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Light Fae Academy: Year Three

Page 2

by Nala Kingsley

  “Spill,” I demand.

  “Spill what?” she asks lazily as she flutters over to look at herself in her mirror.

  “Why didn’t you ever tell Mom and Dad about Zoth?”

  “Oh, they don’t need to know every detail about my life.”

  “And they need to know every detail about mine?” I cross my arms and huff.

  “You know they leave you be because you’re the golden girl.”

  “Will you cut that crap out?” I groan.

  “Hmm.” Bay’s lips curl into a teasing half-smile. “Crap. I’m not sure I heard you say that word ever before. I must’ve hit a nerve.”

  “My nerves are just fine, thank you very much. Are you with Zoth or not?”

  “I am.”

  "Well, then?" I demand. "You should tell them!"

  “Why? It might work out. It might not. If it doesn’t, they don’t need to know. Rosemary, think about it. If Mom finds out, she’ll freak. Dad might too. And if it doesn’t work out, Dad might then take matters into his own hands. Why force them to go through the stress of my dating someone they might not approve of?”

  “Might not approve of?” I roll my eyes. “You know damn well—”

  “Damn? Geez, girl! You kiss your mother with that mouth?”

  “Bay, I’m not playing.”

  She shrugs and flies over to me, her hands resting on my shoulders. “Oh, Rosemary, all I want to know is when you’re going to be ready to double date Zoth and me?”

  I swallow hard. “Never?”

  Bay just laughs and pulls me close for a tight hug. A double date. As fun as that sounds, I really don’t know what I’m going to do with either boy.

  Chapter 3

  That night, I’m in bed, and I fall asleep quickly. A light rapping at my window stirs me, and I fly over.

  Sage flies in. Before I can ask what he’s doing here, he sweeps me into his arms and presses his body against me. I’m so shocked that I can’t think, can’t breathe, can’t react. He chuckles against my lips and puts my arms around him as he kisses me again. This time, I kiss back, trying not to think about whether or not I should be doing this, whether or not I even want to be with him at all period.

  His kisses are just like I remember from that picnic we had forever ago. As he kisses me, he pushes us backward until he then pushes me down to be on my bed.

  Now, I’m a little more nervous. No, I’m extremely nervous, but he just lifts my chin and smiles at me before kissing me again. His hands fall onto my shoulders, and then they lower to the hem of the light nightgown I always wear to bed. He gathers the soft material up and lifts the nightgown off. I shiver and cross my arms, a little embarrassed for him to have made me so vulnerable already. I’m now before him in only panties, and that’s hardly fair considering he’s entirely dressed.

  Wait. Do I want him undressed? Because if he doesn’t have any clothes on, we both know how this is going to end.

  Do I want that?

  Maybe I need to stop being in my head so much and just feel, just experiment.

  That’s what Bay would do.

  Fire and brimstone, I need to stop worrying about what Bay would do if she were in my situation, especially when it concerns Sage! I'll never forget what he said after the first and only time we had sex.

  “I really like you, Bay.”

  Yes, he called me by my twin’s name.

  That's some of the reasons why Bay hates Sage.

  But I don’t hate him. Not at all, and I do love his kisses.

  His fingers trickle down my sides, and he clasps my hands, drawing them up to his mouth for a sweet kiss. Then, he turns my hands over and kisses each palm. It’s so sweet that I let out a soft moan.

  His eyes twinkle, and he releases my hands. His palm falls onto my breasts, and I suck in a breath. His fingers tease my nipple, and I arch my back, accepting his touch.

  Slowly, his hand slides down my body, and then he touches my slick folds. As much as I may pretend that I think that this is wrong, that I should stop him, I don't want to. I need his touch. I crave it.

  His fingers slip inside me, and I close my eyes and pump my hips, trying to get him to move his fingers faster. I want to release, and I want it now.

  Abruptly, his fingers curl, and they brush against my G-spot. I go to moan, but his hand covers my mouth. My eyes fly open, and my jaw drops.

