Book Read Free


Page 24

by Robin Wainwright

it doesn’t have to be restaurant food, good home cooking will do.”

  “Well we have a good restaurant in town called the Foghorn Tavern. I think you’ll enjoy it.”

  Michael looked at Heather, “Have you met the cook?”


  “Is he or she tubby?”

  Confused Heather nodded, “I guess so.”

  “Good. I’ll share with you the one piece of wisdom my daddy passed on to me.” He leaned in toward Heather as if he was going to share a big secret and whispered, “Never trust a skinny cook.”

  Laughing they exited the restaurant and started back toward Crescent Bay.

  Upstairs in Gnome’s Rest Sarah heard a car pull up in front of her house and looked out the window to see Heather’s car parking at the curb.

  She knew Heather and Daniel had gone to pick up one of Daniel’s employees, a Michael Tuitt who would be acting as the project coordinator on her project.

  Sarah was looking forward to meeting the man who was going to help her make her dreams of a renovated lighthouse a reality.

  As she was heading down the stairs from her apartment, she heard a booming laugh that echoed up from her front yard. The sound was so light hearted that she was already smiling when Daniel opened the front door.

  She smiled at Daniel and then Heather, who followed in his wake, but she froze on the staircase when Michael stepped through the door.

  Sarah’s only thought was, Damn! That is one fine lookin’ man.

  Daniel glanced up the staircase and smiled, “Michael this is the owner of Gnome’s Rest, the lovely Sarah Gnome.”

  Michael glanced up the staircase and saw a beautiful red head dressed in a flowing gown tie-dyed in shades of purple. The gown accentuated all her womanly curves and softness and it made his arms itch with a desire to pull her close so that he could feel all of her softness pressed against him. Grinning he shook off the images that desire created in his mind, put down his suitcase, and put out his hand politely.

  “Hello Ms. Gnome, I’m Michael Tuitt. I’m sorry if I was laughing too loud, I was just appreciating the name of your lovely home.”

  Looking down as his outstretched hand Sarah was finally able to move down the stairs. With each step she took, she realized just how tall Mr. Tuitt actually was.

  Feeling dwarfed and almost delicate before this handsome man she took his hand, “Mr. Tuitt, it’s a pleasure to meet you. Please call me Sarah.”

  “Thank you Sarah and I’d appreciate it if you would call me Michael.”

  They smiled at each other until Daniel cleared his throat breaking the spell.

  “Sorry,” Sarah said blushing slightly, “Michael, have you eaten?”

  Daniel groaned and Sarah looked at him in confusion. “Don’t ever ask Michael that, he is always hungry. Sarah he will eat you out of house and home if you let him.”

  Sarah smiled up at Michael, “I like a man who enjoys his food. Follow me to the kitchen and I’ll see what we’ve got in the fridge.”

  As Michael walked by Daniel, he gave him a big smile and waggled his eyebrows at him suggestively.

  Grinning and shaking his head, Daniel turned to Heather. “Well, I guess that will keep them busy for a while. What would you like to do?”

  Waggling her eyebrows at him, she pulled him down for a kiss. “Why don’t we take a car ride to my place?”

  “I like that idea.”

  They walked hand in hand into the kitchen to let Sarah and Michael know where they were going.

  Sarah’s kitchen table was covered in plates and bowls of food. Michael looked like he was a Viking warrior who had died and found himself seated at a feasting table in Valhalla where his every wish was being fulfilled. Sarah was smiling as she watched him eat with gusto.

  “Sorry to interrupt your gluttony,” Daniel said, “but we’re going to Heather’s and wanted to make sure that you were settled.”

  Grinning, Michael shot Sarah a look and then he turned to Daniel. “Yep, it looks like I have everything I need.”

  “Sarah?” asked Heather.

  “Yep, we’re good. Go enjoy yourselves.”

  Smiling, Heather and Daniel left Gnome’s Rest and headed for their own kind of Valhalla.

  The next day Daniel and Michael began interviewing local construction workers and craftsmen looking to build a construction crew that that would be able to build to the high level of quality expected from a 1906 Restoration project.

  Around noon, Daniel and Michael were surprised by a visit from Sarah who arrived carrying a large box. Michael rushed up the slope to take the box from her arms.

