but he ached to warm her supple flesh under the palm of his hand or watch the blush of blood spread under the caress of one of his favorite toys.

  Lucy held herself so tightly, presenting a fun outer shell for the world to see, but he could see but underneath she was rigid. He suspected she was terrified to let go and be the person she was instead of just the one presented to the world. He’d se
en that she was dying for the freedom of Haven, but if his guess was correct, she didn't know how to achieve it.

  Grayson glanced up from the paper and found her standing in the door frame a look of uncertainty crossed her features and brought out every protective instinct he had. The sight of her in his cotton t-shirt had his cock jerking against the unyielding teeth of his zipper. Coffee sloshed out of the mug he was holding but the scalding liquid that splashed on his skin went was barely noticeable when he looked at her.

  "You're staring." She declared boldly, but still ducked her head, a purely submissive move he found endearing. He doubted that she was even aware of the movement or the response it created in him.

  "Come sit down." He gestured to the barstool next to his own and waited for her to sit. He enjoyed the little hop she had to make to get into the chair even though he felt his enjoyment made him an ass.

  He watched her foot swing as she twitched and fidgeted in the chair and he knew that having her on her knees with her legs spread waiting for him in perfect stillness would drive her insane. Grayson doubted she'd be able to hold the stance for any length of time. It would take weeks or even months to train her muscles to remember the pose and carry it out flawlessly.

  "Be still." The two-word command stopped the swinging instantly and he watched as her whole body froze. "There is no reason to be nervous just be still and in the moment."

  HIS TONE DID something to her unconscious brain, and it was as if a switch flipped inside her. With two words he'd frozen her in her tracks, and she was afraid to move without his permission, suddenly worried that she would disappoint him.

  Stop it! her mind screamed at her. Move! but still she couldn't budge. She didn't want to.

  "Look at you, you're a natural if you stop fighting yourself at every turn." His words were like balm to an open wound she hadn't realized was throbbing and crying out for praise.

  He leaned in catching her chin between his thumb and forefinger, and her eyes were fluttering closed before her brain could catch up. His breath smelling of coffee and maple syrup fanned across her lips before they were claimed in a kiss that she felt all the way to her toes. The kiss crept into places inside her filling her up until she could hardly recall any other kiss she’d had. Her lips parted allowing his tongue entrance.

  It was just a soft flicker at first. Like a knock on the door gauging her response and what he discovered must have been enough because the next movement came as a thrust as if mimicking the way she wanted him to claim her body.

  He cupped the back of her neck drawing her closer, deepening the kiss even further, and her lungs burned for air long before he allowed her the space needed to draw a breath. When he did move, he released her mouth catching her lower lip between his teeth and giving a playful tug. He pulled back slightly and smiled against her lips and her brain felt scrambled.

  "Now that I know you haven't had too much to drink, I can enjoy the sweetness of your lips without any guilt."

  "Wow." it was the first thing that she was able to mutter after he set her free, and it seemed childish and stupid, but she couldn't form other words.

  "Spend the weekend with me Lucy. Let me show you what you could never achieve at Haven.”

  She stared at him blankly, as if afraid to respond.

  “You were a bad girl.”

  “Excuse me?” she finally found the breath to speak and beneath her look of indignation there was a flare of heat at his challenge.

  “What I haven’t figured out yet is if you did it on purpose, or if you really don’t know that you’re submissive.

  “Submissive”. The word filled her with a sense of horror. She wasn’t a push over, she didn’t let people take advantage of her. She hadn’t let anyone treat her like that since she was eighteen. She scowled as the thought of Richard popped into her mind uninvited.

  “Ah, I can see I’ve upset you. That wasn’t my intention. Being submissive isn’t a bad thing Lucy, and it certainly shouldn’t have you making that face.”

  “You don’t know anything about me.” She said.

  “I know that at Haven you were drawn to the demonstrations with submissive themes and I know you’re still thinking about the first time I touched you.” He said while gesturing to the way she was absent mindedly rubbing her wrist.

  “Let me show you how freeing and fulfilling your submission can be.”

  It was on the tip of her tongue to tell him to go screw himself, but as he sat there waiting for her to decide the idea became more and more appealing. She sensed he wouldn’t be like Richard, who had been little more than a poser playing at the lifestyle.

  “What if you’re wrong about me?”

  “Then you go back to trying to be a dominant or back to plain old vanilla sex. So, really you have nothing to lose.”