  It’s not Sage fingering me. Damon is, and Sage is nowhere to be found.

  What in the world? How can—

  A dream.

  A sex dream.

  Fire and brimstone, I might as well enjoy myself then. How would sex with Damon be?

  He leans down, his breath hot on my skin, and he places so many kisses all over my body, even on my nipples, my neck, and down my belly. His mouth doesn’t go between my legs. No, instead, he uses his teeth to pull my panties off. It’s so hot, and I am dripping wet, desperate with need.

  Damon eyes me, and I nod. As quick as he can, he strips off his clothes. I’m a little disappointed that I can’t see his lower half, but he’s already pressing his tip against my opening. I nod again and bite my lower lip, bracing myself to feel him enter, not wanting to make a sound. Even if this is a dream, I don’t need to scream and shout. The thought that we might get caught only adds to my excitement.

  He stares at me, and I nod frantically. Didn’t I already signal him the go-ahead? What is he waiting for?

  Without warning, he enters me, and my mouth closes and then hangs open. Damon is a slow, passionate lover. He never stops touching or caressing or kissing me all over. His cock enters and exits me time and again, and it’s building. So much pressure is building. All I want is to find release, for Damon to help me orgasm. When I come, I just know it’s going to be strong and solid.

  But he’s thrusting far slower than I would’ve thought. I’m still building, though, and I want to orgasm so badly that I don’t know how much more of this I can take.

  I lift up slightly and grip Damon’s face on either side. Gently, I draw him to me, and I kiss his lips. They part automatically, and I slip my tongue into his mouth. Damon sighs against me, and I swallow back a scream of frustration.

  Harder. Faster. Deeper. That’s what I want, and I want it now.

  But when I open my mouth, no words come out. I’m at the mercy of Damon and his cock, and it’s frustrating, but there’s also a reward to patience.

  Or, at least, there better be.

  His cock is huge, filling me, and I love how it feels. I love the weight of his body, and I try to focus more on him, on touching and feeling every part of his muscular body. Sage is strong too, but he’s a little bulkier of the two. Damon is more cut, his muscles more defined.

  I don’t want to compare them, their bodies, their kisses, or their cocks. All I want to do is feel, and feel, and feel…

  With a soft grunt, Damon releases. I can feel him as he ejaculates inside me, and it’s such an erotic feeling. I’m almost there as he continues to pump, almost there…

  My eyes open, and I see that Sage isn't here, and neither is Damon. The dream is over. I'm not sure what woke me up, but I'm awake now, and I am so damn frustrated.

  I yank the blanket off my hot body, and I rub my thighs together. I’m soaking wet. Of course I am. I just had an amazing sex dream with not one but two hot guys. What girl wouldn’t be all hot and bothered after that?

  It's not something I've often done, but I do what the boys did in my dream, and I slide my hand down to between my legs. Sage's kisses fill my mind, but so does the wonder about Damon and how he would feel against my body for real. What does he look like beneath his clothes? Are his muscles as hard and strong as I felt in the dream? If he's not like he is in the dream, I'll be disappointed. Would he be so slow and drag it out? Or would he go even faster? Would he listen to me if I asked him to move a certain way? And Sage, I can't forget about him. He's such a comfort to think about. He was the first male fairy I gave my heart too, the only one I ever slep
t with, and I won't ever forget that or him. No matter what happens, he has a piece of me. I know that not all fairies end up marrying the first one they are with, but I don't think I'm like the others. Everyone keeps saying I'm so light. Maybe I am. Maybe I should embrace it instead of being so shy and unsure about the attention.

  But right now, it’s my body I’m giving a lot of attention to, and I can’t say that what I’m doing is the lightest of activities. At this moment, I don’t care. This feels so good, but not as good as the dream and not nearly as good as when Sage touched me for the first time.

  My fingers are growing sore, but the thought of their kisses, their hands, their bodies, even their cocks have me growing so excited that I find release, and I cry out.