  As the scent of food reached his nostrils, Michael let out a loud groan, “Food! Sarah, you are a Goddess. I am starving.”

  “When aren’t you starving?” Daniel asked.

  “When I’m sleeping,” Michael replied making Sarah laugh out loud. Michael grinned and kissed her cheek. “Let’s eat!”

  That night Daniel took Heather to the Foghorn Tavern for dinner and as they lingered over coffee, he reached across the table and took her hand in his.

  “I got some bad news this afternoon. I have to go back home for a few days to handle some annoying details in person. I’m going to miss you and I promise to be back as soon as I can.”

  Heather’s heart clinched, but she pasted a smile on her face, “I’ll miss you too.”

  “I’ll call you every night and maybe we can add something new to our love life.”

  Heather grinned, “Like what.”

  “You’ll see,” Daniel winked broadly and set Heather to giggling.

  During the day, it was easy for Heather to forget that Daniel was thousands of miles away, but at night, it was harder.

  Like he promised, Daniel called every night and he proved that he was just as creative on the phone as he was in person, but his voice and her touch still left her body achy with need.

  “When you get back you’re never going leave my bed.”

  Daniel laughed lustily, “I guess it’s a good thing I like cold pizza.”

  “What?” Heather laughed.

  “I figure I can put a pizza within reach of the bed because from the way you sound I’m going to have to keep up my energy.”

  “Better make it a large.”


  Spending the evenings alone did allow Heather to take care of some neglected chores, including going through the piles of forwarded mail.

  Daniel had been supportive of her healing process, but Heather had decided to stop using their limited time together to deal with the mail and the pain it caused.

  She opened a bottle of wine and drug the heavy box of envelopes and magazines over to her sofa. She placed a large garbage bag within reach, because she knew from experience that at least 80% of the mail would belong to her father. Taking a large gulp of wine, she dove in.

  Cooking magazines, requests for donations and general junk mail found its way into the trash bag while her pile of personal mail slowly accumulated.

  Pouring a second glass of wine, she paused to reflect on how she was feeling and she was surprised to discover that the knife in her heart was missing. She still felt pain when she thought about the loss of her father, but the sharp edges of her pain had dulled.

  She raised her glass in salute, “To you Papa, I hope you and Mom are enjoying heaven.” Taking a sip of wine, she felt a couple of tears run down her cheeks.

  Heather froze when she caught a sudden whiff of Old Spice. “Papa?” she asked.

  She waited for another whiff of cologne, a touch on the cheek, or anything to confirm that her father was there. Nothing happened.

  She stood up and walked around her apartment sniffing everything, trying to find anything that smelled even vaguely like Old Spice, but there was nothing.

  She settled back down on her couch shaking her head, “Occam's razor. Thank you Dad.”

  Smiling wistfully, she reached for the next packet of mail; the envelope on top was addressed to her and looked v
ery official.

  Smiling she slit the envelope open expecting a personalized form letter asking her to apply for a loan, selected especially for her, but that she had better hurry because this was a limited time offer.

  Instead, she pulled out an official looking letter that was typed on fine linen paper with an embossed letterhead.

  Heather put down her wine glass and read the letter, then read it a second time.

  It was from a legal firm named Latham and Dunn and the letter was from an Edward Latham

  The letter was a request for Heather to contact their law firm to schedule a meeting to settle the estate of her deceased father.

  Heather sat back stunned. What estate? As far as she knew her father had owned nothing but the house, perhaps that was what they meant by estate.

  Maybe someone was trying to collect on some debt that her dad owed. God, what debt was it? She didn’t have any money. Could they force her to pay for debt that belonged to her father? Could they take the house as payment? Did she need a lawyer?

  She realized she was working herself up and took a deep breath. Putting the letter aside, she gulped down some more wine to settle her nerves.

  Okay, she thought. No more of that! I’ll just call them in the morning and find out what’s up.

  It was a good plan, but Heather found it hard to keep her mind from going to a dark place where some faceless attorney took what little she had left and she became homeless and destitute.

  Early the next morning Heather called the law office to discover that lawyers kept banker’s hours and she’d have to wait until after 10:00 to reach anyone.

  Instead of driving Jennifer any crazier than she already had, she decided to take the letter to Sarah’s.

