Empire High Elite

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Empire High Elite Page 28

by Ivy Smoak

“Okay. I’ll just dream of you again then. I dream of you a lot too. It’s better than sheep.” He laughed.

  Did he mean counting sheep? He wasn’t making any sense.

  He leaned forward, putting more of his weight on me.

  Oh my God, he’s so heavy. “Matt, I can’t hold you.”

  “Just for a second.”

  “You’re too heavy.”

  He giggled. “Oh no.” He moved back and looked down at his perfect torso. “Is that why you don’t want me? You think I’m fat?”

  “What?” I couldn’t help but laugh. “No. You’re perfect.”

  “Then why are you torturing me?”

  “I’m not trying to.”

  “Then why’d you dance with Felix right in front of me?”

  That was a good point for a drunk person to make. “I’m sorry.”

  “I made one mistake, Brooklyn. I should have told James right away, but I was being stupid. Isabella got under my skin. But that doesn’t mean I’m not allowed to be happy. That doesn’t mean you aren’t my forever. You are my forever. I know you are.”

  Of course he was allowed to be happy. And of course he was allowed to make mistakes. I’d certainly made a ton of them.

  “I want to make a deal.” He stuck out his hand for me. “No more secrets between us. Ask me anything,” he said. “And I’ll answer it.” He grabbed my hand and shook it before I could decide.

  “Okay, Matt.”

  “You didn’t ask a question.”

  I’d already asked him all the questions I needed to. And I believed him. Rachel was clearly a mess, not that I was one to talk. Her relationship with James had to be toxic because James was toxic. And who knows. Maybe James was right. Maybe Rachel had thrown herself at Matt because all she cared about was money. And she was scared James was going to renounce his inheritance.

  “Ask me anything,” Matt said again.

  “Why do you call Isabella Wizzy? What does it mean?”

  He started laughing. “Wizzy?” He laughed even harder. “Oh you’re going to like this. And she’d probably kill me for telling anyone. Actually, I think Mr. Pruitt’s telling the truth. I don’t think she can actually kill us.”

  “I hope so.”

  “Yeah, me too.” He went to go put all his weight on me again, but I pressed my hand against his chest to stop him. He was going to knock me over.

  “So what does Wizzy mean?”

  He giggled. “Isabella peed in our pool during Mason’s 12th birthday party.” He put his hand over his mouth to help stifle the laughter. It didn’t help and now I was laughing too.

  “But how would you even know that she did? It’s not like she pooped in the pool.”

  “We have that urine-indicator dye. It turned bright purple all around her. You should have seen her face. She tried to swim away and the purple followed her.”

  “Is that seriously a thing?”

  “Yes!” He giggled. “Wizzy didn’t know it existed either.” He looked at me so seriously. “But now she does.”

  Wizzy because she whizzed in the pool. That was amazing. And maybe that information would somehow be useful whenever Isabella decided to torture me next. I looked over my shoulder at Kennedy and Isabella dancing.

  “Hey.” Matt turned my face back toward him. “Are we okay? I swear I don’t have any other secrets.”

  I swallowed hard. Maybe he didn’t. But I did. I stared into his eyes. He was drunk. He might not remember this. But I needed to tell him anyway. “When we weren’t talking…I kind of started hanging out with someone else.”

  “Felix is dumb. Don’t date him.” He stuck out his tongue.

  I laughed. “Not Felix.”

  “James is dumb too. He’s the worst. He’s not my friend anymore.”

  “Yeah.” Matt was breaking my heart. He looked so sad when he said James wasn’t his friend. “But it wasn’t him either.”

  Matt made a farting noise with his mouth.

  “Put that away, I’m trying to talk to you.” I tapped on his tongue, which just made him lick my hand. “Matt!”

  “Brooklyn!” he said in a high-pitched voice that probably matched my own.

  I couldn’t help it. I burst out laughing. Which just made him laugh too. Which somehow ended up with him pressing his lips to mine. For just a second we stood like that. Remembering what it felt like to be us. But then he proceeded to make the farting noise again against my mouth.