  Almost immediately, shame washes over me. Not that I pleasured myself. No, I feel no shame in that, but it's more the shame of loneliness, and it's self-inflicted. The boys have been rather patient with me, but I know that can't and won't last. It's not fair to them. I need to decide.

  But that's if they haven't moved on during the two-month break between our second and third years. Not that I think they have. Both have kept in contact with me over the break, and I am so looking forward to seeing them.

  I just hope that I don’t blush when I’m around them or accidentally say something about the dream. I don’t think I could withstand the embarrassment from that!

  Chapter 4

  Finally, Bay and I are taking the long, easy flight over to the school. Somehow, she's tucked her long locks underneath a hat. I can't even see a single strand.

  Finally, I nudge against her as we fly. “What’s with the hat?”

  “Isn’t it cute?” She beams at me, her eyes twinkling, and I just know she’s up to something.

  I narrow my eyes. “What did you do?”

  “Now, now, Rosemary, what makes you think I did something?”

  “That you didn’t outright deny it proves you did something! What is it?”

  She grins. “Rosemary, don’t you want to hurry up and see your boys?”

  “Don’t change the subject!”

  Bay just shrugs and zooms ahead, but I dart forward. I’m not sure what possesses me, but I reach for the hat on her head.

  With a sigh, she draws up short and yanks the hat off herself. Instead of long white tresses falling down her back and over her shoulders, her strands are all dark, mostly black but with some purple mixed in.

  She looks riveting, the most gorgeous fairy I’ve ever seen, and I gape at her.

  “You look amazing!”

  “You like it?” she asks nervously.

  “Don’t you?” I touch her strands. Despite the dye job, her locks are as soft as ever.

  “I do. I just… Mom hasn’t seen it yet. Dad hasn’t either, and I think they might freak.”

  “They will definitely freak.” I giggle. “What does Zoth think?”

  She waves her hand. “I haven’t seen him in a bit.”

  “Why not?”

  “I’ve been busy getting ready for the academy like a good little fairy.”

  “Hmm.” I eye her.

  “Don’t look at me like that.”

  “Like what?” I ask innocently.

  “Suspiciously.” Bay shakes her head.

  “Your reputation does precede you.”

  “Hmm,” she teases, sounding just like me, and we burst out laughing.

  “Are we in the same cottage again this year?”


  “Good. You and Orchid getting along any better?”

  “That remains to be seen.”

  “You both have something in common. I don’t understand why you two are always fighting,” I complain.

  “She and I don’t always see eye to eye.”

  “Maybe that’s because her artifact from her great-grandma was stolen for someone’s drug habit, and you were providing those drugs,” I point out.

  “I didn’t force Spring to steal from anyone,” Bay protests.

  “But if it weren’t for the drugs…”

  “I did my time,” she says bitterly. “For the school and Mom and Dad. I will not have people hang that over my head for the rest of my life. Yes, it hadn’t been the smartest thing in the world for me to do. Do I regret it?” She pauses.

  “You would change things if you could go back, wouldn’t you?” I insist. “Right?”

  After a moment, Bay shakes her head. “No, actually. I wouldn’t.”

  “Why not?” I explode. It’s not often that I get so heated and upset about things, but seriously? How can she not realize just how dangerous that drug is? All of the problems that came about? Spring did a lot more than just steal items to pawn to fund her drug problem. She set a ton of fires and could have killed someone!

  “Spring needs to be in Dark Fae Penitentiary,” Bay says slowly. She almost hurt people by what she did, but what if she hadn’t had access to the drugs? Who knows what she would’ve done? She still would’ve been dangerous, and she might’ve actually hurt someone or killed someone. It’s for the best how things ended up.”

  “Maybe,” I say doubtfully.

  “Look, what’s done is done, and the past is finished. We can just worry about today and moving forward. Although…” Bay’s eyes sparkle as she flies a lazy circle around me. “We can talk about last night.”

  “The double date thing again?” I groan.

  “No, later. After that.”