  Walking in the front door of Gnome’s Rest, she heard Sarah’s voice in the kitchen and walked that way. She froze in the doorway looking at a very homey scene. Sarah was bustling around the kitchen serving large quantities of food to a smiling Michael who was seated at her kitchen table. Heather hesitated, and had just decided to quietly back out of the room, when Sarah spotted her.

  “Heather! Come on in. Would you like a waffle?”

  Michael turned and gave Heather a broad welcoming smile, “Join us. I promise I’ve left some for you.”

  Returning their smiles Heather took a seat at the kitchen table and her eyes almost popped out of her head when she saw the amount of food Sarah placed before her. Her plate was filled with a stack of three golden waffles topped with a strawberry compote and encircled with whip cream the waffles sat next to two easy over eggs and five pieces of crispy bacon.



  “There’s just one of me you know, although if I eat this much there might become two of me.”

  Glancing at Heather’s plate Sarah laughed, “Sorry Heather I’ve just gotten so used to feeding Michael.” Michael grinned and rubbed his stomach, which seemed to be just as flat as it had been when Heather first met him.

  “If you can’t finish that I’ll take it,” he said reaching for her plate.

  Heather snatched it out of his grasp and dove in.

  After finishing breakfast, the three of them sat in sated comfort sipping their coffees.

  Heather set down her coffee cup and smiled at Sarah. “You are a phenomenal cook. Thank you so much for breakfast.”

  “It’s nice to serve folks who enjoy food as much as I do.” Sarah rubbed her rounded tummy in mockery of Michael’s earlier gesture.

  Michael reached out, took Sarah’s hand, and kissed it. “Indeed you are a Goddess fair Sarah, but I must go forth and slay the dragons that await me at the lighthouse. Will you join me this night for a meal at the local tavern? Although their repast is not as good as that which you have put before me, it is still hardy fare.”

  Laughing Sarah nodded her head and responded in kind, “My lord Michael, I would be honored to join you as you sup.”

  “Then I am off, but worry not I shall return triumphant.”

  Michael swept them both a deep bow and strode from the room.

  Heather looked at Sarah with wide eyes and when she heard the front door close, she let her have it.

  “Lady Sarah? Lord Michael? How come I haven’t heard about this on the Scuttlebutt?”

  “Because I am smart enough to keep my private life private. Besides, there is nothing to talk about.”

  Heather shot her a mocking look.

  “No, really Heather, he is a very sweet and funny man but look at me,” Sarah swept a hand down the front of her body, “and look at him,” she said pointing to the front door. “Ain’t gonna happen.”

  “Sarah how can you say that? You’re beautiful.”

  “Oh I’m not saying I’m not attractive, but I do have a mirror Heather and model perfect I’m not.”

  “Well not all men like twigs.”

  “True, but men like Michael don’t have to settle for anything less than perfect.”

  Heather was winding up with another retort but Sarah stopped her, “No. Enough, Heather. We all have our inner demons and this one is mine. I’m happy enough with my looks but I also know how the world works. Now please drop it.”

  Heather nodded, “Okay Sarah, as long as you know how I feel.”

  Laughing Sarah threw up her hands in disgust, “Trust me you’ve made your opinion abundantly clear. Now let’s change the subject. Tell me why you’re here?”

  Heather reached in her pocket and passed Sarah the letter she had received from the lawyer.

  Sarah read it and smiled up at Heather, “Heather this is good news.”

  “Maybe, but what if it’s not?”

  “How could it not be?”

  “What if it a dodge to get me to come in and take responsibility for some debt I don’t know about?”

  “Heather I don’t think they can do that.”

  “Well they could take the house.”

  “Please don’t tell me you’ve been driving yourself crazy about this.”

  “I have.”

  “Heather, just call them and schedule the appointment.”

  “I will but I have to wait until 10:00, which is why I’m here.”

  “Ah, gotcha. Well you only have about 15 minutes left.”

  “I think I’m going to call them from my apartment just in case I need to have a break down.”

  “Are you sure? You can call them from here.”

  “Nope, I’m going back to my nest. Thank you for breakfast and helping me pass the time without pulling my hair out.”