  “Hey.” Mason wrapped his arms around Matt’s shoulders, pulling him away from me. “I think I should get you home before you start doing something embarrassing like making farting noises against your girlfriend’s mouth.” He winked at me.

  “But I was just talking to Brooklyn. I need another minute.”

  “Trust me,” Mason said. “You’ve probably done enough talking. Let’s get you home.”

  Matt nodded. “Okay. I’ll see you tomorrow, Brooklyn. Don’t sleep with someone dumb tonight. I love you.”

  I laughed. “I love you too.” The words fell out of me. I meant them. I did. I just wasn’t sure why my chest ached when I said them.

  Matt smiled at me over his shoulder as Mason walked him toward the ballroom doors. “You are not my dirty little secret!” he sang as Mason opened the door. Mason elbowed him in the ribs to make him stop which just made both of them laugh.

  I wanted to go after them. I wanted to go to sleep in Matt’s arms and tell him everything I’d done wrong. All the mistakes I’d made. I wanted a fresh start.

  But Kennedy bumped into me, almost toppling us both over. I grabbed her to steady her on her feet. Mason would take care of Matt. And I needed to get Kennedy home. But where the hell was Miller?

  Chapter 36


  “I’m sleepy,” Kennedy said with a huge yawn. But she continued twirling in a circle. It looked like she was going to fall over.

  “I know.” I grabbed her around the waist to try to support her. “I think we should call it a night. Let’s go find Miller so he can take us back to the Pruitts’.” I looked over toward the doors. Seriously, had he gone on a walk or something? I thought he’d be right back.

  “You can catch a ride with me, chicas,” Isabella said. “Kennedy taught me that fun word.”

  Kennedy laughed. “The elephants are coming!”

  “The elephants are coming!” Isabella yelled back.

  What the hell do they keep going on about elephants for? It didn’t make any sense. The elephants weren’t even our mascot. I hated that Kennedy had an inside joke with Isabella. The thought of the two of them being friends made me feel sick to my stomach.

  “I was just heading out anyway,” Isabella said. “I pronounce this dance officially dead. Let’s all go home and hang out there instead.”

  Hang out? As in the three of us? That sounded like my worst nightmare. Isabella had her own friends. Why was she trying to steal mine?

  “Yes!” Kennedy said and stumbled forward.

  Isabella grabbed the other side of her to keep her up straight.

  “It’s okay, Isabella,” I said. “I got her. We’re gonna go find Miller.”

  “Don’t worry about Miller. Donnelley will drive us home. And I’ll have him text Miller and let him know you’re safe with me.”

  Safe and Isabella weren’t two words that made sense in the same sentence. “I don’t know…”

  “Come on, it’ll be fun,” Isabella said and started walking toward the doors, dragging Kennedy and me with her. “We can stop for milkshakes. I know how much Kennedy loves milkshakes.”

  “Oh, I do love milkshakes!” Kennedy said. “They bring all the boys to the yard.”

  “That’s one of my favorite songs!” Isabella said.

  “Me too!” Kennedy squealed. “Kelis is a lyrical genius. I bet she’s going to have a million more hits.”

  “Absolutely,” Isabella said.

  I hated this. I hated tonight. I hated the fact that I didn’t know Kennedy loved milkshakes or Kelis
songs. And that I didn’t know what the elephants are coming meant. “Really,” I said as we pushed through the ballroom doors. “We’re just going to look for Miller. I’m sure he’s here somewhere.” I looked both ways down the hall, hoping Miller would just be leaning against one of the walls, but he was nowhere in sight.

  “But milkshakes,” Isabella said.

  Kennedy turned toward me. “Please, Brooklyn. I really want a milkshake.” She stuck out her bottom lip.

  “And we rented a limo.”

  “A limo!” Kennedy looked so excited. “I’ve never been in a limo. Please, Brooklyn.”

  I’d been a terrible friend all night. The least I could do was let her get a milkshake. And maybe then she’d sober up and remember that Isabella was the worst. “Okay…”

  “Yay!” She threw her arms up and almost fell over.

  Isabella and I caught her before she could face plant on the marble floor. The three of us walked out into the chilly autumn night. Isabella’s driver, Donnelley, had already pulled up to the front of the hotel. He was smoking a cigarette and it took a second for the puff of smoke to drift away from his face. He looked so sinister.