  I frown. That had been the end of our conversation, and we had gone to our separate bedrooms for the rest of the night.

  Oh, yeah. The dream. My cheeks grow warm, and I avert my gaze.

  “Look at that blush!” Bay squeals.

  Oh no! Did she hear me? Did I talk in my sleep? I didn’t think I was loud when I pleasured myself, but from the way she’s acting, she knows all about it.

  “Which guy did you dream about?” Bay asks.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I say stiffly.

  “That’s pretty damn close to a lie, isn’t it?” Bay eyes me curiously. “You’re really embarrassed about it. So what if you had a dream that made you hot and heavy for one of them? Why can’t a girl have a little ‘me time?’”


  “That wasn’t the first time you fingered yourself, was it?”

  “Bay, that’s personal. Seriously crossing a line. You don’t need to know—”

  “Hey. You don’t need to put on airs and be a stick in the mud. It’s safe and even healthy for you to do that, for you to understand your body. How can you expect to have sex with someone else and have it feel good if you’re too embarrassed and ashamed to know what you like and what you don’t like? I just want to make sure that if you do have sex with one of them, that you don’t get hurt and that you enjoy it. And that you don’t regret it. Sex isn’t shameful.”

  “I don’t think sex is shameful.” I start out loud and then get soft. Unable to help being embarrassed, I glance around to make sure no one is nearby. “I… No, it wasn’t the first time I fingered myself, and to answer your question, I actually dreamed about them both.”

  Bay claps her hands together, her eyes wide. “Oh, that’s rich! Would you consider seeing if you could be with both guys?”

  “What? No. No way. Bay, that’s… that’s too much.”

  My twin just laughs and laughs, and I swear I’m going to start to resent her for acting like this.

  When she finally recovers, she throws an arm around my shoulders. “Rosemary, honey, I just meant for you to date them both at the same time. Not be exclusive. That’s all. I didn’t mean for you to invite them into your bed at the same time, but that would be something now, wouldn’t it?”

  “You’re insane,” I inform her.

  “Think about it. You could have a cock for—”

  “Bay, seriously. Stop.”

  She sighs. “Stick in the mud,” she teases. “Or is it wing in the mud?” She taps a finger against her cheek.

w would Zoth feel if you wanted to ask another guy into your bed?” I retort.

  Bay shrugs. “Honestly, he probably wouldn’t mind.”

  “What if he asks about another girl joining in?”

  She wrinkles her nose. “No, that I wouldn’t prefer.”

  We’re both quiet a moment.

  “Would you really have sex with two guys at once?” I ask her.

  “Maybe. Is that so wrong?”

  “We’re really different, aren’t we?” I mumble.

  “You aren’t judging me? We’re only talking hypotheticals, and honestly, if I did, I would have to care about both guys. I wouldn’t do something like that with just anyone. I do have some standards, you know.”

  “No, I’m not judging, but don’t judge me either because the idea of that gives me hives.”

  “No! You’re right. We are different, but that’s the way it should be. You’re your own fairy, and so am I. We’re twin, but we aren’t the same fairy.”

  “Good. I just…”

  “You can’t stop thinking about them both at once now, can you?” She giggles.

  “It won’t ever happen! But, yes, I can’t stop thinking about it.”

  “You’re acting like the thought gives you the creeps.”

  “It’s just… It’s not what I want.”

  “You know what you don’t want, but you don’t know what you do want.”

  “Basically. I have this. I feel like I’m toying with them.”

  "How? Neither has asked you out."

  “I know, but that might be because they don’t know what I’ll say if they did.”

  “And isn’t that a good thing? It shows that they both care, but they don’t want to push you.”

  “Yes, true.” I bite my lower lip.

  “You don’t have to decide yet. The breeze a-blowin’, they haven’t forced you to decide yet, so clearly, you’ve got time yet to make a decision.”

  “Yes, but eventually, they’ll get tired of waiting.”

  “It might be best for you to decide before they reach that point.”


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