  Lucy could feel heat creeping into her cheeks and knew that her face was crimson with embarrassment.

  “So, you want to sleep together then is that it?”

  The smile he flashed her was blinding, Lucy shook her head amazed at how easily he turned on the charm. She’d have to watch out for him. He was clearly a man who knew how to play to get what he wanted.

  “I’ve thought about it a lot since we met, I won’t lie to you. You want that as well, if last night is any indication. The truth is what I want from you is so much more than that. I want you to give yourself to me. Stay with me this weekend and belong to me.”

  “Where do we start then?”



  The moment she agreed she wished she could take the words back. Judging from the slightly stunned expression on his face Grayson was surprised that she had agreed. The determined set of his jaw and the gleam in his eye assured her there was no way he would let her take it back.

  The urge to squirm under his intense scrutiny was strong and she had to force herself to remain still. She still burned from the heat of his kiss. She watched him carefully as he stood from the stool and stepped closer to her.

  "Breathe Lucy."

  Until he whispered those words, she hadn't realized that she'd been holding her breath. Her lungs were starting to ache for air.

  His hands sank into her shoulder length curls securing their mouths together. When he pulled back again, she was left staring into his beautiful green eyes. They held many shades of green which all seemed to mix together, until they reminded her of pictures, she'd seen of nebula the colourful gasses swirling and blending together.

  His eyes would be almost too feminine if it weren't for the strong jaw and purely masculine line of his features. It was easy to get distracted by his unique eyes and Lucy found herself falling into those beautiful churning colors.

  "Are you listening, Lucy?" His voice drawled out, humor evident. He knew she hadn't heard a word he said, and it amused him.

  She shook her head and he repeated his question. "Are you sure you want to do this? I’m not just the owner of Haven, I’m involved in the BDSM community. I won't go easy on you. I can't. I'll dominate, and you'll submit. That's the deal if you stay. You'll do exactly what I tell you and in return I'll make sure you feel more pleasure than you ever have before."

  He wasn't boasting, she could tell by his tone. He believed he could bring her more pleasure then she'd ever felt before because he was confident in his ability.

  Men like him usually turned her off. In Lucy's experience that much confidence usually meant a string full of broken-hearted women trailed behind them. Grayson was different though, and she wasn't turned off by anything about him. He was right, all three had mentioned the sorts of things he expected from the women he was involved with. Jackson and Marcus had been quick to reassure her that Grayson would never do anything she didn't allow.

  "What if I don't?" she asked hating the way her voice quivered, but she had to know what would happen if she couldn't submit to him.

  "Then you'll be punished."


  "However, I see fit. That's the d

  "You won't really hurt me?" Her mind again flashed to Richard; it made her voice waver again as fear unfurled in her belly at the thought that he would inflict any pain upon her. Worse, yet he would enjoy the pain he made her feel. Even though she knew the rules from Haven she needed him to say it.

  "No more than you let me." His smile was reassuring, his eyes shone bright green with anticipation.

  His words intrigued her. What could he possibly mean by no more than she'd allow? She wouldn't allow anyone to hurt her. She swallowed audibly but managed a nod of agreement anxious to sample what he was offering.

  "Not good enough Lucy. You need to tell me. I need the words."

  She swallowed again, nearly choking on her nerves. "OK, I agree. You can be in charge or whatever." She waved her hand dismissively trying to play off what she knew of the lifestyle and downplay the permission she’d just granted him.

  Grayson smiled that wicked grin that made butterflies flutter inside her stomach. His next words made her desire blaze.

  "Open your legs." Grayson tapped her knees as he issued the command.

  When she hesitated a moment too long, he caught her chin between his thumb and index finger adjusting the tilt of her head so he could look her straight in the eye. Lucy could see the subtle shift in his demeanour now that she'd given him consent to take the lead, he had effortlessly donned the mantle of control.

  "Don't rack up a punishment already, we've only just begun. Be a good girl and open your legs."

  He stared her down and moisture seeped from her body in response. Embarrassment settled thick in her belly. There was no way he wouldn't notice how wet she was if she spread her legs for him. The steely resolve in his gaze had her reluctantly sliding her thighs apart.

  The warm heat of his palm radiated through the thin fabric of her panties causing her breath to catch in her throat.

  He held her like that for almost a full minute and the sharp edge of awareness made her want to close her legs again.


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