  I really didn’t want to do this. I looked around once more for Miller, but he wasn’t out here either.

  “This is so exciting,” Kennedy said.

  Exciting for her. Torture for me.

  Donnelley tossed his cigarette on the ground and rubbed the heel of his shoe against it before opening the back door of the limo for us. Kennedy practically jumped through the door with a squeal of delight. Isabella followed her with a laugh.

  “Will you text Miller and let him know I got a ride home with you instead?”

  He didn’t even bother to look at me. “Mhm.” His voice sounded weirdly high-pitched like he was nervous.

  “Are you okay?” I asked.

  “What? Yeah, of course.” He wiped a bead of sweat off his forehead, even though it was freezing out here.

  “Are you sure? You seem nervous about something.”

  He laughed. “You try driving a huge limo in this city. It’s a nightmare. I had to circle around the hotel like 5 times because I couldn’t merge.”

  Oh, that made sense. “Yeah, I wouldn’t want to drive it around either. I’m sorry about that.”

  He lowered his eyebrows as he looked at me. “Thanks.”

  I knew that look. It was the same one Justin gave me when I asked him what his goals were. And the same one Tiffany gave me when I thanked her for the food. Donnelley was underappreciated. The Pruitts didn’t treat him like a human. I’d never be like them. “I’ll try my best to keep them quiet back there. So we don’t distract you.”

  “Thanks, I really appreciate that.”

  “No problem. Thanks for driving us home.” I followed Kennedy into the back of the limo and Donnelley closed the door behind us.

  Wow. I’d never been in a limo before either, and it was pretty awesome. There were lights along the roof of the limo and everything was glowing. There were even glasses of what looked like champagne sitting there ready for us. And strawberries. Yum.

  Isabella’s little demon dog, Sir Wilfred, jumped up on the seat beside me. He wagged his tail and looked up at me like he hoped I had treats. Had he been sitting in this limo all night? I reached out to pet him and was relieved when he didn’t bite my hand off.

  “We’re going for milkshakes,” Isabella said as Donnelley climbed into the front seat. The little separator between the front and back of the limo was down.

  “I think I should just take you girls home,” Donnelley said.

  “No. We want milkshakes.”


  “Milkshakes, Donnelley!” Isabella screamed.

  “Isabella,” I said. “Maybe we should just go home.”

  She stared at me like she was going to rip my face off when I said the word home. But it was just for a second. Her face morphed into a fake smile right away. “We can go home after we get milkshakes,” she said loud enough for Donnelley to hear. “Give me one second, chicas.” She went to the separator and started whispering at Donnelley. But it seemed a lot more like she was hissing at him.

  “Mmm,” Kennedy said as she lifted up a glass of champagne.

  “I think that’s enough alcohol for one night,” I said and grabbed the glass out of her hand.

  “You’re no fun. Isabella’s fun.”


  “We’re all set,” Isabella said as she sat down between me and Kennedy. “Milkshakes then home.”

  Great. They started talking about elephants again. I looked out the window at the busy city streets. Sir Wilfred nestled into my side. He actually looked kinda cute when he wasn’t being a menace.

  “Where are we getting milkshakes from?” I asked. The buildings were starting to get more spread out and more rundown. Surely there was a fast food place closer to our apartment.

  “Oh there’s a little local joint that I think you’ll appreciate. I think it’ll remind you of your real home.”

  Okay. She was being even weirder than usual. Kennedy snored.

  I reached out to shake her awake. “Kennedy.” It didn’t seem like a good idea for her to be asleep without drinking gallons of water first.

  “Don’t bother,” Isabella said. “She won’t be waking up for roughly…five hours.”

  “What?” I climbed out of my seat. “Kennedy.” I grabbed her shoulders. “Wake up.” I shook her. What the fuck is happening? “Kennedy!”

  Isabella laughed. “Tragic, isn’t it? That someone like her could possibly ever believe that I would be friends with them? Like I’d ever be friends with a mutt.”

  God, you hateful bitch. I turned to face her. “What did you do?” I tried to keep my voice even, but I’m pretty sure it betrayed me.