  “Glad to do it, but Heather, if I hear anything about Michael and me on the Scuttlebutt I’ll kick your ass.”

  “Me?” Heather said in mock innocence.

  “No, seriously Heather, please. There is nothing between Michael and me except a completely meaningless flirtation.”

  Taking pity on Sarah, Heather made a cross over her heart and zipped her lips.

  Laughing, Sarah walked her to the front door.

  Back in her apartment Heather fussed around until she thought she had everything she might need right at hand, then she dialed the number.

  A neutral female voice answered, “Latham and Dunn. How may I help you?”

  “Yes, I received a letter from a Mr. Latham requesting that I set up a meeting about my father’s estate.”

  “And your name?”

  “Heather Moore.”

  “One moment please.”

  Sitting on hold Heather tried not to imagine what was happening on the other end of the phone. Where they clapping with joy that “the sucker” had called? Where they rubbing their hands together greedily?

  “Ms. Moore?” the voice on the phone said interrupting Heather’s thoughts.


  “Mr. Latham would like to meet with you at your earliest convenience.”

  “Can you tell me what this is about?”

  “I’m sorry Ms. Moore, but I don’t have any details.”

  “Well can I speak
to Mr. Latham?”

  “I’m sorry, Ma’am, but he is in a meeting right now.”

  “Well can you ask him to call me back?”

  “I’m sorry Ms. Moore, but Mr. Latham prefers to handle these types of matters in person.”

  “I see…” Heather hesitated and was tempted to hang up the phone.

  “Ms. Moore, I have an opening tomorrow afternoon at 2:00. Would that be convenient for you?”

  Heather didn’t reply, trying to decide.

  “If tomorrow isn’t convenient, the next available opening is September 21st.”

  “What? That’s almost a month away?”

  “Yes it is, but we just happened to have a last minute cancelation for tomorrow at 2:00, which is why I offered that to you first.”

  “Okay, I’ll take it. Book me for tomorrow at 2:00.”

  “Thank you Ms. Moore, I have you scheduled for a meeting with Mr. Latham tomorrow at 2:00. We’ll see you then.”

  Hanging up the phone Heather’s mind raced with everything she’d have to do to make it to her meeting with Mr. Latham on time.

  Heather decided that it would probably be best if she left now and spent the night in her old home, that way it would be a short trip to the lawyer’s office.

  She packed a small overnight bag and went to tell Jennifer where she was going. Then she called Sarah and asked her to fill Maggie in on what was happening.

  She hopped in her car and headed back to her old home.


  Later that night, Heather thought about how odd it was to lay in her old bed while she was on her cell talking to Daniel. It felt like she was living two lives, one here in this house and the other in Crescent Bay.

  Heather shared her concerns about her meeting with the attorney and Daniel assured her that, whatever the outcome was, he would be there to support her. Then he told her to hurry back home so that she would be there when he returned. They hung up after making silly, and loud, kissing sounds at each other.

  Heather lay in her old bed and thought about what Daniel had said, he would be there for her and that she should hurry home.

  She wondered how long he could “be there for her” and what would happen when they had to part ways. She lived here in Southern California and his home base was in Virginia. Although she had heard that long distance relationships could work, she didn’t want to be that far from Daniel. She wondered what he would say if she told him, she had fallen in love with him. Would it frighten him? Would it make him feel trapped? He didn’t seem like that type of guy, but every time she brought up the short-term nature of their relationship, he just kissed her to silence.

  He told her to hurry home, but was Crescent Bay home or was this her home? Although this house held many memories, it no longer felt like her home. It felt like the spirit of the home had fled and all that was left was an empty shell.

  Trying to turn her brain off she plugged in her MP3 player and put on one of her favorite audio books. She hoped that the story of Jude, Aidan and the fairy king would lull her into sleep and pleasant dreams.

  The next afternoon she drove up to the large office building that housed Latham and Dunn. Riding up in the elevator, she reflected that maybe this attorney was on the up and up. It was hard to believe that a rip off artist would be able to afford such lavish surroundings.

  She arrived fifteen minutes early and sat nervously in the plush waiting room sipping a bottle of water that the receptionist had given her.

  Her cell phone vibrated in her pocket making her jump; pulling it out of her pocket, she saw that she had received a text message. It was from

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