  She just laughed.

  For a few minutes, I thought that she and Kennedy were actually friends. But Isabella wasn’t capable of having real friendships. She was demonic. “What did you do to her?!”

  Isabella brushed some unseen piece of lint off her shoulder. “I slipped something in her drink. And then learned just enough about her to manipulate her into getting you both in my limo with me tonight. You know…the usual.”

  Oh God. “Wh…why?” I hated how much my voice shook.

  “You’re about to find out, sillykins. That’s half the fun, don’t you think?”

  The limo pulled to a stop.

  I looked out the window. We were definitely in some kind of parking lot. I squinted and saw what looked like a rundown warehouse in the darkness. Shit.

  “Now get the hell out of my car,” Isabella said.

  “What are you talking about? I’m not getting out here.” I turned back to Kennedy. “Kennedy, wake up.” I shook her harder, but her head just lolled forward. Please, Kennedy. You’re not a mutt. You’re perfect. I’m sorry I was a bad friend tonight. But I love you. Wake up.

  “Get out of my limo, peasant.”

  Then I heard a noise that I’d only ever heard in movies. The sound of a gun being cocked.

  It felt like my heart was beating in my throat. I turned to see a pink pistol pointed right at my forehead. Oh my God, she really is going to kill me. And it wasn’t like she just picked up a random gun. It was pink. She owned the thing. Mr. Pruitt had to know she owned a gun. He knew what she was capable of and he still let her have a weapon?

  I dropped Kennedy’s shoulders. “Isabella…”

  “Get out. Now.”

  I didn’t want to leave Kennedy like this. But my brains getting blown out wouldn’t exactly help anything. And it would be better if I got Isabella and her gun away from Kennedy. I backed up, my butt hitting the door. I felt behind me for the handle and pushed the door open.

  Sir Wilfred whimpered as I climbed out of the limo, followed by Isabella. She slammed the door so her dog couldn’t follow us.

  “Just like home sweet home, yes?” Isabella said.

  I didn’t take my eyes off her. I g
ot the point. We were standing in an abandoned lot surrounded by decaying buildings. But this was nothing like my home back in Delaware. Our house had been small, but it was beautiful and full of beautiful memories that a person like Isabella would never get to experience.

  I looked at the limo. Why wasn’t Donnelley doing something? He was supposed to be protecting both of us. Why was he letting this happen?

  “Answer me,” Isabella said. She lifted the gun a little higher.

  “Yes, this is just like home.” That was the answer she wanted right? “Because I’m garbage.” I didn’t believe the words I was speaking, but saying them out loud made me feel so small.

  “Rotten. Disgusting. Hideous. Pathetic. Oh my God, are you crying?” She laughed.

  I reached up to touch my cheek. I didn’t realize I was crying. But the moisture on my cheeks proved otherwise.

  “This is even better than I imagined. Now take it off.”

  I stared at her. “Take off what?”

  “This isn’t the time for sass, Sissy. Take it off.”

  I was pretty sure she was staring at the top of my head. The tiara. Of course that’s what she wanted me to take off. My hands shook as I reached up to unpin it from my hair.

  “Now!” she screamed, her voice echoing around the empty parking lot.

  My fingers were still shaking, making it impossible to unpin fast enough. So I pulled the tiara, and did my best to stifle my scream as it tore out some hair with it.

  “So much better. But I mean all of it.”

  I was clutching the crown in my hand. “What?”

  “The dress. Take it off.”


  “It’s as hideous as you. I’m doing you a favor.” She took a step forward. “Or would you rather I kill you?”

  I pushed the straps off my shoulders. And when she kept the gun pointed at my face, I reached around and tugged at the zipper. The dress fell to the ground, pooling at my ankles. I was standing there in my underwear, bra, and sneakers. The cold fall air bit at my exposed skin.

  “Oh my God. Get rid of the shoes too.”

  My body was shaking. I wasn’t sure if it was because of the cold or because I was terrified. Maybe it was both. But I couldn’t take off my Keds. I couldn’t let her take the last thing my mom had gifted me. “Please, Isabella.”


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